What matters to you?

So far I see a campaign filled with lots of mudslinging but little substance. What I want to know is if your candidate is elected what are the first three issues/problems you want them to address?

What is the best way they can solve these problems?

What I want to do is steer y’all away from politics to issues that affect us all and try to get a handle on which issues are most important to which group of people and are there solutions.

As a few examples: the high cost of rent and housing, the high cost of medical treatment, border security, and election integrity to name a few. If Tim Walz was an assistant coach or a head coach has absolutely no effect on my life, to cost of the drugs I have to take if unaffordable could literally kill me.

What political issues are the most pressing? Why? What are the solutions? Who has the best plan to solve the problem Harris/Trump?
1. End the Drug War already. It's a waste of everyone's time, money, potential, and other resources.
2. Remove the Social Security tax cap to keep Social Security solvent.
3. Get us out of these various, pointless wars, which sad to say, we haven't exited as much as we should have by now. They have bankrupted this country to the point of insanity.

Notice how none of these three issues has really been fully addressed by any of the major party nominees? There's a reason for that. We are on the brink of the same kind of events that led to the fall of the Roman Republic, which ushered in the Roman Empire. Political freedom was sacrificed to preserve imperial hegemony. I suspect that's what will happen here. Except that it won't work this time. We're going to collapse, all civilizations, at roughly the same pace, even if China has taken an early lead.
I agree I feel the only reason we should send troops in harm's way is if there is a clear and present danger to this nation.
I guess you're the guy who stands and watches an old lady get mugged and beaten and does nothing because the mugger isn't coming after you.
I guess you're the guy who stands and watches an old lady get mugged and beaten and does nothing because the mugger isn't coming after you.
Not at all where did you get that from?

We are presently involved in military operations in the Yemeni Civil War, Somali Civil War, and Syrian Civil War do you think an investment in American blood and treasure will change anything in these countries? If so why and how? These countries have nothing to offer us and have been fighting among themselves since Jesus was a baby.. Are we going to change that? Can anyone?

Our involvement in Vietnam directly led to the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge did we do the Colombians any favors? Did our twenty-five-year involvement in Iraq gain anything for us or the Iraqi people? We entered Iraq because of nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and stayed to liberate the Iraqi people from a bloodthirsty tyrant. In the process, we killed three or four times as many Iraqis as Sudamm ever did. That's not how you win the hearts and minds of a people.

I supported our engagement in Afghanistan at least in the beginning. Usauma bin Laden was hiding out there But certain policies impeded that objective and once bin Laden was out of Afghanistan what was the point of being there?
Not at all where did you get that from?

We are presently involved in military operations in the Yemeni Civil War, Somali Civil War, and Syrian Civil War do you think an investment in American blood and treasure will change anything in these countries? If so why and how? These countries have nothing to offer us and have been fighting among themselves since Jesus was a baby.. Are we going to change that? Can anyone?

Our involvement in Vietnam directly led to the rise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge did we do the Colombians any favors? Did our twenty-five-year involvement in Iraq gain anything for us or the Iraqi people? We entered Iraq because of nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and stayed to liberate the Iraqi people from a bloodthirsty tyrant. In the process, we killed three or four times as many Iraqis as Sudamm ever did. That's not how you win the hearts and minds of a people.

I supported our engagement in Afghanistan at least in the beginning. Usauma bin Laden was hiding out there But certain policies impeded that objective and once bin Laden was out of Afghanistan what was the point of being there?
I just remember how we helped keep Hitler and or Stalin from taking over all of Europe. I think that was kind of worth the blood and treasure. And I think helping Ukraine serves the same purpose. Putin won't stop in Ukraine. I believe it behooves us to help Ukraine defend itself. Not everything is about the benefits of what you gain. Sometimes you do the right thing just because it's the right thing to do.
Here's a list:
1) Enacting reasonable environmental protections, without sacrificing consumer choices (California sometimes goes too far in this regard.) Funding alternative energy and carbon-capture technology. Protecting public health and the environment by enacting fair and reasonable regulations- not over-regulating (Again, some laws go too far in this regard.) As a part of this, re-commit to the Paris accords and take a more leading role in fighting climate change.

2) A fair and reasonable tax code that balances the budget, but does not balance the balance of budget on the backs of the poor. Yes, this means ending many corporate subsidies and extra tax breaks on the ultra wealthy that Trump and his cronies put in place.

3) Support for our allies. Find a reasonable and fair solution to the Israeli war, re-commit to a peace treaty with Iran, cautiously bolster our allies without provoking or escalating world conflicts.

4) Ending or banning some of the outright racist/hateful policies put in place by bigoted politicians in states like Florida or Georgia.

5) Push for a reasonable and afffordable health care plan.

6) Help to safeguard basic constitutional and individual rights- including reproductive and sexual freedom, reasonable abortion access (a good compromise will work here) freedoms from illegal search and seizure, and yes, this includes second amendment rights as well.

7) pushing back against an activist supreme court: Leading an effort to pass laws for presidential accountability, pusihing for term limits on justices, making it a crime, or at least, disbar a justice, who accepts bribes or has a clear conflict of interest in a particular case..

The border "Crisis" is a non-issue with me. This has been blown way, way, way out of proportion. It is simple fear-mongering that has escalated to the point of ridiculousness. So, build the wall, if it placates the scared lemmings enough but I wouldn't care either way.

Mainly: 8) DON'T ACTIVELY FUCK THINGS UP OR MAKE THEM WORSE. Which is why even if Kamala Harris goes on to do absolutely nothing noteworthy whatsoever as president, I will still vote for her!
I just remember how we helped keep Hitler and or Stalin from taking over all of Europe. I think that was kind of worth the blood and treasure. And I think helping Ukraine serves the same purpose. Putin won't stop in Ukraine. I believe it behooves us to help Ukraine defend itself. Not everything is about the benefits of what you gain. Sometimes you do the right thing just because it's the right thing to do.
Remember during WWII Stalin was an ally in defeating Hitler after Hitler broke his nonaggression pack. We knew from the get-go Stalin was an optimistic blood thirsty tyrant but during the war, he was kindly Uncle Joe..

After the war we never tried to liberate the Warsaw Pack counties. We built and funded Radio Free Europe but that was about it. We didn’t do the right thing in Europe.

How do you know what the right thing is? I don't I don't pretend I do.

Helping Pol Pot fight the communists and installing Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the Shah of Iran because of his strong anti-communist stance seemed to be “the right thing to do” at the time. Was it?

Where’s your crystal ball that tells you in twenty or thirty years that Zelenskyy won’t revile himself as the next genocidal dictator?
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Remember during WWII Stalin was an ally in defeating Hitler after Hitler broke his nonaggression pack. We knew from the get-go Stalin was an optimistic blood thirsty tyrant but during the war, he was kindly Uncle Joe..
Yes. Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back and paid for it. That is the sole reason Stalin ended up on our side. Your point?
After the war we never tried to liberate the Warsaw Pack counties. We built and funded Radio Free Europe but that was about it. We didn’t do the right thing in Europe.
I think virtually all of Europe would disagree with you. We helped save all of them from Nazi occupation and control. And I'm REALLY sure all the Jews that we saved would disagree with your wishy-washy ass.
How do you know what the right thing is? I don't I don't pretend I do.
You just admitted that you don't know right from wrong. So shut the fuck up.
Helping Pol Pot fight the communists and installing Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the Shah of Iran because of his strong anti-communist stance seemed to but “the right thing to do” at the time. Was it?
I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole of debating every geopolitical decision in history. You're only trying to be an agitator. I'm not taking that bait.
Where’s your crystal ball that tells you in twenty or thirty years that Zelenskyy won’t revile himself as the next genocidal dictator?
Wow! Why ever do ANYTHING because you can't predict the future? Great philosophy for life!

I'm done with you. At least the MAGA zombies on here have the courage of their convictions, argue for the decisions that they believe are right, even if I'm diametrically opposed to their ideas. You're an insignificant gnat who's only purpose is, apparently, to annoy the rest of us.

So fuck off, gnat.
End Civil Asset Forfeiture as it is now.

NOTHING gets taken without full documentation as to the specific reasons why.

If charges aren't filed within ten days, everything gets returned, with interest paid on any funds.

If charges are filed, it all gets held as evidence.

Acquittal means it all gets returned, again with interest.

On conviction, property gets liquidated and all funds sent to a central state fund. Dispersal from there can be up to state legislatures.

In NO case, can the original agency keep any of the property or funds.
End Civil Asset Forfeiture as it is now.

NOTHING gets taken without full documentation as to the specific reasons why.

If charges aren't filed within ten days, everything gets returned, with interest paid on any funds.

If charges are filed, it all gets held as evidence.

Acquittal means it all gets returned, again with interest.

On conviction, property gets liquidated and all funds sent to a central state fund. Dispersal from there can be up to state legislatures.

In NO case, can the original agency keep any of the property or funds.
Wow! jaF0 with a banger! I second the motion.
After the war we never tried to liberate the Warsaw Pack counties. We built and funded Radio Free Europe but that was about it. We didn’t do the right thing in Europe.
I think virtually all of Europe would disagree with you. We helped save all of them from Nazi occupation and control. And I'm REALLY sure all the Jews that we saved would disagree with your wishy-washy ass.
Read the question again slowly. The Nazis were no longer in power after the war, we saved the Jews by fighting the war yes absolutely but after the war the Nazis were no longer in power your argument makes no sense.
Here's a list:
1) Enacting reasonable environmental protections, without sacrificing consumer choices (California sometimes goes too far in this regard.) Funding alternative energy and carbon-capture technology. Protecting public health and the environment by enacting fair and reasonable regulations- not over-regulating (Again, some laws go too far in this regard.) As a part of this, re-commit to the Paris accords and take a more leading role in fighting climate change.

2) A fair and reasonable tax code that balances the budget, but does not balance the balance of budget on the backs of the poor. Yes, this means ending many corporate subsidies and extra tax breaks on the ultra wealthy that Trump and his cronies put in place.

3) Support for our allies. Find a reasonable and fair solution to the Israeli war, re-commit to a peace treaty with Iran, cautiously bolster our allies without provoking or escalating world conflicts.

4) Ending or banning some of the outright racist/hateful policies put in place by bigoted politicians in states like Florida or Georgia.

5) Push for a reasonable and afffordable health care plan.

6) Help to safeguard basic constitutional and individual rights- including reproductive and sexual freedom, reasonable abortion access (a good compromise will work here) freedoms from illegal search and seizure, and yes, this includes second amendment rights as well.

7) pushing back against an activist supreme court: Leading an effort to pass laws for presidential accountability, pusihing for term limits on justices, making it a crime, or at least, disbar a justice, who accepts bribes or has a clear conflict of interest in a particular case..

The border "Crisis" is a non-issue with me. This has been blown way, way, way out of proportion. It is simple fear-mongering that has escalated to the point of ridiculousness. So, build the wall, if it placates the scared lemmings enough but I wouldn't care either way.

Mainly: 8) DON'T ACTIVELY FUCK THINGS UP OR MAKE THEM WORSE. Which is why even if Kamala Harris goes on to do absolutely nothing noteworthy whatsoever as president, I will still vote for her!
All excellent points some number 4 will be hard to do people are allowed to vote for anyone they wish too.
End Civil Asset Forfeiture as it is now.

NOTHING gets taken without full documentation as to the specific reasons why.

If charges aren't filed within ten days, everything gets returned, with interest paid on any funds.

If charges are filed, it all gets held as evidence.

Acquittal means it all gets returned, again with interest.

On conviction, property gets liquidated and all funds sent to a central state fund. Dispersal from there can be up to state legislatures.

In NO case, can the original agency keep any of the property or funds.
It took me two reads to understand where you were coming from but once I did I agree 100% Police work at any level should be a public service and not for profit or gain.
Beliefs can become burdensome to carry. They may be dropped or forgotten as people age and become more interested in practical solutions, however they happen and by anyone who makes them happen.
^I would agree that we want vastly less government IN OUR PERSONAL AND PRIVATE LIVES.
Less government telling us what books to read, how (and with whom) we can have sex, what websites we can access, when we can drink, and basically, less government interfering with our personal choices.

I would agree we want massive cuts to government spending subsidizing already wealthy corporations (Specifically the oil and gas industry) and less government spending on frivolous things like a border wall.

Less taxes- on the poor and middle class. Problem is, the previous administration RAISED taxes on the poor and middle class, but cut them on the ultra-wealthy- so he could brag to everyone how he cut taxes! (Thankfully most people were wise enough to see through the ruse.)

So...I guess we agree for once!
We definitely will have less government when we can't afford more. How we get there may be measured in thousands or millions of deaths in war, famine, plague, etc. The conscription phase in war may feel like more government.
We definitely will have less government when we can't afford more. How we get there may be measured in thousands or millions of deaths in war, famine, plague, etc. The conscription phase in war may feel like more government.
You must be the life of every party.
We definitely will have less government when we can't afford more. How we get there may be measured in thousands or millions of deaths in war, famine, plague, etc. The conscription phase in war may feel like more government.