Critic's Choice Round 4 Discussion/Sign Up

Re: I have no problem as a judge reading up to 10 stories...

Dirt Man said:
But more than that would be tiresome.

I'm not a judge, I have no story entered, but I AM a busybody.

Why have as many judges as there are stories to be judged? I don't really see what difference it makes. If there are worthwhile stories to be judged, I don't think they should be excluded because of a 1:1 judge/story ratio.

I know, I know, mind your own business, Diane.

My rant:

Basically I just think it's not fair for such a small panel to judge so many stories - it's s'posed to be a group of peers judging others, right? Well how fair is it for three or four people to be judging so many stories? Those of you who aren't judging, why don't you volunteer? You don't want to do the work. But you don't have any problem pushing it on to other people. Personally, me, myself, I, think that less people judging more stories gets tiresome. We the judges have very specific tastes that are really, really putting an edge into the judging - if we like incest, or a certain style, then the stories with that style are getting better votes. If there are more of us, there are more preferences, and there are more chances for a good story to win for more than just the reason that it tickled someone the right way. I’m not saying that a story shouldn't win because it tickles us, just that there should be more involved. I’m trying to form some sort of thing for judges to keep in mind when they're voting for stories, but in addition to that there's always our prejudices and our personal wants and desires. i just want it to feel more professional and fair. That’s about it. I don't even know if that made any sense.

Don't worry about the argument.

Consider 'Smoke Mirror Whiskey' withdrawn. I had doubts about entering it anyhow.

Rant - Counterrant

Chicklet said:
Those of you who aren't judging, why don't you volunteer? You don't want to do the work. But you don't have any problem pushing it on to other people.

I don't choose to be a judge because I know I would be a very poor evaluator of other writers' work. Not because I don't want to do it. I just wouldn't be any good at it. I wouldn't want my stuff judged by someone like me.

I still liked your story, KDog.

I have no problem reading any story...

And figured that in this contest I would be called upon to read at least 7 stories, and judge each accordingly. By each judge sending a separate vote in on each story lends credence to the end result also, and takes into account biased, and personal tastes as well.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
well we have a few more days to find some more judges anyways.


Dear Chickie,
I get sooooooooo envious when you use that avathingie. No, your hair is spectacular, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Re: Envy

MathGirl said:
Dear Chickie,
I get sooooooooo envious when you use that avathingie. No, your hair is spectacular, but that's not what I'm talking about.

Agreed. Nice muff chickie.

Woo woo

gauchecritic said:
Agreed. Nice muff chickie.Gauche

Dear Chickie,
My, my. A new AV. You certainly are beautifully upholstered.
I'll stick with faces or Cheeky. You make me look like a skinny ten year old. Boy.
Re: Woo woo

MathGirl said:
Dear Chickie,
My, my. A new AV. You certainly are beautifully upholstered.
I'll stick with faces or Cheeky. You make me look like a skinny ten year old. Boy.

Speaking as a father of a skinny ten-year-old boy, MG, let me assure you, you can relax. You look nothing like him -- he's not blond.
Re: Re: Woo woo

Sub Joe said:
Speaking as a father of a skinny ten-year-old boy, MG, let me assure you, you can relax. You look nothing like him -- he's not blond.

Thank you ever so much.