Well, Todd, if what you say is true, and I have no reason to believe it's not (other than I am a reasonably intelligent human being), then I think that if you are ahead at the end of 8 weeks, when "Survivor" ends, then you should get to pick the next "immunity" challenge. And no fair "who has the biggest dick."

Which reminds me, there is no "illustrated story" categoy. Just imagine what you could do what that, Todd, what with all your admirers, Sparky and the girls.
Don't waste it all here, Sveet Dvora - remember you should be in training for the World Championship DEBORATOR II / LISA SUCKDOG death-match as publicized on the general board.
Let me think

Rummaging around looking for my Hebrew or Yiddish Font.

I just started writing within the month and have 2 stories posted in two categories. Now if I can just remember the Hebrew word for DICK, the Yiddish word for it is PUTZ.

This is going to be fun to read so many talented authors writing outside of their nitch.

'To be a writer one must just write'
- Orson Scott Card (my writing hero)
Okay, I'm in

Funny- when I first started posting, I decided to take it on as kind of an assignment to post in as many different categories as I could. I wanted to stay flexible and gather more readers by casting my nets wide. So, yeah, I'm in.

I don't expect to win, or cover ALL the categories, or even keep up. I won't get any "immunities" (I don't keep up with "Survivor"), but I'll play along anyway. I think everything I've posted is eligible, and I've got one "E." Good luck, everybody.
I'd like to play - just that ... I don't have a clue of survivors. Does that mean I can not play?

All I understood is taht between now and end of this year I have to submit a story for each category .. did I get that right?

Don't try and tell me about the immunity or such, since I am not in the states I am not having any chance to see survivors, so well, I guess I'll just have to do without it *S*
I'm game

I have absolutely no idea who is even on Survivor, much less who will be kicked off next and some of these categories are going to be very tough to write, but I will go for it. I do have a question though. Is it within the rules to write an ongoing story that floats from one category to another in different posts? Each chapter would be a complete "story" but would have a thread going from chapter to chapter. Also, some stories could fall into several categories so should we list what category we would like the story to go into? I am not in this contest to win it, but I am interested in testing myself. There are so many very talented and prolific writers on here. There are people here that have written the same number of stories I have posted here (5) in a week. It only took me a couple of years. LOL
Okay…not to sound like little miss know it all pants…but I’m just summing up some previous posts…

Here’s the list so far of people who have stated they wish to participate in Literotica Survivor:

Eager Co-Ed
Killer Muffin
Madame Pandora
Risia Skye
Todd (at least for the moment)

On Being Scorekeeper: Laurel, the last thing I wanted about this contest was to make more work for you…but if there has to be a scorekeeper I’d rather chew off my own arm than have that job. I didn’t think it would be a spectator sport ;-) LOL. Tell me what you need, though, and I’ll compile the data.

On Deadlines: Unless anyone else wants to do it (or beats me to it), I’ll post the list of remaining Survivors each Monday. If you wish to participate in that week’s immunity challenge, you must post on that thread before 7pm EST the day Survivor airs (be it the following Wednesday or Thursday). Should I begin a separate thread each week, or should we just continue one?

On pseudonyms : I agree they should be counted. But, I the author is going to have to own up to it in order for them to be counted as on entrant.

On reusing stories for Foreign or Audio : I think we’re all okay with this. It’ll get more funneled into these areas.

On ties: I really like the idea of a vote in the case of a tie.


[Edited by Madame Pandora on 03-15-2001 at 05:41 PM]
Count me in.

I don't watch the Survival show, either, but I'd like to participate in writing to different story catagories.
Please read this, kids, and let me know if it doesn't make sense.

Madame Pandora said:
On Being Scorekeeper: Laurel, the last thing I wanted about this contest was to make more work for you…but if there has to be a scorekeeper I’d rather chew off my own arm than have that job. I didn’t think it would be a spectator sport ;-) LOL. Tell me what you need, though, and I’ll compile the data.

I'll need:

1) A finalized list of all participants.

2) A finalized list of all eligible categories.

3) A finalized list of all possible point values.

4) From all participants: the names and categories of all submissions already posted this year that satisfy a requirement. If a submission has an "E", that should be indicated so I can count it. That way, I can map out who's done what thus far.

I will then construct a table with the author names on one axis and the eligible categories on the other axis. There will be also be a row on the categories axis in which to tally the Immunity Challenge points.

I will construct a second table with the author names on one axis and the Immunity Challenge weeks on the other. The totals will be transferred to the corresponding row in the Immunity Challenge area.

I think that in order for a pseudonym to be eligible, it should be claimed at the beginning of the contest if possible. Just my two cent's worth.

I also think we should start a thread here in which authors can post every time they publish a story that fills a requirement. That way, I can simply go to that thread and tally the information from there. With the amount of mail we get every day, things tend to get lost in my email box.

I will try to update the tallies every day or as often as is necessary.
Cool! This is just like sports stats.

One concern, Laurel. Your point 1) a finalized list of participants.

This is just my opinion but I don't think we should prohibit any "new" player from joining the fray for quite some time. What I'm getting at here is that you could have a profilic new author show up 3 months from now with a ton of stories. I don't think that author should be excluded. Of course that author wouldn't have the advantage of previous "immunity" challenges, but I don't think any one person is going to get many points from that anyway.

I would suggest the final cutoff date be something like Sep. 31, 2001. If they are not a "known" player by then tough luck.

Just my thoughts on the matter. Also kind of reduces the possibility of complaints from an author who has been "away" from Literotica for awhile for one reason or another and didn't hear about the contest.
I'm game

Well, I'm joining a little late and I've not submitted anything before. Still, I'm game and it could be fun. Plus after reading so many stories, I suppose it is my turn to write a few ehh?
Deborah said:
One concern, Laurel. Your point 1) a finalized list of participants.

This is just my opinion but I don't think we should prohibit any "new" player from joining the fray for quite some time. What I'm getting at here is that you could have a profilic new author show up 3 months from now with a ton of stories. I don't think that author should be excluded. Of course that author wouldn't have the advantage of previous "immunity" challenges, but I don't think any one person is going to get many points from that anyway.

I would suggest the final cutoff date be something like Sep. 31, 2001. If they are not a "known" player by then tough luck.

Just my thoughts on the matter. Also kind of reduces the possibility of complaints from an author who has been "away" from Literotica for awhile for one reason or another and didn't hear about the contest.

Point taken. Revise that to read "a starting list of contestants". MP or you or someone should get a list to me in a week or whenever the rules are finalized. I'll post the contestants as of that date. Anyone who wants to get involved after then will need to let you or MP know, and then submit to me a list of their eligible stories, etc. so I can get em on the scoreboard.
Are you going to make a page or a bb something to track this or will it all be internal? I think a scoreboard would be cool so I can laugh as the Deberator tries to keep up.
Yeah, it'll be a static HTML page. I'll post a link to it here once it's up so we can all bookmark it. ;)
Don't point at me Muff. MP volunteered to "compile the data." She's real good at scoring so I hear. Which shouldn't be a big deal if everyone who is playing gives her an updated tally once a week or whatever, or whenever they have a change. It should be the individual author's own responsibility to report their own "status." And believe you me I'll be watching MP's "doings" closely for any signs of fraud, extortion, blackmail, plagarism and witchcraft.
Deborah said:
I would suggest the final cutoff date be something like Sep. 31, 2001
Thirty one days hath September???
That isn't the poem from childhood I remember!

When I was growing up it was always thirty
Maybe it's different at a website that is dirty?

This is a new millennium so maybe the rules have changed
Did they move Leap Year to September in order to rearrange?

Or could it be some version of Sadie Hawkins Day?
The gals get to pick an immunity date and kick the others away!

Does the one extra day give you some advantage?
Or will it be harder for the proctor to handle or to manage?

Good luck to all the contestants involved
Write up a storm till this problem is resolved!

I look forward to reading your enthralling words
But this Survivor show is for the birds!
Okay, that one counts as "Non-erotic" AND "Poetry." That's two points right there, right?
My life is falling down around me, I haven't been able to write in months, and I spend most of the time curled into the fetal position on my bed-- but what the hell? I'm in. Maybe all I need is some motivation.
Hey Cocky-Poo!

Whaddya mean Non-Erotic????

P.S. Tell me that poem didn't make you just a little bit hot!

P.P.S. Oh and BTW, I am not an author and don't even play one on the BB, but thanks for giving me the 2 points! LMAO :D
not to be outdone

Brainy Beauty:

You asked if your words made me hot
I'm sorry to say, they did not
My sense of "erotic"
is a bit more exotic
than putting a dong in a slot

Though your words described no penetration
I did value your wise presentation
One could do so much worse
than to formulate verse
which induced such a sense of elation

So continute to write on the boards
and encourage or heckle the hoards
like me in my boasting
or, join us in posting
and sample this website's rewards!

My poetic dear Cockatoo.
What on earth is wrong witchoo?
I am trying to flirt
Yet you just dish dirt
And make me feel bad to boot!

I was kidding around with my post
Teasing Deb and Pandora -the thread host
With you I was flirting
But now I am hurting
Your words wound me the most

That you weren't turned on by my verse
Is not really a hardship or worse
On the BB I'll continue to post
And to the authors I'll offer a toast
To you I'll dream up an erotic way in which to converse
Okay... now in haiku

Sweet Brainy Beauty
I'm filled with melancholy
over your feelings

I meant not to strike
down generous affections
nor to hurt you, dear

so let's keep flirting
I'm genuinely impressed
you're a real hottie

you can arouse me
anytime you like, honey
just keep at it, ok?

In the categories of "foreign" and "audio" stories, submissions may include translations of stories posted prior to 01/01/01 and/or stories posted in other categories for the contest.

In the event of a tie for first place, a vote of participating authors will be organized at a later date.

For “immunity” challenges, time limits will be posted with the weekly challenge.

The participants list will be updated as new authors join.

Current List of Contestants as of 03/20/01:
Eager Co-Ed
Killer Muffin
Madame Pandora
Risia Skye
raising her hand hesitantly

Madame Pandora said:

...The participants list will be updated as new authors join.

Current List of Contestants as of 03/20/01:
Eager Co-Ed
Killer Muffin
Madame Pandora
Risia Skye

Can I join too?
Haiku for Fascinating Cockatoo

Impressed with me, sir?
You are one to be admired
Fun flirting with you

You are appealing
Your talent shines a bright light
I like what I see

I must go and read
Your literary efforts
I bet they are hot

Never tried Haiku
I feel sure this is awful
Till we meet again... ;)