The Loving Wives Trolls!

Read. More importantly, try reading the words I wrote, instead of the story you build in your own closed mind.

Then come here and explain why she's a slut.
I read the words you wrote above...'30 years, never wanting anyone else ... Before three men forced her..."
So that alone implies that now after 3 men forced her, she wants others.... pretty much definition of a woman turning slut.

But to be honest, I went back to check the story and realized I had begun reading it before then skimmed. The people were all pretty screwed up. At one point the therapist suggested anal. He realized it his first time but not hers. (So when did she get all this anal experience if they'd been together for so long? I did not see the explanation. But her conditioned response was strange. She immediately turned around and sucked his cock which grossed him out.
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You skimmed. You didn't read every word. So, you formed your narrow minded judgment based on incomplete information.

She said she saw her husband's face everywhere, and that she'd do anything for him if he ever asked. She had her most intense orgasm ever, which went on for most of that time, because she saw/imagined her husband in three places at the same time. And she wants him to do it again.

He can't get over any of it or even kiss her any more. So she knew what she had to do.

He ended up with his perfect mate!

Edit: and when she left, she didn't ask for anything other than just enough money to get started in a small apartment for six months so she could find her own job. What's not to love about that wife?
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I don't like coming here and getting abused by self-loathing psychopaths. I leave that sort of thing for the bedroom, where it belongs.
26thNC reacted to my posts in the AH thread TWICE within hours of my post when I copied those comments from my two stories.

And as that latest post in response here in the AH Thread says, 26thNC suggests using another ID, authoring violent revenge LW stories, almost daring me to find them to leave my own vile comments.

So, you assume that alt ID or another of that persona is not a regular here in the AH.

I've stated before that after getting into some disagreements here in the AH, that many of my stories have suddenly received within an hour a surge of 1-bombs. So, in my experience, there's at least one author HERE in the AH doing it. And I now think it safe to assume 26thNC is an alt for one of them.
I have never given any story of yours a *1. I have never voted more than once on any story. I admit to the scathing comments, but I’m not your *1 bombing troll.
I have never given any story of yours a *1. I have never voted more than once on any story. I admit to the scathing comments, but I’m not your *1 bombing troll.
You already made that claim in May to the LW Bomb Magnet thread.

The issue is why you continue to open and "dislike" stories, which you KNOW you are going to dislike or hate?

Do you ever stop hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, just to feel how good it is when you stop?

EDIT: I'm still anxiously awaiting your "words of wisdom" on my story "Aftermath". Tell us how she's a whore, and he's a cuck/wimp.
From the troll POV, "of course she was always a stripper whore, so she's just going back to the only thing she knows."

Then you'll claim their comment as proof they hate women.

In my story, I took get pains to show her as the loving wife who had the perfect sex life with her life long friend and husband of 30 years, never wanting anyone else ... Before three men forced her...

I deliberately chose that painful scenario to call out the haters. "See! No Martian Slut Ray here. She was forced."
It is proof they hate women. They are what they are.

The differences here are how we each tell a story, and how we want things to be perceived. You'd rather have a woman be raped then be paid to take her clothes off.

I'd like you, and anyone reading to consider that for a moment. You are so obsessed with a woman/wife being good, you'll have her gang raped before you'd have her do something immoral.

Okay then.

My style is that we are well beyond the time of cowboys in white and black hats. People are gray, they are imperfect, they have dubious pasts and moved on from them, and when the time comes, and if need be, they can and will do whatever they need to.

My female characters are women in charge of their own bodies and wills to the dismay of certain male readers, yours are rape victims.

I think the reason you get pissed at my opinions of misogyny are because you don't think you are one. I'd beg to differ.
It is proof they hate women. They are what they are.

The differences here are how we each tell a story, and how we want things to be perceived. You'd rather have a woman be raped then be paid to take her clothes off.

I'd like you, and anyone reading to consider that for a moment. You are so obsessed with a woman/wife being good, you'll have her gang raped before you'd have her do something immoral.

Okay then.

My style is that we are well beyond the time of cowboys in white and black hats. People are gray, they are imperfect, they have dubious pasts and moved on from them, and when the time comes, and if need be, they can and will do whatever they need to.

My female characters are women in charge of their own bodies and wills to the dismay of certain male readers, yours are rape victims.

I think the reason you get pissed at my opinions of misogyny are because you don't think you are one. I'd beg to differ.
Wow. Where did I ever say I want women raped?

We differ in our approaches because you have such a narrow mind.

I wrote a story in which I wanted to dispell any argument that the wife in any way wanted extra-marital sex! I chose the violent assault against her will as the vehicle with which to prove she had no choice. In using her imagination, she defended her sanity by loving her monogamy with her husband. And that's why she leaves him: to protect herself from losing that image of the perfect husband, ... The judgmental bigot who is growing to dislike her.

Your approach is to show a woman who starts out having sex for profit, which is what the haters live to criticize!!! You're starting that story by arming the misogynists, then you'll use that as proof they're all misogynists.

Did you even read my story. I'm trying to root out the true haters by showing them a damaging scenario to hear from those who would still call her a slut.
I wrote a story in which I wanted to dispell any argument that the wife in any way wanted extra-marital sex! I chose the violent assault against her will as the vehicle with which to prove she had no choice. In using her imagination, she defended her sanity by loving her monogamy with her husband. And that's why she leaves him: to protect herself from losing that image of the perfect husband, ... The judgmental bigot who is growing to dislike her.
I'm not sure that is even close to how readers perceived that story, but go ahead and cry about it not being received well.
Lovecraft68 sent me what he had written of the story he mentioned above. He said it needed editing which was true. Plus the way i have to read a pdf file sent through email makes it difficult.
I will say, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the story. It made me cringe as I read the wife's intentions and her perceptions of what she was doing. Cringing is good. It evokes an emotion. I gave him some advice which, I'll admit was given as I read along the story. I think as he edits, he will smooth out the story 'flow'.
I will say it is not an LW story. The woman he wrote is a total controlling bitch. Her husband may have been an original participant in her play although the WHY is not clear. Does he love the humiliation?(In this case, NO) He loves to watch porn and his wife screwing is like porn.
But to her way of thinking, watching her screw and knowing about it is the same thing. It is him giving her permission to cheat and screw around.
He begins to change his mind about things. He sees it as a bit one sided. But he does not actively tell her that (although it is clear she has no real intention to change).
He cheats on the side and is caught. She is totally upset. "I'd have let you but you did not want to screw other women then." Of course that is her still wanting complete control over what he does.
At the end of the story I have qualms, but I will tell you I look forward to seeing the finished product. Just NOT in LW.
That's what skimming gets you.

Learn to read. It's a better experience.
Guess what? With some authors, I skim first to see if the story is WORTH reading. And I never rate without reading a story.
Your perception about what your story says and a reader's is vastly different. You describe the husband as being the ass because he can not tolerate the wife's crazy dreams and picturing hubbie as her attackers. Yet after therapy, he tries anal. It is his first time, but obviously his wife is very experienced. How? After 30 years of marriage wouldn't they have similar experience/history? Why does she automatically respond by sucking his dirty cock fresh from her ass. What kind of reaction is that to automatically do? It has to be the result of conditioning, but you as the author do not see that because that was not your intention, just what you said. The husband is grossed out by that but he is the bad guy.
And then you wonders why readers do not appreciate your efforts.
Guess what? With some authors, I skim first to see if the story is WORTH reading. And I never rate without reading a story.
Your perception about what your story says and a reader's is vastly different. You describe the husband as being the ass because he can not tolerate the wife's crazy dreams and picturing hubbie as her attackers. Yet after therapy, he tries anal. It is his first time, but obviously his wife is very experienced. How? After 30 years of marriage wouldn't they have similar experience/history? Why does she automatically respond by sucking his dirty cock fresh from her ass. What kind of reaction is that to automatically do? It has to be the result of conditioning, but you as the author do not see that because that was not your intention, just what you said. The husband is grossed out by that but he is the bad guy.
And then you wonders why readers do not appreciate your efforts.
You read into the story with your own bigotry.

There is nothing written saying she had any sexual encounters prior to her assault. And THAT (your reaction showing your bias) is what LC68 based the idea LW trolls are misogynists (in your case, rightfully so.)

She was attacked, and through that experience alone she changed. Her husband was the missionary position prude who was disgusted with her changed behavior, but it wasn't HER fault she was grabbed and forced.

I was working on better fleshing out the middle of the story, when I realized opinions would be formed quickly. So, I showed you how they ended. The husband now has his perfect wife who won't have sex with any other man (or him)!
Lovecraft68 sent me what he had written of the story he mentioned above. He said it needed editing which was true. Plus the way i have to read a pdf file sent through email makes it difficult.
I will say, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the story. It made me cringe as I read the wife's intentions and her perceptions of what she was doing. Cringing is good. It evokes an emotion. I gave him some advice which, I'll admit was given as I read along the story. I think as he edits, he will smooth out the story 'flow'.
I will say it is not an LW story. The woman he wrote is a total controlling bitch. Her husband may have been an original participant in her play although the WHY is not clear. Does he love the humiliation?(In this case, NO) He loves to watch porn and his wife screwing is like porn.
But to her way of thinking, watching her screw and knowing about it is the same thing. It is him giving her permission to cheat and screw around.
He begins to change his mind about things. He sees it as a bit one sided. But he does not actively tell her that (although it is clear she has no real intention to change).
He cheats on the side and is caught. She is totally upset. "I'd have let you but you did not want to screw other women then." Of course that is her still wanting complete control over what he does.
At the end of the story I have qualms, but I will tell you I look forward to seeing the finished product. Just NOT in LW.
Much appreciated.

Part of why the husband's motivations for being into watching her-and sometimes joining in which you don't mention here-is the story is her POV, not his. But he is obviously a voyeur and a man who gets off on others wanting, and having his wife. This type is all over the fetish forum, take a spin through it, you'll feel like you're in the minority being monogamous. Her offering him to bring in another woman was not her 'controlling' the game, it was her trying to be fair, and he chose not to take her up on it. But then when caught cheating, he tried to bring it up.

His 'morality' and shame was a direct effect of the new circles he was traveling, whereas she never felt a sense of either. Behind this story-and others I've written in other categories-is with a jaded view of morality and religion and 'traditional values'. I tend to make the preachy type turn out to be the true sinner while the one many readers over there consider the sinner, if nothing else, remains open as to who they are.

I don't see black and white, I see gray because its the world we live in.

I've always found it odd that there's more "moralizing" and self-righteous indignation in LW then categories like incest and non con, which unlike adultery are actual legal real world crimes and abuse.

But again, thanks for your time and input.
There is nothing written saying she had any sexual encounters prior to her assault. And THAT (your reaction showing your bias) is what LC68 based the idea LW trolls are misogynists (in your case, rightfully so.)
Exactly. That is a fail on your part. She is conditioned to act a certain way but no indication WHY. I would not imagine her assault would do that but that was her reaction. Makes you say HMMMM (Like Arsenio used to say.)
Exactly. That is a fail on your part. She is conditioned to act a certain way but no indication WHY. I would not imagine her assault would do that but that was her reaction. Makes you say HMMMM (Like Arsenio used to say.)
The only thing in the story to indicate WHY is her reaction to her husband, where she says she saw his face EVERYWHERE during her ordeal. That alone is the only basis for the change from their prior sex together since their wedding night.

Everything else you assume is in your own biased mind, making your shit up.

Edit: I've learned that regardless of what explanations I put into the stories, people like you will ignore those explanations and imagine your own details to suit your preferred outcome. "She turned into a slut, because she wanted it!"
His 'morality' and shame was a direct effect of the new circles he was traveling, whereas she never felt a sense of either. Behind this story-and others I've written in other categories-is with a jaded view of morality and religion and 'traditional values'. I tend to make the preachy type turn out to be the true sinner while the one many readers over there consider the sinner, if nothing else, remains open as to who they are.

I don't see black and white, I see gray because its the world we live in.

I've always found it odd that there's more "moralizing" and self-righteous indignation in LW then categories like incest and non con, which unlike adultery are actual legal real world crimes and abuse.
I agree. (for the most part) Most of my stories in non con, the characters are fairly sexually fluid. In my slave camp and Pay the piper series (which takes up the bulk of my actual submissions) the women are allowed to have sex openly. In each of those series is a man who controls their world and does not allow other men to participate while they partake of the women and let the women play.
Everything else you assume is in your own biased mind, making your shit up.

Edit: I've learned that regardless of what explanations I put into the stories, people like you will ignore those explanations and imagine your own details to suit your preferred outcome. "She turned into a slut, because she wanted it!"
The problem is your explanations are not explanations. You see the story from your angle only. What you intended to say. Not how it is perceived. This in not the first time. Let me ask you. Do you use beta readers? Someone to read you your story and is willing to tell you, no. Change this, eliminate that. This confuses the issue. That contradicts what you say above....etc?
The problem is your explanations are not explanations. You see the story from your angle only. What you intended to say. Not how it is perceived. This in not the first time. Let me ask you. Do you use beta readers? Someone to read you your story and is willing to tell you, no. Change this, eliminate that. This confuses the issue. That contradicts what you say above....etc?
As I pointed out, the words as written are the only sex experience she had. YOU chose to augment that with your own bias.

The confusion comes when readers decide for themselves to embellish details based on their own biased.

You are right in as much that a beta-reader would point out confusing passages. But any one beta-reader would only highlight their own biased objections. And if I wanted to write the story to get a 5 from you, I'd need a narrow-minded, "monogamy-only", no outside sex EVER for ANY reason!!! So, I chose to allow all to decide for themselves if they can read just my words.
As I pointed out, the words as written are the only sex experience she had. YOU chose to augment that with your own bias.

The confusion comes when readers decide for themselves to embellish details based on their own biased.

You are right in as much that a beta-reader would point out confusing passages. But any one beta-reader would only highlight their own biased objections. And if I wanted to write the story to get a 5 from you, I'd need a narrow-minded, "monogamy-only", no outside sex EVER for ANY reason!!! So, I chose to allow all to decide for themselves if they can read just my words.
And that whole idea is why you are such a failure with how your stories are perceived. Out of four or five of my regular beta readers, I get, 'not my cup of tea' from a couple every time. They pass on a story, knowing where their proclivities are. I have another who will read (in certain genres), and tell me honestly that this does not flow. You contradict yourself. It makes me go back and read my story as a reader not me, who knows what I intended to say.
I agree. (for the most part) Most of my stories in non con, the characters are fairly sexually fluid. In my slave camp and Pay the piper series (which takes up the bulk of my actual submissions) the women are allowed to have sex openly. In each of those series is a man who controls their world and does not allow other men to participate while they partake of the women and let the women play.
So, the men are stable masters who call the shots? That type of thing?

I don't write flat out non con, but I've done some dib con for sale and commission. Its a hard line to walk, easier to do a direct NC, but its not my thing.
The confusion comes when readers decide for themselves to embellish details based on their own biased.
No they see what you wrote and say, but what about this or that? That is inconsistent. He has a passage that does not fit even with his own narrative. It is why you fail in certain genres (Like LW) where many of the readers are picky. I think some of the old ones are getting fed up and leaving. I recently had a comment that asked about a point I missed on a story that has a 4.54/5026. I cringed. The reader was absolutely right. I missed a perfect opportunity to make my story better with less than a paragraph.
So, the men are stable masters who call the shots? That type of thing?

I don't write flat out non con, but I've done some dib con for sale and commission. Its a hard line to walk, easier to do a direct NC, but its not my thing.
Not exactly. One is an old man. His adage is "My success is based on the collective wisdom of the women around me." The younger man in the next series is trying to adopt the old guy's philosophy. BUT both men are the center of their respective worlds even as the women pull them one way or the other. (Gotta pay the piper' is a slow boil. The other is Slave camp) Not hardcore NC but it fits better there than anywhere else.
And that whole idea is why you are such a failure with how your stories are perceived. Out of four or five of my regular beta readers, I get, 'not my cup of tea' from a couple every time. They pass on a story, knowing where their proclivities are. I have another who will read (in certain genres), and tell me honestly that this does not flow. You contradict yourself. It makes me go back and read my story as a reader not me, who knows what I intended to say.
I only fail in the narrow minds like yours, because you WILL hate what I write.

But you'll still open my stories of extra-marital fun, sharing, and more to give me your 1 rating and shitty comment, ... Because that's what you do to those stories of extra-marital fun & sharing. You hate them.
The problem is your explanations are not explanations. You see the story from your angle only. What you intended to say. Not how it is perceived. This in not the first time. Let me ask you. Do you use beta readers? Someone to read you your story and is willing to tell you, no. Change this, eliminate that. This confuses the issue. That contradicts what you say above....etc?
I know you're not addressing me, but I don't use beta readers for any of my smut. I have two for my erotic horror series not on here. I think to an extent we all tend to see what we wanted to say and right there in the open and how can readers not see it? Some readers are intuitive and I find myself surprised with some of the very subtle things they pick up on, others I feel they could not have read the story I wrote, and then there are times were I can just fail to plant the seeds I meant to.