Do guns make us more safe?

Oh really....

One simple google search later soundly contradicts you and paints you as woefully out of touch.

Other countries. Let's try Germany....

The reality is that our peer countries don't fear gun violence because they don't have the epidemic of gun violence that we do.

Ironically however many have issued travel warnings about the gun violence in the US.

First the debunked and retracted article, then the heritage foundation numbers you put forward and now a CDC reference to the numbers generated by the debunked and retracted article.

FYI When Kleck revised after the retraction he estimated from 60k to 2.5 mil annually. His work is problematic. At best.
The Virginia Center for Public Safety enumerates them.

This is why you are too fucking stupid to be taken seriously.

Go pontificate more. I'm sure the clouds care.

tl;dr;the clouds don't care about your crap either
That's what I expected from you.

You'll just keep believing the propaganda. And double down on it because you think dead Americans and dead children are tools to own the libs.

I think no such thing.

On the other hand, I'm not one of those who use tragedy and death to score political ideological points with.

Here's the truth even if you don't want to hear it. Your position on guns is wrong. It's not the law, it's not the way the Constitution is written or interpreted, and it's not the way society in general views gun ownership. The stats you use to support your position are LIES cooked up by others with a political agenda much wider in design than guns and the 2nd Amendment. It doesn't matter how much you believe in your cause, it's wrong and built on a foundation of falsehoods and you're supporting those who would destroy America if they could.

You are in league with America's enemies and yet you blame American's for resisting your efforts at tyranny and destruction of the country.

Which means that the problem here, as it is with your pregnancy is slavery stupidity, is you and the beliefs you hold so dearly to your misguided heart.
I think no such thing.

On the other hand, I'm not one of those who use tragedy and death to score political ideological points with.

Here's the truth even if you don't want to hear it. Your position on guns is wrong. It's not the law, it's not the way the Constitution is written or interpreted, and it's not the way society in general views gun ownership. The stats you use to support your position are LIES cooked up by others with a political agenda much wider in design than guns and the 2nd Amendment. It doesn't matter how much you believe in your cause, it's wrong and built on a foundation of falsehoods and you're supporting those who would destroy America if they could.

You are in league with America's enemies and yet you blame American's for resisting your efforts at tyranny and destruction of the country.

Which means that the problem here, as it is with your pregnancy is slavery stupidity, is you and the beliefs you hold so dearly to your misguided heart.

Harpy is the enemy of the chemistry of water. Their opinion(s) on any subject carry little to no atomic weight.


👉 Harpy 🤣

I think no such thing.

On the other hand, I'm not one of those who use tragedy and death to score political ideological points with.

Here's the truth even if you don't want to hear it. Your position on guns is wrong. It's not the law, it's not the way the Constitution is written or interpreted, and it's not the way society in general views gun ownership. The stats you use to support your position are LIES cooked up by others with a political agenda much wider in design than guns and the 2nd Amendment. It doesn't matter how much you believe in your cause, it's wrong and built on a foundation of falsehoods and you're supporting those who would destroy America if they could.

You are in league with America's enemies and yet you blame American's for resisting your efforts at tyranny and destruction of the country.

Which means that the problem here, as it is with your pregnancy is slavery stupidity, is you and the beliefs you hold so dearly to your misguided heart.

Of course you do.

You'd sell out anyone or anything - including this country - to try to own the libs. That's the SOP for conservatives.

When the next school shooting happens (note, we can't even say if) you'll do the same song and dance as always. You'll make up "facts", you'll quote "sources", you'll condescend... and support every crazed whackj... pardon, law abiding citizen's right to have guns.

Go sell it to someone else sweetheart.
Of course you do.

You'd sell out anyone or anything - including this country - to try to own the libs. That's the SOP for conservatives.

When the next school shooting happens (note, we can't even say if) you'll do the same song and dance as always. You'll make up "facts", you'll quote "sources", you'll condescend... and support every crazed whackj... pardon, law abiding citizen's right to have guns.

Go sell it to someone else sweetheart.

When the next school shooting happens (<-- OH LOOK THERE, I SAID IT!) I'm positive that you and the rest of your ignorant shills will pick that up and use it to try and score points in your anti-gun/anti-America agenda.

Worse, you'll continue to say stupid things like "you make up facts" when the truth is I only quote sources. That you disagree with those sources doesn't make them nonexistent or fake.

And yes, I do support anyone who isn't a prohibited person in their choice to keep and bear arms. Why wouldn't I? It's the law and I stand for the law.

You not liking that either doesn't matter one whit to me. Or the courts.
When the next school shooting happens (<-- OH LOOK THERE, I SAID IT!) I'm positive that you and the rest of your ignorant shills will pick that up and use it to try and score points in your anti-gun/anti-America agenda.
So you're 100%in favour of uncontrolled gun's over the lives of children. Is that why you and your ilk are so opposed to abortion. You need those births, so the nut-bars will have a never ending supply of children to mow down....
Worse, you'll continue to say stupid things like "you make up facts" when the truth is I only quote sources.
What "truth"? The 2A? That's not a truth, it's an enshrined right, one I predict the USA will lose in the next 20 years.
And yes, I do support anyone who isn't a prohibited person in their choice to keep and bear arms. Why wouldn't I? It's the law and I stand for the law.
I mean seriously who the fuck wants to live in the same country as an asshole like you. A person who cares more about unfettered access to firearms, over sane and sensible control to prevent the murder of children....
You not liking that either doesn't matter one whit to me. Or the courts.
No we know you're a heartless bastard, and proud of it, I'll add in. Which is why you're withering away to your death, alone, except for your cats....
When the next school shooting happens (<-- OH LOOK THERE, I SAID IT!) I'm positive that you and the rest of your ignorant shills will pick that up and use it to try and score points in your anti-gun/anti-America agenda.

Worse, you'll continue to say stupid things like "you make up facts" when the truth is I only quote sources. That you disagree with those sources doesn't make them nonexistent or fake.

And yes, I do support anyone who isn't a prohibited person in their choice to keep and bear arms. Why wouldn't I? It's the law and I stand for the law.

You not liking that either doesn't matter one whit to me. Or the courts.

You quote falsehoods.

Yup. Thanks for confirming. When the next shooting happens, you will consider the lives lost just the cost of freedumb.
So you 100% are in favour of uncontrolled gun's over the lives of children. Is that why you and your ilk are so opposed to abortion. You need those births, so the nut-bars will have a never ending supply of children to mow down....

What "truth"? The 2A? That's not a truth, it's an enshrined right, one I predict the USA will lose in the next 20 years.

I mean seriously who the fuck wants to live in the same country as an asshole like you. A person who cares more about unfettered access to firearms, over sane and sensible control to prevent the murder of children....

No we know you're a heartless bastard, and proud of it, I'll add in. Which is why you're withering away to your death, alone, except for your cats....

It’s interesting, (quite telling) that Harpy hasn’t put adrina on “ignore”, despite her repeatedly spanking Harpy’s dumb ass.

I can only conclude that Harpy likes getting spanked by a strong woman. (No shame Harpy)

adrina = Harpy’s dominatrix


👉 Harpy 🤣

Doesn't have too for Buffy . The word gun means all and the same to her.
You are very correct fuzzy, all that matters is she's alive and unmolested. Bad guy won't be destroying anyone else's lives. Win, win for the remaining good folk😎

The article doesn’t mention if the gun involved was legally purchased after a proper background check, or whether it was an assault style rifle, modified to fully automatic, with a 100 round drum magazine and a bump stock.


Edit; Maybe the gun involved was a ghost gun or a 3-D printed gun.

Don't care, it's one less meth headed career thug gone that a liberal Democrat judge refuses to jail. F. A. F. O.
Don't care, it's one less meth headed career thug gone that a liberal Democrat judge refuses to jail. F. A. F. O.
Democrats don’t jail thugs and Republicans don’t enforce laws. So until they do, get rid of the fucking guns.
Democrats don’t jail thugs and Republicans don’t enforce laws. So until they do, get rid of the fucking guns.
Here's an accounting of California's finest residents,🙄 the crips and the bloods decided to shoot "it"out killing at least 3, wounding others. Do you really believe these types of parasites will follow the law? "Oh they banned guns, we best rid ourselves of these firearms lest we get into trouble" (eyes roll, shakes head)
Or better yet! Why don't you phrodeau, skip your happy ass down there and relieve those nubiun royalty of their guns?
Don’t commit a crime with the gun. Period. Restrictions allow the government to bring those harsh penalty’s the right creams over.

I know the postcard in the mail said the government will come door to door for your gun… but they will be busy enforcing laws against criminals with more teeth.
Here's an accounting of California's finest residents,🙄 the crips and the bloods decided to shoot "it"out killing at least 3, wounding others. Do you really believe these types of parasites will follow the law? "Oh they banned guns, we best rid ourselves of these firearms lest we get into trouble" (eyes roll, shakes head)
Or better yet! Why don't you phrodeau, skip your happy ass down there and relieve those nubiun royalty of their guns?
In the real world, I am not known as a racist POS, but here I am free to be my true self.
What the fuck are talking about wino?
So I just to your face, flat out, called you a racist POS and your reply is - "What am I talking about'???
I was gonna expose your trash talk even more, but let's end this convo now - You're not really into understanding plain English and I've already proven my point. You're free to go back to your gun talk.
So I just to your face, flat out, called you a racist POS and your reply is - "What am I talking about'???
I was gonna expose your trash talk even more, but let's end this convo now - You're not really into understanding plain English and I've already proven my point. You're free to go back to your gun talk.
While standing on you high soap box, oh please inlighten me about all that wasn't the truth in my earlier post, or for that matter what was racist?.......