The Loving Wives Trolls!

I only fail in the narrow minds like yours, because you WILL hate what I write.

But you'll still open my stories of extra-marital fun, sharing, and more to give me your 1 rating and shitty comment, ... Because that's what you do to those stories of extra-marital fun & sharing. You hate them.
I've said this before, but I'll repeat it. The mantra of "well this isn't a loving wife" is getting old. The category slug for years was "tales of adventurous wives" current slug is
Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.

Extra Marital fun ....And More

It's why I put my ideas there and not fetish, I won't be bullied out of the category by these people who ignore the site's description of the content, and try to force it to be what they want.
So, the men are stable masters who call the shots? That type of thing?
I might explain how I see one of the characters. (Story is first person) He is the voice of reason. However HIS reason is warped a bit. He is on the spectrum so he does not see things like others might. He has to or at least tries to adapt to each person around him. He does however have a sense of justice. But he is the center of his world and the boss because that is just how his girls perceive him.
I know you're not addressing me, but I don't use beta readers for any of my smut. I have two for my erotic horror series not on here. I think to an extent we all tend to see what we wanted to say and right there in the open and how can readers not see it? Some readers are intuitive and I find myself surprised with some of the very subtle things they pick up on, others I feel they could not have read the story I wrote, and then there are times were I can just fail to plant the seeds I meant to.
I decided I wasn't spending the effort to write excruciating details people like GL were going to skim over anyway. And I've had some appreciative authors say "Aftermath" is my best story yet.

So, I write what I want to write, and only fail in the narrows (narrow minded).
But you'll still open my stories of extra-marital fun, sharing, and more to give me your 1 rating and shitty comment, ... Because that's what you do to those stories of extra-marital fun & sharing. You hate them.
I don;t think I have rated one of your most recent stories. I don't rate unless I read.
As I pointed out, the words as written are the only sex experience she had. YOU chose to augment that with your own bias.

The confusion comes when readers decide for themselves to embellish details based on their own biased.
Your stories read like: the husband walks into his bedroom to find his wife laying on the bed. He sees a cage of gerbils, a weird funnel thing and a dead gerbil on the floor. But when somebody interprets all that and thinks the wife was into some strange stuff, you say..."Oh no. I did not say that so it is your completely biased interpretation she used those gerbils"
Your stories read like: the husband walks into his bedroom to find his wife laying on the bed. He sees a cage of gerbils, a weird funnel thing and a dead gerbil on the floor. But when somebody interprets all that and thinks the wife was into some strange stuff, you say..."Oh no. I did not say that so it is your completely biased interpretation she used those gerbils"
My characters don't abuse animals. They just tend to have fun, until some narrow minded shit thinks they shouldn't.
And like usual, you miss the point. Just as you do when you post a story where you miss YOUR OWN point.
Narrow minded shit thinks I shouldn't have fun.

Talk about missing the point!

Note: You trash my stories with your "know-it-all" shit and come here acting "holier than thou."
You're just one of the shithead trolls we're talking about! Look back at what you posted as a comment on my story in May, when you pretended to know everything about how doctors handle hormone prescriptions! Your lengthy bullshit ended with:
"...I see this story as an hour spent on the author's part to write a story to thumb his nose at LW readers. In fact I know it is. He consistently posts on the forum about what morons the 'trolls' on LW are,"

I don't consider all LW readers as morons or trolls, know-it-all. But you and your type are!
Narrow minded shit thinks I shouldn't have fun.

Talk about missing the point!

Note: You trash my stories with your "know-it-all" shit and come here acting "holier than thou."
You're just one of the shithead trolls we're talking about! Look back at what you posted as a comment on my story in May, when you pretended to know everything about how doctors handle hormone prescriptions! Your lengthy bullshit ended with:
"...I see this story as an hour spent on the author's part to write a story to thumb his nose at LW readers. In fact I know it is. He consistently posts on the forum about what morons the 'trolls' on LW are,"

I don't consider all LW readers as morons or trolls, know-it-all. But you and your type are!
We haven't always gotten along, and have agreed to disagree on many things, but I'm just going to leave this as you're not the one who's wrong in your argument.

We all have some biases, and they are shaped by real life, and fiction is not real life, but some can put their bias aside and take an enjoyable ride through a story, or if they don't like it, can just shrug, say whatever, and move on. Others aren't adult enough to keep their feelings from overwhelming them and immediately spinning every word in a story into what they want it to be.

I won't read rape stories, many people won't read incest stories, and people are offended by both because these are things you just don't do in real life, its abuse, its a crime, and for some, it should not even be portrayed in a fantasy sense. Yet those categories, for the most part, have sane supportive readerships, or readers who go, not for me, and walk off.

The faction in LW that consists of incels and moralists, are as sad of a lot as you're going to find, in its not enough to not care for a story, but they have to try to bully the authors there into conforming to what THEY feel is the only way to properly write there.

The only way to have success there as in score and mostly decent comments is to get on your hands and knees and lick the boots of those readers, and by doing that, you're no longer a writer, you're a pandering hack who's afraid to write their own story, so they write the fantasies of the morally superior.

I'll stick with being morally and writerly inferior to these people. I'd rather be true to my muse, sone will like my story, some will hate it, but in the end, its my baby written my way and that's how it should be.
On the subject of troll fodder...

I wrote a story that was a hotwife/taboo crossover (Talk about begging for it). Son comes home, sees another man through his parents bedroom window, having sex with his mother. Runs into the house, grabs his baseball bat and bursts into the see his father sitting in the chair watching.

Oh, boy.

When the smoke clears, the father goes into the sons room and explains the mother is a hot wife and he enjoys sharing her and watching her with other men. The son is "what the hell is wrong with you, its not right." Father keeps explaining, and leaves it at he may never understand, but its what they like and he shouldn't think poorly of his mother, she's not a slut, its something they enjoy.

Now of course, this is a taboo story so it goes from something that could happen to porn absurdity and seeing the mother like that has him thinking of her, then obsessing over her. Father finds out, and of course...yeah, watches the son with his wife.

If I posted that here in taboo, it would take some heat, lot of moving parts, not a straight up taboo story, and the anti-cheat moralists would sniff it out and kill it. Of course it could never go in LW because of the taboo factor, but imagine if it did?

This is a review of the book from the site its for sale on.

Good story. The sex is great. I think the best part, though, are the long and detailed talks Jim, the father, had with Luke, the son about why and how and where and when he and his wife, Luke's mother, learned they enjoyed other men having sex with her. The talks were very manly and paternal / filial. Great male bonding.

The reader thought this weird-and fantasy-scenario was hot, and enjoyed the father's explanation of why some men like to see others with their wives. I did it maturely, I had the son saying all the things most men would say, the father explained that's what society tells him is right, etc...This reader thought this was a solid man to man conversation on a very dicey subject.

You think I'd ever get a review like that in LW?

There's a different class of reader when money is being spent. LIt's policy of anon is why LW is the only snakepit on the net I've seen when it comes to hotwife/cuck material as far as when its meant to be erotic.
We all have some biases, and they are shaped by real life, and fiction is not real life, but some can put their bias aside and take an enjoyable ride through a story, or if they don't like it, can just shrug, say whatever, and move on. Others aren't adult enough to keep their feelings from overwhelming them and immediately spinning every word in a story into what they want it to be.

I'll stick with being morally and writerly inferior to these people. I'd rather be true to my muse, sone will like my story, some will hate it, but in the end, its my baby written my way and that's how it should be.
These two pieces right here; that's the heart of it for most of the trolls. It's maturity versus immaturity. I have a 3-question test for whether or not I comment on a story:
1. Do you have praise for the story? Post it. Encourage the writer.
2. Do you have constructive criticism? Post it. Be constructive.
3. Hate it because of the way the story ran? Follow #2, or just close that story and move on.
Why isn't common sense more common?
These two pieces right here; that's the heart of it for most of the trolls. It's maturity versus immaturity. I have a 3-question test for whether or not I comment on a story:
1. Do you have praise for the story? Post it. Encourage the writer.
2. Do you have constructive criticism? Post it. Be constructive.
3. Hate it because of the way the story ran? Follow #2, or just close that story and move on.
Why isn't common sense more common?
My wife has been saying "There's nothing common about sense" since I met her.

When I comment, its simply did I enjoy the story? If so I'll say so and why. I don't generally say anything negative-exception being before I gave up on the BDSM category and would point out how the story belonged in non-consent- I may bring up something I think they missed the mark on, but always frame it by saying what was done well, and this is justa way it could have been better.

If the story pisses me off because it goes down paths I don't care for, I just click off it. Not my thing, but its someone's thing, and they are free to have it. I d my best to leave my real life beliefs at the door and read objectively. Many don't seem to be capable of that, and very few in LW. That doesn't mean something can't strike a nerve, but if it does, I won't react based on real life, because...these are fictional stories. I won't get angry at a non existent person or tell the author how that person should be portrayed.

There's an old saying that this society needs to get back to in just about every way. "Live and Let Live."

Now, before someone tries to call me out on it, I have been vocal about BTB stories and how most of them should either be removed or moved to Non erotic. I speak out on these because hatred and violence, including sexual violence, should not be considered a kink and be glorified and sexualized. But that complaint isn't meant in the vein of controlling someone's writing in general, but there are things that do not belong in an erotic category. There's a place for everything, but not everything belongs in all places.
You already made that claim in May to the LW Bomb Magnet thread.

The issue is why you continue to open and "dislike" stories, which you KNOW you are going to dislike or hate?

Do you ever stop hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, just to feel how good it is when you stop?

EDIT: I'm still anxiously awaiting your "words of wisdom" on my story "Aftermath". Tell us how she's a whore, and he's a cuck/wimp.
I do it because I enjoy the interesting discussion with authors like yourself. I am constantly amazed by the lengths authors, especially new one, go to to post outrageous cuck stories. Also someone needs to give an alternate view to the fawning reactions, to these stories, by folks like the inestimable Ic69hunter . I’ve become internet friends with several authors that I’ve trashed pretty badly, so I must not be all bad. Fully 90% of it isn’t personal, it’s just LW.
I do it because I enjoy the interesting discussion with authors like yourself. I am constantly amazed by the lengths authors, especially new one, go to to post outrageous cuck stories. Also someone needs to give an alternate view to the fawning reactions, to these stories, by folks like the inestimable Ic69hunter . I’ve become internet friends with several authors that I’ve trashed pretty badly, so I must not be all bad. Fully 90% of it isn’t personal, it’s just LW.
But still nothing from you on "Aftermath".

You're slowing down.
Over the last few years, I've argued in several forum posts that there are authors here disparaging others, using second accounts or anonymously 1-bombing their competitions. There are those here who criticized me stating "You have no proof!"

I've also suggested there are authors here who are feeding the misogynistic attitudes in "Loving Wives" by publishing their own misogynistic crap in LW. After all, it's easier to FIND such crap, if you know it's there by putting it there!

I've recently posted three stories in Loving Wives, all titled starting with "Unique Rewards of Yoga..." about a swinger couple, with the angst of the husband in seeing his wife pulling a train, then her POV, followed by the instructor's POV.

PROOF: The non-published user "26thNC" routinely comments with disparaging posts against fun sharing stories in LW. So, after receiving that post on my story #1, I posted in this Author's forum on "Comments Which Make your Day" about "26thNC"'s negative post to the second of my stories.
26thNC in the forum post: "I have never given your stories a *1, and I have actually praised those that deserved it, though they be damned few."

So, I asked: "Why do you click on MY stories when you know you'll hate them?"
And 26thNC never responded to my last question.

Now when I published story #3 with that same title (knowing what it entails), 26thNC left another negative comment, and I came to the forum to relate it.

Here's the response in the "Comments Which Make your Day" forum, posted yesterday!
Lifestyle, use both of your amazing brain cells to try to understand that I’m succeeding in my attempt to get into your head. You look forward to my comments with the same eager anticipation as I have for your next story. Someday you’ll find my work, different name, and return the compliments. But then, you don’t read violent, vindictive BTBs do you?

26thNC is one of the "turds in the swimming pool", one of you authors (different name) participating in this forum, who is creating the misogynistic shit in Loving Wives and down-voting other fun stories!!!

But they have their fun. Wait until that turd reads my NEXT story in another week or two!
Ok but here me out, you have the ultimate opportunity to have an arch nemesis and play an elaborate game of online erotica cat and mouse… or maybe I just want everything to be a movie plot
I don't know if anyone else does this, but I usually visit Literotica once per day and I usually check out the new stories which appear in Loving Wives each 24 hours. I have noticed that after years of effort the whiny lil bitches and other crybabies haven't made any difference to the continual avalanche of hot wife/cuckolding/swapping/sharing stories which can be seen in Loving Wives each day. A few of those whiny bitches have given up. A few of them gang up on only one or two stories now and post their rubbish. To all the whiny crybabies: please post your rubbish. There's no way your "low" scores or stupid comments are going to make any real difference or stop people from writing and posting hot wife/cuckolding/swapping/sharing stories. Kiss my ass...
I do it because I enjoy the interesting discussion with authors like yourself. I am constantly amazed by the lengths authors, especially new one, go to to post outrageous cuck stories. Also someone needs to give an alternate view to the fawning reactions, to these stories, by folks like the inestimable Ic69hunter . I’ve become internet friends with several authors that I’ve trashed pretty badly, so I must not be all bad. Fully 90% of it isn’t personal, it’s just LW.
Hey, I can't help it if I love hotwives. I consider them to one of the greatest creatures ever to walk the earth. And, for the hypocrites among you, very few men would turn down a hotwife if she gave him the opportunity.
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Hey, I can't help it if I love hotwives. I consider them to one of the greatest creatures ever to walk the earth. And, for the hypocrites among you, very few men would turn down a hotwife if she gave him the opportunity.
Perhaps you've indicated the problem which causes those trolls to hate hot wife stories: no hot wife would ever think of doing them, ... and they know it!
The only way to have success there as in score and mostly decent comments is to get on your hands and knees and lick the boots of those readers, and by doing that, you're no longer a writer, you're a pandering hack who's afraid to write their own story, so they write the fantasies of the morally superior.

That is provably false, as I've told you over and over again. Doesn't fit your narrative, I guess. Still, to reiterate:

Unwanted Memories - 4.71. Husband and wife are still together at the end.
After the Future is Gone - 4.67. No burn, just a divorce and the couple moving on.
The End of Our World - 4.6. No burn, just a divorce.
No Place to Go - 4.58. Story starts after wife's death, husband keeps her long-term affair a secret for the greater good.
At the End of the Tour - 4.57. AP gets hand broken, husband walks out on wife after six year affair (turns into reconciliation in the sequel).
Reassessing My Life - 4.56. No burn, just a forceful rejection of any kind of reconciliation along with moving on.
In Health - 4.56. Mild burn; ex-husband says mean things to wife on her deathbed fifteen years after she abandons him.
Well-Intentioned - 4.54. No burn; couple ends up divorced but makes their way back to co-parenting and friendship, both end up happy with new partners.
When the Shooting Stops - 4.53. No burn. Couple divorces and later reconciles and remarries.
Also-Ran - 4.5. Ridiculous melodrama stuff (because comic book AU), but couple stays together at the end.
Arbitrary - 4.48. Wife attempts to unilaterally open marriage, husband beats her to the punch. Only burn is her being surprised by husband and his friend having sex, then divorce.
The Voice of Experience - 4.46. Young wife almost cheats but is counseled by a veteran adulteress not to; neither sees consequences that could be considered a burn.
In Know My Wife - 4.45. Martian Slut Ray story, non-violent burn (unfavorable divorce settlement).

You literally have to go twelve deep into my stories before there are worse consequences for the cheating wife than "mean things get said, followed by fair divorce."

Not convincing enough? From the All-Time top list in LW (I haven't read all of them, so I'm only picking the ones I know):

The Lazy Lemon Sun - 4.81. Ends with a reconciliation.
Vagabonds - 4.8 Divorced couple gets back together.
Grief - 4.8. Reconciliation.
Play It Again, Sam - 4.8. Divorce, no burn. A fun Groundhog Day story.
A Gor-y Halloween Party - 4.8. Smut.
The Gift - 4.79. A dying wife makes sure her husband won't be alone.
It's in the Wrong Category - 4.79. Bartender and married woman fall in love.

I'm not even halfway down the top list and, again, I haven't read most of the stories on the list; there may be more in there.

More proof? From the top list for the last 12 months:

Wholesome Wife Turned Hotwife Ch. 1 - 4.73. What it says on the tin.
Island Vacation Ch. 11 - 4.66. Swinging.
Cuckolded on the First Date Pt. 1 - 4.65. You can figure it out.
The Deal Pt. 6 - 4.64. Reconciliation.
Bikini Barista Sleepover - 4.64. Smut.
The New Tenant Pt. 04 - 4.61. NTR.
A Cuckquean Wife, A Teen Girlfriend - 4.61. See title.
A Bigger Bed - 4.61. "My sister-in-law moves in."
Young Couple, Older Neighbor - 4.59. Exhibitionism/hotwife/cuckold.
Indian Wife Has Affair With Servant - 4.58. Again, see title.

None of these folks, myself included, are pandering. All of the folks on I listed from the all-time top list have also written burns or revenge stories or whatever you want to call them because they're fun, just like you've written both romantic sibcest and vicious erotic horror. You not liking a thing doesn't mean that people who write it are pandering, nor is it true that burns work best.

You are provably wrong. You continue to be provably wrong. You're smarter than this. Do better.
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That is provably false, as I've told you over and over again. Doesn't fit your narrative, I guess. Still, to reiterate:

Unwanted Memories - 4.71. Husband and wife are still together at the end.
After the Future is Gone - 4.67. No burn, just a divorce and the couple moving on.
The End of Our World - 4.6. No burn, just a divorce.
No Place to Go - 4.58. Story starts after wife's death, husband keeps her long-term affair a secret for the greater good.
At the End of the Tour - 4.57. AP gets hand broken, husband walks out on wife after six year affair (turns into reconciliation in the sequel).
Reassessing My Life - 4.56. No burn, just a forceful rejection of any kind of reconciliation along with moving on.
In Health - 4.56. Mild burn; ex-husband says mean things to wife on her deathbed fifteen years after she abandons him.
Well-Intentioned - 4.54. No burn; couple ends up divorced but makes their way back to co-parenting and friendship, both end up happy with new partners.
When the Shooting Stops - 4.53. No burn. Couple divorces and later reconciles and remarries.
Also-Ran - 4.5. Ridiculous melodrama stuff (because comic book AU), but couple stays together at the end.
Arbitrary - 4.48. Wife attempts to unilaterally open marriage, husband beats her to the punch. Only burn is her being surprised by husband and his friend having sex, then divorce.
The Voice of Experience - 4.46. Young wife almost cheats but is counseled by a veteran adulteress not to; neither sees consequences that could be considered a burn.
In Know My Wife - 4.45. Martian Slut Ray story, non-violent burn (unfavorable divorce settlement).

You literally have to go twelve deep into my stories before there are worse consequences for the cheating wife than "mean things get said, followed by fair divorce."

Not convincing enough? From the All-Time top list in LW (I haven't read all of them, so I'm only picking the ones I know):

The Lazy Lemon Sun - 4.81. Ends with a reconciliation.
Vagabonds - 4.8 Divorced couple gets back together.
Grief - 4.8. Reconciliation.
Play It Again, Sam - 4.8. Divorce, no burn. A fun Groundhog Day story.
A Gor-y Halloween Party - 4.8. Smut.
The Gift - 4.79. A dying wife makes sure her husband won't be alone.
It's in the Wrong Category - 4.79. Bartender and married woman fall in love.

I'm not even halfway down the top list and, again, I haven't read most of the stories on the list; there may be more in there.

More proof? From the top list for the last 12 months:

Wholesome Wife Turned Hotwife Ch. 1 - 4.73. What it says on the tin.
Island Vacation Ch. 11 - 4.66. Swinging.
Cuckolded on the First Date Pt. 1 - 4.65. You can figure it out.
The Deal Pt. 6 - 4.64. Reconciliation.
Bikini Barista Sleepover - 4.64. Smut.
The New Tenant Pt. 04 - 4.61. NTR.
A Cuckquean Wife, A Teen Girlfriend - 4.61. See title.
A Bigger Bed - 4.61. "My sister-in-law moves in."
Young Couple, Older Neighbor - 4.59. Exhibitionism/hotwife/cuckold.
Indian Wife Has Affair With Servant - 4.58. Again, see title.

None of these folks, myself included, are pandering. All of the folks on I listed from the all-time top list have also written burns or revenge stories or whatever you want to call them because they're fun, just like you've written both romantic sibcest and vicious erotic horror. You not liking a thing doesn't mean that people who write it are pandering, nor is it true that burns work best.

You are provably wrong. You continue to be provably wrong. You're smarter than this. Do better.
How long did that take you? Or do you have it on hand?

I've never seen someone spend so much time and effort defending a free story category, let alone one that just about everyone except you, knows is full of the most rancid trolls on the internet.

The cold male insecurity that drives your "women bad men always good writing" affects you even here.

I'll be blunt here and say that I think the problem some have with you is you've been here two years and think you own that category and are some kind of super star here.

You're a blip on a free site, same for me and everyone else. The readers will forget us tomorrow and move on to other authors.

Try using some perspective instead of defending what just about everyone here knows is a category plagued with the worst trolls and most petty vindictive angry authors on the internet.
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I will heed that advice. Most are respectful. One Kentucky native was mildly threatening because he thought I was a flatlander criticizing a mountain dweller. He may have been either Hatfield or McCoy.
I was pretty sure he had both a shootin’ iron and an itchy trigger finger, so I didn’t ask.
Not enough Kentuckians on here.
Hey, I can't help it if I love hotwives. I consider them to one of the greatest creatures ever to walk the earth. And, for the hypocrites among you, very few men would turn down a hotwife if she gave him the opportunity.
That depends on two factors for me; is she socially desired hotwife, or a hotwife I actually like, and if the fiancee will say have fun.
How long did that take you? Or do you have it on hand?

Making a few lists? Given that you've made this same spurious argument a dozen times, that was easy enough. I've used mine to refute your nonsense before, so that was right at hand. The other two? Like ten minutes of looking at the two top lists. The 12 month one was particularly easy, because look at the names!

I've never seen someone spend so much time and effort defending a free story category, let alone one that just about everyone except you, knows is full of the most rancid trolls on the internet.

I've never seen anyone else drop into thread after thread, almost without fail, to attack a category no one else is talking about because it's their personal bugaboo. At least here, you're staying on topic.

The cold male insecurity that drives your "women bad men always good writing" affects you even here.

Except I don't have that insecurity? Oh, don't worry, I have plenty of others. Imposter syndrome! That's a good one. Keeps me honest. Makes me fact-check and work harder.

However, "cold male insecurity" isn't one of them. Almost every story I have in LW is populated with women who don't cheat, who are good people, who have their own agency, etc.: love interests, friends, family, and so on. Even the women that do cheat in my own stories aren't, with a few exceptions, painted as bad people, but as people who've done a bad thing or who have a character flaw that got hit just right to send them spiraling off into their mistakes. Sometimes not even that.

Outside LW, the vast majority of my stories are most easily classified with romances, usually with women as the prime movers in those relationships and who are often the smartest people in the room. My most frequent beta readers are women. The shout-outs at the end of my stories most frequently go to women. The only "insecurity" about women I see here isn't coming from this side of the screen.

I'll be blunt here and say that I think the problem some have with you is you've been here two years and think you own that category and are some kind of super star here.

You're a blip on a free site, same for me and everyone else. The readers will forget us tomorrow and move on to other authors.

Says the guy who's been here for twelve years and has nearly 43K posts.

LOL no shit they'll forget about me. I have no illusions about the ephemeral nature of any status I might have here, nor of what any metric or ranking might mean. Being number one (or two or three) on a top list is a fun bit of bragging rights, at most. Having highly rated stories is, too, as is the number of comments, favorites, and so on. I'm not here for any of those; if I were, I'd write more often in a gimme category like I/T.

Try using some perspective instead of defending what just about everyone here knows is a category plagued with the worst trolls and most petty vindictive angry authors on the internet.

And here we have your argument in a nutshell: "Everyone knows this is the worst category, and I'll make sure they do."

"Hey, maybe it's a bit more nuanced than that."

"Shut up! Everyone knows!"

"But here are some actual counterarguments, factual examples, statistical analysis, interviews, deep-dives into psychology--"


You regularly complain that I pop up in threads to defend the category, or that I have some obsession with you in specific. In this, as with many things, you misunderstand the basic elements of... well, just about everything except writing decent smut.

I'm here because it's fun to write. However, the fun in that (for me at least) is to better understand myself and others, then channel that into something that helps readers do the same. The vast majority of my stuff is "about" something, although it's not up its own ass about it, I hope. That's also the case of my defense of LW on the forums and elsewhere: I want to understand it and help other people do the same.

Your take on both me and LW as a category misses the mark because you refuse to see outside your own narrow, pre-existing view for fear of what that would mean. You want to reinforce things you already believe, because it makes you feel more in control, or at least that's how it seems from here.

I've seen it in your writings here about LW, about politics, about other people, and so on. You "know" something, and no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince you otherwise. You "know" something, and you want to make sure you bludgeon other people into silence with said knowledge. You "know" something, and you bully others until they stop talking, because the possibility that you're wrong seems to make you uncomfortable.

I'm just not built like that.

I'll be the first to admit when I've gotten something wrong, and I'll do what I can to take what I've learned and try to integrate it in order to be better in the future. I do that because I don't want to be someone like you: so sure that I "know" that I stop learning and become fearful.

You talk about "male insecurity," but I think you're actually talking about yourself in that, that urge to blather on about things you don't understand as if your ignorance is as vital as someone else's expertise. If you were doing it to a woman, we'd call it "mansplaining," but it's the same impulse.

It's okay to admit you don't know, man. It's okay to admit you're wrong. It's okay to say "hey, maybe my feelings got hurt a while back, and I've been using it as an excuse to lash out for a while now." No one's going to think less of you for it.

We're just going to think less of you for continuing to act like a jackass.
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