Do guns make us more safe?

Nope, just tired of you and your endless mindless propaganda. Try to have a single original thought. Believe me it won't hurt. Until then, Fuck Off you liberal ass wipe parrot.
May I suggest once more that you put me on ignore if you don't like what I have to say?

I understand that would put a sizeable dent in your ability to claim to be the "perpetual victim", but surely criticism from others should be enough succor you, right?

Alternatively, you could thicken your skin and learn to take it like a man (we already know you can "dish it out"), but the likelihood of this happening at this stage of your life is pretty slim.

Whine on, you crazy beta!
Why remember? You are a broken record repeating the same nonsense over and over.
Then why ask a question,if you don't care about the person's answer??? (sealion perhaps)
By the way, I still believe you won't define a military grade weapon because like most stuff from the anti-gun side it is a buzz word that makes your side wet themselves all the while having no idea of the meaning.
A military grade weapon is any weapon built to the specifications laid out by the Military in their requisition. Simple answer for a simple mind like yours.

Now as to your bullshit about an AR-15 just being a look a like....How'd that work out for you? *chuckles*

You're just a one trick pony Hitch, and your trick is getting pretty stale.
Then why ask a question,if you don't care about the person's answer??? (sealion perhaps)

A military grade weapon is any weapon built to the specifications laid out by the Military in their requisition. Simple answer for a simple mind like yours.

Now as to your bullshit about an AR-15 just being a look a like....How'd that work out for you? *chuckles*

You're just a one trick pony Hitch, and your trick is getting pretty stale.
Since the AR-15 does not fire either fully automatic or burst fire like the M-16 it does NOT meet your very own definition. The military has never issued or used a semi-automatic only version of the M-16. Thanks for clarifying that the AR-15 is not military grade.
Since the AR-15 does not fire either fully automatic or burst fire like the M-16 it does NOT meet your very own definition. The military has never issued or used a semi-automatic only version of the M-16. Thanks for clarifying that the AR-15 is not military grade.
LOL you claimed the AR-15 was a "look a like"

The AR-15 is not a military weapon, it is a semi-automatic look alike of the military M-16/
See above, then see below
Bullshit. we have already gone down the route that the type of firing action isn't a decider in if the weapon is military or not. Read this dumbass, then tell me it's just a look a like...., it shouldn't come,version of the AR-15.
Other than the barrel needing to be 16" or longer, and the fact the AR-15 has many caliber options, it's the same build. That is a far cry from it being a "look a like".

Now you want to have a win on it not being "military", sure, chalk one up for you. But that doesn't stop you from looking like a fucking idiot, who doesn't give one fuck about children being killed by shooters in school. That makes you one of the worst kinds of pieces of shit to walk the face of the fucking earth!!!
Guyz.....I totz used my AR-15 earlier today.on this Hamas guy who told me he came across the border to kill my children.

Thank goodness
May I suggest once more that you put me on ignore if you don't like what I have to say?

I understand that would put a sizeable dent in your ability to claim to be the "perpetual victim", but surely criticism from others should be enough succor you, right?

Alternatively, you could thicken your skin and learn to take it like a man (we already know you can "dish it out"), but the likelihood of this happening at this stage of your life is pretty slim.

Whine on, you crazy beta!
No I don't think I will put you on ignore. I think I will continue to expose you for the brain washed liberal ass wipe parrot that you are.
LOL you claimed the AR-15 was a "look a like"

See above, then see below

Other than the barrel needing to be 16" or longer, and the fact the AR-15 has many caliber options, it's the same build. That is a far cry from it being a "look a like".

Now you want to have a win on it not being "military", sure, chalk one up for you. But that doesn't stop you from looking like a fucking idiot, who doesn't give one fuck about children being killed by shooters in school. That makes you one of the worst kinds of pieces of shit to walk the face of the fucking earth!!!
You are the fucking idiot who just got proven wrong by the very definition you posted. Maybe proof read your stupidity next time instead of making it so easy for me to make you look like a simpleton.

Nice reach again making your defeat here a reason to through out your repeated dozens of times lie about me not caring about children getting shot. Gee apparently I am the only one talking about children that aren't Lilly white suburbanites getting shot.
mother held on bail after a welfare check found the body of her son, dead for about 8 months, with a gunshot wound to the head and stuffed inside a trash can in the garage
Last month Rock Island County Coroner Brian Gustafson said Zion died as a result of a gunshot wound to the head and when police discovered his body during a welfare check, he had been dead for about eight months.

Preliminary hearing reveals boy may have shot himself​

During a Aug. 31 preliminary court hearing recorded by WHBF- TV, Rock Island Police Department Detective Jonathan Shappard explained how officers learned the mother was hiding the boy's body in a plastic bin in the basement after he died around December 21.

Shappard testified two of Staple's other children living in the home told police Zion "was playing with a handgun and accidentally shot himself."
Missouri: a group of parents of middle-schoolers got into an argument AT THE BUS got physical and one mother decided shooting another parent in the hip was the way forward. It is believed some kids witnessed this.

way to go, parents, way to go...just what your middle-schooler needs to cope with along with fear f active shooters in their schools.

At one point during the fight, a family member in the group allegedly pulled a gun and shot a parent in the hip. The victim is currently recovering in the hospital.

Suspect Vatece Davis, 24, has been charged with unlawful use of a weapon, armed criminal action and stealing, the station reported. She is being held on a $200,000 bond.
Ah. So the AR-15 is a military grade weapon after all, owned by people in Tennessee who fantasize abou being invaded by paratroopers.

While they lie to us, that it's to protect them from the libs at Walmart.
All I can say to you is, bet'cha the Isreali civilians in Gaza wished like hell they were armed to the teeth when hamas began it's rampage of slaughter. Or for that matter ask the ukie civilians the same ....
All I can say to you is, bet'cha the Isreali civilians in Gaza wished like hell they were armed to the teeth when hamas began it's rampage of slaughter. Or for that matter ask the ukie civilians the same ....
LOL you think being armed would have stopped Hamas....fuck you're an idiot.
Anderson Cooper will show an hour of his tour of the massacre site on Sunday. In a short segment, his camera man couldn’t manage and went outside to vomit

The cops in Texas did the same in Uvalde at the school where the experienced cops decided to sit outside with all their firepower instead of rushing the shooter. They couldn’t cope with the aftermath. Child identified by just their shoes.

Equally gory result? Grenades vs high powered rifle? We will never know. Cameras can explore terrorist horrors not the horrors of guns at home.
All I can say to you is, bet'cha the Isreali civilians in Gaza wished like hell they were armed to the teeth when hamas began it's rampage of slaughter. Or for that matter ask the ukie civilians the same ....
Yes, we all need to be armed with pistols, AR-15s, grenades, mace, flame-throwers, and portable rocket launchers at all times.

I have no idea why civilians don't come to their senses and recognize this as the enlightened vision for the future.
I do enjoy my flame thrower! Reasonably inexpensive too!!!
Yes, we all need to be armed with pistols, AR-15s, grenades, mace, flame-throwers, and portable rocket launchers at all times.

I have no idea why civilians don't come to their senses and recognize this as the enlightened vision for the future.
Edit...oops...thumb too big and ended up in wrong thread. My bad
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All I can say to you is, bet'cha the Isreali civilians in Gaza wished like hell they were armed to the teeth when hamas began it's rampage of slaughter. Or for that matter ask the ukie civilians the same ....
I'll go out on a limb and guess that you live closer to Kentucky than Israel.

As evidenced that you think that Israelis live in Gaza. The chance of you being attacked in the night by Gazans is slim.
Ah. So the AR-15 is a military grade weapon after all, owned by people in Tennessee who fantasize abou being invaded by paratroopers.

While they lie to us, that it's to protect them from the libs at Walmart.
I don't own and AR-15. Nice try though.

I guess like most commie libs you have no sense of humor.

WalMart? I wouldn't put a foot in that cesspool of zombies.
Yes, we all need to be armed with pistols, AR-15s, grenades, mace, flame-throwers, and portable rocket launchers at all times.

I have no idea why civilians don't come to their senses and recognize this as the enlightened vision for the future.
You'd be funny if you weren't so God Damned stupid.

Besides now that the US Army is switching to the Sig Sauer XM-7 in 6.8x51mm (.277 caliber) the Ar-15 will become passé and the civilian version the MCX-Spear available in 7.62x51mm, 6.5 Creedmoor, and soon .277 Sig Fury, will become the new hot rifle to drive you libs insane.