"To keep the review thread clean..."

Creative Comments

Oh, Piscator, I feel honored :)


...and I didn't even put this, 'the 29 meme' a friend sent, in the signature...


Have fun with reading and commenting more poems.

P.S.: Thanks for the recommendation and all the comments of 'Plenty Nice Sorts of Now', a bit of a personal one.


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I've got a problem with One of these days the 1st stanza, I've seen it before. I think it's part of a song but I don't know which one. Do I report it to Admin or what? I've left a message on the poem saying it's not original, makes me mad when people rip off other people's work.
I've got a problem with One of these days the 1st stanza, I've seen it before. I think it's part of a song but I don't know which one. Do I report it to Admin or what? I've left a message on the poem saying it's not original, makes me mad when people rip off other people's work.

You can Google the first stanza, just copy and paste it into the Google query space and see if it is plagiarized. If you have proof it's directly lifted from a song (or anything already published), let Laurel know so the poem can be removed from Lit.
You can Google the first stanza, just copy and paste it into the Google query space and see if it is plagiarized. If you have proof it's directly lifted from a song (or anything already published), let Laurel know so the poem can be removed from Lit.

I already tried that and can't find it but it jumped out of the page at me as having been read before. I've reported it so it's up to Laurel now. The author insists it's theirs but I know it isn't. I've told him what I am and not just a troll trying to cause trouble.
I've got a problem with One of these days the 1st stanza, I've seen it before. I think it's part of a song but I don't know which one. Do I report it to Admin or what? I've left a message on the poem saying it's not original, makes me mad when people rip off other people's work.

I did several lyric searches on lines from this poem without any hits but did get hits on my positive control, "I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I've got my plastic Jesus."

Cavu182 has a long list of submissions from 2004 to the present. In my opinion, "One of these Days" is original. It may uses a some phrases we've heard before but is by no means alone in that.
One thing I have found with those opening lines is those lists you get on Facebook for people to fill in and it tells others about you. The opening stanza is exactly the same words and that particular list has been around since I've been on Facebook. I suppose you can't call it plagiarising but someone did write the list long ago and his first stanza is exactly the same as that, he's lifted the words from it.
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Found it!
This is seriously going to get personal, you ready?
⚠If you were caught cheating, would you fess up?
⚠The last time you felt honestly broken?
⚠Are you craving something?
⚠If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
⚠Would you rather have ten kids, or none?
⚠What do you hear right now?
⚠Is your bed against more than one of your walls?
⚠What’s on your mind right now?
⚠Are you there for your friends?
⚠Last person to see you cry?
⚠What do you do when you get nervous?
⚠Be honest, do you like people in general?
⚠How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?
⚠Does anyone completely understand you?
⚠Do you have a reason to smile right now?
⚠Has anyone told you they don’t ever wanna lose you?
⚠Would you be happier if life had a rewind button?
⚠Do you tell your mum or dad everything?
⚠Does it matter to you if your boyfriend or girlfriend smokes?
⚠Are you going to get hurt anytime soon by someone
⚠This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
⚠Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
⚠How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
⚠Are you easy to get along with?
⚠Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with?
⚠ Have you ever had a one night stand?
⚠Have you never fallen for the drummer in the band?
⚠ Have you ever fallen off a stool at the bar?

⚠What was the last drink that you put in your mouth?
⚠What size bed do you have?
⚠Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in?
⚠Do you like the rain?
⚠Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
⚠Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do
⚠Would people refer to you as a goodie goodie, bad news, or neither?
⚠Who were you last in the car with, besides family?
⚠What’s the last movie you saw in theaters and with who?
⚠Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/ girlfriend?
⚠Have you ever been hurt by someone you never thought would hurt you?
⚠Your parents are out of town. Would you throw a massive party?
⚠Do you regret a past relationship?
⚠Would you rather spend a Friday night at a concert or a crazy party?
⚠Do you tend to fall for the same type of person over and over?
⚠Have you made a joke about somebody that made them cry?
⚠Do you care too much about your appearance?
⚠Are you a jealous person?
⚠Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
⚠Do you miss anyone?
⚠Last person who made you cry?
⚠Does your ex piss you off?
⚠What are you doing tomorrow?
⚠Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/ girlfriend every week?
⚠Is there anyone you want to come see you?
⚠Have you ever been cheated on?
⚠Ever given your all to someone who walked away?
⚠Do you like cotton candy?
⚠Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with?
⚠Do you have siblings?
⚠Have you ever fallen asleep on someone?
⚠How has the past week been for you?
⚠Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
⚠What’s on your mind right now?
⚠What were you doing at midnight last night?
⚠What is your current mood?
⚠Who was the first person you talked to today?
⚠Will this week be a good one?
⚠Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy?
⚠Who were you with last night
⚠Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
⚠Next time you will kiss someone
⚠Who should start the kiss, the girl or the boy?
⚠Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Found it!
⚠ Have you ever had a one night stand?
⚠Have you never fallen for the drummer in the band?
⚠ Have you ever fallen off a stool at the bar?

You are so correct and have destroyed my faith in Google, althoug it isn't lyrics. Does this make him a good artist?
You are so correct and have destroyed my faith in Google, althoug it isn't lyrics. Does this make him a good artist?

i struck lucky, as soon as I remembered where I'd seen it before and could put in more details I found a whole site catering to that sort of questions. I have found that Google is less helpful these days in many ways!
I still think it makes him a thief :(
Thanks to 29words for binging home the true meaning of 007.

Thanks, and sorry if it was a bit too hilarious here and there.
It certainly was a nice time for me to learn about septets.

Funnily, Roger Moore played James Bond seven times too...
Thank you....

Erectus: thanks for your compliment on my erotic poem Goddess's Boytoy!!!
Thank you....

Erectus: thank for your compliment on my erotic poem Goddess's Boytoy!!!
The New Poetry Recommendations are up, and my choice are well worth the wait, don't YOU miss them!
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Thank U, Bro!!!!

thanx Play4Paul for 'Fave'-ing my Femdom poem Goddess's Boytoy!!!
Paul'n Erectus the Illustrated'n Audio versions R in the Lit Pipeline ....
Many thanks to UnderYourSpell and 29wordsforsnow for their kind words for "The meaning of Socks" and "My Three Chambered Heart."
THANK U: Paul4Play for fave-ing my erotic Femdom BDSM poem ' Song of Shiva' !!!!