Do guns make us more safe?

NRA, hunters and US Forest Service beat environmental groups in legal battle over lead ammo​

The environmentalists said that when animals are shot and their remains are left behind or when they are field-dressed, the toxic ammunition fragments can be ingested by other animals.

By Madeleine Hubbard
Updated: September 3, 2023 - 11:15am

A federal court ruled in favor of the National Rifle Association, hunters and the U.S. Forest Service over environmental groups who were pushing to ban lead ammunition in a national forest.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday unanimously rejected an attempt from the Sierra Club, the Grand Canyon Wildlands Council and the Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity to order the Forest Service to ban lead ammunition in the Kaibab National Forest, which is a popular hunting destination near the Grand Canyon.

The Center for Biological Diversity first filed the lawsuit in 2012 alleging that the Forest Service violated federal conservation law by failing to regulate lead ammo in the Kaibab. The following year, the NRA, and two hunting groups – the Safari Club and the National Sports Shooting Foundation – joined as defendants in the lawsuit.

The environmentalists said that when animals are shot and their remains are left behind or when they are field-dressed, the toxic ammunition fragments can be ingested by other animals.

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Another favorite fantasy of the gun controlling left down the toilet. Adrina will be in mourning.
When you can't argue guns make us more focus on masks and vaccines. Stupid. You'd think a "lawyer" would actually focus on something about guns?
A mask lying on a shelf doesn't kill anyone, a mask will never kill anyone whether it's worn or otherwise. You can even give a mask to a black person in Chicago quite safely. But ban them anyway.

But guns make you safe (unless it's used). Bans don't work!
No one banned wearing mask, they're revolting against mandates to wear mask.
In the “State of Jefferson” there were signs that said “No service for mask wearers”
I’m sure in Trumplimerica there were many such warnings. Politics over health
Brilliant !
No one banned wearing mask, they're revolting against mandates to wear mask.
Here is the important thing you miss...we don't care. We will get vaccinated...we will wear masks.. you won't. Cool. More of you end up in the hospital...more of you die. We are done trying to save you. Sleep in the bed you made. Darwinism
Here is the important thing you miss...we don't care. We will get vaccinated...we will wear masks.. you won't. Cool. More of you end up in the hospital...more of you die. We are done trying to save you. Sleep in the bed you made. Darwinism
Here's the important thing I believed and to no avail. I wore a mask when out in public, correctly I might add, I was vaccinated, I did the social distancing and all that crap, I still contracted covid-19 and was extremely ill. I also suffered side effects from the vaccine for over 6 months. I also suffered from ground glass opacity in my lungs.

Please don't try to save us! You can do whatever you please and believe whatever you want. People wearing masks improperly are often lulled into a false sense of security, do all kinds of things incorrectly which exposes them to the virus while thinking they're safe. Overall efficacy of mask wearing to prevent the spread of covid is still unproven. Covid is not just restricted to water droplets, it can also exist in aerosol form which most if not all standard masks are ineffective. If people are trained to wear the proper mask correctly it does have some utility especially if the wearer is infected by the virus.
Immunology 101. No infection. No vaccine. All a vaccine does is give you exposure so that WHEN YOU ARE EXPOSED shorten your response time. Many fight it off never knowing you were exposed. However certain viruses, multiply so fast in our will still get sick.

Be stupid. We are done with you and your kind. Darwinism bitch.
I still contracted covid-19 and was extremely ill. I also suffered side effects from the vaccine for over 6 months.
Recovered well from being extremely ill, but suffered from the vaccine for 6 months.

Immunology 101. No infection. No vaccine. All a vaccine does is give you exposure so that WHEN YOU ARE EXPOSED shorten your response time. Many fight it off never knowing you were exposed. However certain viruses, multiply so fast in our will still get sick.

Be stupid. We are done with you and your kind. Darwinism bitch.
I know how vaccines and the immune system works. We were LED TO BELIEVE that if you take the mNRA vaccines it would protect you and transmission of the covid virus would be mitigated.

I never once called you a name.
Recovered well from being extremely ill, but suffered from the vaccine for 6 months.

If you consider ground glass opacity which is a permanent lung condition that affects your breathing *recovering well*, SBI.
If you consider ground glass opacity which is a permanent lung condition that affects your breathing *recovering well*, SBI.
Wah....we don't care. Get over it.

Now...let us focus on the thread me the empirical evidence that guns make us safer.
I know how vaccines and the immune system works. We were LED TO BELIEVE that if you take the mNRA vaccines it would protect you and transmission of the covid virus would be mitigated.

I never once called you a name.
So you know the primary purpose of vaccines is to prevent death.

Glad to know 👍
So you know the primary purpose of vaccines is to prevent death.

Glad to know 👍
I know the primary purpose of vaccines is to stimulate the body's immune system and aid the body in fighting infection.

Glad you knew that 👍
I know the primary purpose of vaccines is to stimulate the body's immune system and aid the body in fighting infection.

Glad you knew that 👍
What is the result of the body fighting an infection.

Oh prevents death and severe illness.

Yes're trying to change the words to make it seem like you're saying something different.

You're not.

The COVID vaccine is effective at its primary purpose. 👍
Masks are like seat belts. Vaccines are like air bags. If you drive recklessly you increase your chances of being in an accident, but you aren't ever guaranteed to get in one. If you do get in one you're more likely to survive with those protections. If you do get in one, other people who you endanger that way also are more likely to survive with those protections. But nothing is guaranteed. Sometimes people who are safe drivers and wear seat belts and have air bags still get in accidents and die. Sometimes the exact opposite happens.

But everyone who isn't politically and/or financially motivated otherwise knows the data and the logic and the facts all show these are good and safe and smart measures. And if you follow the experts who also aren't politically and/or financially motivated otherwise they all back that up too.

Not shockingly, the same is true about guns and gun violence and gun deaths. Unless they are politically and/or financially motivated otherwise, they all know the data and facts and evidence and logic show that guns do not make anyone safer.

Another nutter that can't back their view with data. would think they would learn...87 cases tossed out for lack of evidence but they still believe the election was stolen. Same want to be heard? Present data.
If you were proven to have developed a diminished mental state and were determined to be a danger to others, would you voluntarily give up your weapons or would you keep them, and why?
I would want my family to intervene IF that were the case, and remove possible weapons. That's the only way I would be a threat to others, by declining cognitive function. And I'd never want to harm an innocent person, which is what the majority of good people want.