Do guns make us more safe?

Most criminals follow the law? Then why are they a criminal? This comment by you makes absolutely no sense at all.

Yes most criminals follow most laws. Why are they a criminal (a word with no real definition for this conversation) the comment makes perfect sense if you aren't literally half retarded.
So again you believe it is sane behavior to shoot up a school. Gotcha.
Massive difference between criminally insane and just pure, fucking evil. It's another one of those reality based nuances that you have to be more mature than a rock to understand - or at least honest about it even when you don't want to because the harsh truth is you fit into the latter group but want to keep pretending you don't.
Most criminals follow the law? Then why are they a criminal? This comment by you makes absolutely no sense at all.
It makes sense if you don't have a moronic dichotomy that has no understanding of reality. Your position is that if youve ever broken a law you are a criminal and therefore are forced into a life where you break the law 24/7. That's not reality.
It makes sense if you don't have a moronic dichotomy that has no understanding of reality. Your position is that if youve ever broken a law you are a criminal and therefore are forced into a life where you break the law 24/7. That's not reality.

Its actually a little more complicated than that however. Trailer lives in a world where every criminal is like the worst of the worst Batman villains. In most continuities Catwoman doesn't murder and if she kills you there is a 90% chance you deserved that. You were a rapist or something. Otherwise don't keep cat themed art in your house and you're probably straight.

In real life the average drug dealer is highly unlikely to flat out murder someone. They might carry a gun but when you live in a society with this many guns keeping a gun on you for self defense especially if you deal with anything black market is just good business. They certainly aren't rapists or human traffickers. Its unlikely these are the guys breaking windows and stealing PS5s.

Lets face it, MOST adult males at one time or another have assaulted someone. What can I say, that guy shoved my friend. That guy called me a nigger and I dropped him. There were no cops around and he didn't call the police but by the definition Trailer uses I'm a criminal. Should I have dropped the second guy? Probably not. I shouldn't let words affect me. That's on me and I own it.

I've bought liquor for underaged people years ago. Though in my defense I think we should have ONE definition of what an adult is. As in the age to consent to sex, drink, vote, and join the military should be the same. If you're old enough to die for America you're old enough to get blitzed out of your fucking mind as long as you stay someplace safe.

I bet you the local drug dealer also has his car registered, doesn't speed, stops at stop signs. They kinda don't want attention. We can debate who should and shouldn't have access to fire arms but being a drug dealer, especially if you've never been convicted, is not on the list of people I'm terrified of.
What does that have to do with my Governments move. Christ man stay on topic!!

What shrieking? I'm not looking for a gun ban, or to take anyone's guns away ( at least not from people who don't deserve to have them taken).
I've offered up several ideas. Ban high capacity magazines, bump stocks. Special licences for military grade weapons, Federal laws on training, licensing, storage and legal liability for rifles and handguns.

What the fuck have you offered? Nothing. That's what!
You mentioned follow the law, I showed examples where the law and piss poor enforcement and punishment make the laws essentially null and void.

You have clearly called for the banning of certain guns.

Define a military grade weapon. I can't wait for this answer. No on banning standard capacity magazines for certain rifles. Yes a 20 or 30 round magazine is a standard capacity magazine for some. I already said I don't care about bump stocks but since the courts said they're legal that ends it for me because HEY, it's the law. None of those additional items you mention affect you canadians one bit so why do you care what happens in the US?
Yes most criminals follow most laws. Why are they a criminal (a word with no real definition for this conversation) the comment makes perfect sense if you aren't literally half retarded.
Semantical nonsense on your part. Nice try but if someone is a criminal they are a criminal because they disobeyed the law
A single data point.
The vast majority of school shooters are White Guys With A Gun And A Grudge.
Unlike the shootings in the inner cities of America every damn day. You never mention them and maybe it's because the shooters aren't the right color to further your gun ban agenda.
Semantical nonsense on your part. Nice try but if someone is a criminal they are a criminal because they disobeyed the law

No its not semantical nonsense. The word has no definition for the purposes of this conversation. By your "A person is a criminal because they disobeyed the law" you'd have a really , really hard time finding an American who isn't a criminal. Most likely a rapist. I mean I was 18 when I lost my virginity but that's because I was a fucking loser. My GF was 17 and some change. I didn't drink until I was 21 unless you count the glass of wine my parents would let me indulge in at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The law doesn't say "You can drink with your parents." So that would make my parents criminals for providing liquor to a minor.
Unlike the shootings in the inner cities of America every damn day. You never mention them and maybe it's because the shooters aren't the right color to further your gun ban agenda.
How do guns make us more safe in that context?
Unlike the shootings in the inner cities of America every damn day. You never mention them and maybe it's because the shooters aren't the right color to further your gun ban agenda.
Oh we talk about that but that actually goes a great deal into furthering the agenda.
Massive difference between criminally insane and just pure, fucking evil. It's another one of those reality based nuances that you have to be more mature than a rock to understand - or at least honest about it even when you don't want to because the harsh truth is you fit into the latter group but want to keep pretending you don't.
Dance and sing yet again, so pure, fucking evil is sane in your book. Gotcha. You love to play these little games. When I prove that something you said is so stupid that it is indefensible you immediately slide into your pretend superiority act.
It makes sense if you don't have a moronic dichotomy that has no understanding of reality. Your position is that if youve ever broken a law you are a criminal and therefore are forced into a life where you break the law 24/7. That's not reality.
Not what I said at all, and essentially all of us at one time or another have broken the law, speeding for example. To me a criminal is someone that robs, steals, or uses violence to commit their crime. The law regarding that have no meaning to them.
How do guns make us more safe in that context?
They don't. But let's be realistic the anti-gun side couldn't care less about them and yes it is racist. They believe they can win more people over by talking about school shootings, or shootings at the mall, or public celebrations where the victims are majority white.
Oh we talk about that but that actually goes a great deal into furthering the agenda.
No you don't and almost every time I bring it up it isn't long before one of your fucking libs calls me a racist. I'm sure it will happen pretty soon now.
You focus on the criminal and say "if only he didn't have a gun" while ignoring the victims who might have been able to defend themselves if only the laws you support weren't there.

Most gun owners side with those who need to be able to defend themselves when evil shows up.

Perspective, it's important.
I'm not focussing on a criminal but on a mentally ill person.

It's a strange perspective when people regard those who ought to be in a hospital not as patients but as criminals.
No you don't and almost every time I bring it up it isn't long before one of your fucking libs calls me a racist. I'm sure it will happen pretty soon now.

You ARE a racist and that IS your motivation in bringing it up. That doesn't mean that we never discuss it. We by and large know how to solve it but sadly people like you don't want the problem solved. If the problem was even dialed back you'd have to face the facts that gun laws do in fact work.

Even YOUR ignorant definition of what a criminal is, I'm only so worried about the guys who in ancient times stole my brother's tape deck and later CD player out of his car are going to shoot me, certainly not at random. I'm not even worried about those smash and grabs the media is having so much fun talking about stealing Gucci bags are probably not murderers. Scum? Sure we can talk about THAT if you like but my list of fears does not include them shooting me.
Unlike the shootings in the inner cities of America every damn day. You never mention them and maybe it's because the shooters aren't the right color to further your gun ban agenda.
Anecdata didn't work, so you're pivoting to "inner city crime".
At this point, you'll have exhausted all of your trite Republican Blast Fax Serial Shooter Talking Points by nightfall.
Then what will you do? I'm thinking Ad Hominem will be your final stand.
Aren't most gun deaths self inflicted or committed by a family member?

I guess you can't trust yourself or family to keep you safe with guns or from guns. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Aren't most gun deaths self inflicted or committed by a family member?

I guess you can't trust yourself or family to keep you safe with guns or from guns. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Usually lovers with the overwhelming majority being male on female but not exclusively.