Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

Whatever makes you feel safe. You love your echo chamber.
You're (and your friend there) the one spreading other people's lies about a woman because she triggers you.

I'm perfectly safe knowing that your echo chamber is full of snowflake dipshits who are scared of powerful black women and you believe their horseshit that they feed you online.
You're (and your friend there) the one spreading other people's lies about a woman because she triggers you.

I'm perfectly safe knowing that your echo chamber is full of snowflake dipshits who are scared of powerful black women and you believe their horseshit that they feed you online.

What exactly is it that makes a "black woman" more powerful than any other woman?

Is skin color some sort of magical talisman that conveys authority?

Or is it YOU being a scum sucking RACIST PIECE OF SHIT that makes you think that way?
What exactly is it that makes a "black woman" more powerful than any other woman?

Is skin color some sort of magical talisman that conveys authority?

Or is it YOU being a scum sucking RACIST PIECE OF SHIT that makes you think that way?
how do you miss every fucking point?

how do you miss every fucking point?


How is it that you seem to not understand ANYTHING except the racist lying bullshit you're told to spew and spread?

Are you really that gullible? Or is it intentional on your part to be a lying racist troll?
What exactly is it that makes a "black woman" more powerful than any other woman?
Where did I say that?

Is skin color some sort of magical talisman that conveys authority?
Not that I'm aware of.

Or is it YOU being a scum sucking RACIST PIECE OF SHIT that makes you think that way?
I'm not the one making memes denigrating powerful black women, so you may need to ask them.
You must be wrong, you said you never use Reuters...

BTW you can see the full clip there, but we all know you won't....*chuckles*
Can't even make your tard note out. Reuters is horse shit, then again so are you! Good combo, Fuzzy Reuters... I've seen plenty of clips with old Barry calling his "wife" Michael. *chuckles* Big Mike!! Is "she" gonna be the democratic candidate?? Biden can hardly speak, walk or do much else. "DR" Jill is losing her glue with him. Old Trumptard is surging and knocked that dingbat Haley out of the "race." That must be tough on you. We'll see who the electoral college picks this year. Oh, and good news, new boosters are out so you can stay safe from the fauci gain of function wuhan flu. With your stress levels from monitoring this site all day everyday I figure you're vulnerable. Are they still giving out free donuts? McDonald's? Mmmm.... mRNA... Yum. Is that you top left? I bet you're excited for disease X, get a little meaning back in your life. You'll be a hero again. Go Fuzzy!!! Fucking clown... *chuckles*20230719_094921.jpg
Can't even make your tard note out. Reuters is horse shit, then again so are you! Good combo, Fuzzy Reuters...
So you won't go look at the real video, *chuckles*. Why is that? Perhaps you don't want your little fantasy world to crumble?
I've seen plenty of clips with old Barry calling his "wife" Michael. *
Well if you have, post the links, you know the rule, you make a claim, you back it up. Or it's just more of your uneducated bullshit.
Can't even make your tard note out. Reuters is horse shit, then again so are you! Good combo, Fuzzy Reuters... I've seen plenty of clips with old Barry calling his "wife" Michael. *chuckles* Big Mike!! Is "she" gonna be the democratic candidate?? Biden can hardly speak, walk or do much else. "DR" Jill is losing her glue with him. Old Trumptard is surging and knocked that dingbat Haley out of the "race." That must be tough on you. We'll see who the electoral college picks this year. Oh, and good news, new boosters are out so you can stay safe from the fauci gain of function wuhan flu. With your stress levels from monitoring this site all day everyday I figure you're vulnerable. Are they still giving out free donuts? McDonald's? Mmmm.... mRNA... Yum. Is that you top left? I bet you're excited for disease X, get a little meaning back in your life. You'll be a hero again. Go Fuzzy!!! Fucking clown... *chuckles*View attachment 2324942
^ Histrionic dumbfuck response.
Just stating the facts, Trump is far superior intellectually to Biden, we see it every time they speak, and America agrees that Trump's policies were smarter too-
Those are polls. Polls are not facts, they are mathematical expression of peoples views.
That's why we keep waiting for Biden's mental cognitive test, which he refuses to even attempt...
Here, why don't you take the test Trump did. Lets see if you can do as well as Trump did.

And Trump is also a lot more passionate, so no surprise he's still got 97% of his 2020 voters, while Biden has lost 17% of his!
Very impossible for Biden to win in November, it'll be a landslide.
Wana bet on it?