Do guns make us more safe?

So your stating the gun problem is just a symptom? I'd have to agree.
You agree it is a symptom of the greater problem but in your previous post you said you didn't care why. How can you hope to solve a problem when you won't delve into why there is a problem?
Gun violence from the 20's and 30's which prompted the NFA was done by the same people today who shoot up schools and nightclubs. That is; criminals.

It's not the law abiding, it's the criminals. It's those who are willing to kill to get whatever it is they want. Whether it's done for money, power, or just the satisfaction of killing, they're still nothing but criminals.

The Left seems to believe that it's the gun that makes someone a criminal. The truth is exactly the opposite and the gun is only the tool used to carry out the criminal act and intent. Removing the tool doesn't change the intent. Nor will it stop a criminal from doing whatever they plan, they will just use a different tool. One which is just as deadly but which can no longer be defended against because the Left has taken away all the tools which could be used for that.
I tend to disagree with you on it being criminals versus the mentally ill that shoot up schools. The disenfranchised, bullied, abused, and those with easily diagnosed issues. As is so many times reported the family, especially the parents tried to get help for their child but were rebuffed at every turn. Of course by their mere act they are criminals, but I don't believe criminality is their motive, I believe often in a warped sense they see it as revenge, or setting things right. There is no gain for a criminal to shoot up a school, no money, no drugs, and certainly no glory.
Yes we do.
Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is restricted as it has been used numerous times in bombings such as the first World Trade Center bombing, the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, and all the way back to the Sterling Hall bombing in Madison Wisconsin buy Karleton Armstrong
The mask didn't work. Lockdowns didn't work. A smart person knows the vaccine is killing more people than covid did. i'm sure these facts scare the hell out of you. in the cities with the most gun control laws the most violent crimes happen. One example is Chicago...a liberal pit of a city...every day between 2 to 10 people are shot EVERY DAY. Here, why not take a stroll at night down one of these neighborhoods. If Gun control is SO GREAT go do it.
Mask mandates & lockdowns didn't work because you didn't comply.
A smart person knows that the US had around a million excess deaths by covid due to vaccine denials - mostly affecting Republicans.
Austin Texas is more dangerous than Chicago.
When Reagan introduced the 1967 Mulford Act to restrict firearms (supported by the NRA), deaths fell dramatically. When the legislation was allowed to expire the deaths resumed.

Meanwhile, ban books! Ban CRT! Ban abortions! Ban drugs! Ban immigration! Ban Trans people from playing sports! Ban access to water for people waiting to vote in hot weather!
From what I read below, where you live seems relatively safe.

Then why do you need the items listed below, if the rates are so low?

The above seems a bit overkill if you live in THE lowest crime rate in the nation. What would you have if you were in the southside of Chicago?? A tank?
Yes, safe from people, but I bet the ratio of Black Bears to gangsters with guns is a little higher here than in the south side of Chicago too. Add in the amount of time I spend outside, and the vast acreage, and there is more to protecting yourself and your family from more than just people. Dealing with livestock that become sickstock that really need to be put down as deadstock, is a reality here that makes guns a necessity.

But my suggestion to anyone who lives on the south side of Chicago would be to carry a concealed weapon that they were well trained with. It just might save their life.

Just like with me. I HOPE I never have to use my guns on people, and it is always the last resort, but I do have something on me in case I need it, just like I needed a gun twenty years ago when that elderly woman was being attacked by two vicious dogs. I had nothing on me, and had to club the dogs off with a piece of firewood. Or I never kept my guns loaded until that guy came in my house at 2 AM.

When I was a teacher, I never expected an active shooter event, but I always carried a firearm just in case there was.

All this has precedence. A guy going to the mall with his girlfriend in Indiania stopped a mass shooter, and a Vice Principal with a firearm stopped a school shooting. The more good guys we have with guns, the more they have the potential to stop bad guys with guns. That is why my law enforcement friends and family all say the same thing; "carry".

Carrying a firearm is not just about myself; it is also about protecting my farm and people around me. Friends and family, but also complete strangers.
I'm not commenting on the why's, what I am saying is there is a problem, fucking address it. The government addressed the problem of the gang wars of the 30's. First they got ride of the 18th amendment, then FDR got them jobs.....banning machine guns just made perfect sense.

You agree it is a symptom of the greater problem but in your previous post you said you didn't care why. How can you hope to solve a problem when you won't delve into why there is a problem?
Re read my "previous" post. It is in response to yours, and I said I am not wasting time on your whys. I said its time for EVERYONE to step back and address the problem of gun violence, firstly with the school mass shootings. If addressing the problem means losing some access to weapons,vs a full ban on all weapons ( a possible legal re writing of 2A) then both side ( not the gun nuts, and the anti gun nuts) need to start showing a willingness to finding sane and sensible solutions to prevent school children from being targets.

You really think those children are not going to remember this, and find politicians who will support their beliefs. The first group is just hitting voting age. You and I agree,there is no silver bullet. The solution will require many steps over many years, and the sooner you start supporting steps, the better chance those steps will be in a direction you like.
Yes, safe from people, but I bet the ratio of Black Bears to gangsters with guns is a little higher here than in the south side of Chicago too. Add in the amount of time I spend outside, and the vast acreage, and there is more to protecting yourself and your family from more than just people. Dealing with livestock that become sickstock that really need to be put down as deadstock, is a reality here that makes guns a necessity.
And a 12 gauge won't suffice for that as well? You don't need an AR-15 to put a cow or a horse out it's misery.

I guaranty I am more rural than you ,my population density is .4 people per square kilometre. I have bears, wolves, coyotes, cougars, moose and even the odd deer. I do have several firearms as well, but no pistols. I have never felt the need for a firearm for self defence here ( I hunt both large game and small as well as ducks geese and partridge) against the animals, or the people who cruse through to go fishing or hunting.
When I was a teacher, I never expected an active shooter event, but I always carried a firearm just in case there was.
A sad narrative on a society.
All this has precedence. A guy going to the mall with his girlfriend in Indiania stopped a mass shooter, and a Vice Principal with a firearm stopped a school shooting. The more good guys we have with guns, the more they have the potential to stop bad guys with guns. That is why my law enforcement friends and family all say the same thing; "carry".
lol go look on youtube, there are hundreds of videos of people shooting at each other from 10' or so with pistols and missing each other. I just watched a video of an off duty cop getting car jacked, both groups fired at each other. The cop missed,so did the criminals, and the car still got taken. Don't try and sell this good guy with a gun BS as some sort of a solution. It didn't work back then (vigilantism) and won't work in today's society.
Carrying a firearm is not just about myself; it is also about protecting my farm and people around me. Friends and family, but also complete strangers.
Sure it is, sure.
Re read my "previous" post. It is in response to yours, and I said I am not wasting time on your whys. I said its time for EVERYONE to step back and address the problem of gun violence, firstly with the school mass shootings. If addressing the problem means losing some access to weapons,vs a full ban on all weapons ( a possible legal re writing of 2A) then both side ( not the gun nuts, and the anti gun nuts) need to start showing a willingness to finding sane and sensible solutions to prevent school children from being targets.

You really think those children are not going to remember this, and find politicians who will support their beliefs. The first group is just hitting voting age. You and I agree,there is no silver bullet. The solution will require many steps over many years, and the sooner you start supporting steps, the better chance those steps will be in a direction you like.

You lost TrailerTrash at - “If addressing the problem means losing some access to weapons”.

I’m actually pro 2A, but see no problem with restricting access to certain weapons and accessories, closing gun show and private sales loopholes, erring on the side of caution and taking someone’s guns if they are documented as behaving violently or erratically, etc, etc.

That ^ is a compromise solution.



You lost TrailerTrash at - “If addressing the problem means losing some access to weapons”.

I’m actually pro 2A, but see no problem with restricting access to certain weapons and accessories, closing gun show and private sales loopholes, erring on the side of caution and taking someone’s guns if they are documented as behaving violently or erratically, etc, etc.

That ^ is a compromise solution.


I agree.
Mask mandates & lockdowns didn't work because you didn't comply.
A smart person knows that the US had around a million excess deaths by covid due to vaccine denials - mostly affecting Republicans.
Austin Texas is more dangerous than Chicago.
When Reagan introduced the 1967 Mulford Act to restrict firearms (supported by the NRA), deaths fell dramatically. When the legislation was allowed to expire the deaths resumed.

Meanwhile, ban books! Ban CRT! Ban abortions! Ban drugs! Ban immigration! Ban Trans people from playing sports! Ban access to water for people waiting to vote in hot weather!

This is a lie.

The Vax DOES NOT WORK as advertised. it was billed as a prevention from getting the virus. Nope, people who got jabbed still caught the china flu. Then it was said that it made it less likely that you'd die. Nope again, people still died from the global bug. WORSE, people started dying from other causes like heart inflammation and blood clotting.

Masks are the same - THEY DO NOT WORK to stop viruses. We have a study from 2015(?) which proves this. Yet the Left insisted on the study being retracted and the propaganda put in its place. Now not only do we have a study but we also have empirical evidence from Mr. 5 masks himself who caught covid more than once even though he multi-jabbed and multi masked.

IOW, the entire line of crap about the jab and masks and isolation is, was, and always will be - A LIE.

One you willingly promote because not only are you a liar, but you're stupid enough to believe that people didn't learn how much you lie and would be willing to go along with it again.
As a geneticist...with a background in viruses and immunogenetics...just not human viruses...I can 100% guarantee the vaccine worked...and continues to work. Furthermore, I can 100% guarantee masks also do exactly what they are designed to do. can believe our "resident lawyer". Choice is yours. Darwinsm is a positive selective force in humans. Ask your doctor if you have any doubts
This is a lie.

The Vax DOES NOT WORK as advertised. it was billed as a prevention from getting the virus. Nope, people who got jabbed still caught the china flu. Then it was said that it made it less likely that you'd die. Nope again, people still died from the global bug. WORSE, people started dying from other causes like heart inflammation and blood clotting.

Masks are the same - THEY DO NOT WORK to stop viruses. We have a study from 2015(?) which proves this. Yet the Left insisted on the study being retracted and the propaganda put in its place. Now not only do we have a study but we also have empirical evidence from Mr. 5 masks himself who caught covid more than once even though he multi-jabbed and multi masked.

IOW, the entire line of crap about the jab and masks and isolation is, was, and always will be - A LIE.

One you willingly promote because not only are you a liar, but you're stupid enough to believe that people didn't learn how much you lie and would be willing to go along with it again.
Its embarrassing how uniformed some people can be, but HisArpy has always been a " damn the torpedo's,full steam ahead" guy....
This is a lie.

The Vax DOES NOT WORK as advertised. it was billed as a prevention from getting the virus. Nope, people who got jabbed still caught the china flu. Then it was said that it made it less likely that you'd die. Nope again, people still died from the global bug. WORSE, people started dying from other causes like heart inflammation and blood clotting.

Masks are the same - THEY DO NOT WORK to stop viruses. We have a study from 2015(?) which proves this. Yet the Left insisted on the study being retracted and the propaganda put in its place. Now not only do we have a study but we also have empirical evidence from Mr. 5 masks himself who caught covid more than once even though he multi-jabbed and multi masked.

IOW, the entire line of crap about the jab and masks and isolation is, was, and always will be - A LIE.

One you willingly promote because not only are you a liar, but you're stupid enough to believe that people didn't learn how much you lie and would be willing to go along with it again.
Damn, did you skip every biology lesson in school? Or did you just mark every text book with tl;dr?
As a geneticist...with a background in viruses and immunogenetics...just not human viruses...I can 100% guarantee the vaccine worked...and continues to work. Furthermore, I can 100% guarantee masks also do exactly what they are designed to do. can believe our "resident lawyer". Choice is yours. Darwinsm is a positive selective force in humans. Ask your doctor if you have any doubts

This is categorically false. On its face it seems correct, but it's based on lies not science.

The vax was billed as "preventing" people from catching the virus. You can google for that and find out I'm telling you the truth about that. You can also google to find out that the vax didn't do that (as if we didn't empirically know it already but proof is always good to have).

Masks can only filter down to about 5 microns and the virus is around 3(?) microns so the filter isn't fine enough to stop the virus. Lots of noise was made about "some filtration being better than none" but the FACT is that masks can't filter ANY of the virus because the "screen" is too large. Saying otherwise is like saying that your screen door filters air because the screen structure itself blocks "some" of the air molecules. It's a patent lie and completely ridiculous to say that, yet the "some filtration" bullshit is exactly the same.

I also question your efficacy statements when faced with the FACT that people who got the vax caught Covid multiple times. Worse some of them still died anyway. It obviously DID NOT "work."

So, while you say things which on their face appear true, the reality is that in the real world, those statements aren't true and border on outright falsehoods. Falsehoods which you bolster only with self verification which flies in the face of the actual events we experienced and the data on record.

Put baldly, I do not believe you. Nor do millions of others. The reason is for that is because what you say isn't true based on actual data and facts.
Damn, did you skip every biology lesson in school? Or did you just mark every text book with tl;dr?

It's amazing that you continue to be this stupid.

Biology says that viruses are approximately 3 microns in diameter. Math says that 3 microns is smaller than 5 microns. Since masks cannot filter any finer than 5 microns, MATH AND SCIENCE say that as a viral filter, it's worthless.

We have an actual data study from the CDC which supports this as well.

And yet here you are insisting that you're correct and both Biology and Mathematics are "wrong."

I suspect the reason you do it because you're stupid and you have a hate agenda you need to promote because it makes you feel better about your miserable life and existence.
It's amazing that you continue to be this stupid.

Biology says that viruses are approximately 3 microns in diameter. Math says that 3 microns is smaller than 5 microns. Since masks cannot filter any finer than 5 microns, MATH AND SCIENCE say that as a viral filter, it's worthless.

We have an actual data study from the CDC which supports this as well.

And yet here you are insisting that you're correct and both Biology and Mathematics are "wrong."

I suspect the reason you do it because you're stupid and you have a hate agenda you need to promote because it makes you feel better about your miserable life and existence.
When breath is exhaled, it contains water droplets. In cold weather you can see it condensing like steam.

The virus particles are contained within the water droplets.

The water droplets are easily captured by masks, even by non-medical standard masks (to an extent).

The mask should be disposed of after a short period as it contains the dried out virus particles and becomes less effective.

If there is no mask, the water droplets evaporate and the virus is released to float freely on air currents. These particleas are easily inhaled; this is how people get infected.

Surgeons understand this, which is why everyone in an operating theatre wears a mask because cut flesh is another way of receiving virus particles.

I tried to break this down into bullet points as I know you don't like reading paragraphs. In case it's still too much here it is with pictures.

It's amazing that you continue to be this stupid.
Yes you do keep being stupid about this....
Biology says that viruses are approximately 3 microns in diameter.
Yes but the masks work on Physics, not Biology, and that my lame brained friend is the problem! You don't understand how a mask works!! ( or Vaccines for that matter...)

We have an actual data study from the CDC which supports this as well.
We? WTf is we??? Post the study. Or as you have been know to say STFU...
And yet here you are insisting that you're correct and both Biology and Mathematics are "wrong."
Well it is because it's Physics, not Biology, as previously explained.
I suspect the reason you do it because you're stupid and you have a hate agenda you need to promote because it makes you feel better about your miserable life and existence.
I suspect the reason you do this is because you are a demented moron who thinks water is Carbon based. Trust me, Physics is not your forte!

HisArpy wouldn't know Brownian motion if it kicked him in the ass....
When breath is exhaled, it contains water droplets. In cold weather you can see it condensing like steam.

The virus particles are contained within the water droplets.

The water droplets are easily captured by masks, even by non-medical standard masks (to an extent).

The mask should be disposed of after a short period as it contains the dried out virus particles and becomes less effective.

If there is no mask, the water droplets evaporate and the virus is released to float freely on air currents. These particleas are easily inhaled; this is how people get infected.

Surgeons understand this, which is why everyone in an operating theatre wears a mask because cut flesh is another way of receiving virus particles.

I tried to break this down into bullet points as I know you don't like reading paragraphs. In case it's still too much here it is with pictures.

View attachment 2266548


And there lies Harpy, dead on a hill of derp.

Totally predictable and inevitable.

When breath is exhaled, it contains water droplets. In cold weather you can see it condensing like steam.

The virus particles are contained within the water droplets.

The water droplets are easily captured by masks, even by non-medical standard masks (to an extent).

The mask should be disposed of after a short period as it contains the dried out virus particles and becomes less effective.

If there is no mask, the water droplets evaporate and the virus is released to float freely on air currents. These particleas are easily inhaled; this is how people get infected.

Surgeons understand this, which is why everyone in an operating theatre wears a mask because cut flesh is another way of receiving virus particles.

I tried to break this down into bullet points as I know you don't like reading paragraphs. In case it's still too much here it is with pictures.

View attachment 2266548

And when the water droplets evaporate or dry? What then? You have a mask which doesn't filter small enough and which is now loaded with virus particles, what happens then?

(I know what happens, you blame Donald Trump for not providing you with a free mask as you go around spreading the virus to everyone including those who were jabbed and are supposedly "immune" but who now need almost constant booster shots which won't keep them from catching the new varient anyway.)

Then there's this;

Tiny study and it needs more development but it seems to bear out what some of the (hidden) pfizer data suggested early on. I'm wondering what our (newly revealed after years of discussing this stuff) resident molecular biologist/geneticist thinks of that because it appears to contradict some of the things that were said.
And when the water droplets evaporate or dry? What then? You have a mask which doesn't filter small enough and which is now loaded with virus particles, what happens then?

<anti-vaxx rant snip>
Water droplets are transient transport systems. Covis virus particles do not survive on "hard surfaces" such as mask filters. Ergo, you will never have a mask "loaded with virus particles" any more than you'd have a glass of water "loaded with carbon particles".
And when the water droplets evaporate or dry? What then? You have a mask which doesn't filter small enough and which is now loaded with virus particles, what happens then?

(I know what happens, you blame Donald Trump for not providing you with a free mask as you go around spreading the virus to everyone including those who were jabbed and are supposedly "immune" but who now need almost constant booster shots which won't keep them from catching the new varient anyway.)

Then there's this;

Tiny study and it needs more development but it seems to bear out what some of the (hidden) pfizer data suggested early on. I'm wondering what our (newly revealed after years of discussing this stuff) resident molecular biologist/geneticist thinks of that because it appears to contradict some of the things that were said.
Read what I wrote (I know, lots of words).

The mask should be disposed of after a short period as it contains the dried out virus particles and becomes less effective

The mask is not to save you from eternal socialism, it's there to protect others from your filthy germ-laden breath.