Do guns make us more safe?

I don't own and AR-15. Nice try though.

I guess like most commie libs you have no sense of humor.

WalMart? I wouldn't put a foot in that cesspool of zombies.
Where did I say that you own an AR-15?
I didn't say that you frequent Walmart either.
Where did I say that you own an AR-15?
I didn't say that you frequent Walmart either.
Real cutesy. Since I have said repeatedly that I live in Tennessee it was kind of obvious. But if your lying ass says it wasn't about me I still don't believe you.
I don't own and AR-15. Nice try though.

I guess like most commie libs you have no sense of humor.

WalMart? I wouldn't put a foot in that cesspool of zombies.
Most of the gun guys here on Lit proudly tell us of the rifles in their downstairs arsenals.
You, on the other hand, regale us with what you DON'T own.

Afraid that your prior felony conviction will have the BATF agents knocking down your door, maybe?

Do you own any high capacity (for sake of argument, 20+ rounds) weapons? Ever had to use that extra firepower?
If not, why do you need them?

Do you still "case" the local elementary school periodically (becoz you want to know "what is where" iffn you have to be a "hero" later on *wink *wink).
Most of the gun guys here on Lit proudly tell us of the rifles in their downstairs arsenals.
You, on the other hand, regale us with what you DON'T own.

Afraid that your prior felony conviction will have the BATF agents knocking down your door, maybe?

Do you own any high capacity (for sake of argument, 20+ rounds) weapons? Ever had to use that extra firepower?
If not, why do you need them?

Do you still "case" the local elementary school periodically (becoz you want to know "what is where" iffn you have to be a "hero" later on *wink *wink).
Loose lips sink ships. The same is true of people that brag too much about what and how many guns they own. It makes them a target for unsavory types and gun grabbers like you.

Yawn...No felony or misdemeanor convictions. Many speeding tickets though. I suppose those make me a hardened criminal.

I've already said I have a .22lr with 25 round magazines. That's all you need to know. I sure did have to use it to poke as many holes as I could as fast as I could into a paper target. Need? I want them and that's good enough of a reason since they are legal.

Case the elementary school? WTF are you talking about? I live better than a half hour from any school near me. It would be all over before I got there anyways. Besides as all you libs are so quick to say that's the job of the Po Po not me. Getting involved in that would be a great way to get shot by the police for being mistaken as the shooter.

Just for reference I am originally from the mid-west and I don't speak or spell the way you so bigottedly posted.
One thing I am learning...I am glad as fuck many of my fellow Democrats here do not own weapons. Why? Because they are mentally ill. Anyone that justifies the murder of innocent Palestinians just because they live in a place where Hamas severely fucked up. They need mental counseling. But at least they don't own guns
angry parent shoots kids' football coach in front of the kids. ffs. Don't kids have enough trauma in their already fucked-up school lives without this? these people don't care about gun safety for kids, they care about being able to carry and shoot whoever the fuck they want to like some old wild wild west movie.
Shaquille Latimore, in a hospital bedside interview with NewsNation, says he was in “disbelief” when the suspect fired on him in front of children as young as 7 years old.

“I really thought he was going to kill me,” Latimore said Friday on “Banfield.”

Latimore, 30, was shot several times at Sherman Park, and the gunfire allegedly came from an angry parent. Latimore was coaching a CityRec league football team that consisted of mostly 9- and 10-year-olds.

he goes on to say, though, that angry parents are something coaches are used to...albeit not the getting shot part:

“We deal with this pretty much all the time in youth football,” he said. “Parents get mad because their kids not starting or whatever the reason, you know. They want to fight or they want to take matters into their own hands.”
Active shooter captured at Texas State Fair tonight in Dallas. Possible links to Trailer Hitch and motive unknown at this time. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess.....wait for it......"White Guy With A Grudge And A Gun".
Active shooter captured at Texas State Fair tonight in Dallas. Possible links to Trailer Hitch and motive unknown at this time. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess.....wait for it......"White Guy With A Grudge And A Gun".
You have absolute no shame do you? Now you believe shootings are something to use to poke fun at me over. I suppose this is funny to you. Dude you are seriously Fucked Up
You have absolute no shame do you? Now you believe shootings are something to use to poke fun at me over. I suppose this is funny to you. Dude you are seriously Fucked Up
I'm tryin' to raise your profile around here.

You said you supported large capacity magazines, that prima facie evidence to me that you support mass shootings.


P.s. real men don't call other men "dude".
I'm tryin' to raise your profile around here.

You said you supported large capacity magazines, that prima facie evidence to me that you support mass shootings.


P.s. real men don't call other men "dude".
Real men don't use an active shooter situation as a joke to make fun of someone. You are a seriously fucked up individual with no sense of shame or morals. I don't want or need help from you about my "profile." You and your bunch of fucked up cohorts lie so much about me it's ridiculous.

You saying I support mass shootings because I use standard capacity magazines for my rifles is idiotic and not even close to provable in any sensible manner.

Rob the stalker, only appears on these topics to follow me around and bald faced lie about what I said.

You know, the kind of shit a TROLL does.
Real cutesy. Since I have said repeatedly that I live in Tennessee it was kind of obvious. But if your lying ass says it wasn't about me I still don't believe you.
You have too high a regard of my memory. I really don't recall where everyone lives, or if they have actually said so.

I use Tennessee as a mild insult, stereotyping everyone who lives there as owning too many guns and shopping at Walmart. One out of two ain't bad, I'll take that.
LOL you think being armed would have stopped Hamas....fuck you're an idiot.
Hello fuzzy, bab's...... here is an example of a real woman/moma bear who possess the courage to stand in the gap.
Read and weep....
An unarmed population are slaves, and subject to the whims of the government or monarchy or an invading terrorist
Your kind just doesn't know the deference between a subject and a citizen.....
I am amused at all the folks on this thread who believe that their puny firearms stash is somehow "teh great equalizer" between them and teh government.

Newsflash: It's not.

No amount of high capacity magazines or full-auto steel peener substitutes will match up against, say, one heavily armed infantryman or a Predator drone. You are delusional if you think you can. You'll last about a minute. It'll be a glorious minute, I grant you that, but let's face facts, your kin will likely need dental records to identify your remains.

But hai, carpe diem and all that!
I am amused at all the folks on this thread who believe that their puny firearms stash is somehow "teh great equalizer" between them and teh government.

Newsflash: It's not.

No amount of high capacity magazines or full-auto steel peener substitutes will match up against, say, one heavily armed infantryman or a Predator drone. You are delusional if you think you can. You'll last about a minute. It'll be a glorious minute, I grant you that, but let's face facts, your kin will likely need dental records to identify your remains.

But hai, carpe diem and all that!
Because no guerilla warfare has ever been successful against the might of the US Military. Like Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. It's obvious that you don't understand this type of warfare, there would be no great frontal attacks, there would probably be no great battles, there would be sniping, ambushes, and like we learned from our current enemies, IEDs everywhere. But since I doubt it will ever happen why did you even bring it up?

You also assume that if there ever is a revolution that the entire US military would immediately comply and begin killing there friends, neighbors and family. My bet is a good part of the military won't want any part of that. Although I am sure there are more than a few goose steppers that will take pleasure in killing Americans for some fucked up reason that makes sense to no one. It's not like the government hasn't done it before, all the way back to the Indian Wars of the west, to Ruby Ridge, to Waco. Women and children too. So maybe you're right maybe they will slaughter rebellious Americans. That would be a real high point in our history. One to make you proud. Especially the women and children the drones would kill.

So enjoy your little fantasy of the American military slaughtering American citizens, no matter how sick and demented it is and you are.
Is that why you turned down the Walmart greeter job so you could work at another big box?
You make me laugh with you stupid comments like this. This is exactly why the US is such a fucking mess now. Guys like you thinks it's funny to mock people working. Just go back and sit on your couch the government paid for and eat the government cheese you picked up.
Hello fuzzy, bab's...... here is an example of a real woman/moma bear who possess the courage to stand in the gap.
Read and weep....
An unarmed population are slaves, and subject to the whims of the government or monarchy or an invading terrorist
Your kind just doesn't know the deference between a subject and a citizen.....
Your aware aren't you that any Israel citizen who is in the Military (active or reserve) or Security keeps possession of their arms? Which in Israel is about 30% of the adult population. On top of that, they are also trained. Yet Hamas, knowing this, still attacked. Why? Well zealots don't really care, they are prepared to die.

So why don't you hop on a plane to Israel, and offer to help? If you think and armed population will prevent religious nut bars from attacking.
It appears you have a better one with all the ways you twist and lie about what I post.
lol learn to write effectivly Hitch, then your posts meanings won't be confused. I really enjoy how you refuse to admit you fucked up. You could have been an adult and posted, " OH yah, I guess I could have been clearer on what I meant by that post"

Ventilators were fatal for many people diagnosed with covid. The explanation I saw previously is the patients could not expel fluid. This article says ventilators stretch the lungs beyond safe limits. Her kids may be thinking about their inheritance.

huh? where did you get this idea from?

Being on a vent is never a good option. The longer you're not breathing under your own "power" the more damage occurs. Been known for decades, but beats the iron lung.

Where did they get that idea from? How about case after case after case of people with covid being put on a ventilator and then dying. The ventilators did not work in too many cases, so much so that many came to realize that it was a death sentence.
Instead you double down on your stupidity, or lack of clarity in your post.
Yeah well, I have friends AND relatives who work in ICU's who have said the exact same thing.

So just fuck off with your whining that I or others are "twisting" what you wrote. You wrote like a four year old and delivered it in a room of adults.
lol learn to write effectivly Hitch, then your posts meanings won't be confused. I really enjoy how you refuse to admit you fucked up. You could have been an adult and posted, " OH yah, I guess I could have been clearer on what I meant by that post"

Instead you double down on your stupidity, or lack of clarity in your post.

So just fuck off with your whining that I or others are "twisting" what you wrote. You wrote like a four year old and delivered it in a room of adults.
Yawn...You are even a bigger joke when you try to play the angry internet tough guy. How about this, don't follow me all over just to post your idiotic shit to every comment I make. It would seem you would be better off just blocking me.
Yawn...You are even a bigger joke when you try to play the angry internet tough guy. How about this, don't follow me all over just to post your idiotic shit to every comment I make. It would seem you would be better off just blocking me.
Now I'm an internet tough guy for showing off that you're a shitty writter......lmfao.

Why would I block you? I'm not a snowflake like you. *chuckles*
Now I'm an internet tough guy for showing off that you're a shitty writter......lmfao.

Why would I block you? I'm not a snowflake like you. *chuckles*
No, you're an internet tough guy because you believe you get to run this forum. You get to stalk and harass people you don't like or agree with. I don't have an issue with someone disagreeing with me, not at all. As long as they can stay on topic and stop with the insults, bald faced mother fucking lies, and twisted and edited replay of my comments.

Oh you are the biggest snowflake possible, when you can't win with content you go to your sanctimonious, pretend superior, tactic. It doesn't work, but you never stop trying it over and over and over. How about you grow up you immature little baby.