Hey L. Dot Trumpers He is Coming for YOU (and the rest of us)

I believe a dose of reality is in order to answer the OP in this thread. I sincerely believe that the absolute hatred of Trump robs one of intellectual discernment and such haters can easily be identified as belonging to that group of people who can be fooled all the time as reiterated by Pres Lincoln’s famous quote. As an example one of the main mantras one hears constantly from the Dems and their lapdog sycophants, the main stream media, regarding this upcoming election, that it is a fight for Democracy. If Trump does get elected it will be the end of democracy in America as we know it. He will impose an authoritarian regime that will run rough shod over the Constitution and rip it apart.

This viewpoint was amply articulated by a female speaker at the Democratic National Convention (sorry I forgot her name nor am I in the mood to try and research her name) who said in affect that if Trump does get elected it will usher in a sinister dark period in American history. Why, she averred that Trump will target and punish his political opponents and even jail them! OMG! Why even the ladies of “The View”, a pretentiously silly liberal biased daytime TV talk show are fearful that they could be subject to personal revenge if Trump were to regain the Presidency. In pronouncing such a dire forecast, that speaker at the DNC was apparently unaware that Peter Navarro who had served in Trump’s cabinet had just finished his four months prison sentence in time to speak at the Republican National Convention. Also, Steve Bannon who was one of Trump’s 2016 campaign managers and served for a time as an advisor during Trump’s administration, is currently in jail since July 1, 2024.

Their crime? Why they both refused to produce documents pursuant to a subpoena issued by the relevant Congressional committee to produce them. Ergo they were in contempt of Congress; obviously a pernicious crime indeed, surely subject to the full extent of the LAW, and therefore they were justifiably punished. But wait a minute! Didn’t Eric Holder, the AG for Pres Obama defy a Congressional subpoena and refused to produce demanded documents? How about the current AG Merrick Garland who also has failed to produce a document in his possession and has ignored the Congressional subpoena issued. I know that those two gentlemen have not been imprisoned nor am I aware of them being in any legal jeopardy. Whatever happened to the cliché “No one is above the law”?

And of course we have the case against Donald Trump himself. Do any of you Trump haters genuinely believe that had he not decided to contest the Presidency that he would still be in the same legal jeopardy as he now finds himself? If you do, I suggest you ought to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. It is seriously hampering your mental health.

Now as to the subject matter on hand, I would advise the author of this thread not to worry unduly. Project 2025 is not in any way, shape or form, part and parcel of the official Republican Party platform. Nor does Trump have any personal connection to it; he probably hasn’t even read it. It’s not at all in his agenda should he win in November. So I’m quite confident in suggesting that banning pornography will definitely not be something Trump would do; he has bigger fish to fry.

My personal view is that banning pornography would not be such a bad thing for society. In any case it would still be available albeit it would be more costly and difficult to acquire. However, the prohibition of pornography would have a salutary benefit in general literature. It forces authors not to be lazy but be more inventive in describing sex scenes. Case in point is Thomas Hardy’s novel “Tess of the d'Urbervilles”.

In that novel there is a scene wherein the seducer of the titled heroine is sexually aroused by observing Tess milking a cow. Apparently, most milkers while doing this chore would rest their foreheads flat against the flank of the cow. However, Tess would rest one side of her face against the flank and would have her eyes closed. The sight of her milking the cow in this manner stimulated his senses such that he went on to subsequently seduce and presumably deflower her.

Bear in mind that this novel was published in 1891 right in midst of the ultimate prudish mores of Queen Victoria’s reign. And yet despite the absence of graphic detail featured in contemporary literature, I consider Hardy’s prose in this scene as one of the most erotic writing I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. I was so impressed that I decided to replicate the scene in my novel “Vivian Laaning”. As Wisconsin is the state most renowned for its dairy industry, I had my locale picked out. Since nowadays cows are almost exclusively milked by machines, I had to invent a plausible rationale why my heroine was milking a cow manually. And of course, reflective of the raison d'être of this website, I had my heroine milk the cow while naked. It was early in the morning you see.
Abortions are safe, legal and rare.

Promoting their legality is the above.

The right has distorted the perception of abortions to the point of absurdity. Trump even mentioned "post birth abortions" on the campaign trail.

The left hasn't changed anything but instead have been forced to advocate for access for all women, as the right has successfully moved to restrict that access....to the point where many states have little to no abortion access while doctors in many states are afraid of legal action for providing a abortions.
A million abortions per year is fucking rare?? :)
A million abortions per year is fucking rare?? :)
Guess that would depend upon your definition of rare. The adult female population of the US is estimated at about 130-135 million.

Taking the lower figure, that's an abortion rate of (roughly) 0.769% of the population having an abortion per year.
Guess that would depend upon your definition of rare. The adult female population of the US is estimated at about 130-135 million.

Taking the lower figure, that's an abortion rate of (roughly) 0.769% of the population having an abortion per year.
40000 gun deaths per year is almost nonexistent but it manages to keep the left enraged. :)
40000 gun deaths per year is almost nonexistent but it manages to keep the left enraged. :)
40,000 deaths a year for what? Almost as many Americans are killed by cars every year, but at least cars provide some benefit. Private gun ownership provides nothing of value to society.
40,000 deaths a year for what? Almost as many Americans are killed by cars every year, but at least cars provide some benefit. Private gun ownership provides nothing of value to society.
False. Self defense alone with guns is hundreds of thousands to millions of cases per year. Never mind other things, like sports shooting, hunting, effective deterrent to invasions, etc.
Misplaced outrage. :)
To further your point, total gun deaths (high figure of 45k) relative to the US population would be a figure of 0.0135%.

That's total gun deaths. Mass shootings are only about 1% of that figure, which would be 0.000135% relative to the US population. Again, using the high end figures for gun deaths.

So if a million abortions a year is defined as rare, you are absolutely correct that figures several orders of magnitude smaller than 'rare' is hardly something to get worked up about.

Leftist hypocrisy at its finest.
It is? Based on what data?
This is the third time I've posted this now:
For example, here are sources for just one positive use of guns, self defense:

1. William English Study (2021):
- Title: "Defensive Gun Use in the United States"
- Published by: Georgetown University
- Key statistic: Estimated 1.67 million defensive gun uses annually
- Additional details:
- 81.9% of defensive gun uses did not involve firing the weapon
- 50.9% involved handguns, 56.8% occurred in or near the home

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Report (2013):
- Title: "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence"
- Key statistic: Estimated 500,000 to 3 million defensive gun uses annually
- Note: This wide range reflects the uncertainty and variability in different studies reviewed

3. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) (ongoing):
- Conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Key statistic: For the period 2007-2011, estimated about 235,700 defensive gun uses per year
- Note: This survey consistently produces lower estimates than other sources

4. Violence Policy Center annual reports:
- Title: "Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use"
- Key statistic (from 2019 report): In 2016, there were 274 justifiable homicides involving a private citizen using a firearm
- Additional context: This report focuses on cases that resulted in fatalities, which represent a small subset of all defensive gun uses

5. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (2015):
- Title: "Defensive Gun Uses: New Evidence from a National Survey"
- Authors: Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz
- Key statistic: Estimated 2.2-2.5 million defensive gun uses per year
- Note: This is an update to their original 1995 study, which has been criticized for potential overestimation

6. National Firearms Survey (2021):
- Conducted by William English at Georgetown University
- Key statistic: An estimated 25.3 million adults have used a gun defensively in their lifetime
- Additional detail: This equates to about 1.67 million defensive uses per year

According to studies, there is anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of examples of people using guns defensively annually. And this is just one metric of personal self defense, never mind other positive aspects of gun ownership and usage.
False. Self defense alone with guns is hundreds of thousands to millions of cases per year. Never mind other things, like sports shooting, hunting, effective deterrent to invasions, etc.
Every place I've lived I've had to own a car to get to work or the grocery store. When my car is in the shop, it's a big inconvenience.

But I've never owned a gun and never missed having one.

Most Americans are like me. A car is an expensive necessity. A gun is an unnecessary frippery.
Every place I've lived I've had to own a car to get to work or the grocery store. When my car is in the shop, it's a big inconvenience.

But I've never owned a gun and never missed having one.

Most Americans are like me. A car is an expensive necessity. A gun is an unnecessary frippery.
The facts trump your personal experience.
Your gun hobby is not worth 45,000 lives a year.
Your distaste for guns is not worth disarming and preventing hundreds of thousands to millions of self defense cases a year, never mind all the other uses and benefits of guns.

And note, that 45k figure for deaths by use of guns is mostly suicides (and suicide is a mental health problem, not a methodology problem).

Only about 1% of that amount is actually mass shootings events.

Saint_Ann's point stands. If a million cases for half the population of the United States qualifies as 'rare', than 450 cases for the entire population of the United States would certainly qualify as 'almost non existent'.
Once again, you can see a major part of the breakdown in our society, the growing gulf between rural and urban communities. In no rural community would there even be a question of this gun control nonsense. Only living in the relatively sheltered bubble of the urban communities, particularly the bicoastal ones, would it even occur to trust the cops to protect you when they're minutes away instead of the seconds that you need. But go on, tell me how much safer you are because a law-abiding citizen in another state suddenly can't get an AR-15. I doubt that you'll convince him, in any case. When the collapse comes, you won't be as convinced as you were before, either. At this point, it's not even to fight a foreign invader or tyrannical government as much as it is to fight the new cultists, warlords, and brigands likely to kick in the front door in a few years from now.
So typical of you. I asked someone for links and you cry “GASLIGHT” “SEA LION” 🙄


BabyBoobs is “So typical” of a LYING, GASLIGHTING RWCJ / MAGAT SEA LION that asks for links to support valid assertions that are already well established as being factual (whether DonOld and the RWCJ / MAGATS admit to them or not).


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

Your distaste for guns is not worth disarming and preventing hundreds of thousands to millions of self defense cases a year, never mind all the other uses and benefits of guns.

And note, that 45k figure for deaths by use of guns is mostly suicides (and suicide is a mental health problem, not a methodology problem).

Only about 1% of that amount is actually mass shootings events.

Saint_Ann's point stands. If a million cases for half the population of the United States qualifies as 'rare', than 450 cases for the entire population of the United States would certainly qualify as 'almost non existent'.
Yeah, well, don't wreck their narrative with...facts! ;) It might hurt their feelings or something. Excuse me if I don't trust the government with a monopoly on certain weapons or on lethal force. Also, 3D printed guns will make it moot soon enough, if the social order lasts that long. No amount of gun control will matter at that point. It will be an exercise in futility. Also, the people who would surrender their guns in a buyback program aren't the ones who actually need to be disarmed. It's....other folks, many of whom are owning them illegally as convicted felons.