✨🎱 Magic 8 Ball 🎱✨

You're so charming, I can't see why not.

You, M8B,
Have you every seen the rain coming down on a sunny day?
This is the way.

Oh Magic 8 Ball, will I ever own my own bookstore in a little town by the beach, where I can bring my dog to work each day, and read to my heart’s content?
Reply hazy, try again.

M8B will I hit the Poweball jackpot?
Strongest indications say possibly… your hope will make all the difference to this outcome

DM8B, am I shooting blanks or was the vasectomy a fail?
Results look cloudy…try again later

DM8B will I get to reschedule my girls night before my friend flies home?
all signs say yes! Pick up that goddamned phone girl!

DM8B, will that thing that really needs to happen, happen?
Signs are unclear. It could happen now, later, or possibly in between.

DM8B: it’s been a long long time since I had a coffee date. Should I expect it this fall?
This fall? Are you kidding?! Prospects are a definitive β€œYes.” As long as you get up and make that date happen.

DM8B: Are my diet changes going to heal my body’s DT2?
One may hope

DM8B: will I be receiving positive feedback soon?
Outlook good :)

DM8B - Will I be able to row again next summer?
My source is tell me if you start training now, you'll be ready for next summer. Isn't that exciting?
Dear magic eight ball, do you know what I'm going to ask and if so, should I even bother?
My source is tell me if you start training now, you'll be ready for next summer. Isn't that exciting?
Dear magic eight ball, do you know what I'm going to ask and if so, should I even bother?

Ask Again Later

DM8B - Is Bad Amy truly bad?