Face Slapping

Eb, I think I'll say ditto to whatever you say from now on. You're much better at putting it to words than I can. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

WynEternal said:
I agree. Oftentimes, the males I see are insecure and on the prowl for a submissive. They seem to also be especially more vocal about Dommes who have female submissives.

I have a good excuse when I'm needing rest.

Yep that see it another segment of the population they are in competition with.

With Dommes, they see us as a segment of the population that they cannot get, cause of our interest in submissives.

I do not date or interact sexually with male Doms. I have a few male Dom friends whom I care about very much.
Re: Re: An issue of understanding

woodcarver said:
Typical male response would have been to ignore all the valid points that you made and just say...

"I got yer yang"

But....and correct me if I'm wrong...the power exchange is not only a freeing experience, but the subbmissive has the ultimate word here. The safe word. I feel that trust and patience is the most critical points in the lifestyle. Trust to know that both partners are mature enough to handle the situation and patience to know when to push and how hard.

I have found that if the communication is done slowly and thoroughly, the safeword hardly ever gets used. My sub sissy has used his once in two years, and bitchboy has never used it.
Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

Ebonyfire said:

Who knows how many women become dominant or act dominant because they get pissed off or fed up?

LOl, I was just exploring that idea in the story i was righting the other day-- when i was pissed myself! I originally called it Pist, then changed it to Enough is Enough.

here's a direct quote:

"You know what," she said, "I'm sick of your shit. You know, I have needs too. And its about time they got met."

I just thought that was kind of a funny coincience, I just wrote that two days ago!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

WynEternal said:
I agree. Oftentimes, the males I see are insecure and on the prowl for a submissive.

That's me, insecure as all get-out ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

Ebonyfire said:
Yep that see it another segment of the population they are in competition with.

With Dommes, they see us as a segment of the population that they cannot get, cause of our interest in submissives.

I do not date or interact sexually with male Doms. I have a few male Dom friends whom I care about very much.

Some of my best friends are Dommes :D

no, really, I'm being sincere :D
The 5 days that R was back in my life this last week
I paid special attention to what blow my skirt up
and how she reacted to these same things

Face slapping was one thing that did good for both of us
any time any where
including what it could do in public

i LOVE being slapped in the face...NEED to be slapped in the face. when i'm slightly disobedient or step out of place just a wee bit...it's a very quick and effective way of sending a very clear message. i just love the power and Dominance behind being slapped in such an intimate place...far more intimate than anything below the belt...a slap in the face is very personal. it always humbles me....and when my Master slaps me as quick ready discipline, giving me that single hard slap that seems to come from nowhere, that knocks me off me feet (literally) many times....it just leaves me in awe of his strength and masculinity, and simply in AWE of him period.

and agree with another poster in that it is especially effective in public...whether in a grocery store or a bdsm club.
Re: mmm

ownedsubgal said:
i LOVE being slapped in the face...NEED to be slapped in the face. when i'm slightly disobedient or step out of place just a wee bit...it's a very quick and effective way of sending a very clear message. i just love the power and Dominance behind being slapped in such an intimate place...far more intimate than anything below the belt...a slap in the face is very personal. it always humbles me....and when my Master slaps me as quick ready discipline, giving me that single hard slap that seems to come from nowhere, that knocks me off me feet (literally) many times....it just leaves me in awe of his strength and masculinity, and simply in AWE of him period.

and agree with another poster in that it is especially effective in public...whether in a grocery store or a bdsm club.

Big yes on the public face hitting.
As powerfully effective as being slapped in public would be for me--and I can only imagine the shock, shame, eyes widening, teeth catching my bottom lip, body shrinking back, apology already stammering from quivering mouth, cheeks flaming as I feel eyes witnessing that exquisitely cruel reminder of my place and how I'd better fucking stay there--I'm too afraid of what misconceptions people would have about it and, more importantly, how they would act upon that. I can think of very few possible scenarios that would go well for T.

Leave the blatant violence and sexuality for where it won't get anyone arrested, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, ruins lots of fantasies for me too. That's when mindfucking comes in handy; I see the hand coming back after a particularly snide remark, and I get all the above-described reactions--but the blow never actually lands and nobody cries "assault!"

Oh yeah, this is still possibly my favorite activity.

i hear what you're saying Quint, but we try not to let the outside world interfere with who we are and how we live. if i speak out of line, that is not the kind of thing that should be taken care of when we get home. it's a minor thing, it needs to be dealt with immediately and quickly. my Master is able to do this so quickly, that i truly don't think anyone else has ever noticed him slapping me....they probably just hear a loud SMACK sound and wonder what the heck was that?? we aren't blatant about it...he'll quickly pull me onto a staircase, or on an empty aisle of the store, i won't know why (i know this sounds difficult to believe, but it's always a surprise to me when he slaps my face), and then before i can blink again his hand has landed on my cheek, my face is numb, my ears are ringing, and i'm struggling for balance. one of my most vivid memories of being slapped in the face for discipline, occured one night after we were getting in the truck to leave after visiting a club. he opened my door for me as usual, i got in, then he walked over to his side and got in. totally quiet the whole time. i had no clue ANYthing was wrong. then before i can get comfortable in the seat, i'm backhanded across the face, so powerfully that i slide right off the seat and fall to the floor of the truck, crumpled in a little heap. and then the words, "get up, bitch"...i knew there was a long night of punishment ahead for me.
face slapping should not be violent IMHO

In public it does not have to blantent

Now remember I can not seem to keep a submissive
so what the hell do I know

But with R and I in public
I would often do it just cause

Pull her into quit ailse
Gap her hair and slap her face
it did not have to be hard
and it would take her to subspace

The biggest problem was I had to hang on to her
to keep her from falling to floor

I proably do not know anything
Here's a good one: escort her pimpwalk-style to a secluded corner where eyes do not pry. Ask her if she knows why she's there. Then lace her right in the glasses. The preemptory, draconian pimpwalk "is key".
rosco rathbone said:
Here's a good one: escort her pimpwalk-style to a secluded corner where eyes do not pry. Ask her if she knows why she's there. Then lace her right in the glasses. The preemptory, draconian pimpwalk "is key".

Originally posted by rosco rathbone on Top-opolis
bdsm poetry by me
you better make your mouth slow and sweet like molasses
or you gonna get smacked in the motherfuckin glasses

Apparently, glasses are "key" as well. *smirk*

When My slave returned home late last night from doing a double work load I met him with a slap on the face instead of a kiss or a hug.
he would have seen no apparent reason for it but it dropped him to his knees in instant subspace.
Of course I never do anything without a reason...I knew that he would be tired...15 hour day...and I knew that he would be craving Domination. The instant unexpected slap gave him a jolt of his reality..took him where he needed to go without a lot of energy expended.
he was calm, secure and loved through that one gesture.
Shadowsdream said:
When My slave returned home late last night from doing a double work load I met him with a slap on the face instead of a kiss or a hug.
he would have seen no apparent reason for it but it dropped him to his knees in instant subspace.
Of course I never do anything without a reason...I knew that he would be tired...15 hour day...and I knew that he would be craving Domination. The instant unexpected slap gave him a jolt of his reality..took him where he needed to go without a lot of energy expended.
he was calm, secure and loved through that one gesture.

you make me jealious first thing this morning
Damn..he only has a 14 hour day today...I am not sure such a lazy bones deserves another slap!
What do You think Richard?
Shadowsdream said:
Damn..he only has a 14 hour day today...I am not sure such a lazy bones deserves another slap!
What do You think Richard?

The real question is
do you deserve the thrill it will give you?

Damn damn

I wish R would get her head on right
someone new would cum along

Is it OK for a Dom to pout?
Are you a Dom if you have not a submissive?
Shadowsdream said:
When My slave returned home late last night from doing a double work load I met him with a slap on the face instead of a kiss or a hug.
he would have seen no apparent reason for it but it dropped him to his knees in instant subspace.
Of course I never do anything without a reason...I knew that he would be tired...15 hour day...and I knew that he would be craving Domination. The instant unexpected slap gave him a jolt of his reality..took him where he needed to go without a lot of energy expended.
he was calm, secure and loved through that one gesture.

Smiles.. this post alone did wonders for me. Of all that is possible and a reality that will be mine when the time is right. I can hardly wait to live with Mistress and do away with visits, but until then the possibilities alone are fantastically sustaining. Thank You. :)
Richard49 said:
The real question is
do you deserve the thrill it will give you?

Damn damn

I wish R would get her head on right
someone new would cum along

Is it OK for a Dom to pout?
Are you a Dom if you have not a submissive?

A submissive does not a Dom/me make!