Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

I think that progressives need to take a step back and really look at what they're saying.

Today the SCOTUS unanimously decided that Trump cannot be disqualified by the States under the 14th Amendment from appearing on the ballot. This is a narrative that you ALL supported because you said Trump is an insurrectionist.

You ALL said it. Just like you ALL are promoting this senility claptrap.

You were wrong. You were told you were wrong and that the attempt to deny Trump being on the ballot wasn't going to work but you persisted in believing it to be true.

You were wrong and today the SCOTUS told you that you were wrong.

You're wrong about this too. For the same reasons.

You progressives really need to take a step back and look at what you're doing/saying because whatever you think it is, you're wrong.
"All" is doing some heavy lifting here everywhere except your own head.

Adding - you and Reichy truly seem to feel like you owned the libs here.

Donald Trump Not as 'Sharp' as 2016, Former Aide Warns

"In an interview with CNN host John Berman, Griffin, who served as Trump's White House director of strategic communications, discussed Trump's age amid the 2024 election and the verbal misstep Trump had over the weekend.

When asked by Berman "how much does he miss or mix-up facts?" Griffin said the former president has always had problems recalling facts or people's names.

"I have said this before, he is not as sharp as he was in 2016 and not even a sharp as he was in 2020. For some reason, that doesn't necessarily come across to voters the same way," she said"
I also think a lot of people in general haven't been listening to him lately. It's not like it's easy to. At best it's nails on chalkboard to listen to him for any length of time.

I couldn’t listen to that rambling, incoherent, idiotic orange pig, way back when the Apprentice first aired in 2004.

It was cringe inducing.

I challenge anyone to go back and watch an episode of that train wreck of a show, and then tell me they believe that idiot was making sense even then.

Trump is completely losing it. I think he may not make it to the election at this rate.
I challenge anyone to go back and watch an episode of that train wreck of a show, and then tell me they believe that idiot was making sense even then.

Especially now that we know he always decided in advance which contestant would be fired next, and the producers would have to move heaven and earth to make that person look bad on that episode.

So you believe the media should not report on Trump calling Melania "Mercedes", him slurring words, sweating profusely, making up words and the other commonplace behaviors he has been displaying?
I like when Obama called Michelle Michael a number of times.
He said it. Not me. It’s a wild universe. Hell, if he was the first president to have a tranny wife he should get another Nobel peace prize!! Joan Rivers thinks so! 😂
He did not. That would be the gaslighting part.

He was referring to Mike Mullen.
He did not. That would be the gaslighting part.

He was referring to Mike Mullen.
whatever makes you feel better. that ain't the only time... Michael and I... Bro your head's gonna explode one day when you can't hide on here anymore! the world's a crazy place... shit is getting twisted!! we haven't seen the beginning of it yet.. you better keep them barf green sunglasses on!
whatever makes you feel better. that ain't the only time... Michael and I... Bro your head's gonna explode one day when you can't hide on here anymore! the world's a crazy place... shit is getting twisted!! we haven't seen the beginning of it yet.. you better keep them barf green sunglasses on!
She's a woman. You're a gaslighted dipshit.
I don't think i've ever heard a politician ever speak smarter than Trump did in that speech after the 9-0 supreme court result, he's so perfect at explaining things, and covers EVERY subject with so much passion!

How to say, "I dropped out of "highschool" without ever saying it.