Do guns make us more safe?

Huh? Again learn to read. I never said "everyone". I said the dumbfuck steel penis lovers who think they can bring their personal guns in. As to the illegal handguns, the smugglers are quite clever.

You again see it only through "your selfish" window. Which why you're just an asshole. It's not about you! It's about what you"could" do to help eliminate the shit show of mass shootings. But you won't because you're just a selfish dick.

Then why do we have any laws, if only the law abiding are follow them? All we as a society need to do is post a list of suggested ways to live and everything will be peaches and cream. Right?

Your above post literally says laws don't work, since only the law abiding follow the rule of law. I guess we've been going about this all wrong. We just need to round up all the criminals and throw them in jail forever.....then there will be no crime.

It's not my fault you can't comprehend what you read, and write. My logic is sound, we are a far better off society with laws, than one without.

The vast majority of people obey laws, whether they agree with them or not. People are not born criminals, nor do they take a pill or go to school to become a criminal. That you can't understand why murder occurs, when there is a law against it, says a lot more about your mental wherewithal and logic than it does about mine....*chuckles*
Hitch has almost zero reading comprehension abilities so while nothing needs to be added to this excellent post, it felt like it may still need to be repeated and have some bold and italics thrown in for emphasis so those with a maturity level of a gnat might actually get it.
Huh? Again learn to read. I never said "everyone". I said the dumbfuck steel penis lovers who think they can bring their personal guns in. As to the illegal handguns, the smugglers are quite clever.

You again see it only through "your selfish" window. Which why you're just an asshole. It's not about you! It's about what you"could" do to help eliminate the shit show of mass shootings. But you won't because you're just a selfish dick.

Then why do we have any laws, if only the law abiding are follow them? All we as a society need to do is post a list of suggested ways to live and everything will be peaches and cream. Right?

Your above post literally says laws don't work, since only the law abiding follow the rule of law. I guess we've been going about this all wrong. We just need to round up all the criminals and throw them in jail forever.....then there will be no crime.

It's not my fault you can't comprehend what you read, and write. My logic is sound, we are a far better off society with laws, than one without.

The vast majority of people obey laws, whether they agree with them or not. People are not born criminals, nor do they take a pill or go to school to become a criminal. That you can't understand why murder occurs, when there is a law against it, says a lot more about your mental wherewithal and logic than it does about mine....*chuckles*
No, no fuzzy, people are born criminal, almost everyone wants the unearned, desires what they can't have, will lie when the truth would serve them better. You yourself is very capable of murder, in the correct circumstances pushed to your mental limit. You the law abiding Canadian is very capable of murder. What sets you apart from the criminals is that you have the mental capacity to not commit the crime.... it is a choice, 99.99%of the time it is a choice Win, lose or draw.
The first recorded murder was committed with a rock over jealously and envy.....never forget that the person you least suspect, in the correct circumstances will betray you.....
Honestly I'm uncertain it can unless we are using the 1174 method of a 1% decrease is worth it. I don't believe that. I believe that and I'm gonna paraphrase cus I think the man was wrong long term. And miquoted the founder.

"He who gives up great liberty to gain minmo

I'm a gun owner and would happily go for buy back. There are no solutions that don't go to that extreme because something as silly mental health checks is too much for you with obvious reasons. You wouldn't pass.

What would it cost to find out? 3 planes. 4. 5 tops.

Better than the alternative of sticking 4 fingers up one's ass and try to figure out how to get the thumb in.
Especially the transgendered one in Nashville...Right? Golly stereotyping on your part...
Well done, you win a prize for remembering the only school shooting out of the thousands that have happened, where the culprit was Trans.

The shooter was of course was under care for an emotional disorder and had legally purchased seven firearms, including three recovered from the shooting scene.

Following that, there were protests and campaigns for some sort (any sort) of restrictions on gun ownership. The Republican state Speaker removed the committee assignments from all the representatives who supported the protests.
Well done, you win a prize for remembering the only school shooting out of the thousands that have happened, where the culprit was Trans.

The shooter was of course was under care for an emotional disorder and had legally purchased seven firearms, including three recovered from the shooting scene.

Following that, there were protests and campaigns for some sort (any sort) of restrictions on gun ownership. The Republican state Speaker removed the committee assignments from all the representatives who supported the protests.

You focus on the criminal and say "if only he didn't have a gun" while ignoring the victims who might have been able to defend themselves if only the laws you support weren't there.

Most gun owners side with those who need to be able to defend themselves when evil shows up.

Perspective, it's important.
No, no fuzzy, people are born criminal, almost everyone wants the unearned, desires what they can't have, will lie when the truth would serve them better. You yourself is very capable of murder, in the correct circumstances pushed to your mental limit. You the law abiding Canadian is very capable of murder.
I agree the only thing that keeps me from being criminal is the fear of the punishment from committing crimes. Thanks for agreeing that laws work!
What sets you apart from the criminals is that you have the mental capacity to not commit the crime.... it is a choice, 99.99%of the time it is a choice Win, lose or draw.
Right and it is the laws that are in the books, not my choice that keeps me from committing those crimes. Thanks for agreeing Laws work!
The first recorded murder was committed with a rock over jealously and envy.....never forget that the person you least suspect, in the correct circumstances will betray you.....
Well you are right that blunt force trauma was the cause of the earliest known murder. But the motive and the weapon are unknown.
I'm merely asking if you know what the position is.

The provision of mental health care in the US is totally third world. Republicans repeatedly vote down any improvements in this area.

The gun lobby has achieved a position where the only way of stopping a mentally ill person from having a gun is while they are confined in an institution for their own protection. The minute they are released they can go buy a rifle.

Incidentally, the numbers of people previously identified even by their family as requiring treatment is remarkably low.
I can surmise their position, but as I said I do not belong to any gun owner's group.

Dems had both houses and the presidency why didn't they fix it? I'll tell you why, because no one really gives a damn.

I would need to see documentation to prove that the gun lobby has stopped mental health control over gun buying.

It's just funny you say that because almost every time some person goes huts and shoots someplace up the family comes forward and says we tried to get them help but couldn't.
What would it cost to find out? 3 planes. 4. 5 tops.

Better than the alternative of sticking 4 fingers up one's ass and try to figure out how to get the thumb in.

That cost was already paid. So that's not a valid reason to keep this crap up, it simply isn't.
It's just funny you say that because almost every time some person goes huts and shoots someplace up the family comes forward and says we tried to get them help but couldn't.
Really? Can you actually back that up with some statements? It shouldn't be hard, to date there have been over 500 this year alone.

The reality is that people with mental illness account for a very small proportion of perpetrators of mass shootings in the U.S., says Ragy Girgis, MD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry in the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry and the New York State Psychiatric Institute.

This MD disagrees with you.
Huh? Again learn to read. I never said "everyone". I said the dumbfuck steel penis lovers who think they can bring their personal guns in. As to the illegal handguns, the smugglers are quite clever.

You again see it only through "your selfish" window. Which why you're just an asshole. It's not about you! It's about what you"could" do to help eliminate the shit show of mass shootings. But you won't because you're just a selfish dick.

Then why do we have any laws, if only the law abiding are follow them? All we as a society need to do is post a list of suggested ways to live and everything will be peaches and cream. Right?

Your above post literally says laws don't work, since only the law abiding follow the rule of law. I guess we've been going about this all wrong. We just need to round up all the criminals and throw them in jail forever.....then there will be no crime.

It's not my fault you can't comprehend what you read, and write. My logic is sound, we are a far better off society with laws, than one without.

The vast majority of people obey laws, whether they agree with them or not. People are not born criminals, nor do they take a pill or go to school to become a criminal. That you can't understand why murder occurs, when there is a law against it, says a lot more about your mental wherewithal and logic than it does about mine....*chuckles*
Laws keep most people in line with societal mores. Criminals don't follow the law so what laws do to criminals is spell out punishments. If the punishment is motivation enough not to do it then the crime will still occur, Especially now with catch and release no bail arrests and no jail time sentencing. There really isn't even punishment anymore for some criminal behavior, for example retail theft.
Huh? Again learn to read. I never said "everyone". I said the dumbfuck steel penis lovers who think they can bring their personal guns in. As to the illegal handguns, the smugglers are quite clever.

You again see it only through "your selfish" window. Which why you're just an asshole. It's not about you! It's about what you"could" do to help eliminate the shit show of mass shootings. But you won't because you're just a selfish dick.

Then why do we have any laws, if only the law abiding are follow them? All we as a society need to do is post a list of suggested ways to live and everything will be peaches and cream. Right?

Your above post literally says laws don't work, since only the law abiding follow the rule of law. I guess we've been going about this all wrong. We just need to round up all the criminals and throw them in jail forever.....then there will be no crime.

It's not my fault you can't comprehend what you read, and write. My logic is sound, we are a far better off society with laws, than one without.

The vast majority of people obey laws, whether they agree with them or not. People are not born criminals, nor do they take a pill or go to school to become a criminal. That you can't understand why murder occurs, when there is a law against it, says a lot more about your mental wherewithal and logic than it does about mine....*chuckles*
Just admit the law banning handgun sales to your citizens was stupid, ill conceived, and accomplished nothing to stop the flow of illegal guns into the country. All it did was penalize law abiding citizens for doing nothing wrong.
Laws keep most people in line with societal mores. Criminals don't follow the law so what laws do to criminals is spell out punishments. If the punishment is motivation enough not to do it then the crime will still occur, Especially now with catch and release no bail arrests and no jail time sentencing. There really isn't even punishment anymore for some criminal behavior, for example retail theft.
Again you just proved laws work. Most people.That is more than some, or a few.

If you enact laws, those laws make people change their behaviour. Which is why laws on Drunk Driving HAVE reduced drunk driving deaths.

But you keep your head buried in the sand, and refuse to promote sensible changes that would help to reduce deaths from firearms, because you are a responsible gun owner. Fuck the rest, right?
Hitch has almost zero reading comprehension abilities so while nothing needs to be added to this excellent post, it felt like it may still need to be repeated and have some bold and italics thrown in for emphasis so those with a maturity level of a gnat might actually get it.
Yawn...Little Tommy pretending to be an adult again.
Laws keep most people in line with societal mores. Criminals don't follow the law so what laws do to criminals is spell out punishments. If the punishment is motivation enough not to do it then the crime will still occur, Especially now with catch and release no bail arrests and no jail time sentencing. There really isn't even punishment anymore for some criminal behavior, for example retail theft.

Most criminals do follow the law however. The idea that they don't is flat out silly. The lack of punishment for some criminal behavior which honestly is a separate conversation from this is a bit of a problem.
Just admit the law banning handgun sales to your citizens was stupid, ill conceived, and accomplished nothing to stop the flow of illegal guns into the country. All it did was penalize law abiding citizens for doing nothing wrong.
Lets just think about this for a second. First the law has been in place for a matter of months, not years.

Second it takes time to see if a law actually gets the results the government is working towards.

Third, I am not in favour or opposed to the law. Why, because it is an action to try and prevent guns from getting into the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

So please don't let your ADHD get your motor reving. Give it some time to see what happens. Handguns are still legal, gun stores can keep selling them until their inventory is gone. No one is going around taking legal firearm owners handguns away.....hell there are even some P-08's for sale, but there getting pricey.....
Really? Can you actually back that up with some statements? It shouldn't be hard, to date there have been over 500 this year alone.

The reality is that people with mental illness account for a very small proportion of perpetrators of mass shootings in the U.S., says Ragy Girgis, MD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry in the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry and the New York State Psychiatric Institute.

This MD disagrees with you.
So this MD believes it's totally sane behavior to shoot up a school, or a public event, or a store, or where ever. Brilliant, then there is no longer a need to discuss limiting access to firearms to the mentally ill since they are not the problem. Right? That's what both you and him are saying, isn't it? Even you have to see how ridiculous that is. It is not remotely sane behavior to shoot up a school, or anywhere else.
Again you just proved laws work. Most people.That is more than some, or a few.

If you enact laws, those laws make people change their behaviour. Which is why laws on Drunk Driving HAVE reduced drunk driving deaths.

But you keep your head buried in the sand, and refuse to promote sensible changes that would help to reduce deaths from firearms, because you are a responsible gun owner. Fuck the rest, right?
Tell that to the stores abandoning inner city areas like Chicago and San Francisco. Retail theft and violence has made it no longer profitable for them to stay.

If I ever heard a sensible idea from your side I might listen but all I hear is shrieking and gun bans.
So this MD believes it's totally sane behavior to shoot up a school, or a public event, or a store, or where ever. Brilliant, then there is no longer a need to discuss limiting access to firearms to the mentally ill since they are not the problem. Right? That's what both you and him are saying, isn't it? Even you have to see how ridiculous that is. It is not remotely sane behavior to shoot up a school, or anywhere else.
LOL go argue it with him. You sure don't like it when people disagree with your view point.....*chuckles*

Note I have not seen a citation on your "claim". Maybe shut up or go find some....
Most criminals do follow the law however. The idea that they don't is flat out silly. The lack of punishment for some criminal behavior which honestly is a separate conversation from this is a bit of a problem.
Most criminals follow the law? Then why are they a criminal? This comment by you makes absolutely no sense at all.
LOL go argue it with him. You sure don't like it when people disagree with your view point.....*chuckles*

Note I have not seen a citation on your "claim". Maybe shut up or go find some....
So again you believe it is sane behavior to shoot up a school. Gotcha.
Tell that to the stores abandoning inner city areas like Chicago and San Francisco. Retail theft and violence has made it no longer profitable for them to stay.
What does that have to do with my Governments move. Christ man stay on topic!!
If I ever heard a sensible idea from your side I might listen but all I hear is shrieking and gun bans.
What shrieking? I'm not looking for a gun ban, or to take anyone's guns away ( at least not from people who don't deserve to have them taken).
I've offered up several ideas. Ban high capacity magazines, bump stocks. Special licences for military grade weapons, Federal laws on training, licensing, storage and legal liability for rifles and handguns.

What the fuck have you offered? Nothing. That's what!
So again you believe it is sane behavior to shoot up a school. Gotcha.
I'm not the one making the claim. I posted a MD who stated that, an expert in psychology btw. You're the one who made the claim. One in which you seem to be having great difficulty in backing up at the moment. *chuckles*