Do you honestly like women?

Ta friend

Thanks bridgeburner, and it's nice to be here, I hope I can contribute something in my own little way and of course meet more pleasant people like yourself.

All the best pops..............:D :cool: :D
Hmmm...I am a I write from mostly my perspective. However, since I do respect and love women, I try to keep an even handed avenue in my stories.

I have recieved feedback in which I was asked what I had against women. For the life of me I cannot figure out how or why I was asked this question. It has given me pause for thought. Since I am not sure why this response was brought out to this individual.(anon of course so I could not write to ask them what or why)

Since then I have read and reread my stories searching for anything that would tell me or let me know why they thought this. I have gotten great feedback on all stories written so far. I have also gotten those hateful ones where they have sugestions for the characters that are not inline with my views...This one response has bothered me more than I like to think.

If someone would read one and let me know...if I truly do come across as a woman objectifiying or hating person please tell me. I am not sure that in the style of my stories, I can write to prevent that type of thing, but I hate to be putting out something that states that which I do not believe in.

Keeping in mind that my stories are on the cheating/nonconsent/controlling vein more than not, so to be 'in' the story is to be seeing it from the viewpoints that are presented. Some of the characters will and do cross the line of being 'good'. But, like any author, what I write is not necessarily my true belief or conviction. I have to present the characters in a realistic fashion, that sometimes takes the reader on a ride that can be hard.

I may get too involved in trying to present my story in a somewhat believeable way...I have been told that I caused some readers emotional anguish at times...but to my way of thinking...isn't that what a writer is suposed to do? Involve the reader's emotions and responses?

I try to show a husband and wife loving relationship that has had bad things occur to it. I try to show them staying together (which by the way is a major problem for quite a few of my readers) and I try to show the pain, the emotional storm, and the actual process of how and why as much as I am able to.

This whole comment on women hating/dislike has bothered me more than I can imagine at times. I know that what I think and believe is far from that...line of thinking, so I am at a loss as to why and how they would have seen that or conveyed that from my story/ies.

I have slowed down in my writing now and rethink many passages and thoughts. It has been a stumbling block that just won't go away. Matter of has caused me a huge problem in my present story in novel/novella section. I have people wanting more and I am having problems writing any more due to my (almost) obbsessing over this one singlular comment.:(
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Obsession isn't good for you. If you enjoy what you write, or even better still, if others enjoy what you write then you've met all your responsibilities as an author.

As for the other, if you know how you feel about women then rest easy in that. There are too many people in this world all too ready to take everyone else to task for what they perceive as "thought crime". Double-pluss un-good on them.
bridgeburner said:

Obsession isn't good for you. If you enjoy what you write, or even better still, if others enjoy what you write then you've met all your responsibilities as an author.

As for the other, if you know how you feel about women then rest easy in that. There are too many people in this world all too ready to take everyone else to task for what they perceive as "thought crime". Double-pluss un-good on them.

Funny you should mention 'thought crime'. I recently received a feedback on a story that went along the lines of 'I hope that God willforgive you for writing such trash. I find your story to be disturbing...'etc. So...if this disturbed this person so much (mr/rs anon of course) and they think that God may not forgive me (?) then what were they doing reading my story to begin with? (They also mentioned that they would have "dumped the cheating whore like the slut she was" which makes me wonder about their whole view on life as such.

I thank you for your insight on my problem bridgeburner. I know that you are right, and I keep telling myself to forget this and move on...but for some reason...I just don't know sticks in there. My wife has read a couple of my stories, including the one that brought out the woman hating response. She does not see that in my story/ies. (She is my wife though...and could be saying that to help me to feel better...not real sure.)

Curious2c if you write a story you are happy with and you get 100 views with one sending hate mail, you're onto a winner.

If you get 100 views and 99 send hate mail you're onto a loser, doesn't sound to me as though you've got a problem with this mate.

Don't take it to heart too much, the fact you are married in the first place proves you aint a woman hater.



I just read the story to which you refer.

I am clueless as to how someone could see you as a misogynist based on it... I am slow sometimes, but I don't think I missed it this time. You seem to be very gracious to the foibles of all of us "regular" folks.

Perhaps someone taking responsibility for their actions was offensive to your reader. The "victim" philosophy offends me, so I am not sympathetic to folks who believe that every non-white male is a victim in some way.

For the record, I like most of my women protagonists... one I am not so sure about, but the feedback tells me she is REALLY popular. :D hmmmmmm.....

:rose: b
Thank you very much, all. I am feelign quite a bit better now. I think I may have exorsied that demon for once and for all.
(pardon my spelling...exorcised..I think that is right now.):D
In the names of Yemaya, Kali, Hecate, and Isis ... Awomyn.

You folks seem to hold the word slut in a decidedly unfavorable light. I'm of the opinion that words like slut, whore and bitch are merely indicative of men's abject fear of a woman's free exercise of her sexuality. A sexually autonomous woman whose libidinous desires aren't dutifully subjugated to a man, or else wholly rejected in accordance with some patriachal, faux-moralistic, asexual notion of appropriate feminine fidelity and chastity, is anathema to the prevailing, albeit ailing, male power structure throughout most of the world. A woman's witchy power to, without even trying, dominate the male will, has to be controlled through physical intimidation, or in this case, societal disparagement ... hence the male invention of God (who drowns babies, blames all of the world's evil on the manipulation of a male at the hands of a woman*, and turns disobedient women into pillars of salt (ROFL).

* not to mention that Adam's first wife who is considered something of a demon because she refused to be ruled by a man) ... Lilith.
Re: In the names of Yemaya, Kali, Hecate, and Isis ... Awomyn.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
A sexually autonomous woman [ snipped by SF ] is anathema to the prevailing, albeit ailing, male power structure throughout most of the world. A woman's witchy power to, without even trying, dominate the male will, has to be controlled through physical intimidation, or in this case, societal disparagement ...

Cuck, one of the reasons I like you so much is that you're almost as wise as me!;)

I think you're absolutely right. Men fear strong women, sexually liberated women, intelligent women. That's why patriarchal societies demand virgin brides and demure wives and widows. Much less competition that way!

But the man who's brave enough to embrace a woman's strength and experience will NOT be less manly, on the contrary, he will grow stronger than he had any idea that he could be, from loving and being loved by a strong woman. She will bring out hidden depths inside of him, and make him more clever, more brave, and more skilled.

And, I promise, it DOESN'T hurt...:kiss:

We're partners, not rivals...
Re: Re: In the names of Yemaya, Kali, Hecate, and Isis ... Awomyn.

Svenskaflicka said:
Cuck, one of the reasons I like you so much is that you're almost as wise as me!;)

I think you're absolutely right. Men fear strong women, sexually liberated women, intelligent women. That's why patriarchal societies demand virgin brides and demure wives and widows. Much less competition that way!

But the man who's brave enough to embrace a woman's strength and experience will NOT be less manly, on the contrary, he will grow stronger than he had any idea that he could be, from loving and being loved by a strong woman. She will bring out hidden depths inside of him, and make him more clever, more brave, and more skilled.

And, I promise, it DOESN'T hurt...:kiss:

We're partners, not rivals...

Re: In the names of Yemaya, Kali, Hecate, and Isis ... Awomyn.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
You folks seem to hold the word slut in a decidedly unfavorable light. I'm of the opinion that words like slut, whore and bitch are merely indicative of men's abject fear of a woman's free exercise of her sexuality. A sexually autonomous woman whose libidinous desires aren't dutifully subjugated to a man, or else wholly rejected in accordance with some patriachal, faux-moralistic, asexual notion of appropriate feminine fidelity and chastity, is anathema to the prevailing, albeit ailing, male power structure throughout most of the world. A woman's witchy power to, without even trying, dominate the male will, has to be controlled through physical intimidation, or in this case, societal disparagement ... hence the male invention of God (who drowns babies, blames all of the world's evil on the manipulation of a male at the hands of a woman*, and turns disobedient women into pillars of salt (ROFL).

Uhhhh ... I don't get called "slut, whore, and bitch" by guys typically. It's typically other chicks that use those words in a demeaning way with me (or others). I don't know if men have an "abject fear of a woman's free exercise of her sexuality" or not. I think I have just as much fear of "my man" exercising his sexuality with someone other than me. I think my fear is no different than his.

I'm not a subscriber to the theory that women have a witchy power to dominate the male will. Guys can only be lead as far as they will let you lead them. Chicks are just as vulnerable with the right guy.

An attractive man can be just as dominating with a woman (trust me on this one guys) without even trying, ... just as an attractive woman can be dominating with a man's will.
Hmmm...I tried to liven things up in bed one night early in our marriage, by calling my wife "my little slut". BZZZZZ WRONG!

Went over like a lead balloon. Matter of fact that was the end of the festivities for a week. I found out that she didn't like the words...slut, cunt, whore, bitch, and a slew of others. AT ALL.

That, coupled with a few other things that I won't mention here, caused me to be pretty quiet in bed after that. Matter of fact, I found myself watching how I even sounded in all ways. We had sex once in a room with other people around us (sleeping) and never woke up anyone, nor did anyone hear us. I know this to be a fact, since some of them would have had great fun pointing this out to everyone if they had heard us.

Some women like to have calling and others find it offensive...just like some men like to give oral sex and others will not. A matter of taste.

I work with men who do call women sluts and whores, and some of them mean it...seriously. They have an attitude caused by being (in their opinion) burned by women in prior relationships.

What I find interesting about that is they seem to find women to mistreat verbally and sexually, and even physically. I guess that some women need to be treated like shit...excuse me...I mean have a thought process that tells them that they need to be treated like shit. My oldest sister was like that until she broke away from her abusive husband. (whom I almost killed one day...that is a different story entirely)

People being people each have demons and thought processes that are flawed and strewn with pain and suffering. (some people I mean) They tend to act out with the pain and this causes what you would call abusive or verbally abusive attitudes.

I have seen women act out the same way as men, but it is more common to see men acting out in this way. I have always treated women with respect and compassion, I guess since I had three older sisters, and have seen bad things happen to others.

In bed however, well if both parties agree to the verbal interplay, then I see no problem. I think that it is kind of sexy to be verbal and have the name calling...both ways. It livens things up a bit. I just don't htink it should cary over into day to day living, unless it has a healthy and loving attitude behind it.
Re: laughing out loud

bridgetkeeney said:

Caught that did you? heh heh

I try to 'lighten' things up in my posts since I can get a bit too serious at times.:D
Re: laughing out loud

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personal experience?

And, what wouldn't be a more pleasant suprise than to be having some fun and have your mouth and throat washed with a man's cum? It shows you are very good at what you do and in that both like what is going on.
Are you speaking from personal experience?
Just curious?
:rose: b
Re: personal experience?

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I for one "love" women. And I'm not simply being sexist, or haughty, or anything else. I've often said I feel like I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body...though I suppose someone could take issue with me over that one too.

But point is....I don't simply just love women for the "obvious" I truly do admire nearly every woman I've met or gotten to know. Yeah...I'd hate to have to deal with some of the things women have to deal with....and once again, admiration for those of you who do. I've yet to meet a single man who's willing to admit they'd be willing to go through the process of having a child. I for one certainly wouldn't. No F**king way!

I hope that most of the female characters I portray in my stories are strong minded, intelligent, and aspire to bigger and better things.

And even those who I tend to portray as the villians...well even them I have to grudgingly admire!

I remain,
Re: Re: In the names of Yemaya, Kali, Hecate, and Isis ... Awomyn.

Pookie_grrl said:
... Guys can only be lead as far as they will let you lead them ...

IMO, this couldn't be more wrong. We'll simply have to agree to disagree.
Every time I have been called slut, whore, or bitch, has been when I have stood up for what I wanted instead of doing whatever someone has wanted me to do.

Ergo, if you're not obedient, you're a bitch. Alright, then... Whoof!
Svenskaflicka said:
Every time I have been called slut, whore, or bitch, has been when I have stood up for what I wanted instead of doing whatever someone has wanted me to do.

Ergo, if you're not obedient, you're a bitch. Alright, then... Whoof!
Ummm, so does this mean you like doggie style sex? :D
Re: Re: Re: In the names of Yemaya, Kali, Hecate, and Isis ... Awomyn.

Pookie_grrl[/i][b] ... Guys can only be lead as far as they will let you lead them ...[/b][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
IMO, this couldn't be more wrong. We'll simply have to agree to disagree.
Well, I guess you will have to agree to disagree with me too, because I think there are limits to everything. And, maybe it's just me, but a woman can only lead me so far, then I tend to take over.:D
Re: Re: laughing out loud

DVS said:
And, what wouldn't be a more pleasant suprise than to be having some fun and have your mouth and throat washed with a man's cum?

Would anyone but a man actually think so..? :)

Two of my friends had husbands who wanted them to swallow sperm, as they were convinced that these women must just LOVE having the men's love juices running down their throat. Atleast that's what women like in porno movies, so it must be true, right?

Both of my friends pretended to swallow, but hid the sperm in their mouths, and then gave their husbands a warm, loving kiss as afterplay - and gave the husbands' "gifts" back to them...

Neither one of my friends' husbands shoot their load in their wives' mouth without first asking if it's OK...
No, women in porno's like to have cum shot all over their faces and across their tongues so they can dribble it out all over their chins.

Every woman I've ever known would rather have cum in her face than in her pussy, didn't you know that? Perhaps there's something wrong with you.....