Do guns make us more safe?

Dance and sing yet again, so pure, fucking evil is sane in your book. Gotcha. You love to play these little games. When I prove that something you said is so stupid that it is indefensible you immediately slide into your pretend superiority act.
A) you have never proven anything, ever.

B) you are the one who clings to these differences because you are so desperate to pretend that your pure evil is somehow excusable because it's not defined as insane also.

C) the superiority isn't an act. It's a combination of constantly laughing at you because 100% of what you post is dishonest, moronic, and/or incoherent and knowing that of the two of us I'm fighting so less people get hurt or killed by guns and you're fighting for the opposite.
Not what I said at all, and essentially all of us at one time or another have broken the law, speeding for example. To me a criminal is someone that robs, steals, or uses violence to commit their crime. The law regarding that have no meaning to them.
It's exactly what you have said - multiple times. In your messed up brain you have determined that people who commit one crime ever have no regards for laws ever. That's not reality or having a shred of logic which is why nothing you ever say coming off that view point is anything but laughable and why only other ridiculous lunatics would ever do anything but find you as sad and messed up.
You mentioned follow the law, I showed examples where the law and piss poor enforcement and punishment make the laws essentially null and void.
So we're back to "laws don't work". WTF do you like the endless circle route, or are you starting to sealion now?
You have clearly called for the banning of certain guns.
Yes, I have specifically the AR-15, wow one weapon out of how many?
Define a military grade weapon. I can't wait for this answer.
Well since you can't wait, why bother answering.
No on banning standard capacity magazines for certain rifles. Yes a 20 or 30 round magazine is a standard capacity magazine for some.
Well I'll admit any weapon designed or based upon a military design has a large capacity magazine, but that is not a reason to allow the general public to have access to them. I'm sure Jacklyn Cazares would have wanted a ban on them.

Read her obit you fucking heartless asshole!!!
I already said I don't care about bump stocks but since the courts said they're legal that ends it for me because HEY, it's the law.
Yes I've already said you buried you head in the sand on that point. Doesn't help anyone who is shot, or shot at in a mass shooting though. But we all know you don't give a shit about the victims, cause you're a selfish little prick.
None of those additional items you mention affect you canadians one bit so why do you care what happens in the US?
Did you forget my answer to this from a few days back? I'd not be surprised if you did, since reading comprehension doesn't seem to be one of your better attributes.
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Republicans can't accept a definition of 'insurrection', so 'military grade weapon' has no chance.
I'm not focussing on a criminal but on a mentally ill person.

It's a strange perspective when people regard those who ought to be in a hospital not as patients but as criminals.

When a mentally ill person, just like a person who isn't mentally ill, breaks the law they're a criminal.
I would also note that that Nashville shooter was trans. Someone you're now saying is mentally ill. Which is a 180* reversal from your prior position that transgenderism isn't a mental illness.

Which only goes to prove that you spout whatever lies you can in opposition to truth and reality.
Republicans can't accept a definition of 'insurrection', so 'military grade weapon' has no chance.

A sharpened stick is a "military grade weapon." Hell, so is an unsharpened stick when you call it a billy club.

Two facts which basically tell everyone who isn't a putz that what you're saying is just bullshit designed to perpetuate a talking point that is crumbling faster than you can patch it up again.
I would also note that that Nashville shooter was trans. Someone you're now saying is mentally ill. Which is a 180* reversal from your prior position that transgenderism isn't a mental illness.

Which only goes to prove that you spout whatever lies you can in opposition to truth and reality.
Transgenderism is not a mental illness. But someone who is transgendered can also have mental illness. It's truly scary how much simple realities befuddle some of you so much.
Transgenderism is not a mental illness. But someone who is transgendered can also have mental illness. It's truly scary how much simple realities befuddle some of you so much.
Two out of three adults will face a mental illness at some point in their life. HisArpy is a living example of this.
Oh we talk about that but that actually goes a great deal into furthering the agenda.
You never mention it here unless I bring it up. And then all that happens is you call me a racist, funny thing is I care as much about that violence as I do mass shooting in your lily white suburban world.
More creative editing on your part. Don't forget to add that you don't care about victims of gun violence in the inner city because they don't fit YOUR mass shooting profile.
Your additional commentary was great for you to feel good, but only the answer was needed.

Guns don't make people safer.

I care about victims of any violence. In the US, guns are a big contributor.
You ARE a racist and that IS your motivation in bringing it up. That doesn't mean that we never discuss it. We by and large know how to solve it but sadly people like you don't want the problem solved. If the problem was even dialed back you'd have to face the facts that gun laws do in fact work.

Even YOUR ignorant definition of what a criminal is, I'm only so worried about the guys who in ancient times stole my brother's tape deck and later CD player out of his car are going to shoot me, certainly not at random. I'm not even worried about those smash and grabs the media is having so much fun talking about stealing Gucci bags are probably not murderers. Scum? Sure we can talk about THAT if you like but my list of fears does not include them shooting me.
BINGO, so mentioning Black victims of gun violence is racism? Really? Do you realize how fucking insane you sound saying that?
Anecdata didn't work, so you're pivoting to "inner city crime".
At this point, you'll have exhausted all of your trite Republican Blast Fax Serial Shooter Talking Points by nightfall.
Then what will you do? I'm thinking Ad Hominem will be your final stand.
Just admit you don't care about inner city gun violence and I'll drop it.
You never mention it here unless I bring it up. And then all that happens is you call me a racist, funny thing is I care as much about that violence as I do mass shooting in your lily white suburban world.

I'm a member of many forums. There is never a particularly good reason to bring it up on these boards because its never on subject. You bring it up because you are indeed a racist POS. You could easily stay the fuck on subject.

You don't give a damn about innercity violence.
A) you have never proven anything, ever.

B) you are the one who clings to these differences because you are so desperate to pretend that your pure evil is somehow excusable because it's not defined as insane also.

C) the superiority isn't an act. It's a combination of constantly laughing at you because 100% of what you post is dishonest, moronic, and/or incoherent and knowing that of the two of us I'm fighting so less people get hurt or killed by guns and you're fighting for the opposite.
I laugh at every ridiculous post you make. Again you're the one defending pure evil as sane, not me. Prove that pure evil is sane behavior Dr KnowNothing.
It's exactly what you have said - multiple times. In your messed up brain you have determined that people who commit one crime ever have no regards for laws ever. That's not reality or having a shred of logic which is why nothing you ever say coming off that view point is anything but laughable and why only other ridiculous lunatics would ever do anything but find you as sad and messed up.
Look at the recidivism rate for hard core criminals, those that commit major crimes.
I laugh at every ridiculous post you make. Again you're the one defending pure evil as sane, not me. Prove that pure evil is sane behavior Dr KnowNothing.
It's your assertation than evil is always insane. The burden of proof is on you with your deep knowledge of matters of clinical sane behavior and evidence and definition of evil. You will have to do more than deflecting and swearing and whining and having a hissy fit. But go for it smart guy, were all waiting.