The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!


I guessed it must be a very busy time for her. Going by this thread alone, there's been a lot of stories submitted for the contest, let alone the usual submissions. I submitted two in one day, one Halloween story, and another one. Perhaps I should've held off submitting my lesbian story, until after the Halloween contest has stopped receiving submissions.

Lou, very appreciative of Laurel's hard work.
It looks as if this Halloween contest is going to break the record for number of entries.

I don't know how Laurel keeps up with all the daily submissions even without the contests. She should have a quieter time during NaNoWriMo.

I appreciate what she does but still get worried that some of the submissions may be posted too late for the context.

Just in case

Usually three to five days. Sometimes up to a week if submissions are heavy. Sometimes y and w.

I've been away for a couple of days, and there hasn't been anyone around for The Answer. Thought I'd better get it out there in case it's needed.
Helpful and right on time as usual, little sugar plum - that's what that is right? A picture of the sugar plum fairy?

I was trying to figure out how much lead time I would need for our submission (me and rhino).

Thank you.

-FF (always on the lookout for helpful advice)
ps. like the spider tatoo
Ground rules:

Underachievers seeking the title of last among the least in the Halloween contest may be faced with a ticklish issue. To be eligible for the little noted first place trophy, a story must have 50 votes. With October 22 fast approaching, the Rumpled one has only 38 votes (4.33). To me this is just another ringing dis-affirmation of my ability as a writer. However, being the fair-minded, even-handed, and generally wishy-washy person I am, I can see where others might insist that the 50 vote minimum be required for the much more coveted septic tank scepter.

Any and all sage wisdom, counsel, and advice should be shelved. All other comments are welcomed.

Rumple Foreskin
gauchecritic said:
On the other hand I have a record (for me) 9 pre-acceptance views.

I am up to 7 at the moment for my still pending Halloween story. Guess I still have a few views to go, lol.
My dear Rumple,

It is only the 15th. You will get enough votes, rest assured, but the problem you face is your story is so good. You will get 6the requisite votes, but you will be nearer the top of the heap than at the bottom with the rest of us downtrodden ;)

you will be nearer the top of the heap than at the bottom with the rest of us downtrodden

Oh, yeah, callow youth. With so few votes, it's amazing what a few well-placed, last-minute one's can do for a person's score. Just ask Gauche. Last year he managed a spectacular end-of-contest dive from obscure competence to universal renown as last among the least.

My so-so score has me perfectly positioned to emulate that ignoble feat.

Rumple Foreskin
Rumple Foreskin said:

Oh, yeah, callow youth. With so few votes, it's amazing what a few well-placed, last-minute one's can do for a person's score. Just ask Gauche. Last year he managed a spectacular end-of-contest dive from obscure competence to universal renown as last among the least.

My so-so score has me perfectly positioned to emulate that ignoble feat.

Rumple Foreskin

Never happen. I have not read Gauchie's tour de force as of yet, but I am sure your effort is nowhere near noisome enough to reach the bottom. At least not as long as mine is still in the running ;)

A loser without even being allowed to enter...

Well. I have you all beat. My specially written and considered Halloween contest entry was rejected. The only cause was that it would "[sic]... be unfair to ME as a submitter, to allow my poem a berth in the contest." Don't that beat all? Seems that the powers that be are concerned about my feelings after all.

To read my heretofore mentioned piece got to this thread: A Poll
Re: A loser without even being allowed to enter...

champagne1982 said:
Well. I have you all beat. My specially written and considered Halloween contest entry was rejected. The only cause was that it would "[sic]... be unfair to ME as a submitter, to allow my poem a berth in the contest." Don't that beat all? Seems that the powers that be are concerned about my feelings after all.

To read my heretofore mentioned piece got to this thread: A Poll

I gave your piece a read when you posted the question. I thought it was very good, I doubt you would have been fighting for worst of least with us scribblers. It's too good :)

Just like Rumple's :devil:

Rumple Foreskin said:
Ground rules:

a story must have 50 votes. With October 22 fast approaching, the Rumpled one has only 38 votes (4.33). To me this is just another ringing dis-affirmation of my ability as a writer. However, being the fair-minded, even-handed, and generally wishy-washy person I am, I can see where others might insist that the 50 vote minimum be required for the much more coveted septic tank scepter.

Any and all sage wisdom, counsel, and advice should be shelved. All other comments are welcomed.

Rumple Foreskin

Begging for correction but: I thought the min. for holiday contests was 25 votes because of the shorter voting time?

gauchecritic said:
Begging for correction but: I thought the min. for holiday contests was 25 votes because of the shorter voting time?


OMG gauche...I just had a coffee spew when I saw your av...:D
Dear Gauche,

I am so sorry but I have to tell you Gollum now looks like a Mexican wrestler. Why, you ask? I suspect you have no idea. Nothing to do with looking Mexican - they wear form-fitting masks of varied colorful patterns and design. So instead of pumpkin-head your AV looks like it belongs on a mat in Guadalajara.

Perdóneme, Perdita
Well, just submitted mine -- A Cat of Nightblack Hue. This is the first time I've entered one of the official contests. Very exciting!

perdita said:
Dear Gauche,

I am so sorry but I have to tell you Gollum now looks like a Mexican wrestler. Why, you ask? I suspect you have no idea. Nothing to do with looking Mexican - they wear form-fitting masks of varied colorful patterns and design. So instead of pumpkin-head your AV looks like it belongs on a mat in Guadalajara.

Perdóneme, Perdita
Great minds creak along alike alot. I was about to tell Gauche it looked like he'd "borrowed" one of the more distinctive figures from your AV collection. Instead, I'll begin a frank and open discussion of the vote count issue with him at this time.

HEY, GAUCHE , in the Nude Day contest, Laurel mentioned the required vote was cut from 50 to 25. If there's been any mention of a reduced number for this contest, I've missed the notice. So I assume (and we know what happens then) the cut-off number is still 50.

Rumple F.
Rumple Foreskin said:
HEY, GAUCHE , in the Nude Day contest, Laurel mentioned the required vote was cut from 50 to 25. If there's been any mention of a reduced number for this contest, I've missed the notice. So I assume (and we know what happens then) the cut-off number is still 50.

Rumple F.

In which case a lot of us are going to tie for last place. I now have three stories in the competition with a total of 22 votes between them.

Ah, I've got you all beat so far. I've got one in the contest, with the grand total of two votes. :D
Re: Re: The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

wildsweetone said:
*makes a mental note to not throw the black cat*

sorry, I couldn't resist- there is a cat thrown in my story Monster Mash.

since it ran away with itself ( the story , not the cat) and ended up 7500 words, lots else happens too. I keep wondering if its my best or worst yet. Its actually likely mediocre like the rest.
Minimum number of votes

Just been checking all 36 posted items.

Only three have more than 50 votes. Two of them were competition entries for Earth Day and National Nude Day.

One of my entries for the Halloween Contest has only one vote but it was a 5. Thank you whoever that was. It wasn't me.

Unless there is a flurry of voting in the next few weeks one of my stories should come equal last by default.

Wow, where to begin. Finished three so far tonight, insomnia, it's a great thing:rolleyes:

Og, Loved your story, I fear the length will loose you votes and thats a shame because it's a great story.

Sir hugs, What a fun story :) Defintely not in the running for worst of the least.

Lou, The winner. I wish I had that kinda imagination and talent :)

I really do have terrible insomnia and it has been aggravated by a new round of medication. I haven't slept in sixty-some-odd hours. thank you all for helping me through another night, I appreciate each of you.
