Face Slapping

lancemanyon said:
The REAL question is....are you a man if you have to PREY others??????????

Lance the moron
you are the only preditor around here

Do you enjoy attacking
a person who at best has months to live
and proably only days

Me a military veteran that saw comabt

I could go on but you make me want to throw up

U have attacked me in every cowardly way I know
and you do not even know me

You are the one sick person here at lit

Someone should throw your ugly ass out

There is nothing worse in my book than coawrds of any kind
and online you are one of the biggest I have every meer

Under my picture
yes I am brave enough to show my real face
is the town I live in

I hide from no one including you

Yet you attack like a coward and hide under phonie names
and blank profiles
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lancemanyon said:
The REAL question is....are you a man if you have to PREY others??????????

Original Topic:

How do you feel about face slapping in BDSM play? Some people relish it as a form of humiliation, while others think it goes over the edge. There are also some who question it as being inherently unsafe. I hope some of you will share your thoughts on the subject.
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Richard49 said:
Lance the moron
you are the only preditor around here

Do you enjoy attacking
a person who at best has months to live
and proably only days

Me a military veteran that saw comabt

I could go on but you make me want to throw up

U have attacked me in every cowardly way I know
and you do not even know me

You are the one sick person here at lit

Someone should throw your ugly ass out

There is nothing worse in my book than coawrds of any kind
and online you are one of the biggest I have every meer

Under my picture
yes I am brave enough to show my real face
is the town I live in

I hide from no one including you

Yet you attack like a coward and hide under phonie names
and blank profiles

Au contraire. I think it is you the coward. You beat women and brag about it on-line. Yet, I'll wager in real life you are a sniveling coward who can't have a real relationship. If you want to beat on someone, why don't you pick on an equal?

Your on-line personna is disgusting. What a waste of God's work.
lancemanyon said:
Au contraire. I think it is you the coward. You beat women and brag about it on-line. Yet, I'll wager in real life you are a sniveling coward who can't have a real relationship. If you want to beat on someone, why don't you pick on an equal?

Your on-line personna is disgusting. What a waste of God's work.
God's Work... Love, Lance
I wonder about slapping someone in the face...I imagine it could go two ways. One would be the way you 'smack' a baby; the lightest touch produces a huge effect, because it is teh act itself that is compelling, not teh force.

The other way is how some people want to smack Lance, I guess.
lancemanyon said:
I think it is you the coward. You beat women and brag about it on-line. Yet, I'll wager in real life you are a sniveling coward who can't have a real relationship. If you want to beat on someone, why don't you pick on an equal?

Well lance i couldn't have said it better Myself about you, i think you should turn these comments inward, and try therapy not spewing ugliness on lit


P.S.: Has seen your butt needy thread, and it makes your other comments seem hypocritical might want to rethink your postings
Johnny Mayberry said:
I wonder about slapping someone in the face...I imagine it could go two ways. One would be the way you 'smack' a baby; the lightest touch produces a huge effect, because it is teh act itself that is compelling, not teh force.

The other way is how some people want to smack Lance, I guess.

Well I am no longer with R and need to find new experences but
when I slapped
using either amount of pressure
she went into subspace
Richard49 said:
Well I am no longer with R and need to find new experences but
when I slapped
using either amount of pressure
she went into subspace

See, words from an expert. It is teh ACT of slapping, sometimes, not as se3nsation play, but as a signal, a sign of who is on top.
Johnny Mayberry said:
See, words from an expert. It is teh ACT of slapping, sometimes, not as se3nsation play, but as a signal, a sign of who is on top.

I am not sure who the expert is but

Yes slapping of the face was a sign/reminder
of who was the Dom
James Blandings said:
How do you feel about face slapping in BDSM play? Some people relish it as a form of humiliation, while others think it goes over the edge.
There are also some who question it as being inherently unsafe.
I hope some of you will share your thoughts on the subject.

I stumbled across this thread and had to have my 2 cents worth. First of all, as a sub..i relish light slaps across my face depending on the scene. IN real life would I take anyone slapping me for any reason? Hell no...but that is the difference between a scene and real life. I think it is all about whether or not you trust the person involved enough to allow them that..and as a sub you have the ultimate say-so...just my opinion. kiss :kiss:
good sir richard...

Richard49 said:
I am not sure who the expert is but

Yes slapping of the face was a sign/reminder
of who was the Dom
Well sire: I would assume with you as a top...someone should be verry happy...and quite frankly i would love to have anything smacked that you are willing to smack for me...kisses
Re: good sir richard...

apet4you said:
Well sire: I would assume with you as a top...someone should be verry happy...and quite frankly i would love to have anything smacked that you are willing to smack for me...kisses

You have a Dom you told me
Re: Re: good sir richard...

Richard49 said:
You have a Dom you told me
Yes good sir I do...but He allows me playtime..as I am not his only pet...just his main...too bad though that i can not have one such as you for my top...you seem to have just the right amount of forcefulness...for someone like me... Not that I am unhappy...but one can always fantasize, hmmm?
Re: Re: Face Slapping

apet4you said:
I stumbled across this thread and had to have my 2 cents worth. First of all, as a sub..i relish light slaps across my face depending on the scene. IN real life would I take anyone slapping me for any reason? Hell no...but that is the difference between a scene and real life. :kiss:

hmmm...guess i'm unusual in that this IS my real life.
face slapping

i agree with it being mental, emotional and physical all at the same time. When i had a 'Sir' he would slap me sometimes and, depending on what kind of space i was in at the time, i would sometimes even cry...not because of any real pain but because for some reason it really tugged on me when he did it and I would love him all the more. It would sometimes be when we were just laying there kissing or whatever, and would remind me of just how vulnerable i was with him. Vulnerable in a sexy way...for me anyway.

my opinion..worth what you paid for it :)
i have absolutely no problem with face slapping. Would my Master do it? No, probably not..

i also like breath-play and most extreme 'kinks'... i think it is a 'to each their own' kinda thing...
I'm new here and I guess this is none of my business, but I was just kind of passing the time. My writing isn't going well so I was just surfing around and cam upon this thread. Am i the only one that thinks Lance is the kind of person that would like to make everything illegal that he doesn't like. Back off Lance. From where I sit it seems Richard is more in touch with what the ladies want than you. Just because you'd like to be where he is, doesn't mean you need to harbor anger towards him. Maybe this is something you need to spend some time on Lance.
By the way, about face slapping... it sounds sexy to me, but I don't think I'd feel comfortable actually doing it. I think the play humiliation of it is hot, but i don't think I could do it. When I see it though, (in a scene) I get an instant reaction. Maybe I'm just a pussy. :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Face slapping

Originally posted by Ebonyfire
is something I do not like at all. It has to do with the fact that where I was brought up, face slapping is used to initiate a fight. I associate it with bringing down a 55-gal drum of whup ass on some unfortunate soul.

Interestingly enough, that's exactly why I like it.

Whoa!! There's an attitude in need of some therapy.
Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

ownedsubgal said:
hmmm...guess i'm unusual in that this IS my real life.

Nope not unusual at all...I just don't have time to make this my be all and end all...what with 3 kids (all in school) 2 jobs and a chance to go back to scholl...i just don't have the time to immerse myself the way I would like...you my dear are verrry lucky!!!!
nope not a pussy

All by myself said:
By the way, about face slapping... it sounds sexy to me, but I don't think I'd feel comfortable actually doing it. I think the play humiliation of it is hot, but i don't think I could do it. When I see it though, (in a scene) I get an instant reaction. Maybe I'm just a pussy. :rolleyes:

I would think that you know your limitiations...some boundaries are not easily crossed....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

apet4you said:
Nope not unusual at all...I just don't have time to make this my be all and end all...what with 3 kids (all in school) 2 jobs and a chance to go back to scholl...i just don't have the time to immerse myself the way I would like...you my dear are verrry lucky!!!!

well i am very lucky, but not for that particular reason. :) has nothing to do with time...it's a mindset, who you are, how you fit into this world. no amount of jobs, kids, "worldly" responsibilities, can ever change who you are inside (and for me, that's subbie to the core). :)

about face slapping...i recall one time while Master was repeatedly slapping me in the face, he had that faraway "Dom look" in his eyes, and his blows kept getting shorter and harder, and i was thinking gosh...he's about to punch me in the face...i just knew it was going to happen. but he didn't. i think he consciously held himself back from doing that....but is it odd...that i was disappointed?? hmm
I'm very turned on by being 'forced' to submit in the bed room, but I've never been someone's 'sub.' Once though, during some role playing, I actually slapped the dominant, just to get him angry with me. Damn...I got a good fuck after that. I've never had someone go so far out of his way to restrain me and make follow his every command as he did. Of course, it was a game (maybe a 'scene', but we didn't consider it a D/s thing), and neither of us would have done it to the other in real life.

I like that there are such a variety of responses out there. The Lit world is just great.