✨🎱 Magic 8 Ball 🎱✨


“a tonic”
Mar 17, 2022
Do you have a question that’s been bugging you? Are you dying to find out if something will be happening in your future?

Well look no further!


Close your eyes and concentrate on your deepest desires or wonderings, and then post them here. Your question will be answered by the next poster.

Then they can leave a question to be answered by the next person consulting the magic 🎱!


For example:
Me: Dear Magic 8 Ball, will I get the job I’m hoping for?
Next poster: yes! The outlook looks good.


Next poster: …( insert question here)

And so on :)
Dear Magic 8 Ball, will I find what I need to finish this project or will I have to change what I’m doing?
Dear Magic 8 ball, will I get PMs in tomorrow’s PM challenge?
Doubtful, you will most likely be out side the demographics of tomorrows challenge.

Dear magic 8 Ball- will I make a flirtatious connection today?
Doubtful, you will most likely be out side the demographics of tomorrows challenge.

Dear magic 8 Ball- will I make a flirtatious connection today?
My sources say no.

When will the "show us your face" thread be resurrected?
Ask your Creator and one will be delivered to you

DM8B: Will I find the perfect female companion on Lit?
My sources say no.

Sorry, the magic 8ball has spoken.

Dm8b& mods

Are we allowed to make a thread of the worst initial PM's we received, sans name?

This is really pivotal in our shared lit experience.
Dm8b& mods

Are we allowed to make a thread of the worst initial PM's we received, sans name?

This is really pivotal in our shared lit experience.
The Magic 8 Ball really wants you to name and shame. 😁

Do I really have to get off the couch today?
No. Never sleep again. Get up, go out and find true love, have a failed affair with Love-is-Blonde along the way, and make the largest cheesecake on history.

Will Love-is-Blonde ever seduce me into ravaging her?
No. Never sleep again. Get up, go out and find true love, have a failed affair with Love-is-Blonde along the way, and make the largest cheesecake on history.

Will Love-is-Blonde ever seduce me into ravaging her?
Outlook isn't good.

Magic 8 Ball, am I going to get lucky tonight?