✨🎱 Magic 8 Ball 🎱✨


Outlook Good :)

Will there be any interesting women in my classes this upcoming semester?
Not a one!
They are all super stressed out and just want to get though the semester unscathed.

Apparently my magic 8 ball had a lot to say.

Dear M8B

Will I reach 100 before the day is out?
What’s this…under my bed? My Magic 8 Ball 🎱 *That’s* where you’ve been all this time!?!

Let me just dust this thing off…

Will I die from a silver spoon or a Canadian beaver?

Magic 8 Ball says: “Cannot predict now”

Dear Magic 8 Ball,

Will we get a big snowstorm on Monday and get an extra day of winter break?
What’s this…under my bed? My Magic 8 Ball 🎱 *That’s* where you’ve been all this time!?!

Let me just dust this thing off…

Magic 8 Ball says: “Cannot predict now”

Dear Magic 8 Ball,

Will we get a big snowstorm on Monday and get an extra day of winter break?
Magic 8 back says that you will have an extra day off on Monday regardless if it snows if you just don't go in. ;) kidding, kidding. But really, the magic ball says "possibly". 😄
Haha whoopsie!

Dear magic 8 ball:

Will there be enough snowfall to go skiing next weekend? Don't let me down M8! ❄️
M8B says:

‘Outlook good’

However, if you want a second opinion, BB8 says:

‘Beep beep whirr beep beep buzz whirr’

Which loosely translates as:

‘I hope not; fucking stupid snow!’

See BB8 and the Snow Droid

And my question for M8B:

Will Jett get lots of entertaining PMs this year (nudge, wink)?