❓ PLP Inquires❓

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Just a reminder...we use the tools we have. Don't judge yourself for using the tools you had then based on the knowledge and tools you have today.

Edit: where did my quote go? Oh well.

What do you think is the appropriate amount of time (if any) between partners for intimacy? Does it differ for real life partners and online partners? Or, between an online partner and a real life partner, for that matter?

Between offline partners:
Enough time for me to process the end of a relationship and be on my own for a while before getting involved in another. It's been about a year-and-a-half-ish between the last few, and currently going longer because I want to get some things nailed down before the next one.

Between an online partner and an offline one:
This depends on the nature of my offline relationship. I always tell a new offline partner if I'm messing around with someone online and get his feedback before proceeding. Their reactions have been all over the map. I've had someone who wanted me to cease my online shenanigans, someone who thought it was super hot, and someone who essentially dismissed it as inconsequential.

Between online partners: 😏
Threesomes are fun, but the the logistics can be prohibitive. Equally arousing - and easier to facilitate - is going back and forth between two or more partners simultaneously (with consent, obvs.). Probably the best example I've got of that was messaging between one of my male partners at the time, and my female partner, while she was in bed with her offline SO.
Crazy hot. 🥵
Between offline partners:
Enough time for me to process the end of a relationship and be on my own for a while before getting involved in another. It's been about a year-and-a-half-ish between the last few, and currently going longer because I want to get some things nailed down before the next one.

Between an online partner and an offline one:
This depends on the nature of my offline relationship. I always tell a new offline partner if I'm messing around with someone online and get his feedback before proceeding. Their reactions have been all over the map. I've had someone who wanted me to cease my online shenanigans, someone who thought it was super hot, and someone who essentially dismissed it as inconsequential.

Between online partners: 😏
Threesomes are fun, but the the logistics can be prohibitive. Equally arousing - and easier to facilitate - is going back and forth between two or more partners simultaneously (with consent, obvs.). Probably the best example I've got of that was messaging between one of my male partners at the time, and my female partner, while she was in bed with her offline SO.
Crazy hot. 🥵

I hope you know the joy you bring to the world! ;):D
Are they Sisters?
Then I’d say give it a day out of respect.

After that...plough the fuck out of that sibling pussy. ;)
Are they Sisters?
Then I’d say give it a day out of respect.

After that...plough the fuck out of that sibling pussy. ;)

Sorry, what constituency is this even for?
Though at least it’s not rapey so I guess that’s a step up.

If you could be instantly standing in front of anyone on earth, who would it be and what would you do?

two conditions need to be met.

1. naked or dressed?
2. them or me?

this will determine my answer and whether they get throat punched or otherwise.

If you could be instantly standing in front of anyone on earth, who would it be and what would you do?

1. Zach, because the chances we'd ever be in the same place at the same time without PLP's magic wand is slim to none. Elvish is at least in the continental US. 🖤

2. All the things. Alllll. The. Thingggggs.

**With the proviso that we meet in the middle. Hell if I'm going to Oz and I've got people to see in UK.
Great question. Way more than people do. I suggest one-quarter of the time of the prior relationship.

If I followed that recommendation, I would have to wait seven years. :eek:

ETA: I didn’t realize how far behind I was when I posted this. :eek:
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If I followed that recommendation, I would have to wait seven years. :eek:

ETA: I didn’t realize how far behind I was when I posted this. :eek:

The reason for my statement is simple...my experience is everyone comes into a relationship with baggage. It isn't intentional. It just happens. When people head into a new relationship without dealing with the past, the new will ultimately fail. Again...this isn't want they want...but it happens. The longer one was in the relationship...the more complex the baggage...the harder to work though it.

I can tell you it has been 7 years since my marriage ended. Only in the last year have I finally let go. I had too much hate and anger and hurt...I could never trust another the way they deserved. Maybe others can let go faster? Maybe they were never hurt? But watching the relationships around me and asking...would I want that? The answer is no too many times.
1. Zach, because the chances we'd ever be in the same place at the same time without PLP's magic wand is slim to none. Elvish is at least in the continental US. 🖤

2. All the things. Alllll. The. Thingggggs.

**With the proviso that we meet in the middle. Hell if I'm going to Oz and I've got people to see in UK.

You know what? Fuck that noise. Imma go see me some Fara.

Those men can find their own goddamn pussy, I ain't running a delivery service here.


If you could be instantly standing in front of anyone on earth, who would it be and what would you do?

If I could suddenly instantly appear in front of someone, I'd be worried about what THEY were going to do (i.e. freak out, run away screaming, punch me in the nose), but once they got past that - I couldn't resist the temptation to use it to mess with someone.

First, I'd dress in some sort of crazy costume - like, religious robes or a renaissance costume or a space suit and then, I would appear in front of them, say something crazy, and disappear. Like appearing in front of President Biden and saying "What's the frequency Joe?" or appearing in front of Oprah just before an interview and saying "Oprah, my daughter, whom I love, thou shalt spend your fortune to make peoples lives better." Or appearing in front of Jeff Bezos in a space suit and screaming "Don't go to Mars! THEY were just waiting for an excuse to conquer Earth!"
If I could suddenly instantly appear in front of someone, I'd be worried about what THEY were going to do (i.e. freak out, run away screaming, punch me in the nose), but once they got past that - I couldn't resist the temptation to use it to mess with someone.

First, I'd dress in some sort of crazy costume - like, religious robes or a renaissance costume or a space suit and then, I would appear in front of them, say something crazy, and disappear. Like appearing in front of President Biden and saying "What's the frequency Joe?" or appearing in front of Oprah just before an interview and saying "Oprah, my daughter, whom I love, thou shalt spend your fortune to make peoples lives better." Or appearing in front of Jeff Bezos in a space suit and screaming "Don't go to Mars! THEY were just waiting for an excuse to conquer Earth!"

This is awesome! Ha ha ha!

Liar, liar, pants on fire...

How do you/would you handle it if you found out your partner had lied? How does it differ from a big lie to a small lie? How do you determine the lie girth?

Liar, liar, pants on fire...

How do you/would you handle it if you found out your partner had lied? How does it differ from a big lie to a small lie? How do you determine the lie girth?

Oh, I lie about my girth all the time. Har!

I lived with a woman once whom I caught in repeated lies. It wasn't that any of the lies were really consequential, it was the pattern of lying. I began to wonder what was true, and became paranoid. After we broke up, she started dating a guy who lived across the street from where I next moved, and I wondered if it was coincidence or if she was trying to send me a message. More paranoia. Years later, she still calls me. She leaves messages and sounds more caring and mature now. But I never answer. I no longer care to know what she's up to.

Liar, liar, pants on fire...

How do you/would you handle it if you found out your partner had lied? How does it differ from a big lie to a small lie? How do you determine the lie girth?

Actual lies are something I can’t get over. I don’t trust people on a good day so when someone lies, I find it almost impossible to forgive them. My spouse doesn’t lie. He’s incapable of properly lying because of his ASD. Bonus for me! If he withheld from me that he got a parking ticket, I wouldn’t care. He tells me I’m sexy or beautiful all the time and I assume those are lies! But really, he can’t lie well so it’s not a big issue for us.

We have an open relationship where we have certain rules we work to abide by. I’ve certainly withheld info in order to make my relationship with Alpine work. I assume he’s done similar and since we’ve agreed to this type of relationship, it’s fine.

If I found out he were having an affair - even just with someone on lit and not in real life - and we didn’t have this arrangement, I’d be devastated and would never forgive him. Lying to your life partner, especially for selfish reasons, is, to me, inexcusable. I would kick him out.

Luckily we have a set up that works well!

Liar, liar, pants on fire...

How do you/would you handle it if you found out your partner had lied? How does it differ from a big lie to a small lie? How do you determine the lie girth?

You lie...it is over. Big lie...little lie...the end is the same. I am not talking about a mistake...an I thought I told you...

I have no patience for liars. If they lie...they will lie about anything. Guaranteed.

Liar, liar, pants on fire...

How do you/would you handle it if you found out your partner had lied? How does it differ from a big lie to a small lie? How do you determine the lie girth?

Lies have nuance. How I respond to them depends on those nuances. I generally divide lies into four broad categories.

1. Lies people tell themselves. Though I might be incidentally involved, the intention of the lie is to convince themselves of something. Those ones I just note and depending on the relationship might delicately address them at some point - though honestly I usually let them go.

2. Tactful lies - these are the lies people tell, not with the intention to deceive, but to avoid talking about certain things, answering certain questions, etc.. Again, these ones I just note and let slide. We never know what's going on inside of someone, so I tend to cut them a lot of slack.

3. Strategic lies - these are the lies people tell to obtain something they value or to avoid the loss of something they value. These are always something I follow up on, especially if it involves me. I seek to determine the motive. People can (and do) tell strategic lies from good intentions and that intention makes all the difference. These are the most common lies you encounter in a relationship - they're afraid the truth with prevent them from attaining what they value.

4. Finally, there are delusional lies. This are the lies people tell and they're not even consciously aware they're lying. Depending on the delusion, these can be the most dangerous lies.

I don't automatically cut anyone off because they lie - personally, I can attest that everyone lies to one degree of the other, depending on the circumstances. My response to the lie depends on the circumstance and motivation and the vast majority of time I just take note of them - if they line up with "intent to deceive for personal gain" I'll fire a warning shot across their bow, but you only get one warning shot.
This is a really insightful answer, thank you for posting it!

I dont automatically cut anyone off either but if I catch someone in repeated lies then I distance myself quite a bit, or I will just always regard what they say as a false narrative. But I do think the motive/intention behind the action is what matters more.. why did you feel like you had to lie about ______ ?

Motivation behind the lie is a good point. When the lie is selfish (self satisfaction) or a lie is because of a dislike of boundaries, those are the two I find myself unable to forgive over time.
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