Do guns make us more safe?

No, you're an internet tough guy because you believe you get to run this forum.
Where did I ever claim to run this fucked up, I called you on it.
You get to stalk and harass people you don't like or agree with.
People post, people reply, thats how this works. You don't like that, don't post.
I don't have an issue with someone disagreeing with me, not at all.
Yes you do. Should I go grab the posts and paste them here. Nah you'd just get all pissy again. lol
As long as they can stay on topic and stop with the insults, bald faced mother fucking lies, and twisted and edited replay of my comments.
stop with the insults???....really, and you don't insult just fuck off if you can't take what you dish out....
Oh you are the biggest snowflake possible, when you can't win with content you go to your sanctimonious, pretend superior, tactic. It doesn't work, but you never stop trying it over and over and over. How about you grow up you immature little baby.
and now we're at
Are you now competing with Harpy over which Deplorable can suffer the biggest meltdown on Lit?
You guys melt down every time I post. Rarely do any of you comment to me without some asinine either bigoted, incestuous, or homophobic comment. My postings draw all of you out like flies to a picnic. It must be so peaceful in your little liberal enclaves where you get instructed on what to believe and what to say never questioning it.
Where did I ever claim to run this fucked up, I called you on it.

People post, people reply, thats how this works. You don't like that, don't post.

Yes you do. Should I go grab the posts and paste them here. Nah you'd just get all pissy again. lol

stop with the insults???....really, and you don't insult just fuck off if you can't take what you dish out....

and now we're at
Yawn...Typical boring response.
lol learn to write effectivly Hitch, then your posts meanings won't be confused. I really enjoy how you refuse to admit you fucked up. You could have been an adult and posted, " OH yah, I guess I could have been clearer on what I meant by that post"

Instead you double down on your stupidity, or lack of clarity in your post.

So just fuck off with your whining that I or others are "twisting" what you wrote. You wrote like a four year old and delivered it in a room of adults.
Yawn...Another typical boring response.
The comment you're replying to is none of those things.
This time. Go back and look at some of the vile nonsense that was posted to me. OVER and OVER and OVER. None of you ever say anything about it until I fight back. Then when I do it suddenly its a hate crime.
Funny thing is I never mentioned anyone's wife, sister, or sexual orientation. Your crowd has used them repeatedly. So please put away the nonsense about it always being me.
This time. Go back and look at some of the vile nonsense that was posted to me. OVER and OVER and OVER. None of you ever say anything about it until I fight back. Then when I do it suddenly its a hate crime.
Funny thing is I never mentioned anyone's wife, sister, or sexual orientation. Your crowd has used them repeatedly. So please put away the nonsense about it always being me.
If he wasn't doing it in the comment you're quoting and somehow does it every other time, perhaps you should not use that comment and use one of those other ones. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

But do you. May want to read some self help books to assist in the future.
This time. Go back and look at some of the vile nonsense that was posted to me. OVER and OVER and OVER. None of you ever say anything about it until I fight back. Then when I do it suddenly its a hate crime.
Funny thing is I never mentioned anyone's wife, sister, or sexual orientation. Your crowd has used them repeatedly. So please put away the nonsense about it always being me.
lol you don't play the victim card all that well, maybe follow AJ ( joepepsico or vinnysomething are his current Alts) and take some lessons from him.
If he wasn't doing it in the comment you're quoting and somehow does it every other time, perhaps you should not use that comment and use one of those other ones. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

But do you. May want to read some self help books to assist in the future.
Yawn...But thanks for proving you are all hypocrites.
Thanks for continuing to blame other people who call you out for your ignorance and continued victimhood.
Thanks for failing to admit that you have repeatedly called me out for defending myself while saying nothing to those saying I fuck my sister, making homophobic comments, saying I live in a trailer, bigoted comments about where I live, comments about my wife, comments about my job, and so on. Until you speak up and say something to them what you say about my behavior is ridiculous at best and hypocritical at worst.
Thanks for failing to admit that you have repeatedly called me out for defending myself while saying nothing to those saying I fuck my sister, making homophobic comments, saying I live in a trailer, bigoted comments about where I live, comments about my wife, comments about my job, and so on. Until you speak up and say something to them what you say about my behavior is ridiculous at best and hypocritical at worst.
I called them out when they started doing it.

You continue to engage them and then cry about it. If you don't like that they do that, then simply report, ignore and move along.

Everything else is you running into a fist that is punching you in the face and then telling everyone you're doing it.
I called them out when they started doing it.

You continue to engage them and then cry about it. If you don't like that they do that, then simply report, ignore and move along.

Everything else is you running into a fist that is punching you in the face and then telling everyone you're doing it.
In case you haven't noticed, I put some on ignore and just don't comment to others. It doesn't stop their assault though does it?
In case you haven't noticed, I put some on ignore and just don't comment to others. It doesn't stop their assault though does it?
Lol...of course you did 👍

You told me you were ignoring me two months ago. How's that working out?
That's only funny to you.

I don't give a shit whether you sometimes agree with me.
Now that's a perfect answer for a jag off like you. I said something that was meant to be conciliatory, nice, and maybe even a bit humorous and you come back pissing vinegar. You don't know any other way to react on here do you?

I hope your day is a shitty as your disposition.
Now that's a perfect answer for a jag off like you. I said something that was meant to be conciliatory, nice, and maybe even a bit humorous and you come back pissing vinegar. You don't know any other way to react on here do you?

I hope your day is a shitty as your disposition.
Again, always you blaming others for shit you bring upon yourself.
This is the new rifle for the US ARMY. It is the SIG XM-7 it fires the 6.8x51mm round and will eventually replace the M-16 an its variants that fire the 5.56x45 round.

Liberals this is your new hated Evil Black Rifle! The civilian version is the MCX-SPEAR available in 7.62.51mm, 6,5 Creedmoor, and soon the .277 Fury (civilian version of the 6.8x51 military round).

Yawn...Oh look another fucking hypocrite.
Really, I challenge you to find a post where I claim to be the victim.

You fucked up, then whined about how mean we were to you because you didn't mean what you wrote.

Instead of being an adult, and just admitting you could have phrased it better, you now have spent two days whining about how we are picking on you. I'm going to pass on some advice, you can take it or leave.

Fucking grow up, be an adult for once in your life.
Really, I challenge you to find a post where I claim to be the victim.

You fucked up, then whined about how mean we were to you because you didn't mean what you wrote.

Instead of being an adult, and just admitting you could have phrased it better, you now have spent two days whining about how we are picking on you. I'm going to pass on some advice, you can take it or leave.

Fucking grow up, be an adult for once in your life.
Yawn...More blather. Look you set your rules of engagement, I don't give a fuck what you think or say anymore.