Face Slapping

ownedsubgal said:
well i am very lucky, but not for that particular reason. :) has nothing to do with time...it's a mindset, who you are, how you fit into this world. no amount of jobs, kids, "worldly" responsibilities, can ever change who you are inside (and for me, that's subbie to the core). :)

about face slapping...i recall one time while Master was repeatedly slapping me in the face, he had that faraway "Dom look" in his eyes, and his blows kept getting shorter and harder, and i was thinking gosh...he's about to punch me in the face...i just knew it was going to happen. but he didn't. i think he consciously held himself back from doing that....but is it odd...that i was disappointed?? hmm

I guess I would like to belive your first point but i have found that it is easier for me to concentrate fully upon what my owner requires when i no longer have those responsibilites to deal with...

as for your thoughts concerning the episode: being disappointed...in one instance i would say yes...since him letting you really feel a punch might have caused serious damage to your face. However, i think in a way that it is understandable...to make someone lose control like that...must be a beautiful thing...
ChemE_student said:
I'm very turned on by being 'forced' to submit in the bed room, but I've never been someone's 'sub.' Once though, during some role playing, I actually slapped the dominant, just to get him angry with me. Damn...I got a good fuck after that.

I love this kind of thing. I hope he laid you right out.
Re: Re: Face Slapping

apet4you said:
I guess I would like to belive your first point but i have found that it is easier for me to concentrate fully upon what my owner requires when i no longer have those responsibilites to deal with...

as for your thoughts concerning the episode: being disappointed...in one instance i would say yes...since him letting you really feel a punch might have caused serious damage to your face. However, i think in a way that it is understandable...to make someone lose control like that...must be a beautiful thing...

well...my major/most important responsibility in life is taking care of my Master...serving him, pleasing him. everything else is secondary to that. He takes care of all the other things for both of us. my point was simply that, whether you're on your knees before your Master, or packing the kids' lunches, you're still who you are, and both are part of the "real" world...it's all real life...well...that is just how it is for Master and i...i understand this lifestyle isn't a fulltime thing, even mentally, for many.

that's veering off into a whole other topic tho that i may start later. ;)

and you hit the nail on the head with the losing control thing...i absolutely love it that my Master can lose control with me at times..although he never loses COMPLETE control, he does "slip" a bit at times, doing things he normally wouldn't, as if he's in a whole other world, a whole other mindset...and i love that. still, there's that maso in me that wants him to lose it completely every once in a while...and damn the consequences (broken bones on my part, etc.) *sigh*...
Johnny Mayberry said:

The other way is how some people want to smack Lance, I guess.

edited to add: apologies and hijack over.... following this thread with great interest....
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Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

ownedsubgal said:
[i understand this lifestyle isn't a fulltime thing, even mentally, for many.

and you hit the nail on the head with the losing control thing...i absolutely love it that my Master can lose control with me at times..although he never loses COMPLETE control, he does "slip" a bit at times, doing things he normally wouldn't, as if he's in a whole other world, a whole other mindset...and i love that. still, there's that maso in me that wants him to lose it completely every once in a while...and damn the consequences (broken bones on my part, etc.) *sigh*... [/B]

Well sweety, i do understand your point on the mental aspect of it...and I have to agree with many of your points. For me It would be that his pleasure is in the back ground at all times and the froeground on some special occassions (make sense?)
And i love the way you think on the losing control thing...as my owner is always controlled except for those times when he (rarely) lets it slip...consequences be damned i want to say...but then again..sometimes masochism or no...the pain would be horrific!~!!!!:devil: By the way, if you do start a thread on the other topic, let me know...i will gladly fly by...:kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Face Slapping

apet4you said:
Well sweety, i do understand your point on the mental aspect of it...and I have to agree with many of your points. For me It would be that his pleasure is in the back ground at all times and the froeground on some special occassions (make sense?)
And i love the way you think on the losing control thing...as my owner is always controlled except for those times when he (rarely) lets it slip...consequences be damned i want to say...but then again..sometimes masochism or no...the pain would be horrific!~!!!!:devil: By the way, if you do start a thread on the other topic, let me know...i will gladly fly by...:kiss:

super! :)

and yes, the pain would be horrific, but that'd be the point right? i'm a different kind of maso, in that pain doesn't give me physical pleasure...i can't take even one firm lash of a whip without the tear ducts overflowing...but pain gives me a mental pleasure, satisfies something deep within me that i need very much. do i make any sense?? lol. so yeah, if Master were to crack my ribs or something...oh yeah that'd be immensely painful, for a very long time...but that makes it all the more delicious for me. just the thought of him using such unharnessed, raw, purely masculine physical strength and power against me...!!!
ownedsubgal said:
super! :)

and yes, the pain would be horrific, but that'd be the point right? i'm a different kind of maso, in that pain doesn't give me physical pleasure...i can't take even one firm lash of a whip without the tear ducts overflowing...but pain gives me a mental pleasure, satisfies something deep within me that i need very much. do i make any sense?? lol. so yeah, if Master were to crack my ribs or something...oh yeah that'd be immensely painful, for a very long time...but that makes it all the more delicious for me. just the thought of him using such unharnessed, raw, purely masculine physical strength and power against me...!!!

yup, I see where you are coming from. Though for me the pain is a pleasure...but just like sugar too much of a good thing can kill ya;) . I guess all in all, we agree on the things which are important which is face slapping as a rule when used by our owners is something we both accept and relish...case closed...so about that other thread???????? Kisses:kiss: :devil:
Hi everyone, first post. :)

I would love for Sir to slap me. I can't think of anything that could get me wetter. It just seems to passionate.

However, he won't do it. The worst he's done is slam me against the wall by my neck and force his body against mine. He says he'd like to use a riding crop on me ass, but I'm not sure that would do it for me. He says he loves me to much to do it, and that he doesn't want to hurt me emotionaly. We have an amazing relationship outside the game, so we have a great level of trust. How can I convince him that it's ok for him to do it? Does anyone else have a simular problem?
convince him, hmmm?

Electrick said:
Hi everyone, first post. :)

I would love for Sir to slap me. I can't think of anything that could get me wetter. It just seems to passionate.

However, he won't do it.
How can I convince him that it's ok for him to do it? Does anyone else have a simular problem?

It seems to me that for you to be able to get what you desire, you have to allow him to be as commanding as he wills. The problem as i understand it is: he has not explored his own limitations and so he is not sure what yours are. This can lead to confusion. Have you asked him to sit with you so that you can explain all the things concerning the idea of slapping which turns you on? If not, maybe you should respectfully request a time when he will alow it to discuss both what he wants to do and what you want to happen. The best d/s relationships are those with complete openess and trust. It seems you are well on your way to developing it...conversation would be key here, in my opinion...kisses
The best d/s relationships are those with complete openess and trust. It seems you are well on your way to developing it...conversation would be key here, in my opinion...kisses

Thanks. :)
I'm meeting with him today, and if the topic of the game comes up, I will try to bring it up. I just need to be carefull to not be too demanding, or I'll get punished, in other, less fun ways. ;)
good idea

Electrick said:
Thanks. :)
I'm meeting with him today, and if the topic of the game comes up, I will try to bring it up. I just need to be carefull to not be too demanding, or I'll get punished, in other, less fun ways. ;)

Well since you all ready know (mostly) what lines you can and can not cross, the battle is more than half won. I hope things go well for you. But please, make sure (if he allows it)that he knows that it is not because he does not enough, but it is because you wish to do more...there is a difference. Good luck to you...let me know how it turns out.
face slapping.. this ones wierd for me.. read on...

I come from a abusive marraige once.. and geting whamped was something of a norm and has been a thing that even in movies.. makes me cringe...

On night though my husband (i remarried) slap/patted my cheak.. and it was instantly a turnon.. i dont know why.. maybe it has to do with trust.. no mind you i cant say it was a slap as it wasnt.. it in reality was a pat.. but invariabley it ended up a turn on.. hmm see wierd..

I dunno.. i guess its to each his own and if the person being slapped isnt appalled or harmed or terrified.. then its all good..

i might have to see about finding a way to get a few more pats and see if i like it again..:kiss:
I have a burning desire
right now
to put my hand in her hair
pull her head back
and slap her face

sounds utterly sinful

Richard49 said:
I have a burning desire
right now
to put my hand in her hair
pull her head back
and slap her face


doncha just hate when that happens, sir Richard. Myself, i have a burning desire to be smacked but...i guess with everyone sleeping and my owner not being home...if there is any smacking going on...it will be me...slapping myself...not nearly as much fun...later...
Re: sounds utterly sinful

apet4you said:
doncha just hate when that happens, sir Richard. Myself, i have a burning desire to be smacked but...i guess with everyone sleeping and my owner not being home...if there is any smacking going on...it will be me...slapping myself...not nearly as much fun...later...

no fun at all
no fun
Re: Re: sounds utterly sinful

Richard49 said:
no fun at all
no fun

Thank you sir richard for not making me feel like I should just go ahead and smack myself...smile :D
Electrick said:
Hi everyone, first post. :)

I would love for Sir to slap me. I can't think of anything that could get me wetter. It just seems to passionate.

However, he won't do it. The worst he's done is slam me against the wall by my neck and force his body against mine. He says he'd like to use a riding crop on me ass, but I'm not sure that would do it for me. He says he loves me to much to do it, and that he doesn't want to hurt me emotionaly. We have an amazing relationship outside the game, so we have a great level of trust. How can I convince him that it's ok for him to do it? Does anyone else have a simular problem?

Whoo boy. I hate to go here, but the best thing you both could do is call the nearest counseling hot line and get some help. Good luck, I'll say a prayer for you tonight. :)
lancemanyon said:
Whoo boy. I hate to go here, but the best thing you both could do is call the nearest counseling hot line and get some help. Good luck, I'll say a prayer for you tonight. :)

Bible study is three threads down to the right.

thanks for playing.
lancemanyon said:
Whoo boy. I hate to go here, but the best thing you both could do is call the nearest counseling hot line and get some help. Good luck, I'll say a prayer for you tonight. :)

Do you think that while he is praying...he will pray for me to get my morning smack so my day will improve???? :kiss: :rose:
apet4you said:
Do you think that while he is praying...he will pray for me to get my morning smack so my day will improve???? :kiss: :rose:

Now I see
Yes hug a vet and if your Dom smack your sub
to start and have a good day
Whoo boy. I hate to go here, but the best thing you both could do is call the nearest counseling hot line and get some help. Good luck, I'll say a prayer for you tonight.

If I get on my knees to pray,
Sir will think I want to play.
therapy!!!!!thereapy!!!!!you all need therapy!!!!!!!!!

oh, wait, I thought I was lancy for a minute, nevermind.

carry on.

(you sick perverts)
sweetnpetite said:
therapy!!!!!thereapy!!!!!you all need therapy!!!!!!!!!

oh, wait, I thought I was lancy for a minute, nevermind.

carry on.

(you sick perverts)

I saw the perverts


I was one


so was
