Will J6 Convictions Be Overthrown

It's only "Lawfare" when a Republican, preferably an extremist one, is held accountable for breaking the law.

When it's a Democrat or mainstream politician, then the consequences for breaking the law are never severe enough.

This is called "Hypocrisy." It's a big word that the Hisarpy/Icanhelp guy isn't literate enough to pronounce, or sophisticated enough to understand. Oddly, my third grade niece was able to understand it clearly, so that shows the mentality we are dealing with here.

To the Left it is justice denied by injustice and righted by the people's Democratic justice.

They can see it clearer by the light of their eco-friendly rainbow-light LED torch...
That’s quite a torch, must be an innovation of the green new deal.
It's only "Lawfare" when a Republican, preferably an extremist one, is held accountable for breaking the law.

When it's a Democrat or mainstream politician, then the consequences for breaking the law are never severe enough.

This is called "Hypocrisy." It's a big word that the Hisarpy/Icanhelp guy isn't literate enough to pronounce, or sophisticated enough to understand. Oddly, my third grade niece was able to understand it clearly, so that shows the mentality we are dealing with here.
We don't know what it is called when a Democrat does it because it has to be so over-the-top mendacious, or should I say Menedez-ious, that when they finally get justice, even their own team disowns them completely, like a looter at a mostly peaceful demonstration. So, there's no word for it!

"They were outsiders and republican plants"
That’s quite a torch, must be an innovation of the green new deal.
LEDs are getting more powerful.

Remember when the smartest people in the world decreed that we must use those fucking mercury bulbs?

Welcome the the Kamala edition of the world of Californication..., a peaceful place where all conservatives are hushed up or sent to Sib..., er, uh, Alaska, above the circle.
LEDs are getting more powerful.

Remember when the smartest people in the world decreed that we must use those fucking mercury bulbs?

Welcome the the Kamala edition of the world of Californication..., a peaceful place where all conservatives are hushed up or sent to Sib..., er, uh, Alaska, above the circle.
I was referring to the rainbow color.
There is an arguable case for the commutation of sentences to be considered in many cases; this would be on the basis that America needs to heal itself and put the J6 event behind it. However, it is problematic, firstly, because some cases were much more severe than others and do not deserve leniency, and secondly, it should not be considered in the heat of an election campaign. Biden or Harris might consider commutation, whereas Trump is more likely to pardon. A pardon would be a step too far as it undermines the legal process itself and has been used far too often to look after political 'friends.'

Any resolution would be messy, but the USA needs to move forward in 2025 and do something to resolve the societal division and distracting heat generated by J6.
We don't know what it is called when a Democrat does it because it has to be so over-the-top mendacious, or should I say Menedez-ious, that when they finally get justice, even their own team disowns them completely, like a looter at a mostly peaceful demonstration. So, there's no word for it!

"They were outsiders and republican plants"
what I am saying, Mr. Jay Trailer Pepsi secret Hitch, is that people need to hold the Republicans to the same standards as they do the Democrats, when they violate the law, or the Constitution.

And that is clearly not happening. No matter what Trump does, whenever people try to hold him to account, others just enable him, or claim he is being unfairly persecuted. But when a Democrat does it- even something relatively minor compared to Trump's offenses, they protest that they ought to be locked up.

Let's hold both sides to the same set of rules. All I'm saying. You, at least, can understand this. The Hisarpy/ChloeTzang/Icanhelp guy cannot- and that's because you are smarter than him.
^Exactly. I mean, celebrating the overturning of J6th convictions is really tantamount to celebrating overturning Osama Bin Laden or Tim McVeigh's conviction. All of them clear enemies of democracy and America, and if you can't see that- you are clearly NOT an American. They need to throw the book at them, basically- make everyone (including the conspirator in chief) suffer the consequences for what they did.

Otherwise, law and order go out the door along with Democracy and it's basically mob rule and thirld-world autocracy with no legitimacy and no Constitution.