Three positives from your day

1. Breakfast out with my Mom.
2. An unexpected surprise which was lovely.
3. Sunny warm Fall day even tho I’m really wanting some cooler temps.
  1. Silly cat
  2. A sweet dog on my route today.
  3. A Skype message from someone I’d thought I’d lost touch with.
1. Had a cup of tea with my Scottish niece who was on a flying visit.
2. Got some utilities shit sorted.
3. Did NOT spend £150 on chocolate. Almost did. Then came to my senses. :ROFLMAO:
Woke up today (thank you, Lord)
I wasn't attacked by that dog, thankfully.
I got home safe after work.
Safe trip home this morning in record driving time!
Turned off HVAC because autumnal temperatures arrived!
Enjoying a slice of fresh, warm, apple strudel from a great bakery in Palm Springs!
1.My knee no longer hurts when I bend down to tie my shoes
2.New, very interesting project at work
3.Still warm enough to bike to work
The weather is perfect outside

I had an amazing orgasm this morning

Work is going great today. No big issues
1. A wonderful morning bowling with a group of very special people. ❤️
2. Having a spare kettle in the cupboard when the old one died, and not having to run to the shop to replace.
3. Messages from people I adore.
It's too early in the morning for many positive things to have happened...but...

1. I reread my text messages with my daughter from last night and that was fun...

2. I AM decided that I will go to the donut shop while doing my grocery shopping...

3. I got a sudden inspiration while trying to find tutorial video to show to my Thursday Writer's group...
Work is going well today. A nice chill day

The weather is perfect outside. Can’t wait to get off work and have a beer in the sunshine

I’m super excited about next year