Face Slapping


I have never met anyone who had all the answers and doubt if I ever will. Our experienes are all different emotionally , physically and mentally. Sometimes by sharing it may sound like an individual has all the answers but in reality doesn't and never will.
Richard, if I sounded like I had all the answers . . . . that was not the impression I wanted to give.
Richard49 said:
This is honestly a sincere question

Why is it that some have to sound like they have all the answers and that it is there way or the highway .... rather then just sharing there experence strengths and hopes ?

A little confused by Your post Sir. my personal take on it was sort of two avenues open. i expressed my thoughts on how slapping could be erotic, but offered a sincere thought on how it is and can be humiliating. my way or the highway? not this subbie, however, i do make it a point not to bare my most private situations on a very public board. There is nothing wrong with doing so, that is just how i want to express myself here.

Question Sir, is it now a necessity to share personal, past experiences in order to post on this board? Would be helpful to know whether that disqualifies me or not.
Re: Re: Re: here you go girlie

rosco rathbone said:
*takes a sweeping bow*

I prefer Lord High Sexecutioner-Dork.
Nice one. How goes life in the Topopolis, LHS Dork? ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: here you go girlie

RisiaSkye said:
Nice one. How goes life in the Topopolis, LHS Dork? ;)

Pervy dealings as usual. We are bogged down in some heavy discussion at the moment.
Richard49 said:
This is honestly a sincere question

Why is it that some have to sound like they have all the answers and that it is there way or the highway .... rather then just sharing there experence strengths and hopes ?


With my deepest respect, why don't you be more clear about which post it is that you are upset about? Or deal with it in a PM? It seems as though I am not the only person that feel as though I owe you some sort of apology, even though I stand by what I wrote 100%. Yes, I have strong feelings about safewords. Yes, I wrote a rather strong post about it. Note that the last sentence is prefaced by the words IMHO...In My Humble Opinion. To me, that means, it is my HOPE that people use a safeword.

If they choose to say fuck HER, and the horse she rode in on, oh well. *shrugs*, that's their right. LOL.
I am a sub into some humilation scenes' but I will NOT tolerate a man slapping me in the face:mad: that goes way over if ya ask me
s'lara said:
A little confused by Your post Sir. my personal take on it was sort of two avenues open. i expressed my thoughts on how slapping could be erotic, but offered a sincere thought on how it is and can be humiliating. my way or the highway? not this subbie, however, i do make it a point not to bare my most private situations on a very public board. There is nothing wrong with doing so, that is just how i want to express myself here.

Question Sir, is it now a necessity to share personal, past experiences in order to post on this board? Would be helpful to know whether that disqualifies me or not.

I was not pointing my finger at you or anyone specifcly but rather I tread I see on the boards.

I have been in the lifestyle for a long time. Maybe to long.
When I came into offically and the school I came through
if you thought you were a Dom you subed to a dom for year
I subed to a Dom couple

There was no internet and those that cybered only
There was just us RT folks
that had to hide all we did

Sharing ones experence does not mean one has to drop there pants in public ...

Oh well sorry I brought anything up
I will go back to my thread and stay there
Richard49 said:
I was not pointing my finger at you or anyone specifcly but rather I tread I see on the boards.

I have been in the lifestyle for a long time. Maybe to long.
When I came into offically and the school I came through
if you thought you were a Dom you subed to a dom for year
I subed to a Dom couple

There was no internet and those that cybered only
There was just us RT folks
that had to hide all we did

Sharing ones experence does not mean one has to drop there pants in public ...

Oh well sorry I brought anything up
I will go back to my thread and stay there

Please Sir. i don't want You to do that. In a very tiny nutshell, Your post seemed to speak to the bevy of responses on the board. In its general tone, it seemed like You were speaking to the masses ... not the few. i certainly respect Your background and in no way wanted to belittle it.

i am cautious about my experiences as that is my way. i just felt Your post was a little accusatory but i may have mis-read it. In any event, it would be a real loss to the threads here if You stopped posting. Please reconsider Sir.
Re: Re: Grease is the word

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Safe, sane, and consensual play starts with a safeword. It's not about how much "he loves you" or how much "you trust him" or any of that. It's about how much you care about and respect YOURSELF. IMHO, it's just not an option.


we started playing before we ever heard of safewords, and never really got around to inventing one. If all else fails, I just say "safeword" and if he chose to ignore that, it would be at his own peril. plus we don't do a lot of extreme non-consent. In other words I don't say "stop" when I mean go, unless I'm saying "no, stop, don't..." in a totaly lackluster way that is totaly obvious that I'm being sarcastic. I think if we were in a lot deeper, we might need a safeword, but since I pretty much say what I mean at all times, we don't need a special code. I hope that makes sence, I don't know how else to explain it.
Re: Re: Re: Grease is the word

sweetnpetite said:
I just say "safeword"
I really like this idea. I think "safeword" makes an excellent safeword. Its easy to remember and couldn't be clearer.
Re: Re: Re: Grease is the word

sweetnpetite said:
we started playing before we ever heard of safewords, and never really got around to inventing one. If all else fails, I just say "safeword" and if he chose to ignore that, it would be at his own peril. plus we don't do a lot of extreme non-consent. In other words I don't say "stop" when I mean go, unless I'm saying "no, stop, don't..." in a totaly lackluster way that is totaly obvious that I'm being sarcastic. I think if we were in a lot deeper, we might need a safeword, but since I pretty much say what I mean at all times, we don't need a special code. I hope that makes sence, I don't know how else to explain it.

I'm really glad to hear that you are using something sweetnpetite, and whatever works for you and your partner is great. Sounds like you've got a good thing going and you're communicating with each other and that's the bottom line anyhow :)

Have fun!

Face slapping

is something I do not like at all. It has to do with the fact that where I was brought up, face slapping is used to initiate a fight. I associate it with bringing down a 55-gal drum of whup ass on some unfortunate soul.
Re: Face slapping

Ebonyfire said:
is something I do not like at all. It has to do with the fact that where I was brought up, face slapping is used to initiate a fight. I associate it with bringing down a 55-gal drum of whup ass on some unfortunate soul.

Interestingly enough, that's exactly why I like it.
Re: Re: Face Slapping

woodcarver said:
This has little to do with the lifestyle, but it's a funny story.

A friend of mine had a very lazy husband who thought that his sex life should only consist of his orgasm and not hers. She became very frustrated with the repetative behavor and one day, in a fit of anger, slapped the hell out of him.

He was totally shocked and when he went to push her off of him, she was on top, riding horsey style, she slapped him again.

This started to confuse him greatly and he finally asked what the hell she thought she was doing slapping him over and over again. She simply replied....

You are not going to cum until I can get off pig.

This started a new chapter in thier relationship and the funniest part was that anytime we'd see her face print on his face...she's gotten off.

Sorry to impose on the thread.

I didn't see it as an imposition. It was right on topic if you ask me.

Who knows how many women become dominant or act dominant because they get pissed off or fed up?
Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

Ebonyfire said:
I didn't see it as an imposition. It was right on topic if you ask me.

Who knows how many women become dominant or act dominant because they get pissed off or fed up?

Just an opinion: But would this be a point for those who say that dominant women are nothing more than sexually unfulfilled or pent up women?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

WynEternal said:
Just an opinion: But would this be a point for those who say that dominant women are nothing more than sexually unfulfilled or pent up women?

There are lots of reasons to be dominant. The same can be said for men too.

I personally do not care what is said. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

I personally know who and I what I am. I am usually more well-adjusted than those who attack me because of the fact I do not care what their opinion is.

Edited to add:

Living your life seeking the approval of others is a waste of time, and quite dangerous.
Last edited:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

woodcarver said:
Not according to my wife. She is dominant cause it makes her feel good, not better or more secure. She geunually loves to domme me from time to time for the act of it.

Of course we are "switches" so that always means that what comes around goes around. A win/win situation if you ask me.

Win/win for you. My world is different. That is the beauty of this lifestyle.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

Ebonyfire said:
There are lots of reasons to be dominant. The same can be said for men too.

I personally do not care what is said. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

I personally know who and I what I am. I am usually more well-adjusted than those who attack me because of the fact I do not care what their opinion is.

Edited to add:

Living your life seeking the approval of others is a waste of time, and quite dangerous.

:) Thanks, Eb.

What I was presenting was a sentiment I often hear from males.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

WynEternal said:
:) Thanks, Eb.

What I was presenting was a sentiment I often hear from males.

I know, I often hear it.

However, usually the males who say it have one sub they are chasing down, while I have several males who I have to slow down or they would wear me out! LOL:D

As for being sexually frustrated...I wish; I could use the rest!
An issue of understanding

woodcarver said:
Hey Wyn....do you think that the males that do say that might be a bit insecure about thier manhood and think that if "they" arent in charge...they arent a man?

Me?!?!?!?! I love surrendering control. Frees the mind.

I really think that they just do not understand. They associate submission with weakness, and as a result this opinion can interfere with their relationship with a female sub too. Men who understand and respect the strength of character it takes to be a good submissive have no problem with it.

Many femsubs do not understand why a female would want to be dominant either. They have all kinds of mistaken notions about Us. But effective (rather than using the term true) domination takes strength of character of another sort.

It is a Yin/Yang thing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

Ebonyfire said:
I know, I often hear it.

However, usually the males who say it have one sub they are chasing down, while I have several males who I have to slow down or they would wear me out! LOL:D

As for being sexually frustrated...I wish; I could use the rest!

I agree. Oftentimes, the males I see are insecure and on the prowl for a submissive. They seem to also be especially more vocal about Dommes who have female submissives.

I have a good excuse when I'm needing rest.