Do guns make us more safe?

What you cite is a lie that was promoted to you by an org with a political agenda against guns and gun ownership.

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat the lie, it's still a lie. All you do when you repeat it is add your name to the list of the gullible and stupid who believe it.

Better question for gun owners - if you wanted to harm someone (say for defensive purposes), what weapon would you choose and why?

Let's say the person seeking to harm you had a knife.

Would you use your gun because it's the easiest weapon to cause harm or a knife?
The biggest thing with an assailant with a knife is distance. It has been proven time and time again that someone with a knife that is closer than 21 feet to an armed police officer with get to them with the knife before the officer can get their gun drawn.

So to answer your question if someone is coming at me with a knife, and seems determined to do me harm, yes, I would use my gun to protect myself. All the while attempting to maintain a safe distance between us.

To me it's amazing how often the greatest evildoers in mankind's existence preyed on the stupidity of the weak minded and spineless and yet no one sees it. Or even worse; not only doesn't anyone teach the lessons inherent in how those past events turned out, they actively suppress that knowledge.
To me it's amazing how often the greatest evildoers in mankind's existence preyed on the stupidity of the weak minded and spineless and yet no one sees it. Or even worse; not only doesn't anyone teach the lessons inherent in how those past events turned out, they actively suppress that knowledge.

Too many are too willing to drink the Kool-Aid, largely for the sake of expediency, I suspect.
If you never use your guns you won’t miss them when they’re gone.
until the day i need to defend myself against a bad person with a gun/ill intentions.
or when i'm hungry and need to replenish my food stores.
or when i wanna go target shooting, for the fun of it.

lets stop saying it's the GUNS fault, as a gun laying on a kitchen table is as harmless as an article of clothing. it's the evil people that make the guns evil. it's a pointless debate, because that's the primary point, you cannot always, unfortunately diagnose mental illness that most of these mass shooting animals have. which is sad, but it's also sad that shootings seem to have become so commplace in the last few decades. Its not a gun problem, it's a people problem. evil people also use knives, bombs/chemicals, cars as weapons. those kill just as quickly and as many as guns.

It's quite ignorant to think taking lawfully owned guns from legal gun owners, with no prior history of crime, is going to save anybody. Those people/their guns aren't the problem. It's punishing the good people for the idiots' actions, sort of like recess ending for the entire class when it's only 2 kids being bad. Never-ending debate and most (myself included) will never believe otherwise, because it's a simple fact.
The biggest thing with an assailant with a knife is distance. It has been proven time and time again that someone with a knife that is closer than 21 feet to an armed police officer with get to them with the knife before the officer can get their gun drawn.

So to answer your question if someone is coming at me with a knife, and seems determined to do me harm, yes, I would use my gun to protect myself. All the while attempting to maintain a safe distance between us.
So you're saying that a gun is easier to use to cause someone harm.

Got it.

So, as a person wanting to do harm, a criminal would have an easier time with a gun than a knife. Neat.
🤣🤣🤣 Triggered, max level!
not triggered at all, good sir. Just stating facts. I've worked my ass off my entire life, as have my folks and the majority of my family. If somebody has the balls to think they can come take something or harm somebody I love, they'll find out they're wrong. SImply a statement.

I'm quite laidback, selfless in almost any arena of my life and always put others first. It's just those others will NOT be an ignorant person trying to harm me or mine. Please, don't judge the book by the cover. makes you look like a small, ignorant person. have a great day anyways!! :)
until the day i need to defend myself against a bad person with a gun/ill intentions.
or when i'm hungry and need to replenish my food stores.
or when i wanna go target shooting, for the fun of it.

lets stop saying it's the GUNS fault, as a gun laying on a kitchen table is as harmless as an article of clothing. it's the evil people that make the guns evil. it's a pointless debate, because that's the primary point, you cannot always, unfortunately diagnose mental illness that most of these mass shooting animals have. which is sad, but it's also sad that shootings seem to have become so commplace in the last few decades. Its not a gun problem, it's a people problem. evil people also use knives, bombs/chemicals, cars as weapons. those kill just as quickly and as many as guns.

It's quite ignorant to think taking lawfully owned guns from legal gun owners, with no prior history of crime, is going to save anybody. Those people/their guns aren't the problem. It's punishing the good people for the idiots' actions, sort of like recess ending for the entire class when it's only 2 kids being bad. Never-ending debate and most (myself included) will never believe otherwise, because it's a simple fact.

You will never convince the gun grabbers of this because they are the evil people you're describing.

It's that simple.
In Canada a cop dealt with a person with a knife by shooting him. That Cop is now in jail for murder.
If he was being attacked by the person with the knife, or protecting others from the person with the knife, that is a ridiculous result. I would need to see much more detail of this case before I make a judgement.
I've worked my ass off my entire life, as have my folks and the majority of my family.

Off-topic, and no one cares.

If somebody has the balls to think they can come take something or harm somebody I love, they'll find out they're wrong.

...unless a million other possible scenarios play out in which your pew pew won't shoot them before they're able to harm you/someone else. 😘
If he was being attacked by the person with the knife, or protecting others from the person with the knife, that is a ridiculous result. I would need to see much more detail of this case before I make a judgement.
The persons name was Sammy Yatim. He was shot 7 times by the police officer while standing on a subway car with a 3" knife, making threats.
So you're saying that a gun is easier to use to cause someone harm.

Got it.

So, as a person wanting to do harm, a criminal would have an easier time with a gun than a knife. Neat.
You do so love to twist words don't you? Do tell which would be easier to conceal a knife or gun?

As far a an easier time with gun over a knife. Not necessarily.
You do so love to twist words don't you? Do tell which would be easier to conceal a knife or gun?

As far a an easier time with gun over a knife. Not necessarily.
If you want to do mass harm, choose a knife or a gun?

Easier question - if you told 50 criminals to do harm and gave them a choice of a gun and a knife - how many do you expect would choose a.knife?
Off-topic, and no one cares.

...unless a million other possible scenarios play out in which your pew pew won't shoot them before they're able to harm you/someone else. 😘
yeppers. keep on judging good sir. i'm done, but please keep entertaining me!!! :)
Did he make a move towards anyone? Had he previously attacked anyone?
I read the news account and it is obvious that he used excessive force. It seems he may have been justified in firing the first 3 shots but then shooting Mr Yatim 5 more times as he lay apparently already dead on the floor were excessive, unnecessary, and unjustified. I am curious as to why the sergeant who tased him as he lay on the floor wasn't also charged with use of excessive force.
If you want to do mass harm, choose a knife or a gun?

Easier question - if you told 50 criminals to do harm and gave them a choice of a gun and a knife - how many do you expect would choose a.knife?
Honestly, if I wanted to do mass harm I wouldn't use either one. I'd use a couple of Molotov Cocktails. Cheap, easy to make, and definitely untraceable. But that's another story.