Do guns make us more safe?

At its core, the whole Deplorable obsession with guns is not about promoting safety. Safety is just a bullshit argument they use.

This obsession is about compensating for Deplorable fear of people who they perceive as being different from them. It's about Deplorable fear of change in societal makeup. It's about their fantasy that they are Clint Eastwood and can even the score for their lack of happiness with violence or the threat of violence.

Deplorables are so fearful and insecure about their own inadequacies that they hold no positive vision for society, They cannot even imagine a positive vision. For them, it's just dog-eat-dog, social Darwinism, and fuck-with-me-and-I'll-shoot-you.

A society that lacks a positive vision is a society in decline. It's time to prosecute anyone making illegal threats of violence, limit gun sales, vet all potential gun owners, and develop a positive societal vision for the next generations.

"deplorable" meaning??? somebody who supported/s trump? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I was an avid gun rights owner/supporter LONG before trump ever announced running for office, as was my father and the majority of other gun owners I know. You're STEREOTYPING your percetion/ your fears and feelings onto anybody who you feel fits into the whole 'deplorable' group.

It has nothing to do about change in society, but rather society ALLOWING criminals to get away with crime, harming innocent folks along the way and not being held accountable for that lack of judgment/stupid decisions. When the justice system put in place to PENALIZE those who break the law does not do the job and criminals are repeat offenders, usually becoming further emboldened by this poorly judicial justice system. THAT is when the good guys decide they have NO CHOICE but to protect themselves. Nothing to do with desiring to be Clint Eastwood, or a hero. It's about working hard, abiding by the law and wanting to live the 'american dream' (whatever that may be, anymore) without fear of your little ones being shot for simply attending school, or a random asshole taking you out for attending church, a concert, out for dinner on the town, etc. Nothing quite so glamorous as wanting to be a hero/clint eastwood or any other number of celebrities, at least in my humble opinion.

Limiting gun sales is already done via background checks, time holds before possessing firearms, etc. Perhaps they need to determine how to identify the sick individuals that perpetrate these mass shootings/events that are only becoming more prevalent in the last few decades. that fact alone should tell us it's a PEOPLE problem, not a gun/weapon problem. To pretend otherwise is just blatant denial of the facts. And yes, America, as a whole society has been in a horrible decline for quite some time, at least I'm certain we can all agree on that!
Oh another "fear factor" post.......I don't know, perhaps we should ask the 120 lb Lady. She gona pull the 4 lb 44 Magnum out of her purse and say "make my day"!!! I know what my much younger version of me did, and that's all I can speak to.

I'm not a little 120lb women, but I fully admit I have no skills in any type of martial arts, or basic self-defense. Other than carrying my tiny lil S&W .380 bodyguard. ;) so, i'm not 100% positive of the weight of it, but it adds less than 1lb to my already 8lb purse.... so there's that. adds nothing to my purse if I use a body harness.
"Take the guns [away] first; go through due process second."

- Donald Trump

I'm not a little 120lb women, but I fully admit I have no skills in any type of martial arts, or basic self-defense. Other than carrying my tiny lil S&W .380 bodyguard. ;) so, i'm not 100% positive of the weight of it, but it adds less than 1lb to my already 8lb purse.... so there's that. adds nothing to my purse if I use a body harness.
You're best bet then is to use your purse as the weapon, keep the gun in it as dead weight and swing away. If your purse is anything like my wife's, getting that gun out is a ten minuet process....*chuckles*
You're best bet then is to use your purse as the weapon, keep the gun in it as dead weight and swing away. If your purse is anything like my wife's, getting that gun out is a ten minuet process....*chuckles*
An angry wife swinging a purse is unfair advantage, R U trying to kill the poor bastard? 🤣 :eek:
So do mass shooters program their guns and leave the scene and the guns do the shooting on their own?

Pop open the door to any business, light the Molotov cocktail, throw it in and walk away. A shooter has to stay on scene all the while they are shooting. I don't think you thought your response through before posting

A molotov coctail is one-and-done. Once you've shot your bottle, so to speak, you're done. You might be able to carry more than one, but you're limited and I wouldn't try running while carrying "spare ammo."

A handgun is easily concealed, has the ability to be easily and quickly reloaded, is completely portable without losing any effectiveness, and is what's called a "stand off" weapon. All of which a molotov isn't.

Owning Guns Puts People in Your Home at Greater Risk of Being Killed, New Study Shows​

Millions of Americans may have asked themselves these questions, or versions of them—especially in the wake of horrific mass shootings like those in Buffalo and Uvalde. Record-breaking spikes in gun sales over the last two years, alongside surveys indicating that self-protection continues to be the dominant reason for buying guns, underscore a widely-held belief that a gun in the home has security benefits.

A new study from my research team, recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, shows no such benefits. We found the opposite: people living in homes with guns face substantially higher risks of being fatally assaulted.

Mass shootings are the most visible form of gun violence in America. But they account for a small fraction of all fatal shootings. Most of these deaths are lesser-known, private tragedies that occur in homes and on the streets.

We studied 18 million adults living in California. Nearly 2,300 of them died by homicide over the 12 years of the study. Thanks to California’s historical archive of firearm transactions, we could identify who in this enormous population personally owned guns, and who lived with gun owners. The study’s goal was to see whether homicides were more or less likely to occur in homes with handguns.
Yes I read what you wrote.

Did you read what I wrote?

Maybe you can in the US ( not every State has "Stand your Ground" Laws), but try that in Canada and see what the results are.

Take your own advice first please.
I'm sure as fuck not going to wait until some asshole stabs me to defend myself. If you have to be stabbed first in Canada then I'm sorry but that is pretty fucked up.
A molotov coctail is one-and-done. Once you've shot your bottle, so to speak, you're done. You might be able to carry more than one, but you're limited and I wouldn't try running while carrying "spare ammo."

A handgun is easily concealed, has the ability to be easily and quickly reloaded, is completely portable without losing any effectiveness, and is what's called a "stand off" weapon. All of which a molotov isn't.
Brilliant analysis. You said only a gun could create that much mayhem and death. I disproved that, pretty easily in fact. I could easily conceal 2 molotov cocktails under my coat, IF I chose to, go into a store, light one toss it, quickly light the second and toss it and be gone. More than likely before anyone knew what was happening. That it hasn't happened yet, or actually only happens during peaceful urban demonstrations, is a surprise to me.
I'm sure as fuck not going to wait until some asshole stabs me to defend myself.
No one said you have to, just remember you're responsible for your actions. You have to show that was the only way. Plus here we don't have handguns to carry around. Frankly IMHO if you're scared of a guy with a 3" pocket knife (Sammy) your a fucking pussy.
If you have to be stabbed first in Canada then I'm sorry but that is pretty fucked up.
Lots of people get stabbed in Canada compared to being shot. Most of the stabbed live to see another day, those shot, not so lucky. Most aren't to scared of the knife wielding felon. That seems to be an American fear.
No one said you have to, just remember you're responsible for your actions. You have to show that was the only way. Plus here we don't have handguns to carry around. Frankly IMHO if you're scared of a guy with a 3" pocket knife (Sammy) your a fucking pussy.

Lots of people get stabbed in Canada compared to being shot. Most of the stabbed live to see another day, those shot, not so lucky. Most aren't to scared of the knife wielding felon. That seems to be an American fear.
It's not my fault that Canadians don't know how to use a knife. If a guy comes at me aggressively with any size knife and won't stop when I draw my pistol warn him he will get shot. End of story. You don't have to like it.

By the way a 3 inch knife can penetrate to the heart, lungs, and more internal organs on the average sized person. It certainly can cut your throat or puncture the carotid artery. You may want to risk getting stabbed, as for me I'll pass.
It's not my fault that Canadians don't know how to use a knife. If a guy comes at me aggressively with any size knife and won't stop when I draw my pistol warn him he will get shot. End of story. You don't have to like it.
You can do whatever you choose South of the Border.
By the way a 3 inch knife can penetrate to the heart, lungs, and more internal organs on the average sized person. It certainly can cut your throat or puncture the carotid artery. You may want to risk getting stabbed, as for me I'll pass.
Sure it can, but so can a vegetable peeler, a pencil, a can top, a shard of glass, a sharpened spoon. I don't really care what your afraid of. me,a guy better have more than a pocket knife, else he's going to the hospital with my boot still in his ass. I've done it before, and I'd do it again.
You can do whatever you choose South of the Border.

Sure it can, but so can a vegetable peeler, a pencil, a can top, a shard of glass, a sharpened spoon. I don't really care what your afraid of. me,a guy better have more than a pocket knife, else he's going to the hospital with my boot still in his ass. I've done it before, and I'd do it again.
Exactly, south of the border. I do so like it here. We have a stand your ground law here meaning if I am threatened with bodily harm I can use deadly force to protect myself.

A boot in his ass until you meet up with someone stronger, tougher, in better shape, and better trained, that beats your ass into the ground and carves you up with his little 3 inch jack knife. Yeah, I prefer the right to have my hand gun with me.
Exactly, south of the border. I do so like it here. We have a stand your ground law here meaning if I am threatened with bodily harm I can use deadly force to protect myself.
Yes I've already noted that you chickens down there have laws protecting you when you fire first.
A boot in his ass until you meet up with someone stronger, tougher, in better shape, and better trained, that beats your ass into the ground and carves you up with his little 3 inch jack knife.
That possibility exists, but I'm not a scared little man who needs to have a handgun, "just in case". See the difference, and I'm not in the minority up here. That's the normal attitude. We're very polite, but don't let that politeness make you think we're pushovers.
Yeah, I prefer the right to have my hand gun with me.
Yes, I've seen you post that a couple times. That's kind of why I think you're a chicken. I spent years working in the US, and never felt the need to be armed.