Critic's Choice Round 4 Discussion/Sign Up

And don't forget points for how hard/wet you got, how many gallons of 'man-cream' you came (male) how voraciously your knickers caught fire (female), I'm just listing my usual feedback here.

My brother sent it to me. Are you saying you haven't been to see 'The two towers' yet.

Tsk tsk and tchaa. Diane. It's a brilliant film but see the fellowship first.


gauchecritic said:
My brother sent it to me. Are you saying you haven't been to see 'The two towers' yet.Tsk tsk and tchaa. Diane. It's a brilliant film but see the fellowship first.Gauche

Are those movies? I don't get out much these days.
I want to break the score system up: Each Judge would rate 1-5 a) spelling and punctuation b) style/story and c) hotness of sex scenes. about "c" - I believe that since we are an Erotic site, and this is a contest of Erotic stories, the sex scene/s are important. That is why I included that. After those three, the Judge will give a 1-5 final score. The mean average will be accepted as the score entry.

Judging a story is like critiquing a movie.

1.) Character's developement: How well did you get a feel for the main characters in the story?: 1-5

2.) Is there a plot, and how well is it developed: 1-5

3.) Sex scenes: G, PG, R, X, XXX or 1-5

4.) Syle; How well was the story presented?: 1-5

Number 4 is asked this way because some like lesbian stories more than loving wives, etc, et. al., and that's not what the contest is all about. Or at least I hope it isn't.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Why would anyone want a dirty old man to judge an erotic story contest?

Especially since none of my stories are in any of the top lists. LOL

As Always
I Am the
Dirt man
'cause you've always got sumtin to say

Maybe, but until now, I didn't think anyone was listening. But if you really want me as a judge... okay.

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Always one to stick my nose in...

I'd like to nominate one of my stories.

From a Boeing 747 -

First of all congrats to Chicklet for being so brave/foolhardy as to volunteer for this. Secondly: What if someone nominates a non-erotic story? Wouldn't this lose marks for hotness?

The Earl
Why would someone enter a story without sex in it...

...for an erotic literature contest? Be that as it may, I'd have to give it a G, or PG rating in that catagory. Meaning a 1, or a 2. Not to worry, I'm just as pissy about badly written sex scenes. I rate on the 1 through 5 erection system. Most erotica/filth if well written will turn me on. I just think of the characters as a normal couple, and work from there. They don't call me the Dirt Man for nothin.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I've got a few minutes before the next crisis... I'll add a few words.

Chicklet asked what I meant by 'appeal' in my marking. The reason I marked it 'subjective' is because the appeal of a story to me will not be the same as the appeal of a story to you, and I find it difficult to divorce my reaction to a story which doesn't appeal to me personally from my efforts to criticise it.

With hindsight, I gave it too big a range of marks. I would still use a 1-25 (or whatever) for plot and characterization, but would mark 'appeal' on (say) a 1-5 (maybe: hated it, disliked it, okay, liked it, loved it), which would reduce the impact of personal preferences while still allowing for it.

Can I nominate one of my own for criticism? If so, I choose my chapter for the Talisman chain story, Lucy McFey.
criteria for awarding marks

I posted this at the tail end of the thread for round 3 but it has relevance to this thread too, so here it is.

I judged each story on 5 criteria, namely imagination, characterisation, eroticism, grammar and prose. It allowed me to be more objective in evaluating the merits of each story as it helped to compensate for any bias for or against a specific genre.

I awarded marks out of ten for each constituent part and then converted them all to a single mark out of ten. I felt this was a less subjective way to determine a story's overall merit.

But it is still a subjective opinion.

Svenskaflicka said:

Sub Joe, do you mean to tell me that you read my stories in Swedish?

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you posted in English too.
Svenska, I assure you, I'm not bilingual, I'm just curious.
Man of many talents

Sub Joe said:
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you posted in English too.

Dear Sub Joe,
I'm impressed! In addition to being a talented autophotographer, you're also a cunning linguist.

Sub Joe said:
Ahh, MG, I love it when we post smultaneously!

Sorry, Joe. Anything we do simultaneously, you're gonna have to do by yourself.