Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

The "laughing stock" that everybody is afraid to start wars with, so Putin had to wait for Biden before invading Ukraine, and Israel-Hamas waited for Biden too, and China too look a lot more aggressive now.
Nobody wants to start a war when Trump's POTUS.
This is the dumbest take. Good job.
you're fucking delusional!! wow. and fuck trump too! but anyone standing up for joe fucking biden, just a nice old guy. wow. wow...
Best president as far as getting things done in decades. You might dredge up the recent ordering of presidents in effectiveness and checking where Biden and Trump are on that list. (Hint: Trump is last.)

Not a thing you can do about the reality of the Biden presidential performance but make fake shit up.
In 2016 Ted Cruz won AK, CO, IA, ID, KS, ME, OK, TX, UT, WI, WY, and Rubio won DC, MN, PR, and Kasich won his home state of OH. While Nikki Haley couldn't even win her home state! She won the District of Columbia, because Democrats love her. Just sayin'.
2020 was the claim. Just sayin'.

Thanks for confirming you haven't actually watched Trump "speak" recently.
excuse you!
i saw all of his speech after the 9-0 supreme court result, and also the speech on super tuesday, so i'm 100% qualified to judge, and he's sharper than ever pinpoint accuracy in words and thoughts and that's one of the reasons why he's dominating over biden in the polls, the opposite of 2020 when biden led by 7.2 on the rcp average in november.

The corrupt orange traitor did nothing but parrot old lies and add a few new ones in that tragically SAD!!! "victory speech.


The fact checkers were all over that gaslighting bullshit.


Only a weak minded fool would buy what Don the con is selling: Do the math.

Vlad wanted Ukraine and he wanted NATO to stand back out of the way. The Orangutan was going to arrange that for Vlad ... make NATO weaker and unable to help.

Joe won and Vlad had to change plans, opting to invade a sovereign nation. In doing so, he made NATO strand up, take notice and get much stronger.
excuse you!
i saw all of his speech after the 9-0 supreme court result, and also the speech on super tuesday, so i'm 100% qualified to judge, and he's sharper than ever pinpoint accuracy in words and thoughts and that's one of the reasons why he's dominating over biden in the polls, the opposite of 2020 when biden led by 7.2 on the rcp average in november.

No you didn't.

Or you would not be saying that.

This was compiled 5 months ago. Trump's decline has been going on for some time.

Trump has energy absolutely. Just like his Fred Trump did when he was demented and had alzheimers. This is what cognitive decline and failure looks like.
Your wrong.

In the supreme court 9-0 speech he talked about the next big supreme court case and how presidential immunity is important so a president can do his job without being threatened with politically motivated indictments after leaving office, plus he spoke about biden a lot, it was a very thorough speech about everything that's gone wrong with biden.

And in the super tuesday speech, he covered everything, from inflation, to border security, biden migrant crime, the 2020 election, his family and campaign staff, the lack of wars in his last term and defeating isis, and the $50b trade deal with china (which was only $10b before trump), and the china virus, and tax cuts, and afghanistan, and biden's addiction to the beach etc.

Recap of the SCOTUS statement.

Recap of the super Tuesday one.

A logical thinking person can not view his speeches and think he's okay.
you've got no credibility, because i just told you what trump said in his speeches, after you said i didn't see them.... plus the wide range of subjects he covered proves they were great speeches. and his speaking was clear, unlike biden's strange mumbling.

The videos are there. All over the place. Trump is the one who is disproving you. Not me.

Yes Biden has a stutter and yes Biden is old. That is not debated or even disputed.

Trump is old and is displaying all the symptoms of mid stage dementia and alzheimer's. Just like his father did.

Trump can talk for about a minute, a minute and a half before he starts falling off a cliff. The longer he talks the worse it gets.

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Dr. John Gartner: The world is watching "a fundamental breakdown in Trump’s ability to use language"​

It has become undeniably clear and obvious to any reasonable person that Donald Trump is experiencing increasing challenges with his speech, language, and memory during these last few weeks and months. Such a conclusion does not require a huge team of investigative journalists: a person only has to watch the corrupt ex-president’s speeches, interviews and other public behavior. For example, at a series of rallies and other events last weekend, Trump repeatedly confused one person with another. Like a broken computer in a science fiction movie, Trump appears to have moments where he cannot speak, appears lost in his thinking, and is more generally confused as he spouts nonsense words and non-sequiturs.

" to any reasonable person "

Of which his minions are not.
And you believe him...? Besides he could take up the challenge, even if he doesn't support Trump. Hell he for sure doesn't support Biden, and no third party is going to win the White House.
The electoral college selects the president. Voting is a placebo for the uninformed. Makes people like you feel like they did something when they didn’t do shit.
The electoral college selects the president. Voting is a placebo for the uninformed. Makes people like you feel like they did something when they didn’t do shit.
First sentence is correct. The rest is horseshit without any understanding of most state laws.
Best president as far as getting things done in decades. You might dredge up the recent ordering of presidents in effectiveness and checking where Biden and Trump are on that list. (Hint: Trump is last.)

Not a thing you can do about the reality of the Biden presidential performance but make fake shit up.
Wow. Biden!! You are perverse.
No. I just don't like you assholes trying to distract from Trump's mental craziness by going after Biden.
Trump is on the payroll like the whole biden clan. You’re delusional. Biden is a certified retard. Trump too. I don’t drink coke or pepsi. Drink up!!