Hey L. Dot Trumpers He is Coming for YOU (and the rest of us)

MAGATs, 'We have no plans to shut down Roe or porn or voting rights or the dept. of education or the Constitution or make every child in public education take military training or ban all government employees from taking consideration of a person's gender.

But the Dems are coming for your guns'.
Geez, what is it lately with all this "return to the Stone Age" nihilism? First Chenosoth, now you.
They think they're smarter/hipper than those who actively work toward a more positive vision.

Plus, their cynicism relieves them of taking any responsibility for protecting the interests of future generations. It's another manefestation of narcissism.
Aldous Huxley and George Orwell had a long debate about whether government force would be required to get people to initially give up major freedoms and submit to the state. Orwell thought government force would be required, and Huxley thought that people would give it up willingly through an electoral process. Maybe neither had it completely right.

Just look at what is happening here on Lit. We have MAGAts who are threatening armed revolution if we do NOT elect a tyrant whose base consists of Christian Nationalists who have already robbed women of their reproductive rights during the tyrant's first administration. And his followers want MORE clamping down on personal choices.

This is a scenario in which a large segment of the PEOPLE, not the government, are using threats of violence to force a majority to submit to the state. The only freedom these control freaks really care about is their freedom to own weapons so they can bully others.
Control freaks don't waste their time seeking power where there is none. Most of the federal power is in the executive branch bureaucracy. Another thick slice is in the media misinformation minders nominally employed in media. And there are various other organizations devoted to jumping on anything they find offensive so they can get people fired or deplatformed. The MAGA crowd seems more interested in liberty and survival, which they see threatened by the control freaks of our government and client organizations. That may end in secession or something similar, a mass going their own way and leaving the rest of the nation to spiral down the drain.
MAGATs, 'We have no plans to shut down Roe or porn or voting rights or the dept. of education or the Constitution or make every child in public education take military training or ban all government employees from taking consideration of a person's gender.

But the Dems are coming for your guns'.
Ummm....they did shut down Roe. :)
Wilhoit’s Law: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
This is the single greatest one sentence summation of 21st century "conservatism" that will ever be written.
This is the single greatest one sentence summation of 21st century "conservatism" that will ever be written.
I'm no conservative, but that doesn't describe most of the ones that I know, especially in my family.
I'm no conservative, but that doesn't describe most of the ones that I know, especially in my family.
It accurately describes how conservatives feel about abortion, guns, automobiles, trans & gay rights, cops, and taxes. What conservative opinions do your family have that it doesn't apply to?
It accurately describes how conservatives feel about abortion, guns, automobiles, trans & gay rights, cops, and taxes. What conservative opinions do your family have that it doesn't apply to?
It's an inaccurate oversimplification of intents and attitudes behind policies that you just don't share. Some of which I don't share, either, but that's another story. That doesn't mean that I demonize those who share them as some kind of automatic oppressors. Some of those views are misguided, but they're not about sticking it to people. At least not from my experience.
It's an inaccurate oversimplification of intents and attitudes behind policies that you just don't share. Some of which I don't share, either, but that's another story. That doesn't mean that I demonize those who share them as some kind of automatic oppressors. Some of those views are misguided, but they're not about sticking it to people. At least not from my experience.
Be specific. Which conservative intents, attitude, and policies does Wilhoit's Law not apply to?

In my experience, all conservatives want to do is find someone to blame and "stick it" to them.
Be specific. Which conservative intents, attitude, and policies does Wilhoit's Law not apply to?

In my experience, all conservatives want to do is find someone to blame and "stick it" to them.
I reject his supposed law entirely, to be honest. I see no evidence of its validity. What I do see from at least people like my parents is a misguided belief that those not like them need to reform and become like them, so then they wouldn't need tough love or whatever. It's silly, but it's what they believe. I've told them that I'm bi, for instance, and I think that they still believe that I can change out of that. It's wrong, but it's what they actually think. It doesn't mean that they think that I'm an unperson. They think that I just need to change. That's just one example of what I mean about this law being oversimplified. It doesn't capture their real sentiments, flawed as they are. I take it that you don't know too many actual conservatives, maybe a rare neocon who stumbles into your midst and is uncomfortably quiet when you discuss positions that he or she doesn't share, but chimes in whenever you denounce Trump.
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I reject his supposed law entirely, to be honest. I see no evidence of its validity.
Conservatives try to justify their positions by couching them in the highest principles. But if you take their "principles" and apply them universally, they start backpedaling and making justifications. We see this pattern over and over.

For example, most conservatives are adamantly opposed to any government rules that encroach on their personal freedom, but they simultaneously want the government to tightly control women's healthcare.
Conservatives try to justify their positions by couching them in the highest principles. But if you take their "principles" and apply them universally, they start backpedaling and making justifications. We see this pattern over and over.

For example, most conservatives are adamantly opposed to any government rules that encroach on their personal freedom, but they simultaneously want the government to tightly control women's healthcare.
I'm not saying that they're consistent. I'm saying that this law that he proposed is an oversimplification of reality, without any nuance to it whatsoever.
I'm not saying that they're consistent. I'm saying that this law that he proposed is an oversimplification of reality, without any nuance to it whatsoever.
Wilhoit's Law accurately explains why conservatives are inconsistent about their ideals. They have only one core principle: "Rules for you, but not for me".
Wilhoit's Law accurately explains why conservatives are inconsistent about their ideals. They have only one core principle: "Rules for you, but not for me".
Again, I question its accuracy, as it is rather simplistic and without nuance, but believe what you wish. I don't have the time or energy for this. Like most autistic folks, I gave this business too much time in my state of hyper focus, anyway.
I'm not saying that they're consistent. I'm saying that this law that he proposed is an oversimplification of reality, without any nuance to it whatsoever.
With regards to abortion, leftists keep trying to claim conservatives are against women's choice and women's healthcare.

The reality is that conservatives don't extend personal freedom into the realm of killing human beings, which is what they believe abortion is.

As for women's choice, conservatives are actually applying a consistent standard there as well: they argue women did have a choice, when they decided to have sex. Just as they hold men accountable and tell men they need to man up and take responsibility for their actions that resulted in a new life, so too should women.

I don't agree or hold those beliefs myself, but I can understand their internal consistency and positions on the arguments.
With regards to abortion, leftists keep trying to claim conservatives are against women's choice and women's healthcare.

The reality is that conservatives don't extend personal freedom into the realm of killing human beings, which is what they believe abortion is.

As for women's choice, conservatives are actually applying a consistent standard there as well: they argue women did have a choice, when they decided to have sex. Just as they hold men accountable and tell men they need to man up and take responsibility for their actions that resulted in a new life, so too should women.

I don't agree or hold those beliefs myself, but I can understand their internal consistency and positions on the arguments.
An interesting point. I am pro-choice myself, but I don't demonize pro-lifers like so many others do. I don't assign sinister motives to them for that. I believe them to be sincere, if misguided. My parents, for instance, have worked in the past to help unwed mothers who needed help and who had opted not to abort. That's just one example.
An interesting point. I am pro-choice myself, but I don't demonize pro-lifers like so many others do. I don't assign sinister motives to them for that. I believe them to be sincere, if misguided. My parents, for instance, have worked in the past to help unwed mothers who needed help and who had opted not to abort. That's just one example.
I think the best way to tackle abortion is reasonable sex education resources, that would contribute to the need for abortion plummeting.

With the number of contraceptive options available and reproductive education, the need for abortions should be negligible anyway.
With regards to abortion, leftists keep trying to claim conservatives are against women's choice and women's healthcare.

The reality is that conservatives don't extend personal freedom into the realm of killing human beings, which is what they believe abortion is.

As for women's choice, conservatives are actually applying a consistent standard there as well: they argue women did have a choice, when they decided to have sex. Just as they hold men accountable and tell men they need to man up and take responsibility for their actions that resulted in a new life, so too should women.

I don't agree or hold those beliefs myself, but I can understand their internal consistency and positions on the arguments.
If conservatives really believed that human life began at the moment of conception, they wouldn't write exceptions into their laws to allow abortions in certain circumstances. They do, so they don't. QED.
I think the best way to tackle abortion is reasonable sex education resources, that would contribute to the need for abortion plummeting.

With the number of contraceptive options available and reproductive education, the need for abortions should be negligible anyway.
Late-term abortions are medical necessities. No one aborts an 8-month fetus because they forgot to use birth control.