Do guns make us more safe?

That is why cities like Chicago and Baltimore are such peaceful utopias to live in!! You know what is great about the USA. We can all have different opinions. And my options of protecting myself and family are protected by the Constitution!! God Bless America. And our founding fathers who had the foresight to right the 2nd amendment. “Shall not be infringed!!” So feel free to post signs in your yards saying gun free zones, and that you support gun control. I will post my NRA signs and we will see whose house is most likely targeted by criminals. Who guess what. Will have guns.
A well regulated militia… so funny how those words are ignored. But there is a comma there so comprehension is difficult.

They right that constitution alright. Real good.

I’m hoping for your sake it’s speech to text but even then, the AI switches it. The lack of education spews here from using right instead of write. There, their, they’re give people issues but right and write?

Thank God you don’t need to take a citizenship test…might not go well.
I was once going by an elderly woman who was being attacked by two big dogs. At the time I did not carry and when another guy stopped to help out, he had some firewood in the back of his truck, and so we clubbed the dogs off her with pieces of wood. She spent months in intensive care and had a dozen surgeries, but miraculously survived. From that day forward, I said I would never be without something to prevent suffering like that.

In my own house, I had someone come in at 2 AM. I sleep with one eye open anyway, heard them and got to my shotgun in time. The police said I was well within my rights to shoot the man, even though I did not have to resort to that. Seeing me with a shotgun was enough for him to leave.

I make a living with livestock, and if you have livestock, you have sickstock, and sometimes they need to be put down. Equally there are predators like coyotes that like my livestock to be deadstock. If you have ever seen a coyote eat the back quarter off a calf and have it slowly die, you will understand why shooting them is human as at is in making money from farming.

But anyone who says a semi-auto rifle is not needed, has never had to deal with coyotes. They are wily, and often quite a few yards out. You won't get a second shot off with a bolt action, a shotgun does not have the range, and taking them out depends on who happens to be home. An AR-15 however is ideal. It has a low enough kick so my daughters can use it, reaches out to 300 yards, has multiple shots, and with a variety of ammo types can be used as an all around gun. In fact, its the most popular rifle in the USA because its like our forefathers flint-locks above the mantle... a great, do-all family rifle.

I have a ton of guns in this house, but most often times, I grab an AR-15 to do what needs to be done just because it is so versatile.

Yep, all my guns have killed something, but I am not a suburbanite that gets a new dog every ten years. My farm has hundreds of animals born, not to mention the thousands of wildlife that are born every year on the hundreds of acres of land that I got. Because of that, my life has an immense amount of life and rebirth, but sadly with so much life, comes a need for death. People in suburbia and urban areas will just never understand that, but then they also have less responsibility. It is why they move out here, and on average, move back within 7 years. Its the responsibility that it takes to live out here that they cannot handle.
So you grab that AR-15 because it’s so versatile. Seems like it needs it’s own infomercial. A family rifle…it dices, it slices.

The guys who shoot up kids in classrooms know exactly how versatile it is. I’m glad it‘a a real easy gun to use, as you stated. That’s why people choose it to kill all those kids. Fish in a barrel.

And for your doors, ever consider locks? Or maybe your “I’m a gun nut” signs in the yard weren’t visible at 2am, because the guy came in anyway.

Was he wearing a coyote costume?

Coyotes gotten faster since 1776? Flintlocks worked just fine back then. Don’t need military grade weapons for a coyote.

But it clearly makes you feel macho. And you have your rights.
I acquired my semiautomatic rifle when my governor said he was going after law abiding citizens. That stupid fuck won "SALESMAN OF THE YEAR" for local gun shops. I waited on line for 2 hours to get my rifle. What a disaster for dummies that pretended to advocate for "Gun Control".
I acquired my semiautomatic rifle when my governor said he was going after law abiding citizens. That stupid fuck won "SALESMAN OF THE YEAR" for local gun shops. I waited on line for 2 hours to get my rifle. What a disaster for dummies that pretended to advocate for "Gun Control".
Did he take your rifle away?
I acquired my semiautomatic rifle when my governor said he was going after law abiding citizens. That stupid fuck won "SALESMAN OF THE YEAR" for local gun shops. I waited on line for 2 hours to get my rifle. What a disaster for dummies that pretended to advocate for "Gun Control".
Similar situation with me. I bought mine when I was living in CA. At the time, state law mandated manufacturers of semiautomatic rifles to devise a mag release that required a “tool.” They came up with the bullet button which my AR came with. Then Newsom came along with a new set of laws which ironically incentivized all of us bullet button-equipped AR owners to remove the bullet button and replace with a standard mag release. You can’t make this stuff up!
Similar situation with me. I bought mine when I was living in CA. At the time, state law mandated manufacturers of semiautomatic rifles to devise a mag release that required a “tool.” They came up with the bullet button which my AR came with. Then Newsom came along with a new set of laws which ironically incentivized all of us bullet button-equipped AR owners to remove the bullet button and replace with a standard mag release. You can’t make this stuff up!
Did they take your guns?
Did he take your rifle away?
He didn't because he couldn't as a law abiding citizen of the United States,I am protected by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. The question you should be asking is "Is he punishing criminals?" That answer would be "No", and therein lies the problem. His failure to protect innocent law abiding citizens has led to good people feeling that they have to protect themselves. It is the political corruption of law enforcement.
I acquired my semiautomatic rifle when my governor said he was going after law abiding citizens. That stupid fuck won "SALESMAN OF THE YEAR" for local gun shops. I waited on line for 2 hours to get my rifle. What a disaster for dummies that pretended to advocate for "Gun Control".
Oh, yeah. I forgot you exist.
He didn't because he couldn't as a law abiding citizen of the United States,I am protected by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. The question you should be asking is "Is he punishing criminals?" That answer would be "No", and therein lies the problem. His failure to protect innocent law abiding citizens has led to good people feeling that they have to protect themselves. It is the political corruption of law enforcement.
Really, so all the gun deaths are Newsom's fault? Is that what you are claiming?


I'd say your full of shit!
Deep down...the gun nutters are afraid of shadows. But like all things...they need to blame others for their fear instead of looking in the mirror. Communication solves every issue
Deep down...the gun nutters are afraid of shadows. But like all things...they need to blame others for their fear instead of looking in the mirror. Communication solves every issue
Well, not EVERY issue.
He didn't because he couldn't as a law abiding citizen of the United States,I am protected by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. The question you should be asking is "Is he punishing criminals?" That answer would be "No", and therein lies the problem. His failure to protect innocent law abiding citizens has led to good people feeling that they have to protect themselves. It is the political corruption of law enforcement.
So there was never any danger of you losing your gun and you buying one had nothing to do with anything but your own delusions.

Got it.

Question for you - if you ended up getting some disease that literally made you go crazy and possibly harm someone, would you use your gun or something else?
Better question for gun owners - if you wanted to harm someone (say for defensive purposes), what weapon would you choose and why?

Let's say the person seeking to harm you had a knife.

Would you use your gun because it's the easiest weapon to cause harm or a knife?
Communication solves every issue

Unfortunately, the gun nuts in this thread have severely-diminished social skills. They can't consider alternative viewpoints without feeling threatened, can't talk to women, etc.
Guns make me safer. And that’s all that matters.
it’s a choice.. you don’t want one no one is forcing you.
I have individual rights.
Do knives make you safer? Who are you safer from?
Better question for gun owners - if you wanted to harm someone (say for defensive purposes), what weapon would you choose and why?

Let's say the person seeking to harm you had a knife.

Would you use your gun because it's the easiest weapon to cause harm or a knife
Gun violence is, in most cases, committed by people breaking a law.

So if you accept the fact that laws will be broken; isn't your next logical step to remove all guns from society?

The better question for you - how will you collect more than 400,000,000 guns?
Gun violence is, in most cases, committed by people breaking a law.

So if you accept the fact that laws will be broken; isn't your next logical step to remove all guns from society?

The better question for you - how will you collect more than 400,000,000 guns?

From 100,000,000 people???
Gun violence is, in most cases, committed by people breaking a law.
Suicide leads the way, with homicide a close second. Is suicide illegal in the US? it is not in Canada.
So if you accept the fact that laws will be broken; isn't your next logical step to remove all guns from society?
The better question for you - how will you collect more than 400,000,000 guns?
Why do they need to collect them all? Most people who have posted are not advocating for "all" rifles or hand guns to be banned. Just certain types.
From 100,000,000 people???
With cash of course.

Not that I am advocating for this, but buy backs have been a proven method to remove firearms from owners ( and criminals) world wide.
Gun violence is, in most cases, committed by people breaking a law.

So if you accept the fact that laws will be broken; isn't your next logical step to remove all guns from society?

The better question for you - how will you collect more than 400,000,000 guns?
There in lies the difficulty with gun confiscation. First of all it would be a monumental task if people refused to voluntarily surrender them. Imagine having to send police, or the military, to millions of homes to search for firearms. That would take decades. Secondly, what would you do with the people that refused? Obviously they would be arrested, but where would you house them? Jails are overcrowded now. Perhaps the FEMA camps could be used for them? Who would compensate the firearm owners for their firearms? I don't own any guns worth thousands of dollars but I know people that do. They are going to demand compensation if they surrender their guns.

Add to that this little tidbit, their are thousands, if not millions of guns out their with no registration or record of them at all. Guns legally purchased before records were kept, guns handed down from generation to generation, private sales, and war trophies brought back home are virtually untraceable. Also with computers able to mold gun parts people could just start making their own from scratch.

Confiscation is a pipe dream and a phony worry made up to enflame the masses.
I would be happy to require every gun owner to carry an insurance policy. If your gun is used in a crime or any act of pay.

Furthermore, every new gun should have a ballistics test done. That goes into a database. If you have existing put those guns into the same ballistics database and your insurance rates drops considerably.

Responsibility. If you are adult enough to own a gun...just like a car...or a house...or a are adult enough to insure it
Lit Deplorables seem to have a limited knowledge of firearms when it comes to actual facts. And their chickenshit nature leads me to believe they'd never be able to pull a gun on another person - even to protect a loved one.

So, at least they're not a threat. Just drink a Bud Light, or unfurl a rainbow flag, and they'll run away crying to vent their disgust on the Internet rather than confront anyone. 😎
WOW.. your ignorance & stereotyping is REALLY showing here. I was raised around handguns and rifles, the correct way, with VERY responsible parents and learned very young the power such a weapon holds. I am a VERY civilized adult debater, who refuses to namecall and act like a child, on this and other topics, but clearly, your mind is already made up, so I will simply wish you a good day and a begging urge to PLEASE open your eyes and don't stereotype ALL of ANY group into one big idiotic bunch. The majority of gun owners I know are quite intelligent actually. And aren't intimidated by rainbow flags or bud light. Most will have a civil debate about it with anybody, trying to educate those who clearly know nothing of the subject matter and wish you a pleasant day, no matter the outcome.

I assure you, if you or another breaks into my home and attempts to harm me or mine, I can, know how and WILL defend to the end. Good day!!!