Do guns make us more safe?

No I'm only responsible for my actions, nothing more, nothing less. You do not care about safety or the children let alone the general public... just Google the shit that happening in Gaza because of the Isreali government's stand on gun control, it left the general public unarmed, and dead......your kind of thinking/attitude caused that......."guns are bad" until they're not..
The jackass Ryan Carson had his off button pressed by a street skell with a ( it's looks to be a screw driver) the other day and carson was unarmed.....

Nothing going on in Gaza has anything to do with the Israeli government's stand on gun control one way or the other. You literally cannot be this dense. Its physically impossible.
You say this stuff now, when the hypothetical angel of death comes for you, I can promise you, your attitude will change. It's easy to be a tough guy when your not faced with a life threatening situation.... but you'll be unarmed......
No matter what you say or believe I am not responsible for the actions of others........
No it won't. I've been in life or death situations where I was not the one armed. Didn't change me in the moment or in the aftermath. When you aren't a selfish, murderous bastard that doesn't change on a dime.
And you are responsible. You may not be able to be legally held for that now, but you're complicit and guilty and responsible. You've already admitted you believe in being responsible for the actions of others. You only weakly try to deny it because you know you're a piece of shit because of it. Don't worry - we all knew that already.
Yes you did.
As I recall my conversation about shooting someone is if they came after me to attack me and the weapon was a walking stick. Not just someone walking towards me. So again, when you have nothing else you go right to bald faced lies.
As I recall my conversation about shooting someone is if they came after me to attack me and the weapon was a walking stick. Not just someone walking towards me. So again, when you have nothing else you go right to bald faced lies.

You could not define what "come after you to attack" actually meant. Certainly not outside of a cartoon fantasy. So yes you did. You tried to backtrack it.
I would also note that that Nashville shooter was trans. Someone you're now saying is mentally ill. Which is a 180* reversal from your prior position that transgenderism isn't a mental illness.

Which only goes to prove that you spout whatever lies you can in opposition to truth and reality.
Damn, you're not that great at making arguments.
I heard that there will be a vacancy on Trumps team of incompetents soon; Habba is filing stuff saying that the President is not obliged to support the constitution, only defend it. Her law license is going to be shorter than Giuliani's. :ROFLMAO:
As I recall my conversation about shooting someone is if they came after me to attack me and the weapon was a walking stick. Not just someone walking towards me. So again, when you have nothing else you go right to bald faced lies.
That's a dumbfuck justification for shooting someone.

A few years back I was walking my dog who was bumbling along sniffing the weeds. An old guy started waving his stick as we passed, so I asked him what was up. He said that it was in case my dog attacked. My dog hadn't even noticed him until then.

Luckily I don't live anywhere near you; nobody has guns. You'd have shot me and my dog based on your (lack of) reasoning.

You'd also have shot the old guy if you'd been me.
That's a dumbfuck justification for shooting someone.

A few years back I was walking my dog who was bumbling along sniffing the weeds. An old guy started waving his stick as we passed, so I asked him what was up. He said that it was in case my dog attacked. My dog hadn't even noticed him until then.

Luckily I don't live anywhere near you; nobody has guns. You'd have shot me and my dog based on your (lack of) reasoning.

You'd also have shot the old guy if you'd been me.
Can you tell me this week's lottery ticket number please?

I am a gun owner and constantly carry because I cannot predict the future, but I sure wish anti-gunners who could; would just tell the cops when a mass shooting is about to happen so we can all be safe?

Thanks. Much appreciated.
Can you tell me this week's lottery ticket number please?

I am a gun owner and constantly carry because I cannot predict the future, but I sure wish anti-gunners who could; would just tell the cops when a mass shooting is about to happen so we can all be safe?

Thanks. Much appreciated.
In the US, mass shootings are always about to happen.
Damn, you're not that great at making arguments.
I heard that there will be a vacancy on Trumps team of incompetents soon; Habba is filing stuff saying that the President is not obliged to support the constitution, only defend it. Her law license is going to be shorter than Giuliani's. :ROFLMAO:

Wow, you avoiding the issue. Whodathunk.

You need to run away faster.
Transgenderism is not a mental illness. But someone who is transgendered can also have mental illness. It's truly scary how much simple realities befuddle some of you so much.

You need to tell is to Bray, he's the one who's flip flopping like a fish on this issue.
That's a dumbfuck justification for shooting someone.

A few years back I was walking my dog who was bumbling along sniffing the weeds. An old guy started waving his stick as we passed, so I asked him what was up. He said that it was in case my dog attacked. My dog hadn't even noticed him until then.

Luckily I don't live anywhere near you; nobody has guns. You'd have shot me and my dog based on your (lack of) reasoning.

You'd also have shot the old guy if you'd been me.
TrailerHitch appears to live a life in fear.
Must be awful living like that 24//7/365.
<Mick Jagger Voice>
It's just a grudge away, it's just a grudge away!
It's just a shot away, it's just a shot away!

</Mick Jagger Voice>
Again, Huh?

I like to call people out when they use absolute words such as always, never, everyone, etc...

I had this last week when a co-worker claimed, "Yoy always"... He was screaming and yelling as he made the point, to which I tried to get more specific. When we were done, him screaming and me being as calm as ever, "always" ended up being a single incident where his feelings got hurt. I repeat, "always" ended up being one time!

Seldom is life are absolute words; accurate. I was just calling out the ridiculousness of the weak statement. And that is what absolute words are; very weak statements.
From what I've read the last few days, guns will make us safe in our homes from sleeper cell Hamas operatives (who come across the Democratic wide open border )who want to kill America.

Probably true.
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Can you tell me this week's lottery ticket number please?

I am a gun owner and constantly carry because I cannot predict the future, but I sure wish anti-gunners who could; would just tell the cops when a mass shooting is about to happen so we can all be safe?

Thanks. Much appreciated.
I don't know when, but I can tell you where.

It's where everyone with a grudge has ready access to firearms. /You're welcome.

41% of mass shootings are stopped by civilians with concealed weapons according to the FBI data.
How are the mass shootings stopped until after they are mass shootings?

Otherwise they are just 'person with gun shot by person with gun'. In any case (a), by your math 59% are not stopped. In any case (b), they're still committed by folks with guns. Duh.
How are the mass shootings stopped until after they are mass shootings?

Otherwise they are just 'person with gun shot by person with gun'. In any case (a), by your math 59% are not stopped. In any case (b), they're still committed by folks with guns. Duh.
How are they stopped? Redefine what a mass shooting is. We can have 20 be the the cutoff for the next few years. Then 25. Then 30. And so forth. This keeps the rate the same. And Americans are too stupid they will buy it
How are they stopped? Redefine what a mass shooting is. We can have 20 be the the cutoff for the next few years. Then 25. Then 30. And so forth. This keeps the rate the same. And Americans are too stupid they will buy it
They can't be. Because then they aren't mass shootings.
What's weird to me, is I don't have a gun, yet I've not been beheaded by Hamas yet. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯