The Loving Wives Trolls!

I had one memorable comment, years ago, which either the Admins took down or the commenter later deleted.

"EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!" (in all caps)

But you can't take things like that seriously. It's like saying "Fuck you!" (Well, I'm certainly not going to follow through and do it to you. And if I don't like you, I'd hope no one else would either.)

Their words are as powerful as ours. And when I write a story, there's no better feeling than to know I got an emotional reaction from my readers, good or bad. It's as if I wrote a horror scene so intense I made the audience vomit. And they loved it and will return for more!
i meant more sinister in tone - and also in ANGRY CAPITALS! ;)
26thNC is not just a non-published reader.

Within hours of me posting both of their comments here in an Author's Hangout forum thread, that ID responded.

26thNC is an author participating here in the forum under an alt ID with published stories! And I don't know which one here promotes vindictive violent BTB stories! So, it could even mean a third ID.

But that's some pervert's way of having fun.

Just be aware that those you read here in the forum may not be what you think they are!
Lifestyle, you are absolute proof that many writers here are exactly what we think they are.
HEY! I'm still working on getting to 26thNC's "level 4" of vile (I've apparently already achieved level 3).

Can it be an open challenge to strive for the nastiest rat?

"He tasks me. He TASKS me!"
You haven’t gotten close to level 4 yet Lifestyles, but I’m thrilled to know that you’re still trying.
Most readers or those who offer comments on LW are not trolls, despite what a few disgruntled authors seem to think. We are simple critical of the stories presented. We authors whose stories are well received on LW are not just pandering to a few misguided souls.
We like the stories we write. They simply do not understand their audience.
If you want a story to be well received on LW, first you create an angst. The wife, or husband has created a situation that just hits the spouse in such a way he /she cannot endure.
The spouse has two choices, suck it up and accept the total betrayal or answer back in some way. The accepted or most preferable way is to fight back. That does not mean drawing and quartering. It means not bending over and being a total wimp. The reader wants to see justice prevail. Sometimes even reconciliation is an acceptable result. BUT only if shown justified.
Those who bitch m the trolls are out to get me simply do not understand that dynamic. They refuse to put their story where it might be get a better reception like in fetish where a man who might get his teeth kicked in, is masochistic enough to enjoy it.
I agree completely.
One can--and I usually try to--write women with better motives than "lol random evil." I'm not a huge fan of the Martian Slut Ray as a trope, particularly when its paired with "women are unknowable beings." There needs to be A reason, though, and for some stories "this person is evil" is the best choice. Usually not, of course; unless the wife is a sociopath, it doesn't speak well to the MMC that he hadn't noticed until after he'd married her and had kids with her, for instance.

I much prefer a character who's flawed instead of evil, someone who's basically primed to fail in the right circumstances. I mean, I've written a few evil wives, but I find someone whose past informs their actions, no matter how awful, to be way more interesting. Unfortunately, that can make the character too sympathetic, especially if you're writing in third person instead of first; the antagonist understands their reasoning (sometimes), although often only after the fact. Even if what they've done is unforgivable, some readers will identify with them if you do your job too well. The flipside is that it does create more pathos/suspense.

Chloe in In Health betrayed her husband in an absolutely vile, arguably unforgivable way. However, she's also someone who was given a second chance at life and who knows that she and her husband are no longer (and probably never were) compatible in the long term. Her failings are those of understandable cowardice and a lust for life that eclipses her loyalty to the man who took care of her when she thought she was dying, combined with an insight that she turns towards selfishness while believing/pretending it's virtue. I was surprised at how many people came to her defense, if I'm honest, even though I understood her point of view.

Ellie in At the End of the Tour, told from her husband's point of view, is a selfish narcissist who cheated on him since before they were married; it's very much a BTB story, taking place over about two days as he's basically losing his mind and watching his entire adult life crumble.

The same Ellie from Funeral Dirge for a Fairytale, told from her point of view, realizes she's doing evil things but convinces herself that it's toward her husband's good, while still knowing in the back of her head that's all bullshit justification. She eventually recognizes all the things that happened to get her to that point: an abusive sociopath of a mother, a too-permissive father, a best friend/first boyfriend she didn't realize had turned into a monster as they got older, etc. She tells the story from twenty-odd years in the future, and it covers way more ground, because it has to; without the additional context, what she did really WAS unforgivable. Only someone like Tim, her husband, could manage to eventually make his way back to her, and only after circumstances forced them back together and after she put in tons of work.

I've been listening to The State of Affairs by Esther Perel recently. She's a therapist with decades of experience in her field, and she's absolutely loathed by a lot of folks, men and women both, for... well, for a lot of reasons. At the core, though, is her belief that most of the way we talk and think about infidelity is wrong and harmful. I tend to agree with her about a lot of things, particularly that people in happy marriages can cheat (usually because there's something missing in them, but sometimes because there's something missing in their otherwise marriage that can't be put back easily), and that if the spouse does cheat because the marriage is unhappy, very often the affair is the least harmful thing going on.

People really hate that last one in particular, though, and I think in LW, the "noble, utterly virtuous husband (who can turn on a dime and destroy his wife's life)" is common partially because of the uptick amongst therapists and others in the attitude that the "betrayed" spouse's behavior can be a reason for their husband or wife to stray. It feels like victim-blaming, because infidelity is the absolute worst thing (in America) that anyone can do; hell, just look at the Gallup polls on moral issues: there is literally no moral issue presented on the poll that more people agree is immoral than infidelity, at a staggering 85% as of May 2023, which is down from 89% in 2022!

People hate cheaters. I know you hone in on LW because mistreatment of imaginary women is your particular bugaboo, but look anywhere across the site, and you'll find people reacting poorly to infidelity: male cheating in a Romance story is the kiss of death score-wise (although female infidelity is usually looked on a little more kindly), cheating stories in Erotic Couplings score lower than non-cheating ones, Group Sex stories with married couples who cheat perform worse than unmarried people or random strangers, etc.

And let's also be clear: violence against cheating men is not uncommon in some of those Romance, etc. stories, especially as a way for the new love interest to show he's virtuous. There's toxic shit all over the place when it comes to one of the most common moral failings in the world, and certainly in every category here.
Your reasoning is one example of why I find your work to be on a par with qhml1, CPete, and others of LW’s old guard
Over the last few years, I've argued in several forum posts that there are authors here disparaging others, using second accounts or anonymously 1-bombing their competitions. There are those here who criticized me stating "You have no proof!"

I've also suggested there are authors here who are feeding the misogynistic attitudes in "Loving Wives" by publishing their own misogynistic crap in LW. After all, it's easier to FIND such crap, if you know it's there by putting it there!

I've recently posted three stories in Loving Wives, all titled starting with "Unique Rewards of Yoga..." about a swinger couple, with the angst of the husband in seeing his wife pulling a train, then her POV, followed by the instructor's POV.

PROOF: The non-published user "26thNC" routinely comments with disparaging posts against fun sharing stories in LW. So, after receiving that post on my story #1, I posted in this Author's forum on "Comments Which Make your Day" about "26thNC"'s negative post to the second of my stories.
26thNC in the forum post: "I have never given your stories a *1, and I have actually praised those that deserved it, though they be damned few."

So, I asked: "Why do you click on MY stories when you know you'll hate them?"
And 26thNC never responded to my last question.

Now when I published story #3 with that same title (knowing what it entails), 26thNC left another negative comment, and I came to the forum to relate it.

Here's the response in the "Comments Which Make your Day" forum, posted yesterday!
Lifestyle, use both of your amazing brain cells to try to understand that I’m succeeding in my attempt to get into your head. You look forward to my comments with the same eager anticipation as I have for your next story. Someday you’ll find my work, different name, and return the compliments. But then, you don’t read violent, vindictive BTBs do you?

26thNC is one of the "turds in the swimming pool", one of you authors (different name) participating in this forum, who is creating the misogynistic shit in Loving Wives and down-voting other fun stories!!!

But they have their fun. Wait until that turd reads my NEXT story in another week or two!
How many Trolls have entire forum threads, and personal attention, dedicated to them. I contend that I am not your average *1 bombing troll.
I'm counting down the days to when I publish a story involving a former hot wife couple who got off the lifestyle because he went into politics and she's his campaign manager/assistant. She misses it, but is staying loyal, then discovers he's been caught cheating by a small time reporter looking to blow up the story and make a name for it. Now she's not just trying to save the election, but a scorned woman.

Politics, hotwife, cheating, revenge.

This thing doesn't have a chance.
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I'm counting down the days to when I publish a story involving a former hot wife couple who got off the lifestyle because he went into politics and she's his campaign manager/assistant. She misses it, but is staying loyal, then discovers he's been caught cheating by a small time reporter looking to blow up the story and make a name for it. Now she's not just trying to save the election, but a scorned woman.

Politics, hotwife, cheating, revenge.

This thing doesn't have a chance.
There are other "wife gets revenge on cheating husband" stories, and they do relatively well in LW. That's why I disagree with your misogyny complaints. They hate cheating in general, and it's just easier for a woman to have more sex and hide the fact. Men get worn out, and it's easier for a wife to realize "hey! You haven't been amorous with me for months! What's up? Who is she?"
There are other "wife gets revenge on cheating husband" stories, and they do relatively well in LW. That's why I disagree with your misogyny complaints. They hate cheating in general, and it's just easier for a woman to have more sex and hide the fact. Men get worn out, and it's easier for a wife to realize "hey! You haven't been amorous with me for months! What's up? Who is she?"
Well, he does cheat, and I know LW dislikes cheats, even male ones, but I think when I describe their past exploits during which he was fine with watching her with other men, that's going to take some heat. Then she goes and cheats for revenge will take more heat.

The opening is going to dictate the overall reception. It starts with her in a bar watching the news, and dressed to impress and noticing a guy is watching her, and thinking of stepping out with him. At the end, he makes his move, but she does the right thing, turns him down and leaves alone. Issue is there are a lot of knee jerk trolls who the second they read she's thinking of it are going to just run ahead and bomb, and maybe comment.

That type exists in a lot of places here, they decide they know where the story is going and play whack a mole
There are other "wife gets revenge on cheating husband" stories, and they do relatively well in LW.
This category comes in for endless analysis, which it probably deserves. I just popped in a quick story on the reverse-BTB theme (side note: there are only 16 stories using the same tag I employed: 'burn the bastard') and it's done as well as I could have expected. Some percentage of the LW readership have a sense of humor, for which I am grateful.

I've done enough LW stories to encounter endless criticism of every description, but still like doing them and still find plenty of amusing ways to have plots that fit into its capacious (and capricious) maw.

But for those who care about stats and eyeballs, the numbers are still startling: Too Good to be True has only been up for half a day, but already has almost 10k views and over 760(!) votes.
I'm counting down the days to when I publish a story involving a former hot wife couple who got off the lifestyle because he went into politics and she's his campaign manager/assistant. She misses it, but is staying loyal, then discovers he's been caught cheating by a small time reporter looking to blow up the story and make a name for it. Now she's not just trying to save the election, but a scorned woman.

Politics, hotwife, cheating, revenge.

This thing doesn't have a chance.
[/QUOTE Part of that story's acceptance will be in the presentation of her as a 'hot wife". Were they just in an open marriage and both enjoyed it or was she the only one getting any while he sucked her lovers' cocks or jerked off waiting for her to come home. Once he went into politics that would be hard to keep under wraps.
Then you said she misses it. What is she missing, screwing every guy who catches her eye?
And then you have his motive. Is he trying to rub her previous actions in her face that now, HE is the one that is desirable because of his new status in society. Or is he just being a dick and doesn't care if he gets elected anyway (or think he has a real chance of winning). AND THEN in the final analysis, why are they still together? That last part is going to be the make or break part of the story. You have to JUSTIFY their actions/reactions, and not just have his dick get hard thinking about his wife fucking others.
You might pull it off and have a complete winner.
@Gamblnluck I don't know how you managed to get your reply inside my quote, but the forum isn't letting me reply directly to you.

When they were in the lifestyle he enjoyed watching, and often times would have sex with her afterwards-the batters box type-and on occasions joined in. He was never humiliated, and always in on it, down to helping to pick the guy,

Her missing it is not just for her, she misses the fun they used to have together, and has seen their sex life drop off over time which he blames on getting older and job stress etc.

Then she finds out its because he's screwing young girls who give 'massages'. When she confronts him, he tries to throw the "you always had another guy and I never was with another woman" but its a moot argument because she had told him many times if he wanted another woman back when they were playing, she would have been fine with it.

Gist is as he's risen through the ranks-now on the doorstep of becoming Governor-he's gotten more than a little full of himself, and on one hand has grown more conservative and thinks what they did in the past was wrong, but is now also part of the boys club and they all get some on the side, so why shouldn't he?

So I think the deck is stacked a bit against him, and her revenge fuck could be justified.

Oh, one other moving part. When they first met she was a stripper and would screw guys in the back rooms. That's how their open marriage began, because it turned him on that other men wanted her, That may brand her a 'whore' right out of the gate. I'll find out in a few weeks.
@Gamblnluck I don't know how you managed to get your reply inside my quote, but the forum isn't letting me reply directly to you.

When they were in the lifestyle he enjoyed watching, and often times would have sex with her afterwards-the batters box type-and on occasions joined in. He was never humiliated, and always in on it, down to helping to pick the guy,

Her missing it is not just for her, she misses the fun they used to have together, and has seen their sex life drop off over time which he blames on getting older and job stress etc.

Then she finds out its because he's screwing young girls who give 'massages'. When she confronts him, he tries to throw the "you always had another guy and I never was with another woman" but its a moot argument because she had told him many times if he wanted another woman back when they were playing, she would have been fine with it.

Gist is as he's risen through the ranks-now on the doorstep of becoming Governor-he's gotten more than a little full of himself, and on one hand has grown more conservative and thinks what they did in the past was wrong, but is now also part of the boys club and they all get some on the side, so why shouldn't he?

So I think the deck is stacked a bit against him, and her revenge fuck could be justified.

Oh, one other moving part. When they first met she was a stripper and would screw guys in the back rooms. That's how their open marriage began, because it turned him on that other men wanted her, That may brand her a 'whore' right out of the gate. I'll find out in a few weeks.
The issue I have with your story scenario is you're writing something which is likely to appeal to women hating misogynists. Will you use their responses to justify you opinion of LW?

Try reading my latest for something different. I think there were only about three out of fifty comments I'd consider misogynistic. They hate my story for different, obvious reasons.
@Gamblnluck I don't know how you managed to get your reply inside my quote, but the forum isn't letting me reply directly to you.

When they were in the lifestyle he enjoyed watching, and often times would have sex with her afterwards-the batters box type-and on occasions joined in. He was never humiliated, and always in on it, down to helping to pick the guy,

Her missing it is not just for her, she misses the fun they used to have together, and has seen their sex life drop off over time which he blames on getting older and job stress etc.

Then she finds out its because he's screwing young girls who give 'massages'. When she confronts him, he tries to throw the "you always had another guy and I never was with another woman" but its a moot argument because she had told him many times if he wanted another woman back when they were playing, she would have been fine with it.

Gist is as he's risen through the ranks-now on the doorstep of becoming Governor-he's gotten more than a little full of himself, and on one hand has grown more conservative and thinks what they did in the past was wrong, but is now also part of the boys club and they all get some on the side, so why shouldn't he?

So I think the deck is stacked a bit against him, and her revenge fuck could be justified.

Oh, one other moving part. When they first met she was a stripper and would screw guys in the back rooms. That's how their open marriage began, because it turned him on that other men wanted her, That may brand her a 'whore' right out of the gate. I'll find out in a few weeks.

You are right. I don't think that plot as you described it, will go far. While I have little regard for the morals of some of our politicians, that is too over the top all the way through. Unless you made it a humor laden satire, I doubt the plot alone will hit a 3. But post it and see. It's your time and effort.
You are right. I don't think that plot as you described it, will go far. While I have little regard for the morals of some of our politicians, that is too over the top all the way through.
Well, if it's too spicy for America (it's not), then it reads too mundane for our political ruling classes. Lovecraft would have to add in a paid off prositute, death by autoerotic asphyxiation, simulating fellatio with a dead pig and dominatrix with a jar of bees for it even to reach par for the course.

And then, of course, he could always set it in France or Italy...
Well, if it's too spicy for America (it's not), then it reads too mundane for our political ruling classes. Lovecraft would have to add in a paid off prositute, death by autoerotic asphyxiation, simulating fellatio with a dead pig and dominatrix with a jar of bees for it even to reach par for the course.

And then, of course, he could always set it in France or Italy...
To make it more realistic he could introduce a certain island, but that would sadly run afoul of the no-underage rule.
The issue I have with your story scenario is you're writing something which is likely to appeal to women hating misogynists. Will you use their responses to justify you opinion of LW?

Try reading my latest for something different. I think there were only about three out of fifty comments I'd consider misogynistic. They hate my story for different, obvious reasons.
How would it appeal to them?
You are right. I don't think that plot as you described it, will go far. While I have little regard for the morals of some of our politicians, that is too over the top all the way through. Unless you made it a humor laden satire, I doubt the plot alone will hit a 3. But post it and see. It's your time and effort.
I wouldn't go so far as to say its satire, but it is a stereotype in the sense of the person who gets into politics for all the right reasons, then things go to their head. I never use the words Dem or republican, liberal or conservative, I say "family values" which people might associate with 'the right' but other things I mention go a bit the other way.

Anyway, one way to find out.
To make it more realistic he could introduce a certain island, but that would sadly run afoul of the no-underage rule.
Honestly, I think the whole trope of 'secret millionaire's island full of nubile and agreeable young* ladies' has been ruined forever for us Lit writers.

Which is a pity, because it was a good one.

(*young but not -that- young)
How would it appeal to them?
From the troll POV, "of course she was always a stripper whore, so she's just going back to the only thing she knows."

Then you'll claim their comment as proof they hate women.

In my story, I took get pains to show her as the loving wife who had the perfect sex life with her life long friend and husband of 30 years, never wanting anyone else ... Before three men forced her...

I deliberately chose that painful scenario to call out the haters. "See! No Martian Slut Ray here. She was forced."
I deliberately chose that painful scenario to call out the haters. "See! No Martian Slut Ray here. She was forced."
Okay, did not read the story, but force and drugs are often used as an acceptable reason the husband might accept it. But not if she was 'forced' the first time and then turned rabid slut for everybody and the husband enjoys her new role.
Okay, did not read the story, but force and drugs are often used as an acceptable reason the husband might accept it. But not if she was 'forced' the first time and then turned rabid slut for everybody and the husband enjoys her new role.
Read. More importantly, try reading the words I wrote, instead of the story you build in your own closed mind.

Then come here and explain why she's a slut.