Will J6 Convictions Be Overthrown

In my view, a lot of the convictions of the past decade are going to be overturned. It will be expensive for the taxpayers.
You guys did in 2020.


ineedhelp1 conveniently forgets that the corrupt orange traitor encouraged cops to be "rough" with individuals in handcuffs / police custody.

That ^ was almost IMMEDIATELY followed by Derek Chauvin murdering George Floyd while in handcuffs / police custody.

The subsequent peaceful protests in 93 PERCENT of locales, and the rioting and looting perpetuated by a variety of criminals with various agendas in 7 PERCENT of locales, was ALL the result of the corrupt orange traitor encouraging cops to violate the law and the constitution and to be rough with individuals in handcuffs - and Derek Chauvin acting on that encouragement.



January 6th was also ALL the result of the corrupt orange traitor encouraging a group of violent individuals to violate the law and the constitution - and those violent individuals acting on that encouragement.


Side note:

Ashli Babbitt is dead because she acted on the corrupt orange traitor’s encouragement to violate the law and the constitution.

The people mostly responsible for Ashlii Babbitt’s death, are the corrupt orange traitor and Ashlii Babbitt.

Full stop.

Real Americans can at least rest assured that these guilty traitors have suffered mental and social anguish up until this point, regardless of whether or not they end up getting lucky.

Hopefully the damage is permanent. 🙏 🙏
This, plus none of them were charged just with obstruction, so there are still other/different charges against all of them.
You guys did in 2020.
Let's be clear:

I did not, and still do not, condone the riots of 2020. Those people responsible, as well, should face justice for their violent crimes.

I am not "You Guys." I support law, order, and consequences for breaking it. No matter what your political justification is for doing son.
Real Americans can at least rest assured that these guilty traitors have suffered mental and social anguish up until this point, regardless of whether or not they end up getting lucky.

Hopefully the damage is permanent. 🙏 🙏
THE DOJ are the real conspiritors and thugs Speaker Johnson released the videos and 90 per cent of the activists were calm and did no damage a whole lot less than the George Floyd insurrection across the country that had the blessings of the democrats every where. You fuckers that repeat what you heard on yahoo need to use a valid fact checker. Long live the Magi and heres hoping they win the White house back and get rid of the perverts after they fumigate the place
In my view, a lot of the convictions of the past decade are going to be overturned. It will be expensive for the taxpayers.
China Joe s open borders will cost the USA 4 trillion a year in added expenses to care for people who will be on the dole their whole lives
THE DOJ are the real conspiritors and thugs Speaker Johnson released the videos and 90 per cent of the activists were calm and did no damage a whole lot less than the George Floyd insurrection across the country that had the blessings of the democrats every where. You fuckers that repeat what you heard on yahoo need to use a valid fact checker. Long live the Magi and heres hoping they win the White house back and get rid of the perverts after they fumigate the place
Everyone in the capital was there illegally that day. All of them are criminals no matter what you trumptards say. Deal with it.
My guess would be yes, but not on the expected grounds. Expect something more esoteric in the ruling.

The Justices have been taught (by who, we won't mention) they must have CYA,
or face personal consequences that extend to their families.

Plausible Deniability
My guess would be yes, but not on the expected grounds. Expect something more esoteric in the ruling.

The Justices have been taught (by who, we won't mention) they must have CYA,
or face personal consequences that extend to their families.

Plausible Deniability
Agreed. After listening to the oral arguments I expect the ruling to come down 6-3.
Agreed. After listening to the oral arguments I expect the ruling to come down 6-3.
To be honest, I haven't been paying that close of attention.

I have no idea how they'll rule but a firm understanding of the reaction just dying to be "triggered."
To be honest, I haven't been paying that close of attention.

I have no idea how they'll rule but a firm understanding of the reaction just dying to be "triggered."
One of the key moments was when Roberts had the DOJ attorney twisting in the wind trying to explain why Jan. 6 was an attempt to disrupt official proceedings while the protests at the SCOTUS building and at the justices homes were not. Clearly a few of the justices were pissed.
Let's be clear:

I did not, and still do not, condone the riots of 2020. Those people responsible, as well, should face justice for their violent crimes.

I am not "You Guys." I support law, order, and consequences for breaking it. No matter what your political justification is for doing son.
Harris established a bail fund for rioters, how convenient.
One of the key moments was when Roberts had the DOJ attorney twisting in the wind trying to explain why Jan. 6 was an attempt to disrupt official proceedings while the protests at the SCOTUS building and at the justices homes were not. Clearly a few of the justices were pissed.
It's aways "free speech" when the Left does it and when they see it done on the Right, their reaction is always, "hate speech."
If you simps didn't try to overthrow the government because your gawd got trounced, she would still be alive so fuck right the fuck off with your fake bullshit.
You’re despicable. No one tried to overthrow the government. Fire! fire! hair on fire!
"If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” Harris tweeted in June 2020.
"If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” Harris tweeted in June 2020.
Weird how she doesn't take credit for establishing it nor does she mention rioters.

Maybe that's on her next tweet
Now, you're nitpicking to avoid the truth of Mz. Harris's endorsement/advocacy for bailing out her peeps.