Face Slapping

daiseelady said:
oh really?

hhmmmmm.... would there be any exams to qualify me for the position?

Interesting thought

How about starting my PMing me with info about you
Richard49 said:
Interesting thought

How about starting my PMing me with info about you

oops.... maybe I should not have given you the idea about the exams... LOL

(me and my big mouth... he he he)
I'm quite perplexed by my reaction to this thread.
Face slapping is a hard limit for me, as a dom.
But why?
My first reaction was the risk factor. I don't wear jewellery on my hands at all, so the risks of a cut are small so long as it's an open handed blow with the flat of the hand. Of course there's the risk of a perforated eardrum if you miss the face and strike the ear, but that's a similar risk / responsibility to the risk / responsibility involved in making sure you don't miss the buttocks with a cane or flogger and hit the kidneys by mistake.
So why?
Best way I can describe it is that I grew up with the Marquess of Queensberry rules. No punching below the belt, no kidney or rabbit punches, dee dah dee dah...
I'm used to hard and fast rules that say what you will and will not do. Within those rules of course everything is permitted.
So maybe I need hard rules as a format for the things I like and don't like, in order to organise my kinks and perversions for me. By saying 'I don't slap faces' I'm also defining what I will do to turn me on.

It makes me think about the way sometimes I compartmentalize my life. I don't conceal the fact that, in my time as a fighter and a night club bouncer / debt collector, I would have had no compunction at all about striking someone who threatened me in the face. (Actually, especially in a nightclub situation, a ringing slap across the ear is a wonderful pacifier for patrons who've crossed the line into abusive / threatening behaviour...) And everyone I've ever been in a scene with has been told about my past, and my rules. So do i tell them because I need to, or because I'm exhibitting my control, and the difference between what I'll do in play, because I want their orgasms, and I want I have done in the past because I've had to.

I'm intrigued now, and I should be getting ready for work...
daiseelady said:
oh really?

hhmmmmm.... would there be any exams to qualify me for the position?

I imagine there'd at least be an oral LOL
I would like to slap a female sub's face but only fairly
gently. Maybe slightly harder if she really wanted it.
face slapping

Interesting to read all the thoughts about this.

I have experienced face slapping "in play" a couple of times. I was surprised how hot I felt it to be!

I have NO desire to be abused, but I know for myself, a lot of what turns me on are things that are supposed to be "wrong" or "forbidden" so it makes sense in my twisted little psyche I would fine this hot...

It is certainly something that should never be done without agreement and discussion.

Just MHO.
I'm one of those for whom anything more than gentle slaps will result in a reflexive punch. :(
My man and I do not play rough often, but when we do, I enjoy being playfully slapped in the face just to where it stings. That's actually my favorite part of playing rough.

Sometimes I just ask him to keep slapping me across the face and calling me derogatory names while I twirl my clit and get off. I enjoy it that much! But I have noticed that after rough play with face slapping, I flinch around him sometimes for a few hours after we are done,like when he reaches for something. It's a reaction that kind of freaks him and me out but it goes away soon and it's never been a problem.

I don't recommend hard slaps. I've heard you can actually get internal bleeding around the eyes and go blind, or even get a bloodclot and die. So we always keep it safe and playful.
WynEternal said:
I'm one of those for whom anything more than gentle slaps will result in a reflexive punch.

"200 feet of rope, plus bondage tape, and Saran"

Re: here you go girlie

rosco rathbone said:

I can't even really think of one without the other. I want tears of shame and anger and self-disgust running on those well-slapped cheeks. That's what makes me want to put my dick in the mouth. To come in that face feels like triumph: "Not only do I shame and hurt you, but I use your lips and tongue to masturbate with, I force you to masturbate me with your mouth, and I come in your face and I spit on you".

I have a face-slapping thing. It's the safest, sanest way I can think of to express my feelings towards women. It makes me feel good all over.
As always, rosco, you are the very model of a modern Major General. Dork. :devil:

Re: Re: here you go girlie

RisiaSkye said:
As always, rosco, you are the very model of a modern Major General. Dork. :devil:


Gilbert & Sulivan! :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: here you go girlie

RisiaSkye said:
You can never have too much P of P, can you? ;)


(and yes, I AM a show tune lover & still QUITE secure in my masculinity, thanks :p)
P. B. Walker said:
I kinda dig the idea of holding her face by the chin, my thumb on one side and my fingers on the hold. Kinda squeezing her tight and forcing her to look up into my eyes... then giving her a little love "tap" across the cheek. Her on her knees of course...

then standing up, moving my hand to her hair and pulling her mouth onto my cock...

PBW "random thought of the day"

ummm... yea! that's pretty hot.
Grease is the word

Has anyone seen the dance scene in the movie "Grease" where Cha-Cha is dancing with -- I think it is Kinicky, and they do that fake face slap move? Now that is pretty hot. It looks so trashy and cheap- you know if that kinda thing turns you on, lol.

Face slapping for me is what I would call a big maybe. Its a turn on, but at the same time its scary. Its so easy to accidentally get really hurt (Kinda like anal) I'd have to be in exactly the right frame of mind, and it would definatly have to be someone I trust a lot. Someone I knew wouldn't really hurt me. My guy and I do not have a safeword, but he knows when I'm really hurt and tends to err on the side of caution (maybe we should get a safeword to prevent that!, lol) As for disrespect, and humiliation and so forth- of course! I would say the same for 95% of what we do (slut, bitch, on your knees, hairpulling, spanking, ect.)

I don't think face slapping would ever work its way into regular use but I would't outlaw it completley either. In fact, I did actually explore this faceslapping briefly in one of my stories (Our Favorate Game) that's really the only time that comes to memory that we tried it. But we do so much weird stuff, sometimes its hard to keep track...

Also a few people said it brings back memories of childhood. This is definatly true, but for the sub that is difiant, like I am, thats just the ticket. My attitude is "slap me harder, you can't hurt me because I like it" I guess if you're not a piss and vinagar type of sub, that wouldn't work for you. :) Back to what I was saying about childhood, I had the same kind of defiance as a teen. I would get right in my mothers face knowing full well that she was going to slap me. When your angry and pissed off enough, it really doesn't hurt, theres a sting and then a heat. Well, I think the same thing would be going on if you are turned on enough. Depending on the situation, it might be cool in a pretend fight. (Like Arnie and whatsherface used to have on Rosanne) Or when your really deep in to what your doing and you need something really rough because your senses are getting dulled. I can think of a couple scenerios where it would be good, but not all the time.

OK, am i rambling?

Two questions:

1. What exactly is "subspace?"

2. What about girl-girl slapping. (this question is not for the guys, I already know that turns you on) if you would object to your dom slapping you in the face, what about your domme? or a (non D/s) scene where you were acting out a 'chick fight' or some such thing?
Re: Re: here you go girlie

RisiaSkye said:
As always, rosco, you are the very model of a modern Major General. Dork. :devil:


*takes a sweeping bow*

I prefer Lord High Sexecutioner-Dork.
What is sub space

sweetnpetite said:

1. What exactly is "subspace?"

There is whole thread on this board reguarding sub space

From what I have been told by those i have taken there
it is heaven ..........
Re: Grease is the word

sweetnpetite said:
<SNIP>My guy and I do not have a safeword, but he knows when I'm really hurt and tends to err on the side of caution (maybe we should get a safeword to prevent that!, lol)

Safe, sane, and consensual play starts with a safeword. It's not about how much "he loves you" or how much "you trust him" or any of that. It's about how much you care about and respect YOURSELF. IMHO, it's just not an option.

James Blandings said:
How do you feel about face slapping in BDSM play? Some people relish it as a form of humiliation, while others think it goes over the edge.
There are also some who question it as being inherently unsafe.
I hope some of you will share your thoughts on the subject.

Hard to put this succinctly. To take a slap in the face during play can be incredibly erotic i think. The slap may be an enhancement to the control or simply a way to tighten the reins without speaking. It takes quite a bit of control not to react angrily at being slapped in the face i think. But if it is done, it should always be in context with the limits set forth by both the Dom/me and the sub. And the use of a slap across the face should never be abused.

Is it unsafe? It can be if the sub has negative feelings associated it with from an abusive past. Should it be used as a humiliation tactic? Again, that is dependent on the Dom/me and sub, but the bottom line is this ... being slapped is definitely an humiliating experience. Hands down, humiliation is always the end result. So careful treading to Those who employ it during play or out of play (which is a bad idea period).
four pages into the thread and i finally get around to posting.

i can handle face-slapping a little bit. like once or twice during a very rough scene. but usually i prefer to keep the tender skin of my face out of bdsm play all together. particularly my lips. once, in an incident involving my former lover, he had struck me across the face and accidently shoved my bottom lip against my teeth. well, it started to swell to crazy proportions, the scene was dead and i sat there holding ice to my face and glaring at him. he was very sorry, and since there was no real damage done, it was easily forgiven. another, more recent experience involving the man i'm currently seeing, consisted of me recieving a bite that was just too hard on my lip. He loves to nibble, and i love to be nibbled, so i'd never had any problems with the way He'd bite my lips when we kissed. however, during this particularly hot and heavy scene, i guess He got carried away and just bit too hard. he was greeted with an angry shove and a muffled "MMMPH!" but he was quick to apoligize and ensure that i was a-ok. the funniest thing is that we caught the whole episode on tape. He continues to nibble, but never that hard.

ok, i've meandered WAY off the road of face slapping and into another catagory all together, so i'll end the post here before i wind up talking about the social class system or something equally off-topic.

Face slapping should be very rare, and only after you have known the person for a long time. Also, by that time you know the person's limits and you NEVER slap hard in the beginning. The idea of face slapping is generally repugnant to most people and in a relationshio should be used sparingly until one knows and understands the other person. With some women I never slapped the face while with others I used it very sparingly to enhance what was already there and never on a regular basis.
Respect for the other person is always of the utmost importance.
This is honestly a sincere question

Why is it that some have to sound like they have all the answers and that it is there way or the highway .... rather then just sharing there experence strengths and hopes ?