Face Slapping

sweetnpetite you know yours is the only face I want to slap dear. LOL. Well I can think of one other but that would cause an "outrage".

Seriously though I for the whole don't find this appealing in RT. But as for a fantasy or in a story slapping of the face works just fine.
i doubt i have anything really new to add to this thread...but...it is nice to able to put some of these thoughts down...

Face slapping has been one of His actions from the beginning. It puts me instantly in a certain headspace. He has never left a bruise, but He has left a handprint that lasted several hours. A bruise of some kind would draw questions from family we have no wish to answer.

Sometimes He combines it with hair pulling, sometimes not. During sex, He will sometimes place His hands on either side of my head tightly so i can not move and then suddenly slaps me.

There is something about His hands on my face that gets to me more than other things including His hand wrapped tight around my throat or when He places His hand over my face digging into my forehead with His fingertips while the heel of His hand is under my chin, preventing speech... That feels so vulnerable to me. It is not a blindfold taking away my vision or a gag my speech when He does that, but *His* hands directly. It feels deeper to me, more intimate, and it makes me shiver, much the same with the facial slapping. If i had to pick a least favorite, it would be when He tilts my chin up and slaps me while looking me right in the face. i am not sure why.

zanna said:


There is something about His hands on my face that gets to me more than other things including His hand wrapped tight around my throat or when He places His hand over my face digging into my forehead with His fingertips while the heel of His hand is under my chin, preventing speech... That feels so vulnerable to me. It is not a blindfold taking away my vision or a gag my speech when He does that, but *His* hands directly. It feels deeper to me, more intimate, and it makes me shiver, much the same with the facial slapping. If i had to pick a least favorite, it would be when He tilts my chin up and slaps me while looking me right in the face. i am not sure why.

While I can't say I have any real interest in face slapping, there is something about touching of the face which has a special intimacy for me as well. Perhaps it's merely a result of my past experiences (with few exceptions, the women I've had relationships with in the past disliked being touched on the face), but it seems to me that being able to touch someone's face or wrap my hands around their throat or anything else along that vein indicates an extreme amount of trust which I find very appealing.
face slapping

I really enjoy it because degradation and humiliation is what I live for. It just makes me so hot, that's why I enjoy it.
Master will not allow face slapping of any kind in our scening, play, or life. His reasoning is he is not willing to risk damaging my face, no matter how low the risk may seem. He also applies the same rules to my hands for the risks of damage impacting on my art, and my feet from the perspective they enable me to move and serve him, and they are an area of medical problems at times anyway.

M - doesn't go there. It's way too unlike how he thinks of me, it's way too scary, loaded and violent.

G- I can take G, give him the lightest of fingertip slaps on the cheek, and watch him drop like a rock. He's got this deer in the headlights look, but he's painfully hard immediately, it obviously works really well for him. I use this judiciously, maybe once a year or couple of years, just to keep it as fresh as the time I used it first.
Re: face slapping

easysub said:
I really enjoy it because degradation and humiliation is what I live for. It just makes me so hot, that's why I enjoy it.

It is something I am fond of
Netzach said:
M - doesn't go there. It's way too unlike how he thinks of me, it's way too scary, loaded and violent.

G- I can take G, give him the lightest of fingertip slaps on the cheek, and watch him drop like a rock. He's got this deer in the headlights look, but he's painfully hard immediately, it obviously works really well for him. I use this judiciously, maybe once a year or couple of years, just to keep it as fresh as the time I used it first.

Interesting, never thought much about the flip side (M on F >>> F on M) of something I like so much.
My reaction to a slap from a woman or a man would be exactly the same: instant flash of rage/association with past humiliations suffered and a desire to wipe that slate clean with immediate violent action.

rosco rathbone said:
My reaction to a slap from a woman or a man would be exactly the same: instant flash of rage/association with past humiliations suffered and a desire to wipe that slate clean with immediate violent action.

i am a little surprised by my saying this, but i will anyway. About as honest an answer i've seen.

Guess there is something to be said about looking in and nodding to the beast.

This isn't an endorsement. Just a surprising acknowledgement.
*chuckle* it is about the honesty...I have to agree.

Yeah, I wonder if M/f faceslapping is seen as more loaded because we think of M/f abuse scenarios more readily, whereas a face-slap from a woman is more about degredation/rejection. Or just unthinkable, and a total surprise. I wonder how G sees it, why it makes him so hard, I think part of it is knowing that it's not going to hurt, he's been hit in the face so many times as an athlete....

I didn't think about being slapped when this question came up.

It depends who's doing it as to my reaction.

If it came as a non-negotiated shocker from someone I don't know well, the humiliation would be all to real and raw, like Roscoe said. I'd lash out in a serious way and it would be a very unhealthy unhappy day in my neighborhood.

If the person had bothered to put me down...I mean way down, I mean let me lick your shoes, Mister, down...if S/he knew my quirks and my turnons and how to really tap into me as a bottom, then I'd probably react like G, it would just get me piggier.
Re: Charlotte's Web

s'lara said:
says the Spider to the fly ...

... quietly sets up the table and offers the dice.

An open hand ... a precious face ... that sharp sting ... the look of astonishment ... the sharp ringing sound.

Talk about a moment of epiphany.
Re: Re: Charlotte's Web

AngelicAssassin said:
... quietly sets up the table and offers the dice.

An open hand ... a precious face ... that sharp sting ... the look of astonishment ... the sharp ringing sound.

Talk about a moment of epiphany.

Would that be her epiphany ('oh my god, He is in control') or Yours ('I have just slapped her and the expression on her face is making me stand at attention')?

...thinking about this some more, and for me, the appeal in being slapped in the face has much to do with the fact that i am a member of the "weaker" (physically...i actually believe women tend to be stronger emotionally) sex....a man of my same height and weight could easily overpower me, tis just the way mother nature works. so take my Master, a powerfully built man by most standards...and consider that i'm a small person, weight wise...a quick whip of his arm, his "weak arm" even, can send me sprawling across the floor. with almost no energy exerted, he has the power to send me literally flying. that imbalance in power, in strength, is extremely erotic to me, because it just feels so "right"...so natural. He has the personality, intelligence, wisdom, charisma, and strength of character to Dominate me completely without every laying a hand on me. but just knowing that if he wished, he could bend me to his will by physical prowess alone...a squeeze of his fingers, and my windpipe could be crushed...a kick in the right spot, broken ribs...a punch in the face, shattered jaw....these are all things that physically, he can do to me, and do to me with ease. He need not even break a sweat. simply because he has the physical power of a man. if i were to punch someone (giggling at the thought of me punching anyone, lol), they might be a bit annoyed, but they aren't going to be injured. i just don't have that sort of strength. most men do. it is why i so revere men in general....why i feel so humble before them. because i know the power they possess that most do not even think about. for me, it is the natural order of things....i am not simply submissive in my heart and soul, but physically, i am weaker. my Master is not simply Dominant in his very heart and soul, but physically, he is stronger. it all "fits"....all works together. i don't know, i'm probably not making any sense....but for me (for osg), a slap in the face is sort of representative of the most ancient, most primal, D/s exchange....that between Man..., and woman.

for me, it is not humiliating or degrading in the least. it is a reminder of my place....a reminder of the natural order of things.

i know my post will probably offend a great deal of people, and i'm sorry if that's the case, but those are just my own feelings.
The face slapping is like a turbo boost to putting a sub in her place...it is WONDERFUL for both of us...:D
This is a very confusing issue to me... If you had asked me even 2 days ago, I would have said I would cut off the balls of the man who DARED to hit my face, playing or not. I, like Risia, was abused as a young girl and teen... it took me a very long time to even get to a point where I could admit to myself that I might like to be submissive, to engage in play that might include spanking or anything of that nature.
But... night before last, my boyfriend tied me up for the first time... and during the play, he lightly (and I do mean lightly) smacked my face. It didnt even sting, but at first I was so mad that if I hadnt been tied up, I would have beat the crap out of him. I was sooo shocked. Anyway, he did it again, and I realized that for some reason it was a turn on... perhaps because I know that he would never hurt me. So, I am still conflicted on this...
Resister will not perform her task as ordered, when ordered. Surprise very hard open-palm shot to the face snaps head around. Hair stands on end.

you wanna do it or you wanna get beat like that all night?

Nothing is hotter to me than this domestic violence.
In a situation like the one Rosco describes, I would consider that abuse. If I say no, that means NO, and you can beat me all you want. Just remember, though.... you have to sleep sometime, and I will be waiting.
rosco rathbone said:
Resister will not perform her task as ordered, when ordered. Surprise very hard open-palm shot to the face snaps head around. Hair stands on end.

you wanna do it or you wanna get beat like that all night?

Nothing is hotter to me than this domestic violence.

i have to ask, although i am sure i will regret doing so.

What is it about domestic violence that turns you on? Or was it the use of a pc term in a not so pc context that turned you on? Going for the "holy cow, i can't believe he said that!?" or is it just to stir the feminist pot and see what rises to the top?
s'lara said:
i have to ask, although i am sure i will regret doing so.

What is it about domestic violence that turns you on? Or was it the use of a pc term in a not so pc context that turned you on? Going for the "holy cow, i can't believe he said that!?" or is it just to stir the feminist pot and see what rises to the top?

From a professional point of view, and someone who also lives the lifestyle 24/7, I see many masquerading under the banner of BDSM when in fact they are perpetrators, victims, or supporters of DV. Whether statements are made foolishly to 'stir the pot' so to speak, I doubt the comic typists are wiling to accept the possible ramifications of their supposedly innocent and fun act on the PC. And yes, they may discount it as not their problem, which not only highlights their lack of responsibility, a standpoint in BDSM, but their total disregard for fellow human beings.

As part of a community that is already misunderstood by the vanilla world, and associated with violence in a negative context, it is irresponsible and immature to make such inflammatory statements supporting non consensual abuse. I have yet to find any reputable BDSM site on the net, or book, or club, who support and promote DV as first, BDSM; second, acceptable; and thirdly, a turn on. In fact from what I have seen, they advocate strongly against non consensual abuse of any kind and see it's supporters as not belonging to the BDSM community even remotely.
