What Made You Smile Today? X

My boy on the field with his team. Football is back!
Laughing with friends.
An early morning (for me)/late night (for him) call with my brother in NJ - so nice to hear from him and chat to him just now
Getting together with friends. However, it was a going away get together, so a little bittersweet.

And until I get this broken tooth fixed, I really don’t like to smile much. Well, at least smile big enough to show teeth.
So, so many things. I was blessed to experience so much kindness today.

My latest smile? A friend finding the time to chat with me. It was short, and I mostly just listened. But it meant a lot. :rose:
Something petty. (It's a failing, sue me.)

Something ridiculous.

Someone completely and utterly out of my league. But still fun.
Seeing two of my favorite people shitposting at each other somewhere unexpected.

I love them both. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Returning home from work, on a day I really should have taken a wellbeing day off, to a PM. I smiled before I even opened it.
A footnote I composed , and then received back some input in regards to it in PM.

Ear to frigging ear it was , :D it was zinging at its finest.
Seeing a college friend that 10 years ago was told he had 1 year to live. Now he's a grandfather and healthy as an ox