Do guns make us more safe?

Masks and distancing made the Spanish Flu 1/3 as bad??? And they had no vaccine

Oh.. but at least it got Grand Pappy Trump. The Trumps don’t learn from actual family history of any history, or any actual history,

I kept waiting for the numbers to sink in on the right. Vietnam, 100,000, WW2, Civil War, Nothing!! Spanish Flu?? It’s not gonna beat that!! Yup!! And still they BITCH!!
Thanks Trump gif making it political and gif keeping the dangers to yourself! God forbid you PANIC the US or alter CDC recommendations!!

Next Trial? The death of 1 million Americans!! But keep trying to blame Fauci or the Chinese

Previous POTUS - Piece Of The Ultimate Shit
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Read what I wrote (I know, lots of words).

The mask should be disposed of after a short period as it contains the dried out virus particles and becomes less effective

The mask is not to save you from eternal socialism, it's there to protect others from your filthy germ-laden breath.

So the mask now become a passive vector for spreading the virus as the garbage truck trundles around town? It's all the mask's fault?

Seriously, you're insane. Worse, you somehow think that your smug superiority because you got jabbed gives you some sort of moral high ground over those who refused. The reality is, you still spread the virus even though you're not visibly "sick."

Just like Typhoid Mary did.

How's that for "moral superiority"? YOU'RE the vector. YOU'RE the one who's infecting others. You and your God damned virus laden masks you drop everywhere and anywhere.
So the mask now become a passive vector for spreading the virus as the garbage truck trundles around town? It's all the mask's fault?

Seriously, you're insane. Worse, you somehow think that your smug superiority because you got jabbed gives you some sort of moral high ground over those who refused. The reality is, you still spread the virus even though you're not visibly "sick."

Just like Typhoid Mary did.

How's that for "moral superiority"? YOU'RE the vector. YOU'RE the one who's infecting others. You and your God damned virus laden masks you drop everywhere and anywhere.
Thanks, I'll keep your advice on mental health matters and global pandemics in the same place as I put your legal advice.
I know how to use a gun, but not very well. I’m honestly better with staves, maces, and other blunt instruments intended for close combat. Including my hands. Do you want to test my skill with these things against your gun? Be aware your safety’s on and you have limited ammo. Hey, I already won!
Thanks, I'll keep your advice on mental health matters and global pandemics in the same place as I put your legal advice.

^ best part of this is that Fauci was on CNN and they pushed back against his renewed masking trip with a study FROM FEBRUARY which showed that masking had almost no effect on Covid transmission. Fauci even admitted that "on a society level" masking didn't work.

And yet here you are insisting that it does.

You're a klown. You say stupid things, spread absolute bullshit and then get all butthurt when you're shown to be wrong. Which sends you over the edge and you start saying even dumber stuff because you can't help yourself.
^ best part of this is that Fauci was on CNN and they pushed back against his renewed masking trip with a study FROM FEBRUARY which showed that masking had almost no effect on Covid transmission. Fauci even admitted that "on a society level" masking didn't work.
Self-fulfilling prophecy on those who didn't bother to wear them....*chuckles* When you look at data from countries that did use them, surprise, their covid rates and deaths were a fraction of the dumbfucks in the USA.
And yet here you are insisting that it does.
Yes, here you are insisting once again....kind of like water is Carbon based or some such bullshit.
You're a klown.
CLOWN, if you're going to act like one, spell it correctly.
You say stupid things, spread absolute bullshit and then get all butthurt when you're shown to be wrong. Which sends you over the edge and you start saying even dumber stuff because you can't help yourself.
I love it when he says the quiet things about himself out loud !!
On a societal level masking didn't work...because 49% of the population refused to wear one. Duh.

Tell you what Mr. "Lawyer" time you have to have an operation...demand the doctors and staff to not wear masks. After all...they "don't " work. Please. Back up up statements with action. Prove us wrong.
^ best part of this is that Fauci was on CNN and they pushed back against his renewed masking trip with a study FROM FEBRUARY which showed that masking had almost no effect on Covid transmission. Fauci even admitted that "on a society level" masking didn't work.

And yet here you are insisting that it does.

You're a klown. You say stupid things, spread absolute bullshit and then get all butthurt when you're shown to be wrong. Which sends you over the edge and you start saying even dumber stuff because you can't help yourself.

Yeah, that interviewer cited The Cochrane Library, which has addressed / corrected misinterpretations / misrepresentations and misinformation/ disinformation involving their earlier report on masks, in a statement FROM MARCH.

See here:

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 Harpy 🤣


Gun ownership and access is associated with increased homicide, suicide, unintentional deaths, and injuries

● Access to firearms - such as the presence of a gun in the home - is correlated with the increased risk for homicide victimization.
● State-level gun ownership is significantly related to firearm homicides.
● Among high-income countries, firearm ownership rates are associated with increased firearm-related death rates; the U.S. had the highest firearm ownership and death rates of all 27 countries examined in one study.


● An abused woman is 10 times more likely to be threatened with a gun than to defend herself with one. In fact, when an abuser has access to a firearm, the risk that their female partner will die increases more than five-fold.
● Access to firearms is associated with femicide across high-income countries. Women in the U.S., where gun ownership is highest, are at higher risk of homicide victimization than are women in any other high-income country

● Empirical evidence from ecologic and individual-level studies has consistently shown that access to firearms increases the risk of suicide.
● Access to a gun in the home increases the odds of suicide more than three-fold.
● A recent study found that the prevalence of household gun ownership was the best predictor of youth suicide, more so than even knowing the approximate number of youth who will attempt suicide in a given year. For every 10 percent-point increase in the household gun ownership, the suicide rate among youths age 14-19 years increased nearly 27%.
● When there is easy access to a gun, firearm suicide risk increases further when that weapon is stored loaded and unlocked.23 In the U.S. where two out of five gun owners (38%) report there is always a loaded gun within easy reach at home,3 the ready availability of firearms is a significant risk factor for suicide and safer storage must be considered in prevention efforts.

● Availability of firearms is associated with an increased risk of unintentional firearms deaths for every age group; the mortality rate is seven times higher in the four states with the highest gun ownership rates as compared to the four states with the lowest gun ownership rates.
● The majority of victims killed in unintentional shootings are under age 25 - as are four out of five of the shooters.

● “Right-to-carry” (shall-issue) concealed carry laws are associated with higher rates of violent crime, and the size of the detrimental effects increase over time - presumably as more citizens carry guns on them.
● State-level firearm ownership is associated with higher levels of firearm assault and firearm robbery
On a societal level masking didn't work...because 49% of the population refused to wear one. Duh.

Tell you what Mr. "Lawyer" time you have to have an operation...demand the doctors and staff to not wear masks. After all...they "don't " work. Please. Back up up statements with action. Prove us wrong.

One thing you should be aware of is that mask compliance was, according to the information I could find, somewhere between 66% and 75%. So your claim that it was only 50% is FALSE. It's FALSE because you don't care about fact, you only go hyperbolic and spew spittle because you believe being fervent somehow makes your FALSE claims into truth. Newsflash: that's FALSE too.

The next thing is that if the Vax had actually worked as advertised, mask compliance could have been ZERO because no one would have caught or transmitted the virus. Yet somehow even those who got the jab caught the bug. They even caught it multiple times. After being "boosted" multiple times too. Proving that the vax doesn't work.

We have HARD DATA to prove those points and yet you still insist on making FALSE CLAIMS in denial of that data. This is not only stupid but shows how ridiculous your entire political arguments are. You don't care about truth, only denying whatever is said by "the other side." And, as shown here, you're willing to LIE in order to do that.

BTW, doctors don't wear face masks during surgery to stop viral transmission. They wear them to try to limit the spread of bacteria. Which the masks can effectively filter due to the size of bacteria. If there's an issue with viral transmission, surgery is cancelled or postponed until the risk is mitigated. If it cannot be mitigated but must be performed, then sterile surgical suits are used inside of a hazmat containment room. Everything is then sealed and bagged for destruction after surgery is completed.

So, once again, you make FALSE claims which aren't supported by facts in order to spew spittle and foam in denial of truth.
according to the information I could find,
But you didn't provide this information, only your own speculation and hyperbole.
So your claim that it was only 50% is FALSE. It's FALSE because you don't care about fact, you only go hyperbolic and spew spittle because you believe being fervent somehow makes your FALSE claims into truth. Newsflash: that's FALSE too.
So, once again, you make FALSE claims

Gun ownership and access is associated with increased homicide, suicide, unintentional deaths, and injuries

These are the same anti-gun talking points that have been debunked as being over inclusive and nothing more than hype. They're based on emotion and are targeted to those who are either ignorant or refuse to accept facts when presented with them.

Basically it's an ad campaign for stupid people to swallow.
The next thing is that if the Vax had actually worked as advertised, mask compliance could have been ZERO because no one would have caught or transmitted the virus. Yet somehow even those who got the jab caught the bug. They even caught it multiple times. After being "boosted" multiple times too. Proving that the vax doesn't work.
Proving that you are ignorant of what vaccines are.
The next thing is that if the Vax had actually worked as advertised, mask compliance could have been ZERO because no one would have caught or transmitted the virus. Yet somehow even those who got the jab caught the bug. They even caught it multiple times. After being "boosted" multiple times too. Proving that the vax doesn't work.
The vax kept those people from dying.
A mask lying on a shelf doesn't kill anyone, a mask will never kill anyone whether it's worn or otherwise. You can even give a mask to a black person in Chicago quite safely. But ban them anyway.

But guns make you safe (unless it's used). Bans don't work!