1. Had a cup of tea with my Scottish niece who was on a flying visit.
2. Got some utilities shit sorted.
3. Did NOT spend £150 on chocolate. Almost did. Then came to my senses.
Safe trip home this morning in record driving time!
Turned off HVAC because autumnal temperatures arrived!
Enjoying a slice of fresh, warm, apple strudel from a great bakery in Palm Springs!
1. A wonderful morning bowling with a group of very special people.
2. Having a spare kettle in the cupboard when the old one died, and not having to run to the shop to replace.
3. Messages from people I adore.
1. Spent most of today with my daughter and grandson.
2. An hour long phone conversation with Mr Deveraux, as he listened to me venting and then calmed me.
3. The white chocolate and tangerine cheesecake I've just eaten.