Will J6 Convictions Be Overthrown

So no arms needed.
Without arms, it's just a riot. The problem also is that those protesters saw themselves as strengthening the nation, especially in the context of the BLM riots of the previous year. So no, not an insurrection.
Without arms, it's just a riot.
So you dispute their definition?

The problem also is that those protesters saw themselves as strengthening the nation, especially in the context of the BLM riots of the previous year. So no, not an insurrection.
Sounds like your definition is different then.

But other people seem to agree with that definition.

I'm sure it's not subjective then 👍
Everyone in the capital was there illegally that day. All of them are criminals no matter what you trumptards say. Deal with it.
your TDS is not in remittance....criminal? I honestly feel sorry for you. Which platoon of Bidenista s are you with?
your TDS is not in remittance....criminal? I honestly feel sorry for you. Which platoon of Bidenista s are you with?
His appointments are in prison and he's been found liable for fraud and rape.

Go sit in the corner with that other dumbfuck.
So you dispute their definition?
Let's walk the chain and see. Here's "revolt," which is part of their definition:
: a renouncing of allegiance (as to a government or party)
especially: a determined armed uprising

: a movement or expression of vigorous dissent
These people thought they were enforcing election security, not renouncing allegiance.
You blindly support trump and believe all his lies and you call me a lemming. Lmao.
Nothing is delusional about what I said, I speak the facts. Not my fault you trumptards are mentally defective. You have the cognitive ability of a potato.
The first symptom of a psychoneurotic malady is separation from reality and denial. You need medical attention!
The first symptom of a psychoneurotic malady is separation from reality and denial. You need medical attention!
Like how you come to a thread, soaking wet, and then claim you don't carry water for trump?

And learn to spell your disses, homeboy. They don't land when you fuck it up.
No, that's how you use a dictionary: if you look up a definition, you look up other words in that definition until clarity arrives.
And yet there are multiple definitions and multiple definitions of those definitions.

For example - why do you suggest that the number of people armed matters when no definition mentions that?

You don't think you're being subjective, but you are.....that is the clarity you're missing.
You all really love that word "overthrown", but in this case I think you mean "overturned".
Yes if we were talking about a simple ruling "overturned" is the proper term. In this case, a positive decision for the defendant "overthrows" an entire Department of Justice "system" of governmental judicial procedure that has imprisoned hundreds of Americans. So, I think it applies but your ability to pick fly shit out of pepper is certainly not injured by it all. So please, do rave on.:rolleyes:
No, that's how you use a dictionary: if you look up a definition, you look up other words in that definition until clarity arrives.
You used a dictionary to back you up and it failed you miserably. Well, you failed it, actually.
It was a riot, and all of the propaganda otherwise is failing. Let's talk about those BLM riots too. Was CHAZ/CHOP an insurrection?
You gonna send me back to m-w.com? Well okay, here's "insurrection":
Insurrection is whatever the Democrats say it is. The BLM attacks that burned down a federal courthouse, the BLM attack that burned a historic church in DC, burned numerous cities, and the subsequent attack on the White House by communist BLM mobs that injured 60 plus SS agents and forced the SS to move the President and his family into a bunker was not insurrection, but the trespass at the Capitol that insulted Nancy Pelosi was.