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The girl at the coffee store on campus.
She acts really self important, temperamental, and difficult to please.

I get a kick out of how ignorant she is to people each day. ;)

But...she does need a good hard cock to put her in her place, while another slips around the front and plugs that noisemaker of hers.

The fuck?

I'm with Avery on this...WTF??? :confused:
Are Dolly and Betty ‘divas’, though, in the true sense of the word?

About both, I'd say they are definitely not divas. They are both modest and happy to laugh at themselves. Heck, Dolly just told the government of Tennessee to stop plans to erect a statue of her, telling them to wait a few years or until she has died. Divas don't resist being celebrated.
I don't think diva always has to correlate with ego.

I think when your personality transcends your artwork you've entered diva territory. Diva attitude doesn't always make you a diva.

Plus if you're consistently inspiring drag queens.... 🤷*♀️
I don't think diva always has to correlate with ego.

I think when your personality transcends your artwork you've entered diva territory. Diva attitude doesn't always make you a diva.

Plus if you're consistently inspiring drag queens.... 🤷*♀️

Ha!!! I never thought of it this way but I've got to admit that it sure does make a lot of sense.:D

What's something that you look for in a partner now that you never imagined requiring when you were younger?

What's something that you look for in a partner now that you never imagined requiring when you were younger?

I've got a sizeable list now that I am (hopefully) older and wiser.

When I was a young man I wasn't very discerning. "Willing" and "Cute" were enough.

In no particular order here are things I look for now:

1. Kindness/Compassion/Empathy - in short, what they're now calling "emotional intelligence".

2. Social Skills stacks pretty high in my book - the ability to move through different social circles and thrive in them.

3. Are They A Reader? This correlates with intelligence/intellectual prowess. I have found that people who read regularly and frequently make far better partners because they have the imagination engaged.

4. Self-Awareness. This correlates with a lot of things, but I just know far to many people who are oblivious to their own wants, needs, and desires. If they can't articulate it, then your planning the whole dating game of "go fish", which I find frustrating.

My overall desires have changed from when I was a young man (sex, sex, and occasionally beer) to "good character" first, then everything else secondary.

What's something that you look for in a partner now that you never imagined requiring when you were younger?
I think I probably missed the obvious through trying to be too clever.

I can remember watching friends' relationships fizzle out after a few months, because they'd been based on sex and superficial attraction. And when the attraction became taken for granted, and the sex more commonplace, there wasn't anything left. So I looked for what I thought were surer foundations, and secure, strong relationships followed.

Unfortunately, they didn't have so much of the sex and physical attraction.

So if anyone ever perfects a life rewind button, next time I'm going to go with the sex and see how things go from there.

What's something that you look for in a partner now that you never imagined requiring when you were younger?

Creativity, wit, charm and a sense of adventure. well I've always liked that, even when I was a wee lass.
Now? Sophisticated deviance balanced with a gentlemanly level of depravity that should match or surpass my own.
I'm at a point in my life, where the sex is the stuff. Head as well as body.

What's something that you look for in a partner now that you never imagined requiring when you were younger?

A semen analysis because IVF sucks.

I joke. Sort of.

I’ve always liked and valued the same characteristics- similar goals and upbringing, similar sense of ethics, clean cut, hard working, curious, smart, funny. If I had to add a trait, besides not firing blanks, would be someone who cooks because it’s all me, all the time, and I could use a break.

Sex is maybe not that big of a deal for me because I know it ebbs and flows and I’m able to seek it out elsewhere if I need or want to, as is he. Which is actually ideal because I don’t worry about resentment if I don’t want sex for a length of time many would find unacceptable. I’ve been married a long time and it’s nice to have that pressure of maintaining the same level of sex all the time not there.

I don’t think I have that much to complain about, all things considered, that I can easily target different things I’d want today than when we met 13 years ago. So I’ll stick with the semen analysis. Because IVF sucks.

ETA: I’d add handy. My spouse is very mechanically inclined but basic home repair can very much elude him. That would be on my list for the non-existent next time. Definitely.
1) sex

2) a great cook

3) more sex

4) laughter

Where have you been all my life? :D

ETA I'll echo Avery and say someone handy. Living alone has made me acutely aware of my shortcomings in that area, and my ex was clueless so couldn't teach me. I learned a little from my son before he moved away, but not enough.
Where have you been all my life? :D

ETA I'll echo Avery and say someone handy. Living alone has made me acutely aware of my shortcomings in that area, and my ex was clueless so couldn't teach me. I learned a little from my son before he moved away, but not enough.

My dad still helps with that stuff. My husband’s dad wasn’t around so my dad helps and teaches him. And HIS dad/grandfather owned a hardware store so he has all the equipment and a good baseline for know how. But for someone so fucking smart, my husband is useless around the house in many areas.

What's something that you look for in a partner now that you never imagined requiring when you were younger?

This is a really interesting question and one I have struggled to answer, even though I've thought about it for ages.

I don't think you have the knowledge or self awareness when you are younger.

I think I would look for someone who treated me as an equal. With respect. Who allowed me to be who I truly was, without judgement, criticism or mocking. Who was as interested in me as I was in them. Who stimulated me in every way. Made me laugh, made me sigh, made me think, made me want to be the best version of myself. Who made me feel like I was sexy, not just that they wanted sex.
Who empowered me, challenged me, inspired me.

Anyway. I liked this question. Still not sure I answered it properly.
Where have you been all my life? :D

ETA I'll echo Avery and say someone handy. Living alone has made me acutely aware of my shortcomings in that area, and my ex was clueless so couldn't teach me. I learned a little from my son before he moved away, but not enough.

My dad still helps with that stuff. My husband’s dad wasn’t around so my dad helps and teaches him. And HIS dad/grandfather owned a hardware store so he has all the equipment and a good baseline for know how. But for someone so fucking smart, my husband is useless around the house in many areas.

I grew up in an age when they still offered middle and high school shop classes where I received at least a rudimentary education with wood and metal working tools. Saws, sanders, drills, lathes, welders and hand tools. Then I worked for a couple summers at a service station and learned to work on cars. Throw in summers painting houses and cutting grass and doing my own car, lawnmower and motorcycle repairs I'm fortunate to have gotten a lot of hands on knowledge.

I'm proud to have shared at least the woodworking skills with my son when we built skateboard ramps together and other projects. He is now building furniture for he and his wife's apartment and it looks pretty good. I am a proud dad.

What's something that you look for in a partner now that you never imagined requiring when you were younger?

It’s hard to answer this question for me because, in a nutshell, it seems like all these answers so far are sounding so much better than I could think of. It doesn’t help that I don’t have a partner. At any time I could be called to address something where I’m pulled away. That could be frustrating for the partner. My time is not my own, majority of the time.

It would be nice to have the ingredients to the perfect man for me, but I have to be willing to meet that person in expectations. Right now, I could be called at a moments notice. I can’t have expectations without being able to live up to my end of the bargain as well.
There are so many good answers here. I agree with Wand3rlust that when I was younger I had no idea what would make.me happiest in the long run. I think I did ok ultimately but... I would have prioritized two things.

1. A natural leader - I'm the organizer, the planner, the bill payer, the motivator, the task master.... I'd really like to know what life would be life with an equal in this area.

2. Someone who is good with cars! My SO is handy but car mechanics are the bane of our existence.
It’s hard to answer this question for me because, in a nutshell, it seems like all these answers so far are sounding so much better than I could think of. It doesn’t help that I don’t have a partner. At any time I could be called to address something where I’m pulled away. That could be frustrating for the partner. My time is not my own, majority of the time.

It would be nice to have the ingredients to the perfect man for me, but I have to be willing to meet that person in expectations. Right now, I could be called at a moments notice. I can’t have expectations without being able to live up to my end of the bargain as well.

This is a good area - I agree with it. One of the challenges of having a relationship I have is this: I love my job. If there is a quiet stretch of time I am very likely to fill it with working because I love it and find it challenging. As a consultant, often on high pressure/high budget programs, there is also the potential that at any given moment I'll get pulled into an emergency meeting or (pre-pandemic) be headed to the airport.

One criteria I missed earlier is something I've developed over the years - in order to be in a good relationship with me my partner has to be independent and understand (if not share) my career related passion. I understand it's hard to be in a relationship where you partner has such volatility - but it is who I am (and who I really like being).

I explain it to people by saying "I'm easy to love but hard to live with, since a good portion of the time I'm not going to be there."
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