Loving Wives Bomb Magnet

FWIW I roll my eyes at the mom son lap thing as much, if not more, than you do. Like, come on, make an effort.

But yeah, every category has sub groups, example taboo readers don't like all taboo, some maybe just siblings, or mom/son etc...but they generally don't abuse stories they have no interest in reading.

I think at the core, the main thing that drives the warring factions in LW is the bizarre morality stance many have. People in I/T and NC know those acts are best left to fantasy and only read it as such, but the Anti-cheat crowd over in LW can't seem to realize that on an erotic platform the cheating, for many, is the actual fetish. I abhor cheats in real life, but have no issue reading it as an erotic story.
I think that’s part of it, definitely. There are folks that just get so grossed out about it (either due to personal history or whatever) that they can’t separate the fantasy from the reality, to the point where it mystifies them that it could be a fantasy for any healthy person.

The thing is, though, that shows up everywhere. I know folks that don’t like action movies with gunplay because they find them boring, but I know a couple because they find them traumatic. Same thing with various types of horror movies and other genres as well.

I do think some of it is the new face of misogyny, the one that accompanied the rise of “incel” as a term. Those guys, the ones most ready to yell “cuck” at a story with consensual nonmonogamy, see themselves as fighting a cultural war in the comments section, whether that’s here, on Medium, YouTube, or whatever your poison. Those are the only ones I really worry about, not because of ratings or whatever, but because of what they represent.
As opposed to the incest crowd? Come on. “Yet another mom/son lap story? Perfection! 5 stars!” Readers will like what they like; it’s just that LW is the only place on the site where what one group likes , another detests.
Some time ago, I saw a mom/son lap story of some 4k words or so. The story had been up for four days only at the time, and even though that was the first and the only story of that author at the time (it was a new account), and even though dozens and dozens of stories had already covered that trope, the author had already accumulated three hundred followers. Three hundred followers for 4k words of the most common trope on Lit. I wish I had thought of actually reading the story to see how good it was. It's unbelievable that so many people want the same thing told to them over and over and over again. Mind-blowing stuff.
Some time ago, I saw a mom/son lap story of some 4k words or so. The story had been up for four days only at the time, and even though that was the first and the only story of that author at the time (it was a new account), and even though dozens and dozens of stories had already covered that trope, the author had already accumulated three hundred followers. Three hundred followers for 4k words of the most common trope on Lit. I wish I had thought of actually reading the story to see how good it was. It's unbelievable that so many people want the same thing told to them over and over and over again. Mind-blowing stuff.
Same could be said for babysitter, cheerleader, Milf and any other erotica trope. They're popular for a reason and a lot people, especially those with a specific taste for said tropes will read the same premise over and over and be fine with it.

I had some yutz reach out to me-anon of course-and tell me I'm jealous of the mom lap thing, and dared me to write one.

Yeah, nice try to get another fix out of a different author.

Knowing I'm going to sound like a porn snob, I wouldn't lower myself to write one.
FWIW I roll my eyes at the mom son lap thing as much, if not more, than you do. Like, come on, make an effort.

But yeah, every category has sub groups, example taboo readers don't like all taboo, some maybe just siblings, or mom/son etc...but they generally don't abuse stories they have no interest in reading.

I think at the core, the main thing that drives the warring factions in LW is the bizarre morality stance many have. People in I/T and NC know those acts are best left to fantasy and only read it as such, but the Anti-cheat crowd over in LW can't seem to realize that on an erotic platform the cheating, for many, is the actual fetish. I abhor cheats in real life, but have no issue reading it as an erotic story.
If you read the LW stories and comments as often as I have and tested their resolve with various variations, you'd find the 1-bombing crowd in LW who vehemently HATE wife-sharing are mostly those who have probably found their spouse cheating and lived through that trauma. They are looking at LW BTB stories for consolation that cheaters pay for their acts, and they react poorly when the extra-marital sex does not result in punishment.
I think that’s part of it, definitely. There are folks that just get so grossed out about it (either due to personal history or whatever) that they can’t separate the fantasy from the reality, to the point where it mystifies them that it could be a fantasy for any healthy person.

The thing is, though, that shows up everywhere. I know folks that don’t like action movies with gunplay because they find them boring, but I know a couple because they find them traumatic. Same thing with various types of horror movies and other genres as well.

I do think some of it is the new face of misogyny, the one that accompanied the rise of “incel” as a term. Those guys, the ones most ready to yell “cuck” at a story with consensual nonmonogamy, see themselves as fighting a cultural war in the comments section, whether that’s here, on Medium, YouTube, or whatever your poison. Those are the only ones I really worry about, not because of ratings or whatever, but because of what they represent.
Agreed, I know there's movies I can no longer watch due to real life trauma, but that begs the question, why do they click on the story, or continue to read it when it goes where they don't like?

You're spot on with the incel movement. Its far worse here than other places because lit allows anon comments and is pretty much lawless. YT you can report comments and action will be taken, plus you need to set up an account so your real identity does have a tie to your spew. I've mentioned before in the paid market all manner of cuck stories do well, and same for porn vids.

I think lit's set up to be perfect haven for them, and the site doesn't seem bothered by the crowd they're appealing to.
If you read the LW stories and comments as often as I have and tested their resolve with various variations, you'd find the 1-bombing crowd in LW who vehemently HATE wife-sharing are mostly those who have probably found their spouse cheating and lived through that trauma. They are looking at LW BTB stories for consolation that cheaters pay for their acts, and they react poorly when the extra-marital sex does not result in punishment.
My first wife cheated on me. I said see ya.

So...why is it I can read those stories without flipping out?

My first wife was a piece of work, but I have no need to hate on the entire gender or try to define what a good or bad woman is. More than that, men have been cheats since day one, and women seem to be catching up over the years, but I don't see that same anger levied towards men screwing around in stories.

Its just pure misogyny under the guise of acting like they're only attacking a "wrong" that everyone should attack.

They emasculated themselves years ago, and continue to do so every time they whine about a story.

Hell, my divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. Without it I would have never met the true love of my life who I've been married to now for over 20 years. The breed in LW are the ones who can't move on because they'd rather wallow in victimhood.
My first wife cheated on me. I said see ya.

So...why is it I can read those stories without flipping out?

My first wife was a piece of work, but I have no need to hate on the entire gender or try to define what a good or bad woman is. More than that, men have been cheats since day one, and women seem to be catching up over the years, but I don't see that same anger levied towards men screwing around in stories.

Its just pure misogyny under the guise of acting like they're only attacking a "wrong" that everyone should attack.

They emasculated themselves years ago, and continue to do so every time they whine about a story.

Hell, my divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. Without it I would have never met the true love of my life who I've been married to now for over 20 years. The breed in LW are the ones who can't move on because they'd rather wallow in victimhood.
But you haven't gotten over your own. Your "piece of work" ex was only half the problem in your relationship, and you express yourself in everything you've done since.

The same goes for those others who found a cheating spouse: they accuse their other half of being "a piece of work" and look in their own ways for some absolution. You've found it by accusing all other men of misogyny.
But you haven't gotten over your own. Your "piece of work" ex was only half the problem in your relationship, and you express yourself in everything you've done since.

The same goes for those others who found a cheating spouse: they accuse their other half of being "a piece of work" and look in their own ways for some absolution. You've found it by accusing all other men of misogyny.
Not all men, just the ones that spew it 24/7. I've hated that breed since I was a child watching my father and uncles mistreat my mother and aunts. Trust me, cheating was not the worst thing my ex did, that involved my kids and not something to be discussed on a smut forum.

You're playing Dr. Phil with the wrong person and to justify your defense of the quagmire you like to write in. Because end of the day, I walked away from a situation they still cry about years later and blame every woman for the fact they're a loser. NTH called out the incel movement there, but the issue with that term is its "involuntarily celebate" meaning they blame every woman in the world for why they're alone, that women owe them sex and love and loyalty when they haven't done fuck all to earn anything but scorn from the actual men in this world.
Agreed, I know there's movies I can no longer watch due to real life trauma, but that begs the question, why do they click on the story, or continue to read it when it goes where they don't like?
Because it’s right there. They’re there for the relationship drama stuff, but it’s in with swinging, sharing, cucking, etc. stories. Sometimes it’s clearly labeled, and most folks will skip on by that, even if they don’t like it. A few don’t. But because LW evolved the way it did, a guy looking for something like the stuff I’d usually write, or Ohio, Cagivagurl, etc., they’re seeing “Thing You Hate” right next to it, and done want it gone.

We all talk about trump categories, but imagine if the site got rid of Gay Male, Incest, or NC/R categories and dropped them in EC instead. You’d see the same kind of comments there, albeit from different quarters. You have, in LW, essentially a trump category in with a bunch of people that hate the content of that category. That’s also, incidentally, why cheating and cuckolding stories score worse and get those comments elsewhere on the site, too: cheating is the trump category we don’t call a trump category.

If you compare the number of views/votes/comments between drama, “normal” ENM, and cheating/cuckolding (pairing up the ones where men hold no power and/or never find out) subtypes in LW, the first one gets a lot of comments, the last fewer, and the third the fewest. However, between the last two, the negative comments stay the same and at about the same volume, because the ones that hate cuckolding on a visceral level see it everywhere there’s non-monogamy involving a third man.

You're spot on with the incel movement. Its far worse here than other places because lit allows anon comments and is pretty much lawless. YT you can report comments and action will be taken, plus you need to set up an account so your real identity does have a tie to your spew. I've mentioned before in the paid market all manner of cuck stories do well, and same for porn vids.
I see a lot of the same kinds of categories in TTS videos of Reddit stories onnYouTube, just without the weird ones where they rewrite the endings. Those still exist there, too, although they use terms that let the commenters evade the filters, like “unalive” and the like. I don’t see a huge percentage-wise difference.
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Not all men, just the ones that spew it 24/7. I've hated that breed since I was a child watching my father and uncles mistreat my mother and aunts. Trust me, cheating was not the worst thing my ex did, that involved my kids and not something to be discussed on a smut forum.

You're playing Dr. Phil with the wrong person and to justify your defense of the quagmire you like to write in. Because end of the day, I walked away from a situation they still cry about years later and blame every woman for the fact they're a loser. NTH called out the incel movement there, but the issue with that term is its "involuntarily celebate" meaning they blame every woman in the world for why they're alone, that women owe them sex and love and loyalty when they haven't done fuck all to earn anything but scorn from the actual men in this world.
So, you were traumatized by your father and uncles, too. Add in a "piece of work" ex-wife, and we have LC68, the militant, anti-misogynist, seeing misogyny everywhere.

In my experience, people tend to have reasons for their behaviors, whether you know, agree, or like and approve of those reasons. I refer to them in my stories as they are "damaged". But they have their reasons, and their reasons are just as valid and impactful in their lives as yours were in your life.
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As opposed to the incest crowd? Come on. “Yet another mom/son lap story? Perfection! 5 stars!” Readers will like what they like; it’s just that LW is the only place on the site where what one group likes , another detests.
I got 16K views on my only Incest/Taboo story, but it involves a stepson. Yet, I'm not complaining!
I got 16K views on my only Incest/Taboo story, but it involves a stepson. Yet, I'm not complaining!
Incest is regarded as low level mouth breathing stories because people are pissed off its far and away the largest 'stat gainer' on the site.

In reality, the readership there isn't much different than anywhere else. Some like the mindless strokers (The lap thing perfect example) some like slow burns with an actual story to it (I tend to lean towards writing those) and anything in between.

The category does present a challenge-if people want to take it-in the sense of the topic itself is so outlandish that to come up with something plausible enough to get the reader to say "You know, this could happen" isn't a easy as people think it is.

LW also gets a lot of numbers and attention, but not always the right kind of numbers and attention. Most categories the majority of readers are positive, LW is the outlier of that. They have some good readers, but you have to traverse a minefield to find them.
And just think, comments are screened now, and that went right on through.

Says volumes about the place.
Some theories about this particular story and the reaction it got.

1. Is this common in LW? It's narrated by the woman in question. Would that make them react more strongly?

2. She added a lock to his ammo box, thus foiling his murder attempt. That may have sent them into a frustrated frenzy. One guy even said that prison was better for the husband as opposed to accepting the situation.
Some theories about this particular story and the reaction it got.

1. Is this common in LW? It's narrated by the woman in question. Would that make them react more strongly?

2. She added a lock to his ammo box, thus foiling his murder attempt. That may have sent them into a frustrated frenzy. One guy even said that prison was better for the husband as opposed to accepting the situation.
I don't speak rabid woman hater so I'm not sure. But I've seen similar over the top nasty things, and some of the private-always anon-feedback I've gotten makes that look tame, and I don't write there often so I can't imagine what some regulars get there.

My point about screening comments-and I say this because people have said they only screen for spam links not actual content-is if you make a political comment "Trump this, Biden that" it will never see the light of day, same for anything religious, so they are screening, and are just fine with people calling for rape murder and violence in comments. Not a great look for when the the LE that tracks the incel movement discovers they're a growing part of site traffic.
FWIW I roll my eyes at the mom son lap thing as much, if not more, than you do. Like, come on, make an effort.
I did make an effort! The stepmom drives a moving van, and the scene takes place in the Nevada desert. (She detoured to U.S. 50 for some solitude.) Has anyone done that version before?

U.S. 50
The best advice anybody can give writers about Literotica:
'Loving Wives' is a flaming turd storm. Avoid it at all costs.
Yeah... but I think I'd rather my stories are read and flamed then not read at all.

I have three stories on Loving Wives... and two now have ratings above 4.0, so it CAN happen. ..It takes some time, though. ..It seems all the a-hole flamers who rate w/ out reading come early on after posting.
Yeah... but I think I'd rather my stories are read and flamed then not read at all.

I have three stories on Loving Wives... and two now have ratings above 4.0, so it CAN happen. ..It takes some time, though. ..It seems all the a-hole flamers who rate w/ out reading come early on after posting.
I have four. One somehow is over 4.5 but its from 2012 and I think the original score was 4.20 and it slowly climbed over the years. Its a burn the bastard story. I think if I posted it today it would be crucified.

I have another around 4.2

Then I have one I wrote as a satire, but they don't understand humor so I think its a 2.85

My most recent is around 3.00. It featured three characters that were all unlikable and I think the readers just had no idea how they should feel. Had a few "well written, but..." the rest just flame.
I did make an effort! The stepmom drives a moving van, and the scene takes place in the Nevada desert. (She detoured to U.S. 50 for some solitude.) Has anyone done that version before?

U.S. 50
Is this the step son story?

From what I gather the main hook with these things is the son having sex with the mother with the father driving and he somehow doesn't know.

I've idly wondered if its just a "mom thing" or would a sister on a brother's lap or daughter on dad's lap also have the same appeal?
Is this the step son story?

From what I gather the main hook with these things is the son having sex with the mother with the father driving and he somehow doesn't know.

I've idly wondered if its just a "mom thing" or would a sister on a brother's lap or daughter on dad's lap also have the same appeal?
Yes, I wasn't even sure if it should go into I/T because some people might not consider it "true" incest. But the readers seemed to accept it anyway. The father doesn't go on the trip at all (he is the biological dad). The gimmick I thought of is that the woman should be driving a truck for a living, but a tractor-trailer seemed to be a bit too much. It seemed best if she was the narrator. Then I read about the "loneliest road in America" and I thought that would work as the setting (the trip is Reno to Provo, UT.)


Nah. It’s a great place if you’re tough enough to weather the criticism and/or write things that the majority there enjoy. Tons of followers, comments, favorites, etc.; balanced against lower ratings, I’ll happily take those.
Posting in LW and getting ten votes of 1 faster than anybody could actually read your story is quite jarring the first time. Receiving five comments in a row similar to "You suck! Go hang yourself!" isn't much fun either. I toughened up over the years, but my first LW experience nearly made me give up on writing. I do my best to avoid the LW stress and hassle.

I guess if you have very thick skin and can ignore the story score and comments for the first month, it might be okay. Readership is huge, even if most of the trolls hang out there.
It is quite fun to watch your story slowly rise from 1.69 (at 50 votes) to the dizzy heights of 3.11 (at nearly 300)
One I posted in Loving Wives had a 1.3 after 30 votes and slowly climbed to 2.1 over a week. Two years later, it's finally up to 4.4 .
I guess I'm a bit of a 'score whore'. I love the gratification of seeing a good score shortly after I post things.
As opposed to the incest crowd? Come on. “Yet another mom/son lap story? Perfection! 5 stars!” Readers will like what they like; it’s just that LW is the only place on the site where what one group likes , another detests.
I agree many readers have certain fantasies or fetishes they repeatedly reward authors for, no matter how many others have written the same.

In my case: A girl who is old enough for sex but not old enough for cigarettes gets caught smoking and is sexually punished. "If you can smoke like a dirty slut, you can fuck me like a dirty slut!"
The other scenario that really pushes my buttons is a cigarette whore. "Buy me a pack and I'll blow you."

Probably 19 out of 20 people won't enjoy those, but unless it's terribly written, those scenes get an automatic 5/5 from me.