Do guns make us more safe?

While standing on you high soap box, oh please inlighten me about all that wasn't the truth in my earlier post, or for that matter what was racist?.......
Maybe fix your grade 8 level grammatical errors first, then try asking again. Note I didn't highlight the punctuation errors.
While standing on you high soap box, oh please inlighten me about all that wasn't the truth in my earlier post, or for that matter what was racist?.......
I see what I'm dealing with. This time, I'm outta this for real.
Good luck in your endeavors here Fuzzy and phrodeau - y'all gonna need it.
Here's an accounting of California's finest residents,🙄 the crips and the bloods decided to shoot "it"out killing at least 3, wounding others. Do you really believe these types of parasites will follow the law? "Oh they banned guns, we best rid ourselves of these firearms lest we get into trouble" (eyes roll, shakes head)
Or better yet! Why don't you phrodeau, skip your happy ass down there and relieve those nubiun royalty of their guns?
Spot on. People with access to guns commit crime using guns. You want to get rid of people; I'd rather get rid of guns.

Guns made Dan Spaeth safer as he tried to warn traffic to slow down for deer in the road. Local resident following the advice of barrel-polishers shot his gun through the open window of his car because he was too dumb to work out what Dan was up to. Once Dan was within his seven-yard perimeter it was good night time.

Good job guys!
Here's an accounting of California's finest residents,🙄 the crips and the bloods decided to shoot "it"out killing at least 3, wounding others. Do you really believe these types of parasites will follow the law? "Oh they banned guns, we best rid ourselves of these firearms lest we get into trouble" (eyes roll, shakes head)
Or better yet! Why don't you phrodeau, skip your happy ass down there and relieve those nubiun royalty of their guns?
Do you believe that gun violence won’t happen so often once every “nubiun” has their own gun?
It's a good thing she's not posting all of the gun violence as opposed to the DGUs. She'd never quit posting. To find defensive gun use one has to comb through stories over a period of years. For gun violence, all one has to do is pull up the news. Every day.
Here's an accounting of California's finest residents,🙄 the crips and the bloods decided to shoot "it"out killing at least 3, wounding others. Do you really believe these types of parasites will follow the law? "Oh they banned guns, we best rid ourselves of these firearms lest we get into trouble" (eyes roll, shakes head)
Or better yet! Why don't you phrodeau, skip your happy ass down there and relieve those nubiun royalty of their guns?
The Nubian people are from the Nile Valley; their entire land where they had lived since ancient Egyptian times was flooded by the Aswan High Dam in the 1970's.

The displaced peoples were forced to either find somewhere else to live or start swimming. Why do you hate an entire nation (that you can't even spell correctly) with a recent history of being ethnically cleansed?
It's a good thing she's not posting all of the gun violence as opposed to the DGUs. She'd never quit posting. To find defensive gun use one has to comb through stories over a period of years. For gun violence, all one has to do is pull up the news. Every day.
I don't need to "comb" through years of articles to find DGUs this situation plays out every day..... and no I won't stop posting positive stories of good folk defending themselves from violence. Or would you rather a woman be beaten, raped, kidnapped or murdered? Without any viable means of defense?
That and I refuse to be punished for someone else's crimes, defense is a basic human right, I have a absolute right to use all tools available to me... fuck the criminal element.....
I have no problem with a person defending themself...assuming they really needed defending. I do not think a black child coming up to a door to ask if you want your sidewalk shoveled or your lawn mowed is a threat. Yet...many do...

If a gun you own is used in a are responsible for it. Period. Simple as that.
The Nubian people are from the Nile Valley; their entire land where they had lived since ancient Egyptian times was flooded by the Aswan High Dam in the 1970's.

The displaced peoples were forced to either find somewhere else to live or start swimming. Why do you hate an entire nation (that you can't even spell correctly) with a recent history of being ethnically cleansed?
I don't hate anyone who is good, honest and treats people with civility.....
It's was my understanding they originated from the sub Sahara and they were an extinct group of people my mistake I apologize whole heartily.
But, I will never back up from defending my basic human rights. You anti gun nazis have aligned yourselves with the most vile, brutal and evil despots in human history.....first item these shitbags do is disarm the population, go read your fucking history.... your headed for a free ride in a cattle car.....
Many...claim the fear being involved in a crime as a reason for owning a gun. Yet...they have a larger chance of walking outside and being struck by lightning. Numbers don't lie

Guns made Dan Spaeth safer as he tried to warn traffic to slow down for deer in the road. Local resident following the advice of barrel-polishers shot his gun through the open window of his car because he was too dumb to work out what Dan was up to. Once Dan was within his seven-yard perimeter it was good night time.

Good job guys!
What? You want to punish me! For these kinds of situations. You have the very strong aptitude of a "re-education camp" commander. Wanting to punish the honest responsible folk for the actions of others
I have no problem with a person defending themself...assuming they really needed defending. I do not think a black child coming up to a door to ask if you want your sidewalk shoveled or your lawn mowed is a threat. Yet...many do...

If a gun you own is used in a are responsible for it. Period. Simple as that.
That is of the same level as if someone stole your car and drove it to a school bus, are you responsible for the mayhem that was created? You are just plain incorrect..... do you believe you should be held responsible for the actions of someone else?
Numbers say...2% of violent crimes end in a conviction. 11% of violent crimes end in an arrest.

Seems to me the problem is shitty law enforcement
Numbers say...2% of violent crimes end in a conviction. 11% of violent crimes end in an arrest.

Seems to me the problem is shitty law enforcement
I certainly won't argue with your statement. Fairly close to the truth I'd imagine... not random. There is not an equal probability attributed to all US citizens. Attempting to do that creates erroneous conclusions.

If one is black...or Hispanic...crime rates are higher. If one is under 30...crime rates are higher. If one lives in certain areas...crime rates are higher. Then not all crime is equal or violent.

For those living in rural areas...crime where one needs a gun to defend themselves is very low if you are white...older. How low? Depends on the area of course...proximity to other issues such as drugs.

One can easily determine how at risk they are based on numbers and probability.

You have a 1 out of 15,300 chance of walking outside and being struck by lightning. I have been struck. I have never been held up. I have never had a person pull a gun on me. I have never been in a fight I didn't want. On and on...
You anti gun nazis have aligned yourselves with the most vile, brutal and evil despots in human history.....first item these shitbags do is disarm the population, go read your fucking history.... your headed for a free ride in a cattle car.....
So bring anti gun apparently means you are then trying to be a brutal dictator?

It's a questionable precedent to set, given that the logical extension of that is to determine that being pro gun means you are aligned with every school shooter and every person who has ever committed any act of fun violence.
Numbers say...2% of violent crimes end in a conviction. 11% of violent crimes end in an arrest.

Seems to me the problem is shitty law enforcement
Yes, if you break the speed limit it's likely you'll not be ticketed. But if you do it repeatedly (or go fast enough) you will be, eventually.

It's much the same with crime. You'll escape attention for a while but not all your life if you keep on doing it. Or if you do something that catches serious attention the chance of not being arrested is extremely low.

Of course, once arrested you may not be convicted. You may take a deal, be cautioned, all sorts of alternatives.
I don't need to "comb" through years of articles to find DGUs this situation plays out every day..... and no I won't stop posting positive stories of good folk defending themselves from violence. Or would you rather a woman be beaten, raped, kidnapped or murdered? Without any viable means of defense?
That and I refuse to be punished for someone else's crimes, defense is a basic human right, I have a absolute right to use all tools available to me... fuck the criminal element.....

Yet you do. And are.

Apparently you believe the 2 incidents of DGUs per day is more important than the 375 incidents of gun violence per day.
You quote falsehoods.

Yup. Thanks for confirming. When the next shooting happens, you will consider the lives lost just the cost of freedumb.

Lol. It's not a falsehood to say what you dared me to say. I didn't even have to struggle to say it because it's the truth. Moreover, the act of posting those words only disproves not only your ascription but that you don't really have an argument past the bullshit on the surface.

Meanwhile you're still trying to make hay out of tragedy while being out of step with reality. Most of us mourn for the lives lost when evil strikes. The ones who aren't are the ones like you who're screeching about gun control as if another law banning guns inside a gun free zone is the answer.

At some point even the dumbest rock in the box (that's you by the way) has to understand that what you advocate for is what is causing the harm being done. Your policies from the way people are supposed to raise their kids to keeping secrets to allowing mental illness to run rampant without control or medical intervention to all the other social ills that you support in one way or another are the cause of the loss of lives and suffering.

YOU are the problem. YOU and everyone who thinks like you do and advocates for the things you push on society. YOU. It's about time you recognize that fact. It's not like it hasn't been staring you in the face for most of your life already.
Numbers say...2% of violent crimes end in a conviction. 11% of violent crimes end in an arrest.

Seems to me the problem is shitty law enforcement

And yet...

Defund the police...