Are you Lit stalkworthy?

2-3 years ago I think I could have been stalk worthy but these days I find it difficult to get the momentum to post and interact. Pity, I had some good times here.
As long as somebody likes pics of crossdressers in an assortment of sexy bra and panties sets, I'd say there's quite a bit of me to stalk 😉
Of course. I mean, I stalk myself all the time. Thanks to Google, I now know how many states I'm wanted in!
I think I post too many gifs and silliness for me to be considered "stalk-worthy"

But to answer the question on the thread, I don't consider myself to be stalk-worthy.
I do consider myself as huggable as one of my stuffed blue dragon stuffies in my av. 😁😁😁

Still not happy they don't have a blue dragon emoji.
Someone looked up my phone number. So, I guess that's a yes. Definitely be careful giving out details.
It's an unfortunate word to use, I think. In "real life" it's a scary experience (I experienced it too, as did an ex-partner - some rando turned up at her work intending who knows what before security got rid of him - which is just one reason that I don't post selfies and so on any more).
Posts like this aren't going to get you stalked