What Made You Smile Today? X

Letting my inner Noid out to play a bit.

People acting crazy when I put on a hoody (I burn easily - always have to cover up in the summer)
Seeing somebody I hadn’t seen in quite a long time and they said they missed me because they hadn’t been called honey for so long 😀
A fun flirty convo about big words, SAT scores, credit scores and the equity on home loans! Apparently he’s a hot nerd and I’m awesome 😋😍
How excited my kids were to pick out their new backpacks for school! She changed her mind 5 times and he was so hooked on one I told him about we just had to hunt it down
A second date that ended with some kissing and a promise of a new date :)
Watching my cat jump up onto a chair.

He's been having a rough few days and is finally getting most of his mobility back.
Finally putting the puzzle pieces together, making it easier to walk away