Do guns make us more safe?

Gun enthusiasts always assume the opposition needs to come and physically take their guns away. We don’t need to do that. We just need to make gun ownership really expensive and dangerous.
Guns are already expensive, and no one denies guns are potentially dangerous.
Really? Are you the kind of sociopath who would shoot an unarmed person?
Is an unarmed person going to try to take property from an armed person?
There really isn't.

Ah, the short sightedness of the gun lover. Pretending that gun owners are all safe and reasonable people while making threats against anyone who suggests disarming them.

Here are a few thoughts. No one said guns would not be part of jobs that need them, like police or military. The world is also full of leverage pressure points that don't have anything to do with gun threats. You might think nothing is more important to you than your guns, but that's probably not really true. If private gun ownership was against the law, then there are all kinds of consequences to that. Garnish your wages, lose your job, lose your children, lose your driver's license, banned from stores, banned from schools, banned from sporting events, etc.. I'm not saying any of these for sure, but they all could be possible. And of course you could just hide your guns and pretend you don't have them, but that would kind of hurt all the patting yourself on the back for being law abiding citizens. Actually the irony of your threat is pretty ridiculous. Guns aren't dangerous to others but if you try to come take them we'll shoot you with them to prove how we should keep them because they aren't dangerous to others.
You are profiling those of us who are safe and responsible gun owners with the criminal element because both groups possess firearms. That is the same attitude of a person who would profile all black people as gang members just by the color of their skin. Your extremely small mind blames my kind for all of the gun violence. I am only responsible for my actions, I refuse to be punished for the crimes of someone else...
I will pay you 10,000 dollars for any legal firearm available to the public, that will all by itself exit the gun safe, load itself, travel to wherever it may, then commit a crime all by itself....... I can make this challenge because no firearm available to the public can do these things... it always is a person who is committing the offense.... try punishing the perpetrators..
Your exactly like all of the anti gun nazis, you really don't care about people, you just care about power, you hate selfreliant people.... and ironically your kind will send men with guns to steal guns from men.....
Israel is a glaring example of what happens to an unarmed population....
Guns are already expensive, and no one denies guns are potentially dangerous.

Is an unarmed person going to try to take property from an armed person?
Would you still own a gun if bullets cost $10 each and if you could lose your job if an unregistered firearm was found in your possession?
You think it's unreasonable for people to fight to keep their property?
If their property is deemed illegal, then yes it is.
And you're clearly missing the point. The only people who can forcibly take guns from people are those who also have guns, and more of them.
No you're missing the point. Forcibly taking guns is far from the only way to get guns.
You said no more guns, now you're back tracking. So what you really mean is only guns for certain people. Now we're getting closer to the real anti-gun position.
My position on guns hasn't ever changed. Nothing has been back tracked. Try to pay better attention.
None of which is possible without entities operating in society that have the power to enforce their rules and systems upon unwilling others. And guess what the favored tool is for such entities? Hint: you mentioned two examples of this already that you suggested should be allowed to have, get this...guns.
No, that's one tool. And far from the best one. Nor is it one that can't exist in the right hands and right situations.
You were the one trying to argue than hunting was different than killing.

Sports and recreational shooting don't need private ownership. It doesn't change that gun still only has the same purpose, but if you did that at least you could pretend you actually did care about not hurting or killing others.

I don't like that guns kill people. Get rid of the guns , no more gun deaths. That is pretty simple.
Your absolutely wrong, a firearm is a machine not unlike any of my machines in my shop or on my farm. If you used incorrectly, you will get yourself maimed or killed, it's up to the operator how the machine is used.....
It's your kind of thinking that eventually has people hauled to a death camp.... today the guns, the following days it's freedom of speech (your kind arresting journalist who don't think like you) the right to worship, the right to protest
Your mentor, Chairman Mao stated power comes from the barrel of the gun.....
Your absolutely wrong, a firearm is a machine not unlike any of my machines in my shop or on my farm. If you used incorrectly, you will get yourself maimed or killed, it's up to the operator how the machine is used.....
It's your kind of thinking that eventually has people hauled to a death camp.... today the guns, the following days it's freedom of speech (your kind arresting journalist who don't think like you) the right to worship, the right to protest
Your mentor, Chairman Mao stated power comes from the barrel of the gun.....

Do you actually believe the crap you are spouting here? Cus if so that's really scary and I want to know what kinds of drugs you're on cus it must be some really good stuff.
It's your kind of thinking that eventually has people hauled to a death camp.... today the guns, the following days it's freedom of speech (your kind arresting journalist who don't think like you) the right to worship, the right to protest
Your mentor, Chairman Mao stated power comes from the barrel of the gun.....
That's why people like him are totally fine with authority groups like police and military being armed.
You are profiling those of us who are safe and responsible gun owners with the criminal element because both groups possess firearms. That is the same attitude of a person who would profile all black people as gang members just by the color of their skin. Your extremely small mind blames my kind for all of the gun violence. I am only responsible for my actions, I refuse to be punished for the crimes of someone else...
I will pay you 10,000 dollars for any legal firearm available to the public, that will all by itself exit the gun safe, load itself, travel to wherever it may, then commit a crime all by itself....... I can make this challenge because no firearm available to the public can do these things... it always is a person who is committing the offense.... try punishing the perpetrators..
Your exactly like all of the anti gun nazis, you really don't care about people, you just care about power, you hate selfreliant people.... and ironically your kind will send men with guns to steal guns from men.....
Israel is a glaring example of what happens to an unarmed population....
Ha ha ha. Female Hitch. Starts off accusing me of profiling and before you finish you call me names, profile me, and make wild accusations that are completely false.
And you also lack reading comprehension abilities. You should be responsible for your actions, but you aren't. You aren't profiled together with other gun owners for the individual crimes committed. You're lumped together because you support the policies and politicians and organizations that have put the guns in the hands of their criminals - and that you are guilty of.
You can make your $10000 offer, but I'll give you $10000 for every gun death and act of gun violence that doesn't involve a gun. My interest isn't in punishment - it's in safety. If that only comes through punishment, so be it, but that's still far better than the deaths themselves. Frankly until you pro gun asswipes care more about the life of a child then your ability to have your murder tool in your house then your opinions don't mean shit and you don't warrant even the decency to care if you are profiled with the worst of humanity.
Your absolutely wrong, a firearm is a machine not unlike any of my machines in my shop or on my farm. If you used incorrectly, you will get yourself maimed or killed, it's up to the operator how the machine is used.....
It's your kind of thinking that eventually has people hauled to a death camp.... today the guns, the following days it's freedom of speech (your kind arresting journalist who don't think like you) the right to worship, the right to protest
Your mentor, Chairman Mao stated power comes from the barrel of the gun.....
Ha ha ha. You realize the harder you all try to pretend the anti gun people are the ones comparable with nazis and Mao and all the other mass murderers out there the more ridiculous you look given that you are the ones fighting for more deaths. But your efforts to redirect your own complicitness and guilt are equal parts pathetic and humorous, so knock yourself out.
If their property is deemed illegal, then yes it is.

No you're missing the point. Forcibly taking guns is far from the only way to get guns.

My position on guns hasn't ever changed. Nothing has been back tracked. Try to pay better attention.

No, that's one tool. And far from the best one. Nor is it one that can't exist in the right hands and right you must
You must have a hatred for freedom, to advocate for the destruction of people's basic human rights.
That and the fact you blame an inanimate object for a crime. In all of my life I've never witnessed a gun do time in the penitentiary for a crime. 100% of the time the courts (if convicted) places a human perpetrator in prison....
Ha ha ha. You realize the harder you all try to pretend the anti gun people are the ones comparable with nazis and Mao and all the other mass murderers out there the more ridiculous you look given that you are the ones fighting for more deaths. But your efforts to redirect your own complicitness and guilt are equal parts pathetic and humorous, so knock yourself out.
Your kind is comparable to Mao and all other mass murderers from the simple fact that all of the genocides start with banning firearms from the population. So yes you have blood on your hands by supporting gun control thus fostering genocides..... Google the shit that's happening in Gaza these people had no chance to fight back because of the Isreali government's stand on gun control... take a hard look, at your very possible future... your fucked if your unarmed.
You must have a hatred for freedom, to advocate for the destruction of people's basic human rights.
That and the fact you blame an inanimate object for a crime. In all of my life I've never witnessed a gun do time in the penitentiary for a crime. 100% of the time the courts (if convicted) places a human perpetrator in prison....
Ah, more profiling by you. And phenomenally bad and inaccurate profiling at that.
A person's most basic right is life. And yeah, sacrificing some supposed "freedom" to protect lives is more than acceptable.
I'm not blaming the object. I'm pointing out that there are no gun deaths without guns. You have evidence against that then bring it on. But you don't.
Your kind is comparable to Mao and all other mass murderers from the simple fact that all of the genocides start with banning firearms from the population. So yes you have blood on your hands by supporting gun control thus fostering genocides..... Google the shit that's happening in Gaza these people had no chance to fight back because of the Isreali government's stand on gun control... take a hard look, at your very possible future... your fucked if your unarmed.
Sweet. When America takes all the privately owned guns away and then the genocide happens, I take full blame for all of that. And until then when anyone does from a gun death, you and all the other gun supporters take full blame for supporting that situation. You changed your tune from people can't be blamed for the crimes of others real damn fast, but not shocking because in this thread at least all you pro gun murder accomplices are wildly inconsistent and constantly are proven hypocrites.
Ha ha ha. Female Hitch. Starts off accusing me of profiling and before you finish you call me names, profile me, and make wild accusations that are completely false.
And you also lack reading comprehension abilities. You should be responsible for your actions, but you aren't. You aren't profiled together with other gun owners for the individual crimes committed. You're lumped together because you support the policies and politicians and organizations that have put the guns in the hands of their criminals - and that you are guilty of.
You can make your $10000 offer, but I'll give you $10000 for every gun death and act of gun violence that doesn't involve a gun. My interest isn't in punishment - it's in safety. If that only comes through punishment, so be it, but that's still far better than the deaths themselves. Frankly until you pro gun asswipes care more about the life of a child then your ability to have your murder tool in your house then your opinions don't mean shit and you don't warrant even the decency to care if you are profiled with the worst of humanity.
No I'm only responsible for my actions, nothing more, nothing less. You do not care about safety or the children let alone the general public... just Google the shit that happening in Gaza because of the Isreali government's stand on gun control, it left the general public unarmed, and dead......your kind of thinking/attitude caused that......."guns are bad" until they're not..
The jackass Ryan Carson had his off button pressed by a street skell with a ( it's looks to be a screw driver) the other day and carson was unarmed.....
Sweet. When America takes all the privately owned guns away and then the genocide happens, I take full blame for all of that. And until then when anyone does from a gun death, you and all the other gun supporters take full blame for supporting that situation. You changed your tune from people can't be blamed for the crimes of others real damn fast, but not shocking because in this thread at least all you pro gun murder accomplices are wildly inconsistent and constantly are proven hypocrites.
I'll make this short...... it's not if, but when you find yourself in a situation similar to Ryan Carson, remember our conversation ..... your fucked if your not armed.........
Ps. With all of your attitude against firearm ownership it would be beyond hypocritical if you posses a gun to defend yourself against that hypothetical street skell wielding a screw driver......
Do you actually believe the crap you are spouting here? Cus if so that's really scary and I want to know what kinds of drugs you're on cus it must be some really good stuff.
It's happened before, it'll happen again.
As to your reference of drugs, no, I despise drugs.... yes I am broken..... I've seen shit you can't imagine and the worst is still to come....
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No I'm only responsible for my actions, nothing more, nothing less. You do not care about safety or the children let alone the general public... just Google the shit that happening in Gaza because of the Isreali government's stand on gun control, it left the general public unarmed, and dead......your kind of thinking/attitude caused that......."guns are bad" until they're not..
The jackass Ryan Carson had his off button pressed by a street skell with a ( it's looks to be a screw driver) the other day and carson was unarmed.....
It just never stops with you. You literally started replying to me with crying about profiling and then you've done nothing but profile me in every one of your posts. And every one is painfully wrong because you're either too stupid or not actually paying attention or more likely both. You and Hitch really are a match made in the moron realm of murderous idiot hell.
I'll make this short...... it's not if, but when you find yourself in a situation similar to Ryan Carson, remember our conversation ..... your fucked if your not armed.........
Ps. With all of your attitude against firearm ownership it would be beyond hypocritical if you posses a gun to defend yourself against that hypothetical street skell wielding a screw driver......
Cool. I hope you remember this too, but based on your posts I have no confidence you actually have that much functioning brain to remember things. I'm totally good with this deal - after we disarm all the private gun owners and then the genocide happens I'll be fucked and guilty and responsible (and no, I'm not the hypocrite here). And until then you are guilty and responsible for every gun death and the whole country is fucked because of you and your pro gun buddies who have created and enabled and supported every single gun death.
It just never stops with you. You literally started replying to me with crying about profiling and then you've done nothing but profile me in every one of your posts. And every one is painfully wrong because you're either too stupid or not actually paying attention or more likely both. You and Hitch really are a match made in the moron realm of murderous idiot hell.
So, how does it feel to be profiled? Kinda fucked up huh? What, having a little trouble swallowing your own medicine?
Cool. I hope you remember this too, but based on your posts I have no confidence you actually have that much functioning brain to remember things. I'm totally good with this deal - after we disarm all the private gun owners and then the genocide happens I'll be fucked and guilty and responsible (and no, I'm not the hypocrite here). And until then you are guilty and responsible for every gun death and the whole country is fucked because of you and your pro gun buddies who have created and enabled and supported every single gun death.
You say this stuff now, when the hypothetical angel of death comes for you, I can promise you, your attitude will change. It's easy to be a tough guy when your not faced with a life threatening situation.... but you'll be unarmed......
No matter what you say or believe I am not responsible for the actions of others........
So, how does it feel to be profiled? Kinda fucked up huh? What, having a little trouble swallowing your own medicine?
Reading. Try it.

I don't care about being profiled. There are plenty of people and groups that I am similar to or in agreement with and it's logical and accurate to be profiled with them.

You have done none of that. Which is laughable and pathetic of you. You profile to try to pretend you aren't part of the horrible groups and associations we all know you are. You profile because you're a constant, raging hypocrite. You profile because it's easier than actually reading or thinking or making a honest point. That's why you never profile accurately.